I'm not a religious person, but this is interesting. I do think, due to the kek phenomenon, that "prophecy" can be correct. Hell, just look at this pope and the papal prophecies. This guy is supposed to be the last, and bring down the church away from God. So take a look at this.

I form the light and create darkness – God describing himself in Isaiah 45.

Kek reigns in the dark. It is possible Kek is the counterpart to what Jesus represented? An aspect of God that will never come to us in human form, but does exist? It wasn't all peace and love in the old testament.

Read all of Isaiah 45.

It talks about God anointing a heathen who rises to power and destroys the evil fuckery enveloping the world. That he will rebuild God's city.

Trump is Cyrus.

(edited some to fit in the body of the OP – but the link has all of it)

“This is what the Lord says to his anointed,
to Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of
to subdue nations before him
and to strip kings of their armor,
to open doors before him
so that gates will not be shut:
2 I will go before you
and will level the mountains[a];
I will break down gates of bronze
and cut through bars of iron.
3 I will give you hidden treasures,
riches stored in secret places,
so that you may know that I am the Lord,
the God of Israel, who summons you by name.
4 For the sake of Jacob my servant,
of Israel my chosen,
I summon you by name
and bestow on you a title of honor,
though you do not acknowledge me.
5 I am the Lord, and there is no other;
apart from me there is no God.
I will strengthen you,
though you have not acknowledged me,
6 so that from the rising of the sun
to the place of its setting
people may know there is none besides me.
I am the Lord, and there is no other.
7 I form the light and create darkness,
I bring prosperity and create disaster;
I, the Lord, do all these things.
8 “You heavens above, rain down my righteousness;
let the clouds shower it down.
Let the earth open wide,
let salvation spring up,
let righteousness flourish with it;
I, the Lord, have created it.
9 “Woe to those who quarrel with their Maker,
those who are nothing but potsherds
among the potsherds on the ground.
Does the clay say to the potter,
‘What are you making?’
Does your work say,
‘The potter has no hands’?
10 Woe to the one who says to a father,
‘What have you begotten?’
or to a mother,
‘What have you brought to birth?’
11 “This is what the Lord says—
the Holy One of Israel, and its Maker:
Concerning things to come,
do you question me about my children,
or give me orders about the work of my hands?
12 It is I who made the earth
and created mankind on it.
My own hands stretched out the heavens;
I marshaled their starry hosts.
13 I will raise up Cyrus[b] in my righteousness:
I will make all his ways straight.
He will rebuild my city
and set my exiles free,
but not for a price or reward,
says the Lord Almighty.”
14 This is what the Lord says:

“The products of Egypt and the merchandise of Cush,[c]
and those tall Sabeans—
they will come over to you
and will be yours;
they will trudge behind you,
coming over to you in chains.
They will bow down before you
and plead with you, saying,
‘Surely God is with you, and there is no other;
there is no other god.’”
15 Truly you are a God who has been hiding himself,
the God and Savior of Israel.
16 All the makers of idols will be put to shame and disgraced;
they will go off into disgrace together.
17 But Israel will be saved by the Lord
with an everlasting salvation;
you will never be put to shame or disgraced,
to ages everlasting.
18 For this is what the Lord says—
he who created the heavens,
he is God;
he who fashioned and made the earth,
he founded it;
he did not create it to be empty,
but formed it to be inhabited—
I declare what is right.
20 “Gather together and come;
assemble, you fugitives from the nations.
Ignorant are those who carry about idols of wood,
who pray to gods that cannot save.
there is none but me.
23 By myself I have sworn,
my mouth has uttered in all integrity
a word that will not be revoked:
Before me every knee will bow;
by me every tongue will swear.
24 They will say of me, ‘In the Lord alone
are deliverance and strength.’”
All who have raged against him
will come to him and be put to shame.

Other urls found in this thread: 56&version=NKJV atlas fori wami mur quanat xenon arton Cooper/Mystery Babylon/MB1.htm

I'm telling you, there is something to this.

Not too farfetched. The biblical God often uses virtuous non-believers.

Reve up those bibles gents.

“Gather together and come;
assemble, you fugitives from the nations"

Is this not the foundation of the United States of America?

No for the last fucking time. Kek is thousands of years older than Yaweh himself.
Kek IS the darkness that brings forth the light.
They are not related.
You even have god saying in that passage that he is the only god, which conflicts with the whole concept of the Ogdoad which Kek comes from.
You can't compare them and substitute eacother to fill in blanks because they contradict eachother. If they both exist then Yaweh is lying which he then obviously is.
You christians diminish your selfish god by having other idols before him. The Ogdiad in their logic supersede Yaweh because they are personified aspects of the universe whereas Yaweh is very different and doesn't seem to have any sort of specific presence in the universe.

Go back to /fedora/ you fucking tard.

Did you not read? I didn't say kek was jesus.

Don't believe Jesus ever said he was the one and only god. Not sure he even refers to himself as one. Says his father? must be one, then the holy spirit. So when he dies it becomes a trinity. Seems more like old testament Judaism that said as much.
Then the fact that papal conferences did massive dogma changes to the bible a few times.
Google suggests Jesus talked about monotheism once in the 4 gospels.

You said they were counterparts, they do not exist in the same fucking logic. Yaweh invalidates any other notions of gods before him. Kek can be defined as a very real and demonstrable aspect of reality whereas Yaweh cannot within the same framework.
It's just a fact.

Nice see even now you believe and uphold the Idea that their is truly only Yaweh. You are a blasphemour against Yaweh by trying to uphold Kek.


I'm not arguing against Jesus, I think Jesus was a real person. I'm arguing the fact that Yaweh in the bible states that he is the one true god, while these anons are trying to intermingle their very different frameworks.
If you are arguing from a gnostic perspective than Yaweh becomes irrelavent.

Moses is the one that talks about false idols. That's old testament judaism.
"1 John 4:1 ESV / 65 helpful votes
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. "
Doesn't seem against accepting spirits that prove their worth.


Christcucks keep telling us that worshiping Kek is idolatry and heretic. Fuck every single Semitic religion. They are all the Jew's ploy to either enslave or destroy Europeans.

Kek is not a 'spirit', Kek is a very real aspect of reality.
The Mystery religions interpreted concepts of reality into what we now know as gods so that they may be understood.
Kek does not reward you with heaven or punish you with Hell. The Ogdoad is beyond that, something like that would be petty.

And as far as it being from the old testament, does that mean Moses was lying? I personally think the god of the Old Testament and the god of the New Testament are different gods entirely.


He's not wrong though.
Christianity replaced European paganism and Christianity was originally just Jesus trying to reform Jews and turn them away from evil.
I think spreading Christianity to non-jews was a mistake entirely, because it was originally intended just to destroy the nature of Judaism.

Seirously, go fuck yourself and your slave mentality. I fucking hate SJWs for the same reason as I hate Semitic religions, they use the same principle of supremacy of some who reap everything while using shame to control whoever isn't part of the inner circle. All those cults deserve to be purged without mercy.

This is actually better argued than I have done, good job user.

Whenever someone immediately resorts to a strawman of someones character you can pretty much assume they are just brainwashed and aren't thinking on a rational level.
I mean after all if something is so obviously wrong to you it shouldn't be hard to explain why.

I could see a case being made for that, but ancient European Paganism isn't the last social moor holding back unrestrained degeneracy of the highest order. Every super-degenerate I have ever known has been, if not fedoracore, a LARPagan. Fuck, even Dawkins is having second thoughts about Christianity's decline, now seeing that it's been the thing preventing something so much worse.

I recognize your posting from elsewhere, friendo. You're practically writing from a template.

This. Kek isn't even an entity of any kind, it's akin to a large dousing rod that allows us to find higher power that kikes cut us off from.
We can talk with God through memes

Instad they just cry D&C and you'll go to hell. That has been the most arguments I've seen recently. Other than "Jesus died because he went against the Jew", which while true, doesn't explain why the cult went beyond Judea, other than it being used by a bunch a kike "apostles" to spread the brainwashing to Rome and try to destroy the Roman Empire from the inside.

I hate any single slave/master ideology. I don't come from outside you paranoid kike lover. I just am able to use my brain outside of what has been ingrained into me from childhood. I have rejected religion but have developed morality from what logic instead, hence I won't try to rob, rape or kill my fellow man who has not betrayed his own people. That fellow man doesn't include filthy rootless outsiders who leech and usurp everything or their puppets.

I never argued against any of that, most Pagans now are an absolute joke. But so are most modern Christians also.
My point simply is that it's entirely wrong to try to conflate Christianity with the Ogdoad. Especially since the Bible is a compilation of books written by scholars/scribes of the time and is not literally a representation of Yahweh's word as god. So the basis for each respective concept falls apart very quickly in each others faces.

The Mystery Schools really seem to have had it figured out better than anyone. It all fits very neatly with what science has been touching on gradually for the longest time.

It's interesting that the early Roman era Christians were still Kikes by blood. So disrespective of their ideology they would be expected to act out on their racial traits. Depending on if the traits of the Jews we have now reflect similarly with the racial traits of the Jews back then, since I understand the Ashkenazi are fake but yet somehow still managed to act in much the same way as the ancient Jews did.

It is interesting, apparently there were many cults which existed in ancient Egypt. The one we know is the Hermopolis, which believes in the Ogdoad. The Heliopolis got rid of ours, but incorporated some of it, and became the most popular. There were other cults and such, but I wonder how this competition plays out today.

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
-Matthew 7:21
“Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit…
-Acts 2:38-39


quality reaction image.

There's one problem with all these interpretations - I don't think you guys understand we're constantly seeing the same story being re-told in different ways. It's about eschatology (the study of end times) and how certain parts of the cycle will manifest themselves. I wonder how many times the world has ended already? And what does the 'rapture' really mean?

I know it's not ettiquete to self check but I feel it's appropriate given the thread topic.

I don't believe that whatsoever. If by world ending do you mean civilization collapsing? Because that's far from the same thing.
I think Civilization has collapsed many times and we are left with the barest sliver of knowledge the world has seen.
And what stories do you think is being retold exactly?

Because you don't want to.

Well I'm asking you to give me an argument or at least an explanation as to why you think that.
None of the memetics passed down through the ages could even be passed down in the first place if the there were true world ending events where everything is restarted like in Heavens Gate.

Daily reminder that fedoras are roleplaying any religion to attack christianity here and mods dont give a fuck.

please look into eschatology and try to imagine ways the world could end or reset without literally coming to a halt and going back to 0.

You need to be of a specific faith in order to ask questions or make judgements about a religion?
First of all I'm not in a relgion, I'm a follower of the Mystery Schools and the ancients in general.
I don't see why it would be the mods job to protect you from criticizim.

A hint.

See that's not convincing to me at all. Since the only reason I believe in Kek in the first place is because Kek as I understand it is very much observable and therefore more real.
The world ending and all knowledge being lost doesnt automatically precipitate a repeated history. And if all information is lost, how do we know that the stories in the previous cycle reflect the ones we experience now?

You can't use "read x school of thought" and see "vague hint" as an argument for what you believe in. You need to tell me something that would explain something in reality.

I am not role playing any fucking religion, I'm an agnostic and don't try to pass off as anything else but you fuckers can't ever argue logically about your beliefs. It always end up in religious people, no matter the religion, shutting down and call everyone who disagrees with being a slave to a structure based on irrationality heathens, fedoras, satanists, etc. Prove without a doubt your beliefs or make them bullet proof and I'll believe you're unto something. Right now, Christianity seems like European must be slaves 1.0, Islam is V. 2.0. Both came from Judea and all Semitic religions are sand religions that doesn't belong in the European man's land, including Judaism and anyone who has blood related to Jews. Sand people don't deserve an inch on space in either Europe, Oceania, Asia or America as a whole.

dual infinity dubs checked

would biblical prophecy be enough?

You arent used to ctr or you are lying.

First, you are freemason without benefits, second, talmudism comes from the same age than islam.

Get a gf ctr.

Kek is a servant of the absolute God. Kek is the beneficent aspect of chaos.

Kek is not observable at all - every time Kek shows himself it's through plausible deniability. We know, but we don't know. Every time, it's a meme, or a hint. Kek is observable through coincidences and memetic synergy but he never leaves behind anything that counts as proof. Nothing violates that principle of plausible deniability.

Consider that the physical world exists in our shared mind, not that our minds exist in a shared world. What would happen if we realized this? We'd ascend, take tons of information away with us, and only those who weren't taken by the rapture are left to start over - those who weren't capable of understanding higher thought, and can so only create limited simulacra of what we were doing. This is the constant origin story for each iteration of primeval religious beliefs.

See, dub-reading only works if you keep the idea of plausible deniability alive. As soon as dubs are simply read as facts, dubs lose all meaning. We've reached a point - especially with the halfchan refugees trying to imitate us to fit in - where observations about dubs are becoming increasingly trite. Reading dubs is careful business, but now it's starting to become one of those simulacra again - imitators copy the outward appearance of dubs reading, but don't understand the concept at all.

I didn't even call you a christcuck or use a single buzzword.
If simply questioning Christianity makes me a shill than Christians need to speak up or I see exactly where Christianity will end up on this board.

Prove to me without a doubt that the Bible is not only a revision of history made in the context of Judaic supremacy mixed with pure ancient PSYOPs. Sadly the biblical prohecy becoming more and more true by the day is because those at the very top believes strongly in those stories so they try to bring it into reality. Kikes think that by bringing what Christians calls the end of times that Jews will reign supreme. All those stories needs to be annihilated and removed from history, otherwise the struggle will never be over and kikes will always force their death cult to be an actuality.

Vid related. This crazy joker fuck might be right.

"Wildcoards… lurking in the darkness"

I never said that, back to the point.

A lot of greeks werent capable of found a problem, yet you have one? you are basically telling that God isnt God, but another entity created by him or below him, do you know why we use the word gods or God?

Thats the problem with being pompous here and having answers for everything, most of us arent nerd virgins locked away in a vault where they never see sunlight or have a drink or get laid.

You seem to be under the impression that Kek is a living breathing entity. Kek is not hiding behind a could, Kek is precisely an explanation of Chaos. The Universe operates chiefly upon the principles that Chaos consists of, namely the indeterminate and seemingly random nature of quantum mechanics and what we understand as wave collapse.
Memetics also seem to be tied into the nature of the universe but it's not entirely clear yet as to exactly how that is the case.

This is not true at all, mind and matter have parity because they are largely the same thing understood as abstraction and that which is abstracted from.
Our minds are very much physical and so is reality, so what we understand might not fully reflect our physical reality, our mind is operating on principles that could not be possible without that underlying reality.
You cannot stand on a hill to shout that hills don't exist. If we are in a dream state than we are but the dream of something that is truly real.
I like to think that as sentient beings we are the universe attempting to understand itself. But I have no reason to think that that understanding would result in a rapturesque event, and to think so to me is really reaching.

There is no reason for me to believe that information is passed on in that manner. You leave a huge gap with prehistory where you are dependant on a relatively young earth which is there is no evidence for.
I believe in Kek because of my experiences it is perfectly reasonable.

And the Greeks are relevant because? I ascribe to the Ogdoad, and I have no reason to think gods are anything but real, they just don't exist in the way you have led yourself to believe. Yaweh is probably real, just not enough people believe in the true concept of him for Yaweh to have any potency.

See now you are making assumptions about a stranger you've never met, that's very Christian of you.
You are experiencing cognitive dissonance most likely.
You accused me of merely pretending to have a religion when I've been pretty consistent with what I believe. To me it just seems as if you don't like what I have to say so you are trying to justify it after the fact.

Not even Aquinas managed that and this guy explain with quantum sheit.

At least christians talk about mysteries and faith.

Downvote this masonic wannabe crap.

Kek is the Anti-Christ

meant for

See this please:

One cannot explain the universe with a consistent set of theories, because those theories always beget more theories. Scientific interpretations are ideas, and there can be parallel explanations for the same phenomenon. Most importantly you put your faith in proofs, yet your proofs only need more proofs and there is no end to it. A man must live in two minds: one operating on reason insofar as he understands it, and one operating on 'faith'. Neither faith nor reason will ever be complete, so please stop demanding proofs when you will only have to demand more proof after that. It's no different than a child who won't stop asking "why?" until simply told to stop.

And no, I'm not under the impression that Kek is a living breathing entity at all. Do you even understand what plausible deniability is?

Descartes scientific method is about repeating, can you repeat the Genesis?

Yes, that's the eschatological cycle.

I bring prosperity and create disaster;
I, the Lord, do all these things.
let the clouds shower it down.

wew lad

Muh chosen people.


You are applying a concept that would normally be applicable only to sentient beings that can make decisions. If you do not see why this is laughable to me when I think Kek is an aspect of the Universe than this conversation will never go anywhere.

Just because you don't want to do the work doesn't mean the work is impossible.
If I'm truly not real, but I experience reality, than what difference would that make? There is no difference between reality and simulation because there is no way of truly making a distinction. But without accepting physicality you deny any observable basis that we have.
What you wrote is largely a non-argument.
We cannot believe in anything unless we accept a concept of truth.
To say that 'ideas' have basis simply because they exist as ideas is fallacious.
What we experience isn't quite real, but you can't have those experiences without their being a reality. The Material and Immaterial are co-dependent and are largely the same thing.

Well if anyone responds to my posts I will respond some time tomorrow. for now I need to sleep but I want to leave open the possibility of continuing this conversation. Good night.

Missing the point entirely, Schopenhauer will be proud of you.


some spoopy shit

Holy fuck, too many edgy redditors who need to make things right with their parents.

it keeps happening

This is true, "kek" is not an actual god, the manifestation of kek is basically a sign from the other side that powers are at work and that those who are receptive should lend the power they have within themselves to give it greater strength.

I do not believe this is a deity doing this, but literally the wholeness of existence shifting and moving things about in what is concurrent with it's preferred state of "balance" which may not actually seem that way to us, it may seem quite chaotic.

Kek is not explicitly acting upon us, but it is a sign that the synergistic action of metaphysical energy from the other side, and that originating from the consciousness of those living are working together. We are nothing but that same energy or potential when we lose our bodies and move to the other side.

Found the materialist larping as a christian.

Seven entries!

I agree with your subsequent paragraphs but as far as the first paragraph is concerned, Kek is just as much an actual god as any other god (and maybe more so as explained below). Since Kek has personification Kek is also manifesting through his followers as an egregore or thought form as all other gods can.
Gods are very real they just operate in the greater abstraction of our physical beings.
In the same way that an individual being is an entity simply by being capable of thinking, Gods are greater abstractions of our collective thoughts and can exert themselves into physical reality because of the power of memetics and the very nature of sentient experience, at some level perception can alter reality and meme magick is this exertation of godlike powers.
Kek and the rest of the Ogdoad and even the old pagan gods of europe have a huge advantage because they have a core nature that they represent that is very real, and are made real because of it, just not in the same way you or I are real. Gods skip over mortality by being an abstractions of technically immortal groups. As long as they have followers they are not dead.

Didn't mean to sage

So we agree they exist on the contingency that other minds conceive of them.

Only I believe the egregore is simply a manifestation by which a more constant and ever present power works "through".

Fair enough, I could be wrong, I might be right.

Your interpretation of the Bible is interesting, OP, but there's one thing I don't understand.

Why do you believe the Bible?

Pic related, it's Cyrus.

Egregores certainly stem from a greater force but you are right in saying we have to agree to disagree as to whether or not there is an almighty force.
I personally think the greater god would be the very universe that all beings are abstracted from. But that view would mean god is essentially the underlying reality that we as observers and actors are unable to truly comprehend from the sheer nature of the subjective experience and not truly a being and is entirely uncaring as a personified entity, as all things possible arises from that ultimate gods nature.

simply for the fact that it's interesting
those who never pick it up will never understand this

I didn't notice your response earlier.


meh. i'd still fuck it. just to say i did.

i'd have to bleach my dick afterwards i'm sure


Ye will incur what ye has wrought

Behold! A Sword!

Three months ago Holla Forums railed against Christcucks as being traitors to the true White religion. Now it's Bible verses all day long to "prove" frog worship is legit.

Amazing how quickly things change.

To the Church in Philadelphia

7 “And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: ‘The words of wthe holy one, xthe true one, ywho has the key of David, zwho opens and no one will shut, who shuts and no one opens.

8 “ ‘I know your works. Behold, I have set before you aan open door, which no one is able to shut. I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name. 9 Behold, I will make those of bthe synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie—behold, cI will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they will learn that dI have loved you. 10 eBecause you have kept my word about patient endurance, I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world, to try fthose who dwell on the earth. 11 gI am coming soon. hHold fast what you have, so that no one may seize iyour crown. 12 jThe one who conquers, I will make him ka pillar in the temple of my God. Never shall he go out of it, and I will write on him lthe name of my God, and mthe name of the city of my God, mthe new Jerusalem, nwhich comes down from my God out of heaven, and my own onew name. 13 pHe who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’


what the fuck do you expect?
every chani s under the collective mindset of fickle anons


Guys, can someone explain to me why "pepe atlas fori wami mur quanat xenon arton"?
I was out of Holla Forums about a week.

MFW it's also:

The wicked all need to be completely deleted from existence

Leftists heads will roll…


It's a list of fictional companies you can choose from Donald Trump the Game in the early 2000s.
Trump using pepe before Pepe had even been drawn as a frog.


Jesus Christ, user.

Sometimes i just can't belive how dense this ride became.

Not listed in the infographic is "Mur" which means "Wall" in french.

Whoops posted too early.

spoiler that shit

According to the Bible and Christian tradition, if Kek is anything more than a meme then he is a demon. Nothing more, nothing less. We know this for several reasons. One being that Kek is not the Father, Son, or Holy Spirit, so he is clearly not divine. Kek isn't an angel either, because there is no instance of him confessing that Christ is the savior and the Son of Man. If Kek is truly real, we see that he works only in worldly affairs, which means he must be a demon because demons are involved strictly in the world. Personally I think this Kek stuff is just a meme gone too far, but don't try to justify by the Bible that he could be anything more than a mere demon. Don't put your faith in him because he is either nonexistent or temporary and powerless in comparison to God.

And to the people claiming Christianity is Semitic: the Jews have always been an enemy of Christ. He called them sons of the devil, he chased them out of a synagogue with a whip, he was killed and tortured by them. Christianity is the fulfillment of Judaism (i.e. the Mosaic Covenant), and Jews remain today because they deny Christ.

What ruse cruise am I being taken on today? news/2016/08/new-moon-in-leo-2016-august-what-does-it-mean/

Judaism =/= Jews
When people say that Christianity is Jewish they mean that it was originally made for and comprised of entirely of Jewish people.
They lament that a foreign ideology had sought to and eventually did replace their ancestors much longer heritage.
Also, be careful what you say by Kek being worldly. Your God not having any worldly attributes is why your god has been rendered powerless over the ages. Because Christians as a whole have watered down and split Christianity into so many sects no one really has a common conception of the true Christian god that Christ had originally followed.
Nietzsche had said "God is dead" not because God had physically died, but because modern Christians had done away with any of the spirit that their god once had and made him irrelevant.

I wouldn't pay too much attention to astrology unless it aligns with uniquely with events that seemingly occur independently.

Seriously lads, read through this shit


Whatever helps you sleep at night.

If you look through the thread that theme arises several times. I have no idea as to whether they are shills like in your pic but the Ogdoad and Christian theology are conflicting frameworks entirely and so the Christians who say Kek worship is heresy aren't entirely wrong.
You can certainly believe in Kek and Jesus but you cannot believe in Yaweh and Kek since they both occupy fundamentally important positions in reality but conflict with each other entirely.

When they already showed an answer? yes, the only real "argument you posted is:

Thats exactly what are you doing and more, we are tired of gnostig crap here, then somebody post it again and is right because he said so, then, when complains against that position appears he just discard everything and is right again and what is he doing is what others are doing, this is why they are wrong.

CTR is paying more this time.

Are you schizophrenic? If you expect someone to look at a philosophers/meta-physicists full body of work as a rebuttal to a question than you are probably insane.
No one can see the justifications for your arguments but you. The point of communication is to be understood.
Who is we? Holla Forums isn't a Christian board. That meme failed when you guys made /christian/ and /christ/ and separated yourself distinctly from Holla Forums
This is also why Holla Forums here is so more rightwing than it is on cuckchan, because unlike on cuckchan the leftists here were able to make their own board so they wouldn't have to take the bantz.
Holla Forums isn't one person and if you refuse to make an argument when you have the ability to actually write one out instead of asking for something unfeasible like "read x school of thought" instead of having an actual argument.
You clearly seem to think I'm wrong but you can't put into your own words as to why that is. And as long as you refuse to make argument than there will be no real conversation to be had.


First, no, ad hominesms, ad this, ad other, ad wathever, no thanks, i am calling you a hypocriyte, btw, i worked, sleept, but i get almost an instant reply every time, yet i am the guy with problems.

Second, boring, again, i posted it, we have a definition of God, then you say that God isnt that but another thing, if your point is correct then that isnt God so your point is wrong and you dont need a major in greek sodomy to notice that.

I am calling you hypocrite again, and please get a rest.

>reddit spacing

You've been calling me CTR and a shill and an Atheist this entire time. I only write what I believe to have found is the closest possible things to real truth concerning the topic.

How you, a lone individual feel is irrelevant when concerning gods. You may have your own conception of God. But what I'm saying is that trying to mingle your conception of God with the Ogdoad will put your God (Yaweh) in contradiction as the true God. The Ogdoad operates fundamentally differently, and so they cannot co-exist because the logic that allows them to exist in the first place cannot be ignored whatsoever.
The Ogdoad is unique in the same way as the Old European gods were, in that they both were aspects of observable nature. And so believing in them compounds their reality because they can be readily observed and thought of as real.
This line of thinking contradicts what you believe. I only argue that it's wrong to think that Kek is a counter-part to Jesus, because Jesus was a real person whereas Kek is a force of nature.

I just want to clarify that Jesus is not all peace and love, He's still God. The first time He came was to save and rescue, the second will be to judge the world. Imagine Patton walking into the USSR to try to get as many people out as possible before he nukes the shit out of it the second time.

Check out Revelation 19:

 >I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron scepter.” He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written:king of kings and lord of lords. And I saw an angel standing in the sun, who cried in a loud voice to all the birds flying in midair, “Come, gather together for the great supper of God, so that you may eat the flesh of kings, generals, and the mighty, of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all people, free and slave, great and small.” Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to wage war against the rider on the horse and his army. But the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who had performed the signs on its behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. The rest were killed with the sword coming out of the mouth of the rider on the horse, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh.

- Revelation 19:11-21

Trump will win.
Hillary will be prosecuted.
Globalists everywhere will mourn her.

-Revelation 17

Kek is older and represents core aspects of reality that govern multitudes phenomena.
You shouldn't be dismissive because I can be just as dismissive to you about anything you believe that's not supported by archaeology.


Nice try Pedro, that wall is happening and YOU are paying for it
you have to go back

Fucking evangelicals and their Scolshit Bible.

Who were all European, Christian Ethiopians had just as much time as west Europe to develop under Christendom and they are still a shithole because they are all African.
Being Christian does not innately make you better. It certainly makes you better than an SJW a Muslim or an Atheist, but like in any of those cases Christianity other than the Orthodox are doing anything to save the European people. Other than the Orthodox and a few others I would argue that the majority of Christianity has now become very harmful. Because none of you truly understand anymore what it means to truly believe in god. You've accepted the subjectivist notion of separation of the material and the immaterial.
Do you ever wonder why Russian authors like Dostoyevsky and filmmakers like Tarkovsky would make films about the human spirit?
Catholics could be fine too if their pope wasn't the Pozz-lord and they got a seriously old fashioned pope to Deus Vult and reform retroactively.

*aren't doing anything
And in fact they are often involved in importing refugees like they are in the United States.
What you believe has real consequences.

That wasn't my point m8. The point is the foundation of the Western world throughout the 2000 years with has been backed by the greatest minds in he history of the world because it's one capable of handling scrutiny and deep thought is infinitely of more value than something an Internet image board forum started memeing around because of a Wikipedia article. That's relativist garbage that belongs in the garbage. An ideology is defined by the source material and its founders, not by X many people who follow it. That's why "but but #NotAllMuslims #TerrorismHasNoReligion" is horseshit.

So you're saying that the Ogdoad never existed outside of a wikipedia page?
We both know that's not true, the Ogdoad is several times Older than your lineage of Judaism.

So how is Christianity relevant here? A lot of them may have been Christian but Christianity marks the decline as far as greatest thinkers we've ever had, if you are just going to cut out the Greeks and Romans entirely by that 2000 year mark.
The commonality is that they were all European. Being Christian as a European means nothing but trying to reconcile European paganism with reformed Judaism.
By your logic of the importance of them being Christian. The fact that so few Christians believe in a form of Christianity in a way that will make them more generative to society is a testament to them being Christian. It doesn't matter if you think it's the true form or not, because you aren't doing anything and can't really doing anything to enlighten them, because Christianity is the starting point for relativistic thinking. The fact the church repeatedly made addendum and reforms meant that they admit they originally didn't truly understand, and this went from errors that were probably best to fix to now where we will probably get a transgendered super pope if Christians don't turn away and go to embrace your more true version Christianity.

I think it's pretty clear that our globalized civilization is on a path to complete self-destruction, and this path leads right through all sorts of human misery and oppression perpetrated by the few against the many, by armies against civilians, by the bankers against the workers, governments against citizens. We are being mass-enslaved by hypocrites beating the drums of tolerance and equality.

If one believes in any sort of Creator who is involved with Creation, then I think it is logical to speculate whether we are either in, or fast approaching, a "Tower of Babel/Sodom and Gomorrah Situation," or equivalent.

And also, if one believes in spirituality, then there exists a place where one may receive information that is outside of logic and science. And it is from this place that I deeply feel we are on the verge of some sort of Reckoning.

It is blasphemy to our god emperor to compare him to this semitic Scribbles.

All you heretics Need some asswhoopin to get this jewish bullshit out of your head.

Christianity is a victim of globalism and multiculturalism. I'd say that if Christianity cannot incorporate ancestor respect and a love of self and shared blood to the exclusion (but mutual respect for) others then it deserves to be, and must be, replaced.

I have no problem with Jesus, but overall Christianity will have ultimately have to reform itself if it wants to stay relevant.

I'm saying that you only know about it because some retard posted about an archeological finding and another retard read a Wikipedia article and though Keck was funny because LOL PEPE.

Pretty much every great western civilization in the last two thousand years has been Christian and those great minds have been Christian and their lives have been devoted to Christianity. It is these civilizations that conquered the world. Go to China, what calendar are they using? What kind of clothing are they wearing? What financial system are they using? Go anywhere in the world, the West is there. Western suits, Gregorian calendar, etc. Neither the Romans nor the Greeks come close to what Christianity has accomplished for Europe.

Name me all the great European civilizations that worshipped "kek" and made it their foundation if you want a pissing contest.

Christianity is defined by the Bible and Jesus. It's not defined by your strawmen. The European peoples survive in victory only when orthodox Christianity is present, otherwise they crumble. When it is removed, decadence takes hold and rots it from the inside out. See Western Europe vs Eastern Europe. Look through books throughout your forefathers' history.

q: what goes in all fields

Sounds like you're getting butthurt. That's a gross over simplification. Kek is readily demonstrable as the aspects that define him.

So you're saying that the Globalist Zog mammonist financial system we use today was founded by Christians? You don't even know that Usury is forbidden for Christians to practice.

You can't prove that they were great because they were Christian. I've demonstrated that already with Ethopia. The reason subsequent generations were Christian is because they didn't have a choice. Your logic could equally stand for Muslims in the same way.

You are being vain. Christianity only stood on that which the Romans and Greeks and other ancient Europeans founded.

I never argued that Kek was historically a religion for European Civilization. I don't advocate for the average person to believe in the Ogdoad. Mystery Schools are only diminished by such things. Kek as the other gods of the Ogdoad exist as primordial forces.
What I am saying in though is that Christianity is now down right harmful. And whatever History of European accomplishment will now be lost with Christianity at the helm, doing nothing to stop the horde and even encouraging it.
Unlike your Jewish selfish god of sacrafices. Kek is now affecting our daily lives by manifesting during the most turbulent time so far in the modern age.
If we are going to talk about a pissing contest than where is Yaweh?

So the fact that what the most of the majority of Christians is not only wrong but down right evil is irrelevant? If you keep thinking this way than Christianity WILL disappear. I am not fighting you, I am warning you. Christianity has no functionary scruple for rejecting non-whites, and so the very culture and people you claim to be responsible for will be gone forever.

Heh I remember those days



Trump will win.

Hillary will be held accountable for her crimes.

Globalists everywhere will use the media/news to say Trump is being a dictator by jailing Hillary.

This plot won't work and Hillary will be jailed.

The Globalists will mourn her.

They'll fund and direct even more riots - unlike anything seen before.

Martial Law will be declared as Trump works to fight the sorcery of the Zionists.

All Muslims and all Jews may be forced to leave the country (and this is actually possible Constitutionally).

They'll gain sympathy from the U.N. (of course), which will then rally their cohort Nations to war against the United States.

The U.N. will offer Americans friendly to Globalism the opportunity to leave the U.S. prior to their engagement against Her.

Those who remain will be considered enemy combatants.

America may be nuked as a last resort. Their goal will be to conquer and replace Trump with their own leader. Once Trump has been defeated, those of us who remained will be offered the chance of redemption, should we pledge ourselves to the new President by saying the new U.S. Pledge of Allegiance.

This will happen, but it doesn't necessarily mean defeat. America must fall to Globalism, but that doesnt mean our spirit will leave us. We can still fight - to the very last one of us.

Yahweh and Yeshua are kike lies. There is only one true god and his name is Kek.

you don't understand the concept of "God" very well

Reminder that when the prophecy talks about Israel and God's People, it's talking about Christians, the new Chosen.

1st Peter 2:9-10

In John 8, Christ outlines that blasphemous Jews have lost their birthright, leaving Christians as the sole inheritors.

I hold tha meme magic affects the minute details of language in the minds of the speaker, with or without consent.
Kek could be a sign as the Burning Bush was one, a power of Christ as he was said to have controlled a mighty storm before, or he is Christ.

Gods enjoy freedom from space and time. Everything that was, is, and will be, are one in the eyes of the gods and the One God.

Kuk is another name for Kek anyway, at least according to Kikepedia.

Funnily enough, Isaiah is the first prophet to talk about bringing salvation to the Gentiles.

I was there for the first threads. The only reason you know about "kek" is because of some retards in an image board making a joke, and then taking it too far.


Capitalism. Precisely, private property. I'm saying that even the last large remnant of commie thought plays by our rules via private property. We have utterly defeated the world because of our foundation in Christianity. Neither Rome nor Greece can claim that.

"You are being vain. Rome and Greece only stood on that which the Assyrians and other ancient Europeans founded."

Neither Rome nor Greece even come close to what Christianity has done. When you discover that the entire world in 200BC was wearing Roman garbs and using Roman calendars and structures, then it can be reasonably comparable.

You're literally telling me a few sentences back that I can't prove historically verifiable facts about historical figures, but now I'm supposed to take your word for it that "kek", who you just discovered existed within the last few months is in control of everything? No, pal, it's called confirmation bias. That's why I'm not claiming that God is behind X or Y, because that's retarded, relying on confirmation bias.

Humanity is flawed. Whites included, otherwise this board wouldn't exist and we wouldn't be talking right now. You're blaming Christianity for the faults of lukewarm Christians and people who reject Christ. That's nonsensical. What's needed is to promote Christianity, throw away any bastardizations, and shun other worldviews, as we have done for the last two thousand years, wherein we've steadily advanced as a people. If it ain't broke, m8, don't fix it.

And you can warn me as much as you'd like, Christianity has outlived every major power since Rome and will continue to do so so long as men have chests and reason.


Neither does "kek worship", national socialism, etc. They have nothing to do with it. It's up to the populace to say "these are my people, those are your people, let's be neighbors, not roommates" and preserve their homogenous race and culture. It's something that is instinctual.

Monotheism is a Semitic construct.

All that kek is is the deification of synchronicity.
Synchronicity is the language of God, so kek is just the deified speech of the lord.
Tongues can be written with the use of RNG, it's effectively the same thing we do with repeating numerals.
One of the main Jewish tricks is getting people to think synchronicity is inherently bad, it effects some in a paranoid kind of "I keep seeing people in red therefore people in red are following me" way and others in a "everything is the work of the devil" kind of way, when the truth of the matter is that God's world is perfect and everything that occurs has already occurred before and will again.




Monotheism is a way of acknowledging singularity, kikes work on a heavy dualistic plane where everything is "as above so below"
Monotheism explains the below as the work of the above, it's all part of the same continuity.

Personal opinion. If you don't see synchronicity than that is yours not to see.

Again you are trying to refute something simply by trying to make it look ridiculous, you can't give any examples of your own god having a presence because your god is completely and totally irrelevant and has been for over 500 years. There has been no manifestation of Yaweh you can put forth.

Where in the bible is the basis for Capitalism?

Progress does not mean improvement. We are in a downward trend and Christianity at the moment is doing nothing to stop it.

You've made your god impotent, you do not understand the territory that the Ogdoad comes with. Gods are real, by denying them agency you have made your God impotent.

If you cannot see how petulant and disgusting your argument has become I will gladly hold the rope while they carry you to the tree.

You mean *Christianity.
There is no common form of Christendom. Your great unifying power of Christ has succeeded in fracturing into thousands of versions that contradict eachother. Christ was an early example of D&C against Jews but you gladly perpetuate it because you simply accept a relatively small frame of time as being better for arbitrary reasons. When really that's not panning out because fucking everything is falling apart and you cucks are completely fine with it because you only care about feeling validated.

TOP FUCKING KEK. You are now invalidating everything you said previously. You are reaching and bending to try desperately to not be wrong.
Now I know you are completely talking out of your ass, and you are completely fine with shitskins taking over your country. If anyone else reads this, this is exactly why a lot of Christians are not to be fucking trusted.

Does anyone happen to have archives of 404'd threads? I wrote a post outlining something similar regarding minute linguistic details.

The Jews mispronounced the ancient Egyptian sun god's name Ra improperly thus creating the Yah which they etymologized as Yahweh, meaning "to be" in the first person singular form of the verb. Further, as Ra's name was probably pronounced like Reee, I connected this to a frog's battle cry. Then I tried to use my knowledge on Afro-Asiatic phonology to reconstruct "heh", "wew" and "yee" from the quadrilitteral YHWH.

Recently I have found out that the Egyptian king Pepi's name is written in hieroglyphic as pypy, which could be pronounced as Peepee, but Afro-Asiatic languages tend to transmute semi-vowels, so it could be pronounced Poopoo as well. His wife was Neith. Her name is the same as of the Egyptian Goddess of faith.

I bet, if I spent more time, I could come up with more.

> 56&version=NKJV
>Yes, they are greedy dogs

theme music supplied

Underated post.

When did everything go so right for us

kek will bring upon the rapture

bring forth the stinking festering slag
from deep inside the dying hag
fill up the stage with deadly spill
kill soros and the rapist bill
with stench of death and righteous sorrow
for trump the lord will rule tomorrow

The anti-Christ is going to be loved by everyone and abolish all religions. This is exactly what three-opening-parentheses they three-closing-parentheses want.

Holla Forums is a Kekite board. All semites out

Why do Christian race-mixers come on here and lie about not being Christian?

Why would we want to read Jewish fairytales when we our own?

Cyrus was a real person and he already received the prophesy after conquering Babylon. It isn't about Trump.


Fuck that.

They'll be torn apart by those whom they dismissed as beneath their notice. Their hubris has reached such heights that Nemesis now stands at the threshold waiting to empower any who dare lift arms in her name. There is no victory for them.

I got "Adolf Hitler" for my name.

I am a christian, now go back to burn churches playing burzum while your imouto is having another niglet ahmed.

What happened 67 years ago?

*2855 times two equals 5710

Also: https:// en.wikipedia .org/wiki/1949

Kek isn't real. There is no meme magic. These are idols created by spiritually blind people unable to see the hand of God working in men's affairs for His own purposes.

Trump isn't Cyrus either. Cyrus was named by Isaiah and then appeared and fulfilled Isaiah's prophecy about 150 years after his death.

Since you don't believe in meme magic, should your heavenly trips be disregarded?

It appears God may be with me fam.

Always loved this ep, very fitting

is this a sign?


You sound like you'd still chop baby dicks as a religion anyway you look at it

Heavenly trips confirm. DEUS VULT!

Also. Race segregation in Prison is near 100% Christianity is for Father God

Judaism is for Gays, non whites, Medo Persians, bug people, transistorites, syphillistalitics and squalorites. - Woman

God is the same thing as Kek, is the same thing as Thor, is the same thing as etc. etc. Gods are real because humans believe they're real. Reality is what is observed, and we, being a part of the universe, are how the universe observes itself. If we collectively believe that Kek or whoever else exists, we are convincing ourselves/the universe that they do exist, which means that they do. It's the core principle of meme magic.

A good example I like to use is the bomb wands in Iraq. They worked pretty damned well despite them being nothing more than an LED light, because the people using them believed that they would work. Once it was found out that they were useless junk, any attempt to recreate their past usefulness failed utterly.

That is to say, they are the same concept/type of thing. Not that they are the same entity. And it would seem the digits agree.


They do, indeed.

No, they are not all the same God.

Kek confirmed God in disguise

You have a heavenly trips, but fedoras just ignore that, protip: ctrl+f 777 .

Definitions… definitions.

The full list atlas fori wami mur quanat xenon arton
Pretty Amazing m80s

compiled a list of interesting results from Jewish and English (pretty much the same as Simple) Gematria

Orange = Things that immediately caught my attention
Light Green = Things to research
it says it was the year israel was formally recognized by the US

== is this a sign Holla Forums

Legitimate question:

Has this meme become an actual belief for some anons or is everyone still larping?

It's real to me.

Then again, I have always been intrigued by frogs and toads.


glad this video was posted
its the thread topper

at around 33 minutes he goes into Isiah 45 and the cyrus prophecy
check it out

Thanks user – this is interesting stuff.

nw matecunt yeah he's a crazy old fuck aye haha

but yeah nah but
christ is lord aye

Heavenly trips of Kek and thus of God. Atheists and "nature worshipping" Larpagans btfo.


Genuinely curious what all the issues anti-Christians have with Christianity

I personally suppose they're Holla Forums shills. One of them explicitely stated they believed in nature, not in the gods of pantheons. Further, their lack of reaction towards redpilled instances of Ogdoadianity with a plus symbol and degenerate instances of pagans.


Just by the way …

Daniel 8

accurate description of Trump

If dubs or any other repeating digits Kek is an unkown angel of the Lord of the Bible

Alright, if dubs or repeating digits Keke is on God's side

Well keke isn't so what about Kek


I'm no Christcuck either but I found this last year and found it interesting.

you should try DnD. it's cheaper and way more fun than religion.

Marcion, is that you?

That's the problem - the Mystery Schools and their modern adherents (the so-called "Masons") are basically Luciferians, worshipping his light instead of God himself.

A thousand times this. "Getology" is a serious mantic art which rests a lot on intuition, numerology, gematria and broad historical and mythological knowledge.



Isn't Kek supposed to be the lightbringer? Are Kek and Lucifer the same entity?


I don't think that Kek is the Lightbringer, he seems to correspond more to creative chaos and the hidden germinating of new life.

Regarding Luciferianism and the Masons, I heartily recommend Bill Cooper's (F) radio show Hour of the Time/Mystery Babylon. You'll learn a lot, I promise it: Cooper/Mystery Babylon/MB1.htm

sure jew slave, you Christ cucks deserve the rope.

Fuck right off. It should be clear by now that the modern Jews are not identical to the ancient Israelites. They are imposters and deceivers; Jesus was a Judean, not a Jew - big difference.

It's a underage teens pontificate about their religion which they themselves doesn't even understand episode.

This thread could really have been avoided had you just bothered to google Cyrus.

t. Atheist

Not OP, but how so?

Kek is the gentle darkness that nurtures life, he is in opposition to the light of destruction

Kek is just another impure spirit, thanks to your stupidity now media is showing us as a cult.

12Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings of the East. 13And I saw three unclean spirits that looked like frogs, coming from the mouths of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet. 14These are demonic spirits that perform signs and go out to all the kings of the earth, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God, the Almighty

Because Cyrus were a real historical non-jew that allegedly helped the jews(only goy in the OT that got the epitaph Messiah).

Trump can't be Cyrus because Cyrus already happened!

This is why i hate religious fags. You are letting atheists who hate your religion one-up you in /your own religion/ because you act like a headless chicken for your Jebus.

roll yourself into a bog sodomite

What do you mean, "just another"? I doubt you had contact with any spirits at all. Besides, even your reading comprehension seems faulty:

"These are demonic spirits that perform signs and go out to all the kings of the earth, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God, the Almighty"
These are our enemies! If it would be true what you say it would be them who are using Kek, not the other way around.

Only if you take it literally, which most educated Christians and metaphysical researchers don't do. The Bible is a very complex book with many different levels of meaning. You can't just simply read it prima facie, that would ironically be the same level of ignorance you accuse Christians of.

Complete non-sequitur.

Yawn. Typical "atheist" ignorance and arrogance.

Can you repeat the evolution of man? We'll give you a head start and let you evolve niggers into whites instead of starting with that fiddly abiogenesis.

Fuck this thread is stupid

Those dubs say otherwise -


reddit is still susceptible to blackpills, try there

I bet you're one of the people that tries to tell Pagans that they aren't actually Pagans because they don't pillage Normandy as a full time career.

See this, one guy was killed for exposing your faggotry.

Fuck off.