Other urls found in this thread:
Israel ISIS links leaked when?
Saudi's funded 9/11 as well.
How in the fuck are they and Israel still considered allies?
It's stickied, bump-san. You can relax.
We all knew it, but is this really the first confirmed report?
Trump needs to see this.
Wouldn't ISIS take over Arabia and dethrone the Saudis if they had the opportunity though?
I guess they were unsatisfied with the unsufficient funds from Arab states to ISIS and wanted them to give more gibs.
It's pure evil.
How did the American system allow such a corrupt candidate? Nixon was kissing puppies compared to the shit Hillary has done and this isn't even accounting for her Whitewater gate
Nigger, are you new to life?
Spread it Everywhere
Trump ending that relationship is one of my greatest hopes for a Trump presidency. At the very least with Saudi Arabia.
No, they're all Sunnis. At the very least they'd purge all of the Shiites and Alawites before turning on them.
Is is happening Holla Forums?
Is it finally confirmed that the Saudis were funding ISIS?
My eyes are seeing but I don't know if normies will eat it up.
Trump bombing them back into Bedouin nomads, and looting their oil is one of my greatest hopes.
We've had confirmation before, difference is that this is in an email from the Hildebeast herself.
We'll spread this everywhere, to every normie and even trump, and it won't matter. At most, it will increase trump's chance to win by a percentage assuming she doesn't flat out steal the vote.
you better take a good look, this is what an invincible human being looks like. she's done every single bad thing that you can actually do. i cannot name a single law she didn't break. she's probably skinned people alive, and a video of her doing that could come out tomorrow and nothing would happen.
she's literally invincible, and you only have one chance to take her down. and even if you do, she probably won't go down silently.
best buckle up brothers, the ride begins now.
Zoinks, gang! Looks like it was Mr. Goldstein, all along!
Well then, I guess this is it. Full force forward and nuke the sons of bitches already.
Happens when you have people who are as stupid as leftists and liberals.
I will never understand why jews grow their sideburns out like that.
Trump has to make them answer for their crimes. Those cunts are unquestionably supporting terrorism and should be held accountantable.
Pretty sure they'll say this is "fake" or "forgery" before admitting anything.
Do you even understand the purpose of an Islamic Caliphate?
Did you stop reading after the first word?
Pretty sure (((ISIS))) would let isreal have a great piece of land too.
She is so fucked.
Even the gamergate people are spreading this, saw Sargon tweeting about it.
I'll tell you why she's invincible. Because her fanbase doesn't give a fuck about right and wrong. They care even less about the will of the people. They insist on winning.
Think of it this way - If you were a Syrian Alawite, you could see clearly that Assad is scum, but that scum is keeping you alive. You would support him against the whole world, because the alternative is chop-chop from ISIS.
In Hillary's case, it's not even that noble. Crooks like Zuckerberg and Soros and whichever fucking hooknose is running ISIS want their gravy train to keep rolling, and they'll overlook fucking genocide to make it happen.
Explain why.
They don't hate Trump because he's a racist - they're the biggest fucking racists in the world, outside of Saudi Arabia. And they don't hate him for being sexist. . . Hillary fucking slandered rape accusers and defended a child-rapist. They certainly don't hate Trump because he sexually assaulted some whores - if he was a Muslim refugee, they'd be killing informants like the mob to cover it up.
No, siblings, it's grimier and dirtier than that. They hate Trump because he tells the truth. The rabbis can't slip a hook through his septum and lead him around. He actually will hold some kikes accountable for robbing us in 2008, and he'll punish the Saudi goat fuckers for 9/11.
This is why his record must be. . . corrected.
…wait, but wasnt clinton also supporting isis?
why does this make it seem like she wants it to stop?
hill shills WILL NOT STOP, even over bringing up bill's victims, calling it a fucking low blow, that's what im seeing on facebook under trending.
not being defeatist, i really hope the coming months make a change in this diseased and absolutely blind way of thinking
kek willing
I know, I know. . . Jew media tell lies about him, and I should be redpilled as fuck and not trust anything, blah blah blah.
Look - you don't get to run a Shiite government in a war zone for years without slitting ten-thousand throats. I'm not saying it's wrong or that he had a choice, but all the nice guys in Syria have been dead for decades. Assad needs to be scum or he's dead, along with his entire tribe.
(Cashes shekels for correcting the record on Assad.)
Trump can do no right. Hillary can do no wrong. Just give up already, you stupid, filthy goyim.
Israel is the victim, Goy!
The governments around the world are paying attention, and it's not like Clinton can speak about Democracy if she wins.
i get your point, but…
The best part in all of this is Trump fucking said the Saudis were funding them and the media laughed at him for saying this.
Can we meme already that "Trump is always right"? He's making the time traveler theory seem more and more true with each day. That or his intelligence network is better than the governments.
And Clinton stood by and said nothing, even though she knew he was right. Certainly presidential of her. Look how she puts the truth and her country first!
Not surprised. They're all-in for Hillary and the last thing someone wants to do (especially on the internet) is admit that they were wrong.
This. I think her campaign even bashed Trump for his comments. This really fucks her over. We'll need to find all the instances in which Trump was bashed for claiming the saudis part in this while spreading the stuff in OP. This will really fuck over Hillary in the foreign affairs department, the only leg she has had to stand on as far as the public is concerned.
That or elements of the military intelligence community itself are helping him because they hate Hillary so much and want to avoid a catastrophic event.
Wew. Yuri was right. You really do have to kill these people off.
Having enemy combatants killed doesn't make you scum retard.
I can see this. Trump hates the CIA so they may want to see the thing gutted as well. In many ways, the state department and the CIA have too much power.
That means nothing though, Zuckerkike has that shit manipulated.
God damn,
what else can be expected of a substanceless follower. It's fucking disgusting that these are our countrymen and fellow americans.
to reiterate, here's an illustration
not trying to slide or shit up the thread, this shit just baffles me
This is exactly what Scott Bennett talks about in his whistleblowing reports. He gives details on how the Saudis run their money laundering operations to fund terrorism through Clinton Foundation-friendly Swiss banks such as UBS and HSBC. His lawyer when he was thrown in prison around 2012 for talking about this was the nephew of Donna Shalala. She's currently the President of the Clinton Foundation.
https ://
We know that the Clinton Foundation and UBS were recently embroiled in a tax evasion scandal complete with paid speeches by Bill Clinton.
We also know that James Comey was on the board of directors for HSBC and Loretta Lynch had a big hand in getting them a slap on the wrist during their drug/terrorism money laundering scandals.
We need to see if there's any dirt on UBS, HSBC, etc. in these leaks. This shit is getting intense.
He probably just has all of hillary emails and all this stuff is nearly explained there. He can't explicitly say some of the contents in the current situation because if he does they'll treat him like Snowden and try to drone his ass, but once he's president he'll deal with it as it should have been done had ashe not been shielded by absolutely fucking everyone.
Holla Forums has known for years that the Saudis and Turkroaches have been funding them/buying oil from them. Its not surprising that a billionaire who's interested in politics and has far more resources than any of us can put 2 and 2 together as well.
shit, forgot to break the CF link, don't click if you don't want to
Africa has counties?
Well, I suppose…
Are the Saudis worried about the breakdown of the petrodollar, or is this really just for religious reasons? And is the current price of oil related?
Speaking of manipulation, is there a way to actually gauge how much of it actually influences normalfags on social media?
This is the DIA vs CIA election of our lives.
FEYE here, godspeed Trump.
Too complicated for my goy brain. Can anybody turn this into an infographic for the normies?
"Adria Philyaw" is fucking dongle bitch!
Why is he scum again?
Normies? None. Most hide political posts (the triggered brigade did make something somewhat useful, essentially a subject killfile) although oddly the (((leftist))) memes have to be hidden more than once as they keep reappearing. I think I finally started reported all Shawn King memes as amateur porn and they stopped.
Step up your game senpai
Someone should pretend to be jewish and claim her criticisms of Jared are anti-semitic just for kicks. In any case, Bill's victims are speaking up now because the woman that bullied them and set the media on them after being assaulted is now running for president. Hillary is lucky they aren't banding together to kill her.
I think I finally started reported all Shawn King memes as amateur porn and they stopped.
Talcum X gets on my last nerve too. Maybe I'll try this.
No shit he was correct, why would you have doubted him in the first place? That Slav wasn't bullshitting around, he didn't defect because he wanted a vacation you know. KGB informants didn't turn coat voluntarily very often back then. It took a serious crisis of conscious. During that time, the KGB was crawling with so many kikes you could have mistaken it for a matzo factory.
Furthering Sunni expansion - ruled and influenced by (((them))) to further their goals - whom fight against all that is not Sunni. Destabilizing Shite countries is the main prerogative. Iran is the last bastion of Shite control and they want it gone, desperatly because they know if they get nukes they will nuke Israel; no questions asked. Iran is also the driving force against preventing SA from taking over Jemen and Syria. The Greater State of Israel can not come to fruition if the neighboring countries are all large swaths of land with multicultural cohesion. As such; these countries must be subverted by playing both sides against each other to create fraction State's the jews can wage war against or out rightly control.
For over 200 years Sunni expansion into central Africa sponsored by SA and QT, going village to village commuting genocide against all the niggers who do not convert, this rarely if ever makes the 8' clock news and is rarely even addressed in UN levels. Christiandom is being pushed to southern regions - SA & QT fund rebels to wage war against the leaders of a country to subvert them so after a uprising they can push their muslim into the country.
Spread this shit on kikebook and twatter. The media sure as hell won't cover it.
Remember the oil crisis in the 70's? Due to regulation, the US has made tiself energy dependent on these ragheads. Energy independence would free us from them, and that means ending stifling regulations. Exactly what Trump's proposing.
We're already technically energy independent thanks to king nigger. The only thing getting in the way is the motor industry and some Oil lobbies.
Thats a weird way of saying hydraulic fracking.
Oil, duh.
No petroleum, no production.
Shouldn't we tell Trump?
So it's okay if liberals blame the victims of rape?
Hydraulic fracing makes us more independent.
Do what is right.
By the way, our alliance with the saudis is solely because they help us prop up the petrodollar.
You must be new, here.
Liberalism isn't a consistent philosophy other than whatever destroys civilization is what liberals desire.
Dig deeper. Ask why they want to help us do that.
So that the US in turn props them up militarily?
All the major shipping lanes of the world economy
libtards and SJWs are rape apologists and victim blamers today, their hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness never cease to amaze me.
Sjw's just became vote slaves like niggers have been for decades.
can we raid these whores? I want their fagbook profiles to go private.
If you're spreading this,
At least by wiki leaks
And crooked Hillary took millions in bribes from those bastards to authorize the sale of weapons. Makes you wonder where the weapons ended up, doesn't it?
That's adira in the FB comments
I'd guess not all of them. This is a chance for us to D&C the shit out of their bleeding asses
This next month is gonna be crazy. Assange is probably leaking this now so everyone sees this unfold during the election.
We need to start putting proper bibliographies on these jpg's, I can't convince anyone with this
After congress unanimously admitted that the Saudis funded the September 11th attacks? They can't deny it even if they wanted to.
I hope people remember, when Trump has to put troops in harm's way to help destroy ISIS, that the Saudis are among those responsible for the deaths of American soldiers & airmen.
And this "shadow government" war we have going against Iran & Syria has to stop, as WE are also supplying ISIS for the same reasons.
Holla Forums is casuls
Balkans knew that since at least 1991.
I would love to see video footage of a Saudi royal family member getting into a water slide at one of their ridiculous theme parks and halfway down that shit just gets blown up and he ejects from a broken tube 50 feet in the air allahu ackbaring all the way to hell.
I'm not interested in the fact that their fellow Muslims are dying by the millions and the Saudi ruling class live the most decadent haram lifestyles imaginable yet those stupid dunecoons aren't rioting and murdering them and Israel like they should.
Don't be a defeatist.
Hillary will let you get away with raping a thousand children and eating them if you give her enough money.
Median IQ of 85, mate.
Saudi's funded it, but Jews did it. Best friends forever.
Well considering how Israel and Saudi Arabia have publicly announced their friendship, soon.
Just get them to vote for the hippy Stein.
As long as you realise all yankees are sadomasochistic homos
As a descendent of Christian Syrians, I believe that you all should focus your meme magic on the issue that Hillary is supporting fundamentalist people in Syria, the so-called “moderate rebels”, who are a bunch of Al-Qaeda and ISIS sympathizers and persecute women, gays and religious minorities. In addition, there are a lot of news of USA helping ISIS against Syrian and Iraqi forces (“mistakenly” delivering aid and weapons, bombing Iraqi and Assad forces and infrastructure, etc.).
Trump is against all of these and said on the last debate that Assad, Russia and Iran are fighting ISIS, letting the mediator and Hillary angry. This last campaign to overthrow him is because he is against ISIS and Al-Qaeda and he knows that Russia, Iran and Syria are fighting them.
Trump, on his own, will lose this election.
Isn’t USA a Christian nation? Aren’t the Americans against terrorists? You should focus on this issue.
o i am laffin
There is no god.
Ok Shimon, Trumps totally gonna loose by having a rational stance on the issue. Everyone holds shares in Lockheed Martin right?
He's saying Trump's stance is good and should be a popular one here.
What's your point? If Trump wins, we're not going to invade Syria with the intention of overthrowing Assad.
Oy vey, but that's all a crazy conspiracy by hate pepe white supreeemists. Someone get the fact checkers.
We get more of our oil from Canada and Mexico now, slowly reducing our dependence on OPEC. The reason the 70's were so fucking bad was because we lost our production core, supported Israel, and had not backup plan.
no it doesn't
What got us into trouble is that we exported most of our natural gas, pissing off OPEC because we were now in direct competition with them. Had we kept our supply for domestic use, this whole thing would not have happened. Instead, we pissed off the entire ME and they went nuclear on the markets.
Europe is dependent on the ME, and Russia. That's why Syria is happening right now, OPEC cronies want to cut out Russia and get a direct line through Saudi Arabia, through Israel, Syria, Turkey, into Greece (which is a slave state now and can't fight back against the plans) and into Europe. This effectively destroyed Russian imports and economy as they anchor much of their currency on these things.
Using this shitty meme to spread it all over normiespace
And here's the article for this. It was front page all day until an hour ago.
For future reference, rt picked this up from a tip I emailed them to. You can do the same thing by emailing your favorite news websites contact info. Podesta leaks need to spread.
fug :–DDd
this I need some sources
well fuck me wrong thread disregard
fag chegged :DDDDDDD
nevermind I didn't, I just quoted myself when I didn't mean to, don't disregard
I also suggest letting congressmen know about this leak. The public can push congress into declaring Saudi Arabia & Qatar as state sponsors of terror and enact weapons sanctions. I let Trey Gowdy know already.
Claim:Hillary Clinton is financed by Saudi backers who fund ISIS
Fact:Her campaign is not financed by Saudi Backers, it is the Clinton Foundation that receives millions from Saudi backers who fund ISIS.
remember the fake execution videos? they turned real at some point, maybe they lost "control" of isis
i think they like armageddon like hellholes where money buys you /everything/
No that was Adria Richards
unless she got married)
Fat chance.
Anyone have a compilation of all of the juiciest leaks for easy spreading?
Austria-Hungary is still the worst thing about that map.
Mmmh, yis this will make all the difference for our stalwart allies that grew up cowering in cellars while literal deathsquads burned the village to the ground mkay
Hey NBC alread did
Referring to Big Bill's Yugo war, but fuck you anyway
Calm down I'm joking.
Yes and no one wants in that thread
feels bad man
I admit this is big and important but I still wish that wikileaks would name the jew.
Israel has been known to work through the Saudis especially taking out Shite insurgencies in both countries. The Jews probably work exclusively through their princes, why would the Jew be stupid enough to let their plans be known on some bullshit server.
Remember Israel is funding the most research in the world into cryptography. This wasn't done by (((coincidence))).
You're right, but let's be honest here: why would Israel leave a paper trail for their ISIS brainchild? Saudi Arabia and Qatar function as a sort of piggybank for Jewish terror ops. Israel gives the orders, the (((Saudis))) finance the operation for their masters.
The paper trail may lead back to the Muslims, but the idea, planning, and direction came from the Jews. Finding the phone call, meeting transcript, or email orders that the Israelis give to their Gulf moneymen is much harder to dig up.
For example, look at the 28 pages. All the evidence for 9/11 points to it being a Mossad/CIA operation at the architectural level, but the money trail for the ground operations leads back to the Saudis. Plausible deniability.
In the end, ISIS is functioning as the sledgehammer that Israel needs to clear out the Levant of the shitskins for the Greater Israel Project. Once all those pesky brown goyim are pushed into Europe as "refugees", Israel can clear out their ISIS proxies with the snap of a finger and begin colonizing the surrounding area into massive settlement expansion.
See: Yinon Plan + Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan. It's all happening.
Just for fun, I'll leave this here as well. :^)
Hannity just mentioned this leak with Pence on Fox
sorry for shilling Hannity but Christ it's wonderful to see this on the MSM
They've been in good relations since the days of 9/11, no surprise.
everyone needs to read op's email from hillary as if she's coming from the point of view of an arms dealer. she is talking, point after point, about how her associates position themselves for weapons smuggling. they're playing one side against the other, giving deals to the underdog for maximum profits
So how much would it cost for Trump to rent one of these guys?
I saw that too user. It's amazing how fast our digging spreads across the media now.
Hillary has done irreversible damage to America's integrity and image. From now on, any time America brings up democracy, all those undemocratic nations have to do is point at Clinton and how she corrupted and perverted American democracy to the worst degrees, so why on earth should anyone else be democratic or listen to a failed or faux democracy called the United States of America?
it can be fixed though
Why does ISIS never attack synagogues? They seem to be the safest place to be in Europe right now. How curious.
Not just her, people are overlooking that if she knew then Obama without a doubt knew as well and gave them over 2 billion dollars anyways. So we have a president knowingly giving billions of dollars to state sponsors of terrorists. It could be argued that we now have inarguable proof of knowingly indirectly funding ISIS.
Trump definately knows about the second part. He said he's going to read up on wikileaks after his rally hours ago, so he should see it soon.
We don't need to send troops to destroy ISIS, let Putin and Assad do the military part, we just have to freeze the assets of the Saudis and (((others))) who are funding and aiding ISIS. Getting our military out of the region so they're not "accidentally" dropping weapons to ISIS or attacking Syrian forces would be good, too.
Send it to Randlet. He's been talking about the Saudis and others financing terror for a while.
Dubs demand it.
All Americans need to do this asap.
Saudis will kill her and blame Russia
and gay people are still backing her.
GOOD. Iran is a shithole as long as it is an Islamic State.
The coming of Islam has resulted in ruin and despair, which can be resolved only by returning to Iran's pre-Islamic golden age.
Meant for
To clean of a death for hilldog
I think the universe works in mysterious way and she will not only suffer an agonizing death, but she will see all that she's tried to do in the country be taken away from her and her counterparts.
We are living in the age of the DON
We are lucky.
They have far far too much interest in the status quo not changing. Whenever you hear someone say Trump will be horrible for America, remember this. They are either brainwashed by MSM or actively the enemy.
Sunnis are even worse than shiites the sunnis are the ones funding all the mosques and invasion of Europe, you're fucking retarded to support the Saudis.
She looks predatory as hell, like her jaw is about to unhinge to allow her to swallow him whole.
You're missing the point, shiite shit.
This could be resumed to:
Oy vey, best brothers ever.
Nice image and info.
Im making some info graphics on Saudi / Qatar / US relationship.
Going to include
What else pol? Throw some tips and articles my way. What format would be most effective for informing the public?
Succinct bits of information to pierce the thick skull of the Normal Ones.
If you gather the info as text, I can help give it a professional looking design easily.
No OC of the OP picture yet?
Sons, I am dispoint.
No OC of this OC yet?
Sons, I am dissapoint
they want spain 2 m8
We're All Kikes Now
Reminder: Bill Clinton given $1 million birthday check by Qatar. Qatar funds ISIS, throws gays in jail & legalizes rape & beating of women.
>"…we need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region."
Qatar gifts Bill Clinton $1,000,000 for his birthday. Arms flow increases 1,482%:
Nice find, love to see those dumbshit libs try to justify this.
This file kept on being cut off in mid-download off of the Wikileaks file list site. I finally downloaded it, thank God!!!
Here is the mirror!!!
Saudi Arabia Database From
What's in it? Is it in english?
Important information. Bump
Posting this here because it keeps getting deleted in other threads here on Holla Forums, on cuckchan, and on leddit. Apparently they're trying to (((shut this down))).
but muh sexual assault victims!
Stop fucking spamming it then
Its been seen hundreds of times now, discussed and analysed too so just fucking stop posting in EVERY THREAD and go discuss ut in the proper threads (there is plenty up about memdax situation already so get fucked you fucking faggot )
Saving this Saudi/Qatar thread from page 26. If we discover more e-mails we should post them in here.
So, isn't ISIS an offshoot of Al-Quaeda?
thread preservation bump
a little thread preservation bump
Just add it onto the long list for the Trump Justice Dept to investigate.
Since this thread is about sandniggers I figure I might as well post my question here: why do some leftists think that Islam is inherently fascist? Even if that is true, leftists in the West love them which is antithetical to their actual beliefs. While leftists from other parts of the world, who have seen their niggotry first hand, hate them with a passion and call them the equivalent of Nazis.
another one
Anyone have the webm of king nigger speeding up the training isil forces?
Leftists is just a label, there is no "right or left".
Not all leftards have the same version of narrative pushed by their center command core. Their first order is to push themselves into power and for that they need masses (voters or armies). For that they need a catchy narrative, and the populace is greedy for gibs (if designed like that).
It is kinda long to explain, but please follow:
Example 1: colonizer countries are built by wars over territory. Whoever conquers parts has all. But how the onlookers can grab what is already taken, without doing any wetwork? Making the colonizers believe that they must surrender their stuff to them. Then they use the narrative of guilt: if their ancestors were murderous thieves" (truth), and original owners were "brown" (or used slaves, "brown too", or "slant eyed"), then control of any "not-rosy-pale-skin people" is wrong. Which extends to criticism or any other form of authority. Then escalates, to guilt trip opponents into submission. Pretty basic to sense. In this scenario "brown means oppressed + islam is made of brown people far away + brown people that got colonized and abused = islam is oppressed by our white colonizer country". [falacy, inexample: backers of the group can be from Qatar, like with the DNC narrative and the SocJus]
Example 2: colonized country in control of colonizers or owners of all. How a certain group can grab what is already taken, without having to buy it? They can´t buy it, law locked, or money locked. Aspiring group uses the narrative of oppression, which is extended to "taking the means of production". It goes like this: "we are brown oppressed people + oppressed by means of production = we live in a dictatorship that wont respect our human rights = all dictatorships are bad". Then they are shown the truths of islam, so they relate: "islam = dictatorship". This works at any level of the relationship, especially when oppressed populace of islam controlled territories are infected with truths of freedoms outside of there (last on only that generation).
tl;dr onlooker group is "the truth avatar" also addict to control and power, probably operates in both scenarios at once, globally, and plays populace to get positions of power and control, using them. It is all a ruse.
Saudis financed Hillary (+Podesta bros and Huma), ISIS and 9/11.
->Dems tried to hide the 28 pages and veto 9/11 bill.