Because we must never forget his sacrifice!
Hitler Appreciation Thread
Hitler was a traitor to the National SOCIALIST party. His betrayal is the reason he lost the war. If only he never betrayed us…
why did he kill 76 trillion Jews? wut a fuckin jerk tbh
As long as (((bourgeois))) parasites, black white or jew, exist in your country, your revolution will not be successful.
>As long as (((bourgeois))) parasites,
top jerj
I don't support Apple. Instead, i support other multibillion dollar companies in competition with Apple®. That makes me a true revolutionary.
so you enjoy capitalism
nice to know
Hugh Jackman is HITLER?!?!
"The bourgeoisie will sell us the rope which we will use to hang them" - Vladimir Lenin
The holocaust never happened but it should have and still needs too.
fuck of kike
Lenin swallowed jew cum
t. jew
Actually Hitler's Germany is the best ending socialism has ever had in all of its applications. Too bad it was a white male in charge and not a Jew.
Hi jew
Hitler was not a collectivist, see
Literally true scotsman, nice Adolf.
Your post is a fallacy
I think the way he encouraged whole family groups to spend some quality time together at their camping program, was inspirational.
Gas the kikes
Race war now!
Really makes you think
That's the guy from Sparks
Sorry, wrong thread
"The Jew uses every possible means to undermine the racial foundations of a subjugated people. In his systematic efforts to ruin girls and women he strives to break down the last barriers of discrimination between him and other peoples. The Jews were responsible for bringing negroes into the Rhineland, with the ultimate idea of bastardizing the white race which they hate and thus lowering its cultural and political level so that the Jew might dominate. For as long as a people remain racially pure and are conscious of the treasure of their blood, they can never be overcome by the Jew. Never in this world can the Jew become master of any people except a bastardized people"
Mein Kampf - Adolf Hilter
Bring on the concentration camps so long as I can keep muh white skin!
It's not necessarily about skin tone
It's about maintaining and preserving your ethnicity,culture and heritage
everything what your forebears had built is there for you and your ilk to defend and fight for so that your people can leave a mark on this world for another thousand years
If Its not necessarily about skin tone then why is any deviation away from your current skin tone inherently bad?
I'm talking about something that is relevant to mass immigration and multiculturalism not necessarily skin tone or kicking out minorities that are citizens
deviation of your nation, culture and people is always bad
Yeah okay.
straw man
Rest in peace bigman…
it is bad when it correlates with mass immigration and multiculturalism
If dubs I'll start a Nazi party in Australia.
How about cut the "is it bad when" bullcrap and don't immigrate Kebabs?
Anons point is that with mass race mixing/immigration comes with it the destruction of the cohesion of the races culture. It is no mistake that caucasians believe in christianity more than any other racial group.
Every group of people on the face of this earth has done something historically wrong and could have been punished for. And it is NOT a valid reason to want to destroy an entire culture. It is our history and our culture and you have no right to attempt to destroy it. I do wonder why for thousands of years most people were racist and we're strongly against race mixing and now all of a sudden it is bad? In these times to be someone who wants to live with their own race and their own culture you're a madman and a mass murderer for wanting this? Or does evil racists in your eyes only apply to white people? You're argument is made of straw and your reasoning is shit.
For thousands of years we didn't have a revolution of transportation that allowed us to go all the way around the earth within a day. With that ability races are going to mix its not a choice its an inevitability.
Hello commie.
Yeah, so what I blaze the vape?
If you can't handle it don't take it… My dick that is.
Am I wrong?
t. (((Globalist)))
More Hitler WebM
t. an advocate of native american ethnocide