Jesus Christ white people
Jesus Christ white people
someone post that video of the brazilian nigger breastfeeding a dog
A case could be made for the self-destruction of the white race based on this tweet, yes.
t. white person
yes goys we're all white
How does she keep the child still, and in her arms and masturbate at the same time though? Holding infants is pretty much a two handed job.
holy fuck how weak are you?
You can buy the video for $29.95!
She's not White you fucking nigtard.
One hand holds the head, the other holds the body and acts as a support. They wiggle around a lot.
Only way to hold kids like a champ
you're fucking weak as hell fam
It wouldn't hurt the kid. He wouldn't remember it. And if it kept her breastfeeding for longer, which is better for the kid, well, I guess it's a good thing.
Stick a vibrating egg and leave it there, lol?
She's not white, tho. Clearly a nigger or spic.
By American standards probably.
I think I have an idea on why you were dropped fam
based white people
She probably lays down with the babe
This, but unironically.
That's a nigger, you dumb fuck.
And I can't get a date
And I can't get a date
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