Is Tor trustworthy?
Is Tor trustworthy?
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who you asking for brah
I'm worried that they might hunt me down for visiting Antifa and anti-Trump websites
Well they are coming out strong with the SJW virtue-signalling to all their anarchy queer pals but at the same time, they are saying they can't do anything about dailystormer having an onion, as much as they hate all dailystormer stands for. I suppose the only worrying thing is, they make great pains to mention standing up for human rights blah blah and not free speech for even those we disagree with. Take that as you will.
pedos > nazis
Back to Holla Forums faggots.
neck yourself
Why not both?
As people have said, actual Tor code is probably in the area of 98% written by white males.
forgot Asians*, but you get the point
Free speech is one of the human rights they've been standing up for the whole time. It's kind of the entire point of the project. Maybe they didn't think they needed to spell it out.
Sage because shit thread.
Are you retarded?
that kid definitely gets fucked by her daddy, regularly
Yeah nah
Yes, free speech is so important and integral to their project they never even mentioned it, just some vague, flowerly, "human-rights" collective garbage. Almost like the opposite to "hate speech", another nebulous and undefined term that can be abused. Perhaps they couldn't muster the courage to defend "free speech" even for those they vehemently disagree with.
Also, you didn't sage properly.
Nice get. Tor as a project is untrustworthy. The whole point of it was to lull people into a false sense of security against state actors. Also that tweet just goes to show what the intent of tor is.
Tor the program is ok. Sure there might be a few backdoors that are not known but with proper sandboxing you are fine in that departement. But then you have to deal with all the compromised relay and exit nodes. Then the fact your intial traffic to the entry node is unencrypted without a special setup. If you use it correctly it allows access to things like daily stormer over what is essentially peer to peer. Don't except security however if you are targeted. If you do it wrong then don't expect privacy either.
From the link
Do they need to use smaller words for you?
Still a shit thread.
Name a back door in Tor.
There are relatively few exit nodes run by bad guys. And how exactly would you 'compromise' the central relay? The operator doesn't know the source or content of the traffic.
Tor traffic is encrypted all the way from your device to the exit node, by default. No one can read it, including your ISP, the entry node operator or the NSA.
You obviously have no idea how Tor works.
If you use it correctly it provides both enhanced security and enhanced privacy for legitimate purposes. Nothing is perfect, of course. But Tails and Tor worked extremely well for Snowden, didn't they?
pick 1
so you bareback the internet and be vulnerable to everyone in the world instead of just "state actors"
Like the EFF they are full of socjus people which is basically like having a good stool with a termite infestation: you sit on it, It does it's job for a while until it collapses on itself. I don't know what stage the infestation is but you can see holes on the wood everywhere
Groups like this will never dare to dox people merely for visiting websites. The entire populace would be united in burning corporations and government to the ground within the hour.
speaking of which:
We strongly support our colleagues at @torproject who are defending the human rights that racists oppose.
You mean it's developers ?
Community ?
Or the software ?
The developers are a bunch of sojucs and it's deteriorating since they outed appleblaum.
The community is basically us but with sojucs around the developers.
The software design has flaws but it's the biggest mesh network available.
The other network that could be THE solution if there was greater userbase would be gnunet.
I2P is better technologically.
Tor was invented to topple governments and societies a la Arab Spring and replace them with "American Freedom".
It's crypto-imperialism.
Pedos are ok to SJW now, didn't you hear? It's just another sexual orientation.
Daily reminder Jacob Applebaum is no longer a Tor developer because he said some things SJW don't agree with.
I2P is written in Java.
Tor has given talks to law enforcement / human trafficking groups about how to combat CP. A few years ago one of the lead developer literally gave dozens of private FBI / law enforcement talks.
It's never been safe if they've been directly working with law enforcement. One of the developers of Vidalia even went on to write malware for the FBI.
Java =/= javascript
Its been around for a long time, there are far less security concerns with I2P then Tor.
Tor's official stance is for law enforcement to use traditional police work to find criminals. The guy who helped the FBI unmask Tor users with a browser exploit was a former Tor developer.
Tl:DR: media, stop emailing us about the daily stormer moving to an onion, we can't do anything about it
C++ too.
There's less studies being done too.
On I2P or Tor?
I2P. Inspect it less, you'll find less cracks. But yes, I2P's basic design is more sound.
That wasn't a flaw in the Tor protocol but a flaw in the software surrounding Tor. Tor doesn't exist in a vacuum, you have to integrate Tor with other software. If that other software is not properly secure, your usage of Tor for anonymity is also (indirectly) broken.
Oh look, the project which Holla Forums claimed was overrun by the SJW menace has actually given the fairest response to the Daily Stormer controversy so far. Yes, there's a good amount of virtue-signalling, but they state the plain truth which the vast majority of so-called SJWs do not want to swallow: freedom of speech means nothing if not freedom of speech for all.
They are also somewhat right about 'defending human rights that racists oppose'. Do you think the internet under Holla Forums's control would be any better?
that doesn't mean much
Is this bait ?
First of all I2P is made in JAVA™(oracle).
I2P and gnunet have similar goals but the design of I2P is very bad and it has to be remade from scratch in another language than java/rust/python , just like Gnunet did a few years ago.
Is there any alternatives to Tor aside from I2P?
Lol does the daily stormer actually even oppose anyone's rights? They keep saying that everywhere but I have a sneaking suspicion they're just racists who like to circlejerk but don't actually wanna take away peoples rights. Either way all this phony virtue signalling is going to backfire hard at some point and I for one am not going to forget the people who opposed free speech in the name of """tolerance""" .
c is memory unsafe. you would be a retard if you do security software in c in the current year
What's your point? Both are commonly hated here for separate sets of reasons.
Implicitly, yes. I just took a look and this is their commentary on a zoo "exterminating race-mixed monkeys":
>Lesser, dumber creatures breeding non-stop and being content with life in any conditions, while smarter ones are being constantly brainwashed with (((overpopulation))), (((Snow guilt))), (((multiprimatism))) and other propaganda created by their (((greatest ally))).
They stop short of saying it explicitly, keeping a minimum level of plausible deniability, but it's not hard to read between the lines.
(I don't agree with them, but I do think they should be allowed to publish this)
Interestingly, their hidden service doesn't actually let you access their site, it just tells you their latest clearnet domain. That clearnet domain doesn't work in my Tor browser because of something called "Bitmitigate" that probably doesn't like it when there's no javascript. Disappointing.
Aren't rightwingers geniuses and everything? Why do the leftards have all of the advanced computer technology and security? I thought sjw's and jews were dumb?
Obviously this is a grand conspiracy, all of the right wing are honest upstanding members of society who would never inflate their CV
You are so gay, Holla Forums.
But TOR had be targeted in many ways, so avoid allow JavaScript if isn't necessary.
Oh well.
At least the lead developer of Tor didn't like being labeled a SJW/communist
I have family working for a major tech company. Xi/She/Him isn't even political but Xe/Her/He finds Xem/Her/Him self singled out when Xi/She/Him isn't enthusiastic about whatever the daily liberal struggle is. Would a Jew run around Germany claiming to be a Jew in the 1940's?
Jacob Appelbaum only has like 2 or 3 commits to Tor.
98% of people at Tor Project don't even write code for core Tor/mantain Tor Browser.
There have been attacks on Tor before - but remember, those are just the ones you were told about.
Obviously, it depends on who you're looking to protect yourself from. If someone's determined they will probably get you anyway.
pedos & nazis united against marxism and feminism
Lol. Great. If Tor is the great sjw/jewish conspiracy in your mind, don't use it. Or any other 'leftist' technology or security. Voluntarily excluding yourself from the world of advanced science and technology is a personal philosophical choice, I suppose. I admire your integrity. Btw, you can get tin cans and string at the hardware store.
nigga, what?
Get back to us when you master the advanced technology of reading comprehension, slugger.
How can you be a fascist and not know it?
Who are you quoting?
Its in mate.
The author clearly is.
How can you participate in a campaign of complete systematic disenfranchisement and ghettoization of an entire group of people for their beliefs and not step back and say, "you know, this looks a lot like what the Nazis did to the Jews"? The answer, of course, is why there is no Brotherhood of Evil Mutants: no one is the bad guy in their own head.
Jesus Fucking Christ is the person that opened that issue sane ? How do people get like this ?
Totally unhinged. Look at the long ass argument he got in to in the comments. Pages.
Imagine going through life that angry all the time? Some dumb website in the corner of nowhere tor competently triggers him.
I'd love to see how these thin-skinned whiners react to a real hidden site. Right wing bullshit is about as threatening as MLP compared to what Tor is already used for.
tor at the moment is safe I just feel like there doing this to prevent media backlash, I think there logic was "we get enough shit for cp/jb"
Read the responses from the tor heads on those tickets. They're basically copy pasted, saying that it goes against the purpose of the software itself, and it cannot and will not be implimented.
Whoever made that thing clearly has no idea how tor works. .onion advertising via relay?? What???
is ur my mums gay?
Hidden Services advertise through HSDir relays, and until next gen onions are out (next year), they can tell what hidden site is being requested.
Well I mean their position is pretty stupid then if they're trying to hint at some self righteous extermination of non members and "impure races" and shit but if we decide to censor them and say they aren't allowed to be hosted because of unpopular/offensive views then it may as well be applied to anything controversial or offensive and I think most people on this board would agree that's a bad idea.
It reminds me of the whole privacy by policy vs privacy by design argument with Tor itself. I feel like we need a free speech by design instead of this policy nonsense where it's revoked whenever the prime minster of opinions decides they want to remove speech they personally don't like.
What a fucking faggot. I'd love to sit down and have a face to face conversation with these absolute idiots and try to get them to explain their perfect world of retardation and then just verbally destroy it in front of them. I want to watch their stupid faces when their lack of understanding of reality comes to a head and they have nothing to say. "Violent speech" give me a fucking break
Allow Tor relays to be configured to block selected hidden services, including racist hate sites
All I see is
If you actually lurk Holla Forums you'll see a lot of people unironically wanting irl lolis so they can raise them from scratch and "keep them pure" after marrying them. Not creepy and morally questionable at all of course.
I think, the do it to conform to western normies and sandnigger/opressed authoritarian regime non-normies who use tor, and also to western politicians as /their_guys/ is order to continue receiving donations, government gibs and partisan support. This is why they employ jews as managers and women as pr team, solely to turn off attention, if Tor team only consisted of some german/slav programmers with penises and beards, they'd have hard time surviving in modern media world.
Sorry, alt-right guys are generally too stupid to do high-level technical work.
(((alt-right))) is CIA psyop invented for halfchan's pol to describe supporters of le based yellow businessman and his Israeli allies. It has nothing to do with actual racists, fascists and nationalists, as you actually imply them.
those people in that cartoon don't look very trustworthy
Ah dude, she did good asmr. Anyone remember her name? I remember she was russian I think.
found it, asmrbylisa
what the fuck am I reading here
Because the second there's something slightly useful they pile in to subvert and take it over.
Of course, I'm just pointing out that accusing the Daily Stormer of opposing freedom is fair.
Freedom of speech also includes the freedom to be against freedom of speech.
Love how child porn, human trafficking, drug trade and murder are all fine and dandy but the second someone says they don't like people from other ethnic groups we all have to crack down on them in every way possible.
lol is Tor Project supposed to write a blog every time a crime is committed through Tor? It was a huge news topic and Tor Project were getting hundreds of emails about Daily Stormer moving to an onion.
And Tor isn't cracking down or censoring Daily Stormer
Most at Tor Project just think the Stormer crowd is scum. Tor Project isn't controlling who uses their software.
I've seen a lot of disingenuous posts about Tor censoring Daily Stormer. They are either pretending to be stupid or have shit reading comprehension.
Either people don't understand the technicality of how Tor works or they are actively lying about how it works. Either way, there's a lot of people spreading FUD about it. There are even people in this thread who can't accurately describe what's happening.
people are trying to figure out what the meaning of the tweet is.
so much FUD here eww, seems like most people don't even know how Tor works and i doubt they know how other software works.
People suggesting i2p probably know that Tor and i2p are different and used for different things, you can't easly browse the clearnet with i2p.
Mind you that it's just stupid US politics with mass hysteria, these websites have existed for a long time without anyone caring about them.
There is no meaning of it, they have spoken against other uses of Tor multiple times.
But they can't stop it, even if they wanted that would wreck the reputation and most people would stop running relays which means the Tor network would die out which is a bad thing and they know that.
There is lots of FUD going around in the media and on the internet about Tor
By other uses i mean illegal activities.
But then again there is nothing they can do.
No, the Black Lives Matter and "What do we want? Dead cops!" stuff was perfectly ok and remained perfectly ok after the Dallas sniper attack killed a bunch of them and the dozens more after that barely get reported. This only happens to whites. It's part of the white genocide. If we fight back, they use it as an excuse. We have to go after the tech companies.
even if they could, tor relays would get letters non stop to blacklist literally every website listed
what do you think OP?
I think that the top jews don't really care about stopping CP. After all, they're the biggest clients.
Of course Tor isn't trustworthy. Didn't you notice they added "entry guards" a while back? Which (((they))) of course defend as a security feature, while it's basically a MitM attack.
I don't care what fancy statistics they pull out of their ass: if all my traffic always goes through the same first node, it means I'm being watched by that node, sorry I mean "guarded".
someone fill me in, is this BS?
That poor girl. This is child abuse...
This is what I think whenever I see a single mother.
Tor protects you as far as IP anonymity can protect you.
The Tor Browser Bundle helps using Tor for anonymous web browsing.
Please read
What about insecure exit nodes, unencrypted traffic?
Please read
Tor does not protect your unencrypted traffic.
But neither does your VPN, nor your ISP or the IXP
by itself? eh, it really depends. there are too many factors to consider.
in conjunction with other practices, however, it is an incredibly useful tool for IP anonymity.
I like how they acknowledge people with severe mental disabilities by including the internet explorer logo