How has this not been all over the front page?

How has this not been all over the front page?
Remember when they said bill clinton convinced trump to run? Holy fuck, they actually thought trump was just going to go out there, sap votes, and hand her the election, now hes gone fucking rogue and is exposing the clintons, the bushes, and soros.


Other urls found in this thread:

They didn't expect him to actually even get the nomination. He was just meant to divide the base of the party.

Dipshits never saw the God Emperor coming.

We wait till it gets better tomorrow… Be ready,

Wrong retard. During the race they put forth names they wanted liberal stations to shill for because they wanted to move the Republican party further right. This doesn't mean Trump is some shill, it means they thought he'd be easier to beat. Unfortunately for them they underestimated just how pissed off the nation currently is and their entire plan is going to backfire horribly.

That's exactly what the OP says though.

The email doesn't imply any sort of collusion between Trump and the Dems. It sounds like the DNC thought Trump would flame out and just create an embarrassment for the Republican Party. And while they were correct that he obliterated the old guard of neocohens there…from the ashes he managed to rebuild a new right-wing party that embraces nationalism, strong borders, and trade that benefits Americans over international interests.

The GOP is not yet the white nationalist party but we've shifted so dramatically to the right in the past year-and-a-half that who knows how radical we'll end up. The Democrats would have been wise pushing for Jeb! to be the nominee. Why the hell did they think they'd have more success against a real alpha male?

4d chess user. Make your enemy believe you are an easy target, make them waste millions of dollars on propaganda and all that backfired horrifically, while you are being right and based about literally everything, and appeal to all american citizens. Now no matter what your enemy says about you, nobody will believe them.

They wanted Trump benefit their campaign. But instead, their campaign benefited Trump.

this post is correct.
last year they expected trump to "flame out (said 40 news stations exact wording)"

No he said that before the race they encouraged Trump to enter and then he later went rogue.

Truly Kek is with us. Ever since the second debate, the gets have been better than ever.

Praise Him

Is pence Liquid Trump or Solid Trump?

I look forward to the great reveal that Trump will make on his inauguration. That would truly destroy the left to the point that they'd never recover

He doesn't know it's a damn show! He thinks it's a damn fight!

I'm hoping that he exposes something that would completely shake everyone's faith in Republicans and Democrats. Like both neocons and Obama funding terrorist groups. Just burn all of Washington to the ground.

Because the commited a fatal mistake, they bought their own propaganda.

They believed society6 was so completely retarded and politically correct they would stand no chance against such smart and talented people such as the left-wing intelligentsia.

As usual, they were proven to be just a bunch of incompetent, fraudulent and mean-spirited every single leftist ( Judeo-Ideologicaly-Minded)ends up being.

The productive and intellectualy capable mass of the population was locked in cicles of degrading work, societal alienation, demographic replacement and financial unsustainability. The conditions of living for high IQ people was made so bad they revolted against the stablished powers, on an intellectual level.

The tough forms of the left will be left in cinders and ashes before the turn of this century.

If you are from Holla Forums, CTR, DU, SA, etc, you should be very very afraid. The culmination of your stupidity is about to come back at you tenfold, for many, this will be the first time in their pampered and rich lives that they will be held accountable to their mnany moral and legal crimes.

And there is hell to pay.


No, they thought he'd be easy to beat. They thought they were convincing Bozo the Clown to run and they'd coast to an easy victory against a buffoon.




Dubs confirm.

Is funny to see this being the case since day-1, in relation to anything they tried to pull.


That leak doesn't mean collusion. It means they saw opportunity to divide the party by raising the "extreme" candidates up. It's a simple strategy.

This. Remember all the late night comics like Colbert who were saying the exact same thing? Even your average leftist on YouTube was leaving comments like that. Even shills on here were saying shit like that.

They thought Trump, Cruz, and Carson were too extreme so she wanted them instead of cucks who were essentially the same as her.

Barron is Solid Trump

Same thing happened with Putin. (((They))) convinced him to run. Then he back stabbed them and wrecked them.

And they didn't learn the first time?

(((Pure coincidence.)))

OP wasn't suggesting collusion.

dubs of truth

Trump is big boss while his sons are the 3 snakes.



He's the Colonel

are we sure he's not ocelot or miller?


There actually is such a thing as 4D chess!

Is that why Bill was tearing up at the debate? Because he realised he dug his own grave?

The oligarchs backed and funded Putin and how well did that go for them?

Don't these guys watch movies? Whenever you dump an easily-beaten dark horse into the mix, you always fucking lose!

If they wanted an easily beaten candidate they should have focused on Ted Cruz or even gotten Glenn Beck to run.

However they were right that Sleepy nigger or Cruz would be easy to beat.

Cruz would've been another Romney, but Carson I have to disagree with you on. Aside from being monotone and looking high as fuck, Carson has no dirt in his past, he's extremely intelligent, and he's black. He'd be using the ZOG racial tactics against the ZOG simply by existing.

Do remember how eager they were to get rid of Herman Cain as soon as he started polling better than King Nigger back in 2012. And how Carson, as soon as he started beating Trump in the polls, was cheated out of the race by El Rato.

Kaz is a traitor that led to Snake getting duped by Paz, Zadornov/Gálvez, and Cipher in the first place.
Unless Pence turns out to be a Judas, I'd say he has more in common with Ocelot.

Now here's the real question:
Who's the Boss?

Thanks to years of MSM disinformation I'm confused now - I know we, the west, created the oligarchs - did Putin take them down?

Can we just make this a comic book origin story yet? This and Trump's time machine would make for an EPIC fucking story

That is not four dimensional chess, even if timecube man says so. That's 3D chess on the surface of a cube.

And on top of that I genuinely think that Carson is a good person deep down. He's just a tad bit to autistic and moral to be effective in politics. He's highly intelligent but in a manner that works as a surgeon but not as a politician.

Overall a real and rare credit to his people.

We'll make our moves in the realms of dreams and memes!

Putin royally fucked up the oligarchs up hard he jailed the most powerful one and straight up poisoned another.

Truly Putin is a model for how to lead your country out of poverty and to give it the wealth it needs to become free.

This quote by James Goldsmith comes to mind.

The real question though is, who shall be our Augustus?

As Rothschilde begot Hitler, so Clinton begot Trump.


It's almost certain that at least one of his sons in a Holla Forumsack.

Americas Augustus might be one of us lads.

That redstate article and its comments are cringeworthy. They think Clinton viewing Trump as a weak opponent is "proof" that Trump is a Clinton agent. They seem to ignore the world of pain Hillary is in right now… if Trump was her agent he would go down without much of a fight.



Fuck you, virtue-signaller. James Goldsmith is a legend and you have no idea who he is in the first place.

didn't Eric post some OC family album here proving it was him?

You sound jewish… and I'm liking it!!

Because they thought the RNC would stop him. They tried awfully hard actually. It's kinda like the US funding isis because they think they'll be easier to beat than iran, iraq and syria in the long run.

Empty, virtue-signalling, halfchan-tier posts are cancer, and I'm done replying to you now.

Ok nerd

even "3D chess" isn't really 3D chess. true 3D chess would be an 8x8x8 cube (possibly requiring 128 pieces per player to fill the two 8x8 walls in front of them) expanding on this, 4D chess would be an 8x8x8x8 hypercube. since we don't actually have 4 spacial dimensions, this would probably have to be represented as 8 3D chess cubes.
how this would work is pretty intuitive, the king would be able to move in the 8 tiles adjacent to it on its z-level, any of the 9 tiles in the z-level directly above (centered on the king's current position or the same for the z level directly below [this gets you 26 places to go for any cube, 27 including the king's current position], or move to one of 7 other cubes in any of the 27 positions that correspond to the 27 in the cube he's leaving. so the king, assuming he's not against any walls, can move to 215 places other than its current position in any given turn.

Fuck, now I kinda want to play this. sounds like matches would either be absurdly short or absurdly long. Also note that this game would have 1024 pieces per player, though half of those would be pawns

This. This is why they keep screaming for him to drop out. They know that they cannot control the GE and that there is a real chance Hillary will lose.

We didn't create them, their families existed before communism and above communism. When they could no longer pull strings they came here while casting their eyes back to the east. When their influence fell out they forced the USSR to bankrupt so they could buy the country at cut rate prices and control both sides.

Nice quads

Also what's the deal with 4d chess? I mentioned it when I was talking about Legend of the Galactic Heroes on /a/ a couple of days ago and I got a 24 hour ban for

What makes this funny to me is that all the cuckservatives still try to stab Trump in the back and endorse Hillary after she wanted to promote Trump to fuck them over. Can they possibly be any more pathetic?

Nerd isn't an insult, it's a proud identity and lifestyle.

insofar as I remember it, the west was invited to come aid russia immediately after the collapse of the USSR. The USA sent in some of their (((top economists))) who proposed ridiculous schemes which, for example, gave every russian citizen shares in companies - allowing the oligarchs to swoop in with their own wealth and buy up the shares for a song, since the poor russian potato farmers just wanted to eat. This is what consolidated the oligarchs' power in Russia - thus, in my mind, the USA is largely responsible and probably did it intentionally to try and take control of Russia for good.

Only one of them isn't married to a Jew. Barron Trump confirmed for heir.

You are correct except for forgetting that the majority of these (((americans))) were originally from russia/poland/ukraine to begin with. Basically they fucked over those countries and made massive amounts of wealth then after leaving came back to do it again decades later.

goons, Holla Forums, and Holla Forums put a lot of effort into infiltrating the smaller boards and trying censor Holla Forums-tier values from being expressed. They conflate us with reddit as an attempt to slander and smear us as not true or pure anons.

Sweet dude! I never knew that. You are a fat nerd.

You're thinking of "geek." "Nerd" is still shat on at every opportunity.

You realize the Boss was a cuck whore that almost killed her own son and wanted open borders? That Major Zero and his little band of womyn plus nigger illuminai is basically George Soros.
Trump is Solidus Snake and we are XOF.
Pence is a reconstructed skullface. almost really fucking cool.

We won't get a third chance, guys.

Sons of Liberty, dipshit. XOF is just a group of faggots who wanted to remove English

Trump planned to run the night of the White House correspondence dinner when Obama and like 3 "comics" stood up there and made fun of him for 30 minutes in-front of everyone.

You should really watch that video.
I have no clue if Trump is a good guy and will follow through, but what I do know is he wants History to remember him fondly. That may be his prime motivator. He wants to be remembered like "Washington". He wants to be remembered as a Saviour.
Honestly, who the fuck cares as long as he fixes shit.

I think the credit card one is from h8chan


M8 that was a metaphor for killing loads of nogs with bioweapons.
Listen to that hour of tapes at the end of MGSV, XOF and Skullface are based as fuck.
We could be them too, I was just thinking how much like revolver ocelot pence behaves, like he's hiding a real fucked-up streak.

Pat Buchanan

So who does Redstate think would win? El Jebito?

Holy shit it's real. He actually used "amazing" in THE VERY NEXT TWEET after the Trump Train one, just like the user requested. What are the odds of that??? I checked the times and everything. I can post 100% proof if anyone is skeptical.

The emperor walks among us!

i'll second that thought. i remember reading a book on him when i was a kid. forgot who the hell he was till this election. he's waay to autistic for political office but he'd make for a good surgeon general maybe


god damnit people.

holy fuck, my dreams

pence is chico

Yes, the boss is an open borders whore, but big boss and ocelot are still based, both of them agree the boss was wrong, and both had better ideas for what should happen.

then who are the patriots?….who is ocelot?

which would make the boss…Hillary?

IS IT REAL Holla Forums

The first two are legit

know where those were posted?
here or half/pol/

Am i the only one who still laughs when you realize that after Jan 20, we will be late night shitposting with the President?

It makes total sense when you think abour it. What better place for a famous billionaire who loves to latenight shitpost than an anonymous imageboard.

first one is half/pol/
second one was here (I was in that thread as it happened)

He's still a whore for Israel.

You cucks really need to grow out of your obsession with retarded niggers who are right wing.

All shit.

The top echelon of the cuckservatives are in it for money and privileges, pure and simple. They don't really disagree with the prog-liberal machine on the trajectory of the country.
The rank and file are dilusional idiots who cling to their failed ideology like a bunch of Jonestown cultists.

That's your problem. That board is one big safespace. If it wasn't in the first place, it would had more posters.

This… and when obama shamed him on live tv and the entire media jumped on the xDD train.

Marco my words… if trump wins he will send hill to life in prison, murder bill secretely and hang obama like they did hussein

Think Soros and the rest of (((them))) at this point for the Patriots.

Decent thread. A couple of things that need to be said here, though.

The oligarchs and the billionaires that rule at the very top of the hierarchy operate under a system very similar to La Cosa Nostra concept of Omerta, and this is evident in the extensive blackmail rings that surround New York Billionaires, Hollywood execs, and financial giants. Their power structure consists of an intertangled web of obligations, secrets, and marriage alliances. Trump has been following the rules of this ruling caste his entire life. He married his daughter to another prominent family in the power structure, his financing has come from jewish sources, and he has employed or contracted people deep within the very network of international politics and finance that we are seeking to subvert.

They are not happy that he has turned coat, but there is a huge problem for them in this.

Trump is a made man.

The look you saw on Bill Clinton's face at this latest debate isn't just some old fart getting grumpy at watching his wife fuck up their legacy. He's shitting in his pants because the absolute madman lit a fire under their asses that can't possibly be put out. A "made man" has made certain sacrifices. He has made certain obligations, certain alliances. If the people involved in the Clinton gang, and higher than that even, deal with a former member of their cabal like Trump in the same manner they deal with any rowdy commoner who simply jumped up against his betters (Think Kennedy), their entire network of obligations, alliances, and blackmail collapses in on itself.

If they can't guarantee to their own people that the network can continue sustaining itself then they are absolutely fucked. Royally fucking butt-buggered. Any operative or partner in their scheme with a shred of loyalty to their system is watching what happens the next 30 days very, very intently.

This is why they are going all out on the lies. This is why they are going all out on the smears.
This is why they are using every shady tactic in the book to stop his eventual victory.

All because one thing: They are simply not allowed to blow his brains out. They would have done it already if they were. The moment they can't guarantee the safety of their own, they lose absolutely any loyalty or obligation owed to them by the hundreds of powerful men currently taking part in the game, like Trump once was.

4D chess is confusing.

The king wouldn't be able to move to 215 places. He'd be able to move to 26 places in his origin cube, as well as 27 positions in the adjacent 2 cubes. That makes 80 possible moves.

Queens are able to threaten up to 27 squares in 2D chess. In 3D chess, they can threaten an additional 58 squares (in this case, 31 up and 27 down). In 4D chess, they can threaten an additional 173 squares (in this case, 89 inwards, 84 outwards). This makes a total of 258 squares out of 4096 total squares, and this is only if it's in the most threatening position.

By contrast, the king is able to threaten 80 squares.

Pawns are a challenge. Since they're supposed to stay in their file unless attacking, this means they're only given one square to move to (2 to begin), and they threaten 26 squares.

Ocelot ends up going full MOUNT SNAKEMORE, GUNS OF THE PATRIOTS, YOU DUMB GOY in the end for some shit he didn't even believe in because of the memes passed on by non-figurative eugenics fodder with a second-grade understanding of genetics. He was pretty based up until Arsenal Gear though.
Patriots are Zero and his pals, in MGS4 it's revealed most of the cast of MGS3 were bad guys, and Big Boss fought for jack shit hence why he went on to make Outer Haven and Zanzibar Land, which was basically Rhodesia: whacky nip version.
As for political figures that could be Ocelot, I see a lot of him in Duerte. Always a fucking wild card and nobody truly knows where he stands. Flips think he's a gommie bastard, the rest of the world sees him as proto-hitler.

Important to note that he also hadn't really done anything too atrocious to gain his status from what it looks like right now. They're probably all kicking themselves for thinking he was just a blowhard who only wanted money and not trying to put him through the blackmail ringer.

I'm guessing there is a much more intricate security apparatus surrounding the Trumps and their affiliates than it seems. Assassination has traditionally been used on lower profile targets and using often deniable means on the more important ones. He's a smart man using his bombastic nature to cover for clever maneuvering.

Knights get 8 moves normally, plus an additional 16 moves in 3D, and in 4D they get an additional 24 moves if I understand correctly. This is a total of 48 moves, and they retain their unique ability to threaten queens.

Regularly, knights can move 2 squares in one dimension, then from there can fill the other 2 spaces adjacent. Since there are 2 dimensions, this results in 4 directions for 8 total squares. Adding a third dimension adds 2 moves to each of those 4 existing directions, as well as 2 directions with 4 moves each. Adding a 4th dimension adds 2 moves to each of those 6 directions as well as 2 new directions with 6 moves each.

because they don't want to embarrass themselves with the thought that they couldn't even beat the candidate they thought had the least chance.

he seems goofy as fuck too, a nice fit.

not sure about the rest though, I skipped mgs2 (probably dumb because it seems to be the most important for understanding the patriots), dont know what he was up to in that, but at the end of 4 after her gets un-possessed by liquid's arm, he goes on about how hes been playing 4D chess this whole time in order to fuck over the patriots, destroy governments, and recreate the wild west, where people learned to be self sufficient. I think with that revelation its hard to pin him down, you cant really say any of his previous appearances (save snake eater) were genuine, even puts his weird tonal shift in phantom pain into perspective.

I thought the *insert number*D chess thing was a meme, now I just want to play 4D chess.

Hillary is clearly the Zero to Don's Big Boss, trying to control information and all that, during the debate she compared herself to Abe Lincoln.
So the answer is obvious.


Tremendous post. Savvy big league. "Made man" indeed, and very upset with what he has witnessed in the last few decades.


Thanks for confirming, Mr. Trump.


Don't count your chickens before they hatch. You can't be naive enough to think the kikes don't have multiple contingencies. Trump himself may be one of them.


Did you forget that ocelot IS miller?


The god emperor has spoken!

this is as good as her calling niggers super predators or those that support trump deplorable.

Its real, he bought ads, shills and mods on here, used us as both a think tank, and an "astroturfed" group by controlling narratives.
Perfect way to get meme magic cults of personality going, and drive off the nay sayers who earlier had been pointing out all the sudden and shocking revelations going on now, when we were digging them up on Trump for being a Clinton friend and plant.
Thankfully the worst mods now seem to have been removed and you can actually post Trump tweets as OPs without copping ban.



They are completely and totally incompetent at everything except murder and intimidation. This is Castro all over again. Someone they can't intimidate, and will have a very, very hard time murdering.

If they were to manage it, every liberal in the country would be decorating a tree or a lamp post before year's end.

I honestly don't think Trump saw this coming. I remember one of his staffers jumping ship during the primaries claiming that he originally ran as a protest candidate. But now I think he sees himself as having an obligation to the American people at this point in the game.

I think its pretty obvious seeing how most of his earlier rallies were half full of mindless rambling about how great his business is. But now he's a lot more polished and primed with teleprompters and trusted advisers like Stephen Miller keeping him focused on the prize.


Aww shit he's already starting and it's barely past 9.


and now he is fully unchained…



Trump is running the GOP now, all those disloyal faggots who abandoned ship the day before the debate are kicking themselves now.

Just imagine the power he'll have as POTUS.

I think a big part of them leaving was for psychological pressure, hoping that Trump would crack at the debates. The release of the tape was also meant to hit his family hard, further damaging his emotional or mental state. Instead, they just made him mad.



I wonder how i should call him from now on? Venom Trump, Vic Trump or Trump Boss

Berry interesting post. I suspected a lot of that already, but it's always nice to hear it put into words by somebody who knows. Can you tell us anything useful about contingency plans? Obviously Trump will win the popular vote, but there's going to be fraud in every jurisdiction, and I for one won't accept a Hillary presidency period. Obviously the leftist are gearing up for something ugly just based on the escalation of their rhetoric alone.

Very good, friend. Very good.

Early voting is already sapping the key states Trump needs to vote with us. Its the reason we still have the sticky about the get out and vote initiative and a brief one where GOP stopped running the campaign on their dime and said campaign issue as its always been.
Fraud isn't needed when somebody doesn't bother to get people voting ala Sanders.
Next is the EC, they get to choose the president on their own accord, only 538 that matter, and no you can't force them as its a public vote. Already gone down that.

And what are you going to do if you can't tolerate Hillary?
Shoot her?
Try an uprising when most people are all about
Bullshit all of them.

The fundamental issue and part that has not been revealed is Trump's stance. He has talked, he has watched, he has acted, but he has not done anything to counter his decades of Clinton BFF stance.
Words mean nothing, action everything.

Gets better to when you consider if he doesn't turn over all financials since 1988 by the end of tomorrow in New York, he goes down for tax evasion.

Basic issue is the same as why he was naming Soros on Sunday. Entry level red pill, but now its touched and associated with Trump.
Same reason its been asked why don't he disavow us and scoop some Bernites. We'll vote for him anyways.
Its because at this point the grander scheme is still here, get ideas contaminated and destroyed.

Which is the real question, and one we can not answer due to being an echo chamber of our own, is their plan working, or was a fire fed?
And for that, field data and polling time. Get out, register people,a nd ask them from a question are, generic and not red pills on the spot, but find out where and how they stand on our issues.

Oho, yes, this is gonna be good.

I mean, it's not so much what I'm going to do to Hillary, it's what she's going to do to me. She hates - HATES - white men and will blame us when the kikes decide it's time to crash the market again so they can profit all the way to the bottom. I gave the middle finger to ACA. I've got guns. I'm exactly the class of people she's going to come for when everything starts going wrong under her watch, and the Real Crash is inevitable no matter who wins the election. It's just a question of how the government will respond. Hillary will relieve us of our gold, silver,band guns and round us up for the FEMA camps, I have zero doubt.


We love you guys, don't deport us.

And Trump's response?

Also, congressional responses?
Since that's the independent section that hates both candidates.

The way I understood it was they wanted a milder candidate like Jeb or Rubio to actually win the primary, but they wanted to raise support behind Trump and Cruz so that less republican voters would be enthusiastic about turning out for the general and cause a democrat win like what happened with Romney.

If Trump loses this election, he's fucked harder than any of us. They will never, ever forgive or forget this, they will ensure his family is tarnished for all time.

I think in some way Trump doesn't even want this job. He's going to get blamed for everything the kikes have spent the last 3 decades doing. But I think he's running because he's got a higher calling, and he genuinely wants to save us, to whatever extent possible, from the Terror that will be unleashed by the wicked Queen. America has been awfully good to him, and he's got a legacy to think of. Hell know even if the general population of mouth breathing dunces won't.

As to what he CAN do, using the bully pulpit to pin the blame to the actual people who did this to us might go a long way towards making people understand why their assets have plummeted by 95% and why they should be grateful for just enough bread and butter to get them through the week. How long the hard times have to last is going to depend on if the government does the right thing, or takes it out on the people they're supposed to serve.

If it is true that Bill Clinton convinced Trump to run, how are we so sure Bill is on Hillary's side? The guy looks terrified whenever he's around her. He could be voting for Trump for all we know.

He has specifically stated he intends to make sure those responsible are blamed.

It's interesting to note, he could have rolled out the hardcore attacks on the Clintons any time during the last year, but he spent an inordinate amount of time giving off the impression he just wouldn't go there. He made them believe there were some things he wouldn't touch because he 'got it', that he knew some things were off limits.

It has become abundantly clear there is nowhere he won't go, those controls he's allowed them to think they have over him are purely illusionary, and he actually has the balls to break them. The most phenomenal thing is that he's managed to keep a lid on it all this time, the sheer discipline involved in not spilling the beans all this time is outstanding. But once he's elected? Absolutely all bets are off, period. It's no wonder they're terrified.

Well, he'd better win, or we'll all burn. We might all burn anyway.

so, is this a thing yet or does someone have to invent it?


What's Habbening tomorrow?

At this point he can't lose, only have it stolen from him, if they dare spark a civil uprising the likes of which America has never seen. Probably why all the military stuff is getting shipped into Texas tbh.

Do you listen to yourself? Seriously?
Hillary Clinton is going to win the election, the only way she can lose is if the Russians steal it from her.

Some leaks.
I have my enthusiasm on the floor given how the last sets of stuff have been public knowledge and FOIA stuff of late.
Or fabrications ala Guccifer

People have sworn we would burn in Obama's first term, didn't happen, yet to happen in second.
No no, we won't burn, its just going to be the long slow slog to the hill and then just a sort of questioning where we could have stopped it before being thrown into the sea of death.
The issue is and always will be that as long as we are comfy nothing will happen.
Niggers have nothing to lose and much to gain, they revolt.
Shitlholistan is the same, much to win overthrowing General assistits,
Comfy jobs, hot food, good life, shitty bread and circuses, indoor plumbing with heated seats and bidets if you aren't a bug chaser…
Until those are gone there won't be a change.
Once they're gone its too late and we're stuck being like Kentucky and having to pick up the pieces.
Good time to rebuild, but overall I'd rather not have reached that point.

OK CTR. The fact is with a full time job I can barely afford any of the shit you just mentioned. If anything goes wrong for me in the next year, anything at all, down to an infected toenail or simple car trouble - I'm in the fucking street.


Yes, and that's the point. You're willing to do things because you are approaching nigger living.
The rest of a fairly decent chunk of the population? Not so much.
Real truth is people aren't discussing this. Its each person their own island of suffering.
Also that being a year on the brink is pretty common and has more to do with people living outside their financials than anything.

How much are you making pretax, then post essentials?

It's much more widespread than you think. Pretty much everyone here is on the brink in some way, because free JudenBux from the Fed have bid up the price of simple housing to astronomical sums. I ostensibly make a decent hourly wage, but even trailers in people's backyards are running $1000 a month here.

For 780 I get a townhouse and I'm only 40 minutes out of DC. Sure its not just you're living in some craphole not meant for your income?
Most of the time its what I find people doing, not getting price of living changes in an area and then wondering why the doghouse is now as much as the Palace of Versailles.
Again this is my point, people aren't talking. THe simplest answer could just be everybody moves to the "cheap" place and suddenly its not cheap, but people don't get it.

I am living in a craphole but it's a catch-22; I can't save enough money to get out. Who can afford to fly out twice for job interviews anywhere I'd rather be where the cost of living is reasonable? Worked out my finances very carefully today (my long-term relationship just ended) and I am fucking here until Comex collapses and my investments are actually worth something. If I can hold out that long.

MGS2 is most important for understanding what the Patriots became, the entire bit about a "consciousness forming layer by layer in the crucible of the white house" sums it up fairly nicely. MGS3 is most important for understanding their origins, they're a bunch of kikes playing both sides to achieve the same goal.
Snake Eater Ocelot is likely closest to how he really is. Liquid Ocelot's 4D chess shit was (imo) just him trying to reconcile for fucking over so many people because he fell for the wrong meme he was in panic ever since the microwave tunnel bit, even at the end of V he straight up says "Big Boss's sons are gonna try and kill each other one day and when it happens I'm gonna kill you, Kaz :^)" and sure enough it plays out just like that.

Thanks for correcting the record

Shill thread. Fuck off.

If you are unchained, can we expect you to post more on chans?

Hold up. So has he been playing the game for that fucking long, that he actually successfully tricked people here on Holla Forums of all places that he was friends with the Clintons, just in case something like this happened?


Forgot embed.

He's like a mafia don who's upset that the young bucks don't care about the mafia's obligation to enforce law and order in the community and they even want to start distributing drugs.

I definitely agree that Trump is a bit of a mafioso. But you know what? If the garbage trucks run on time and the streets stay well-knit and safe for women at night, I wouldn't give a fuck if there's a reasonable amount of palm greasing and the occasional well-earned knee capping behind the theater curtain.

Kirby for Department of Transportation

Going Galt and proselytising.
Should already be proselytising.
Should already have gone Galt, or have a plan to do so.

I don't think you understand the difficulty some people face. I've hired quite a few people who had good skills and knowledge, but they were just stuck waiting tables or working in retail. I hire them on, and they are phenomenal.

I ask these people, many who I've gotten to know online, "Why didn't anyone hire you? You know your shit, and you do a great job." They have no idea. They have gone through 30+ interviews, and nobody calls them back.

I know what the issue is. They are not stereotypical whites (as presented by MSM). When corporations hire white people, many are looking for ones that fit into a certain box. Regardless of how skilled they are, if they are not someone a female employee in HR will date, they are not highly sociable, and they aren't absolutely PC, then they are passed on.

Consider people who grow up out of the cities. It is very difficult for them to associate with liberal whites from the suburbs due to liberal white self-hate. When liberals talk about how a white author was racist, how they are environmentally conscious by not having kids, why firing people for their non-PC opinions is good, or they start talking about their girlfriend or wife's interracial kids, then they don't know how to handle it. They don't know how to signal back. As a result, they are not hired or are eventually terminated for being a poor culture fit.

You might say, "Well, they should just be liberal self-hating whites too!" That has an extremely high cost. Liberals, on average, have a birthrate of 0.9. They don't have kids. While that might be beneficial for the corporations and organizations working them like slaves, it is a failed doctrine due to the populations who follow it dying out in several generations. You are having them choose between being poor or their family line dying out.

Knowing your own skillset is probably my biggest problem. I've got a degree in philosophy, a very high IQ, but I'm so ADD interested in everything that I don't sit down and commit to learning some specific skill or trade. I can sure talk about the war in Syria and Turkstream until the people around me get faint with nausea though.

Are you me?

We're all one maaaan.


Fucking retarded shills, Trump's been planning this for 10-16 years, he also ran in 2012 and 2008, briefly.

Trump's been toying with the idea most likely since before the Oprah interview. At least what, 25-30 years at this point? That said, the entire thread is a good lesson on how much people continually underestimate Trump. There's a saying out there that it's usually geniuses who are constantly underestimated.

Funny thing is those were the strongest candidates that I would've given the best chance against Clinton, even prior to the election. Second Bush would've been in problems even if he had a strong character simply because he's Bush and republicans aren't over George W yet, nor independants and others. Rubio was too young and inexperienced although he would have a good shot at convincing independants. But he had a problem that he came over just like Clinton and the democrats imo.

All the others weren't that relevant the entire election cycle. Kasisch, Rand, Kristie. Those 3 had pretty big flaws that the others just exploited.

If you want to read into economics, you can find many older books online like in the following link:

An Inquiry into the Nature of Causes of the Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith is a good place to start. It might inform you on the nature of businesses. I also find reading postmortems helpful. Knowing what caused people to fail will help you avoid it yourself.

I personally like working with and running smaller businesses. That information has been enough for me to build a good approach to it. Of course, you will also need some books and information on what you need to run a business where you are.

I guess my worry about that is that the bubble is going to blow. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but once it does the business environment will be unrecognizable compared to what it is today. I know what people will need - bread, butter, and pot-in-pot refrigeration. Maybe I'm too pessimistic but I think the industrial infrastructure we currently rely on just can't stay fuelled. That's going to lead to a lot of normal people dying some very hard deaths.

Unless of course there was something to the 7 of 7 gets. Zero point energy, P.E.P.E., h, and all that….


How do people still not use the catalog? I haven't viewed a chan from page format in years. Why should it matter what's on the front page?


So you're saying if Trump gets assassinated, all of his friends will blow the whistle and bring the WHOLE establishment in on themselves?
He has some things that get switched on in case of death?


Well that's the bluff. THing is with this, anything major is so truly damaging, your death is garunteed, but anything less is on the order of Oh how-OMG Cortney broke up again!
THat's the issue with this scale of blackmail, the material must be destroyed, but that's really it.
Too much of the stuff is open secret like the fed reserve being private and not the US or aiding it, Kikes running the place, etc…
Its the same issue why antimocrobials are finally being pulled from hand soaps, all they did was breed super bugs.
The background level of red pill has inured people to many more catastrophic ideas, to the point they will happily agree, then go on without a care. But will be able to talk with you on it again.
Very infuriating manner of things.
Particuarly since the big stuff is molochian pedogate and the desert trilogy stuff. Really hard when people want to know and they find themselves in a fantasy technothriller with borderline mythos tendencies.
Makes me wish I had an MRI, training and couple Holla Forumsacks and normies to shove through and see if there is something actually different in thought or structure, or does it come down to which ever you hear first biases.
I already know my issue is being ADD and bipolar to the point my brain will short every so often, not quite seizure, just a sort of suddenly waking up from a moment ago. Painful because my eyes dilate so i end up partly blind most of the time for a few minutes.

And you sir don't get the point of a contrapositive nor the issue with people making assumptions in the middle of an admission of failure to motivate the voting population.

You know this how? Because, not only aren't you either a oligarch or billionaire, you don't know any!

Omerta huh? You know that all dago groups have been ratting for decades including father's and son's right?

Tell us about this blackmail? Let me guess, the two nobody, Jewish perverts? Yeah, we know that's all you have.

You don't understand power.

He married his daughter to… He's not a fucking Indian.

Citation please. Show us the tens of millions some group of his has received and spent.

Oh he's had other help from these cunts has he? Sure could have fooled us boy.

You mean in this imaginary world of yours that you fantasise about?

Wow you sure got a lot out of slick willy's face. Do you also throw chicken bones to devine these generic and thus, meaningless insights?

Dumbest shit you've said yet.

Stop being a faggot and just vote, Trump. You can be forgiven for your faggotry then.


That reminds me of Hitler when he was asked to spy on some nationalists. Serious meme magic here, the same things happen over and over again under different forms but inspired by the same stories.

Red pilling since 1933.

I'm pretty sure we can go deeper, that stuff seems to be like the stories of a man born from a virgin who goes on accomplishing great things. Christians, Indians(Dot Indian), ancient Egyptians, they all have that story.


Call him Mister President.


The minimum to play a comfortable game of 4D chess is 8 3+-foot transparent cubes with eight gridded layers each. It'd probably work best to color each layer differently, two white layers on top and bottom and then a rainbow of colors for all the other layers. To move a piece, you have to reach into the layer you're starting from, grab the piece, remove it from the cube, and then place it in its new location.

For the initial setup of pieces, I'd make the pawns' file in the 4th dimension, so pawns would proceed from the 2nd cube from you until they get to the 8th cube from you at which point they could be promoted. This means that the second cube's 512 positions are filled by pawns. The first cube would be arranged by shells, so the outside shell would have 320-ish rooks, then there would be 168-ish knights, then there'd be 64-ish bishops, then the 7 queens and the king.

Nobody's made a game out of it because of the piddling success of 3D chess. People have thought about it, but rules aren't established and might be a challenge to agree upon.


Kek is with us.

bump for Fr. Ted

but the Rothschilds survived.

So the Trump's surf on halfchan? or do they go to both of the chans(full and halfchan)?


Praise Kek!

Someone needs to get them over to fullchan


How about God Emperor of Mankind?

Gee. Guess I was being a useful idiot when I picked my mom up from work yesterday.


That card picture with the timestamp was posted here. I was in the thread, and the user was talking about a whole bunch of other stuff, what we could expect from the campaign, etc.

Were the ads plastered on the site for months not enough for you?

The Trump campaign has had a presence here since last August at least, and it's almost certain members of the family, if not Trump himself has been here.

However, taking a moment to speak to Bernstein, Cracked, HuffPo and others lurking here, there's no actual evidence of this. It's purely circumstantial. Enjoy the libel and looking like a raving conspiracy theorist if you run this story even though it's true.

Oh shit anybody have an archive? Or a screencap of that picture with the post number?

Based on what we've found out about the sniveling GOPe, they released those tapes.

We don't win, its total war!


fuck messed that one up

I highly doubt it's even that far. After all, Paul Begala says you guys never go home.

Checked and forgiven.

Did you ever consider not everyone on here other than you is CTR?
That was Melinda who wants bantz, an FBI agent who got sloppy and failed to log in over the weekend.
Naughty girl she is, she'll be having to entertain Huma.

But really, consider California and Manoceek if looking for cheap housing, commutes easy down 301 and you can take route 5 to Dulgrin. If looking for jobs UTC is hiring.

They are literally chained at their cubicles. They get a bowl of rice per day. Any defecation MUST be placed in that bowl. Once a week, the CTR employee with the best score is allowed to fap in front of the others.

Credit card one is shopped to a different date. The "1"s are the same and the "0" is pretty sloppy. Original is at the end of this video with date of 8/23/15 . And it is the same. Check and pen are in exactly the same spot, flash glare is the same.

Eric probably goes to cuckchan.

anons for a minute just imagine what it might feel like to be The God Emperor for a single day.

I'd take the family part and be happy honestly.

Say what you want about Herman Cain, but 9-9-9 is hands down the best tax rate in SimCity 2000.

those DIGITS brother. kek is strong this morning

think of it this way: people who don't understand 4D chess are the pawns in it


You sure? It looks real tome.

The biggest fear people have on Eric being hear is knowing that COINTELPRO is a method, not a unique thing. It sets off their kikedar and makes them have to evaluate carefully if they have been manipulated by someone they mistook for blameless friend.
Standard parts of it being that uncomfortable truth, like how at the end of DOTR and moving into the MOTR many will be purged for improper thoughts, shitty waifus, and a belief that Tavors are an okay bullpup despite being Israeli shitty clones with feed issues and accuracy when compared to a good Keltec.

You had me until…

Pick one and only one.

The word you're looking for is "hubris."

Whoshouldwe vote for?


I made some OC

So it's a guy named Trump, that's not proof of anything. I share the surname of a very rich family too, that doesn't mean I'm a close relative of them. My father (who is coincidentally from the same region of Germany as Trump's grandfather was) kept getting adverts for business jets in his mail. probably because they thought a guy with his name was rich.

I just like the looks and have an M&M. Sexy angles and the checkerboard gripping makes my dick produce AR18 lube…

Bipolarity does not cause seizures. I think you have a milder form of epilipsy.

It did, it came and went.

Barron has those high eastern euro cheekbones

Excellent post user.


That's the original one. Here's the one from the post I replied to, and the original you posted. Sounds like a guy was here LARPing as Eric.

Ave Imperator

"There is nothing in the arcane and blasphemous arsenal of the forces of Chaos that can compare to faith. With the power of faith, our weapons become shining instruments of deliverance that can cleave the mightiest daemon in twain. With the power of faith, our minds appear as slivers of pure agony to the daemon, driving into the wretched forms of those who would dare stand before us. With the power of faith, our words become commands that cause the daemon to cower and cringe in terror. I could meet my enemies unarmed without a shred of fear in my chest, for I know that the Emperor watches over me and guides my hand. So let them come. We shall show them what the power of faith can do."

~Ave Imperator~
Fucking hell, I forgot it was 2 that does the strike-through.

/a/ is a total waste of a board, this coming from a guy that actually watches and enjoys talking about anime. it's infected by the likes of goon twitter cunts or similar mentality



You're such big mess, and a dense faggot on top of that


M-Mr. Trump?


wew lad. why the fuck do you talk like this?

How's it going, Don?


They are both the same. A bunch of shit.

It's time Kek & his pals take over this dump.

Oh, wow, I just realized that her expression is magical - it's meant to be this look of smug disbelief, instructing her followers to think little of the promises Trump is making there, but, no, what it really is is this desperate, unfocused look of a deer caught in headlights.

my life for the emperor!
only if he gasses the kikes

That's exactly the same thing that happened with Putin. He was selected because they thought he could be controlled, but he ended up dominating them all.

What a fucking stupid image.
Go back that far and you'll find links between 90% of a continent.

Kek only loves those pure of heart with no ego. Anons abandon their ego by posting anonymously.

Hmm, this actually depresses me much more than I expected.

All it says to me is that Trump won't be able to be the man we need him to be, because he's got just as many entangling alliances to the system as Clinton, just to other parts of it. It also drives home that there's no recourse from a system so fucked, because to be protected from it you have to be of it and anyone not of it who earnestly wants to make a difference only ends up with a chunk of lead where their brain used to be.

This gives me hope. Fuck if I know how he pulled it off– those KGB connects must be invaluable– but Putin booted the Oligarchs and seems to be single-handedly staving off WW3 so I guess there is a chance.

mfw underestimated by globalist elites

Can't argue with those numbers.



Fascinating how they seem to be completely wrong all the time about everything they think about.