On every watchlist on earth thanks to pedocunts & people talking about levelling bridges

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op you forgot the hypothetical gas chamber in the basement.

This is why you never bareback an imageboard.

my ma used to say "one man's gas chamber is another man's rape dungeon" but then she was high on meth beating me with a pipe.

better be careful or they will catch you just like they caught all those terrorists they had on watchlists before they did their terrorism

It seems more likely that they'll arrest a white dude for sympathizing with the NSDAP and fapping to horseporn than arrest a dunecoon for simply expressing a desire to share his culture. That'd just be racist.

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I don't have any laughing reaction images so take this instead.

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It's not just me, right Holla Forumsros?

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The sad irony is you'd never know if not for our lives spent on image boards, but we live under a one world government.

I feel your pain.
Image boards are so ruined, it forces me to become a respectable member of society.

Here is an idea: US two party system is contributing to global trend of polarization into leftist and right wing groups and creating an illusion of only two choices that potentially both could be wrong and leading to trouble.

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No shit sherlock. There are people that are proud of "free" healthcare and some government regulations on the economy that are "rightwingers" in countries that are not ruled by a two party system. I always find it fucking hilarious people on /liberty/ and cuckservitives (in general) subscribe to such a false paradigm. It angers me to no end that people actually believe there's some vast difference between liberal economics and conservative ones. There is only economies that work and economies that do notwork. Anything else is superficial nonsense only someone with very few braincells could believe in. You want to know a very simple way of boosting the economy???
1. End the fed
2. Keep costs down and prices up
3. Get rid of shitty trade agreements
4. Do not allow foriegn influences to interfere in the economy of your country
5. Trade (between nation's) recources rather than currency.
See is this plan that really that hard?

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at this point it's pretty obvious both parties just want to stay in power. i'm so glad trump was elected, because he proved what we've all been suspecting for years. he's a total wackjob, but he figured out how to manipulate the media to get elected. the presidential election is a popularity contest, and the only thing that really matters to dems/reps is that they stay in power. republicunts are falling in line behind this retard, claiming he has 4d chess abilities, whereas democucks are desperately trying to concoct some reason to impeach him. the reality is that people didn't vote for him because they thought he was gonna do anything, it was because he represents a giant middle-finger from the american people to the powers that be. he is chaos, and we would rather have chaos than continue to prop up the rotting political machine.

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Please put a stop to such pure unadulterated filthy cutness, disgustingly-vile lovely youthful sweetness, along with degenerate displays of adorable joyful innocence! Children are friends, not penis food. Children are not "hot!"

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Are you saying bridges shouldn't be leveled?

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based 4chan

I'm saying it probably shouldn't be discussed on imageborts. otherwise, fuck bridges, and their retarded cousins the overpass