Are ladybugs and mantis's the best bugs? They hunt down and kill pests to protect your plants...

Are ladybugs and mantis's the best bugs? They hunt down and kill pests to protect your plants, pretty bro-tier if you ask me.

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Don't forget these buddies. Free honey and they help flowers to reproduce

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These ugly faggots too.

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Maybe if you garden in your spare time, for some reason, but pics related are the fucking best one's you'll ever get.

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Except bugs dont do any of that, having human in consideration

Are you sure about that?


Ladybugs stink they always find a way to get into my house and when you smoosh them or even pick them up they smell horrible and get the smell on everything they touch.

Why are they the best ones


Are you stupid

They are a popular pet because they have a harmless sting and don't use it to defend themselves.

I got a pic of an emperor scorpion because it was the biggest but if you want deadly get a indian red scorpion. Let it loose when a burglar comes and next thing you know he's spasing on the floor and you shoot him in the leg.

I know you are but who am I

Fuck that you edgy faggot at least ladybugs, mantises and bees are useful as fuck. Heck a bee isn't even aggressive.

Fucking idiot.

Useful sure but not good pets.

Give me a case of that ever happening. Drop it on him if that's the case.

Are you reading the asinine ideas you're suggesting?

Nothing against ladybugs or mantises but, if you forgive my plebeian tastes, I prefer hoverflies:

- THEY HOVER! and with a single pair of wings too!
- bee/wasp mimicry gives them beautiful bright colors
- the professional version of housefly
- cool alternative name: "Syrphid Fly"
- adults feed on nectar, never gonna disturb yo house
- larvae feed on aphids just like ladybugs do

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Centipedes are worstbug. Millipedes are bros and kawaii.

Milipede fags every time, like lolifags raiding ara threads.

Millipedes are the camembert of bugs. Sorry you can't appreciate them.

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I do.
But centipedes are better.


You faggots will argue over anything.

And you'll argue over us arguing you moron.

This is Holla Forums at its current best

No I won't.

If we were all reincarnated as bugs, I can tell which ones of you would be the bloodsucking parasites spreading the plague!

are you implying im jewish?

damn OP, are you me? probably 2 of the only bugs i like.


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made me laugh for some reason

Don't forget your God tier bro

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Sorry guys, but warrior beetles (pasimachus) are the best insects out there.

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*nom nom nom*

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*hungerous spawn of satan noises*

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pill cockroaches are the best, they breast feed their babies

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Honeybees are the best bugs, this is obvious.
They produce one of the most expensive sweeteners and our biosphere depends on their hard work.

Only stupid niggers are afraid of being stung by them, they'll just ignore you if you don't fuck with them.

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Ants are also very cool, even though they fight ladybugs. These gals have a serious work ethic and keep your soil fresh with and ventilated.

a cute

they are an invasive species, that are killing off other hard working pollinators, and the way they collect nectar hurts the plants

t. wasp shill

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she a cute tho

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you're gonna have to explain that one user

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I don't have anymore, sorry

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Cmon, wheres the serpent star love

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theres a lot more of her out there if you're willing to look

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