Why is Holla Forums so bad at samefagging?
Why is Holla Forums so bad at samefagging?
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false flag by Holla Forums to make Holla Forums look bad tbh
Because the only people who seriously consider communism are inferiors who cannot exist as anything other than dependents of the state.
Tbh I'm not surprised Holla Forums's first inclination is to accuse the other side of false flagging. Projection is the left's main method of attack.
probably not true
leftists online are very idiotic
facebook type people
They're clueless, layer of fat has melted away from vegetarian diet so their brains are deficient.
Just like Holla Forumsyps.
This is like the time trannypol spammed a bunch of pics of rednecks in that /cow/ thread.
Because the average I.Q of leftypol is around 85
Why is Holla Forums so bad at damage control?
Because Holla Forums is filled with american "leftists" and americans are retarded as fuck
yea how about you keep felating achmeds cock and going to jail for sending a meme text my man
it's as likely that this "inept leftypol" person is actually a Holla Forumstard pretending to be a retarded lefty as them being just an inept leftypol tard
they're all morons
Because they know nothing about imageboards, they only came here to shill their bullshit and they don't belong here.
I'm gonna be needing some proofs of that, Holla Forums.
t. OP
This. They are so dependent on other people if this were the animal kingdom, they would have been wiped out from the beginning. They are genetic trash and since the majority of them cannot or do not want to reproduce they must infect healthy hosts in order for their ideology to survive.
stallin was good rite
Is there anything Holla Forums isn't shit at? I guess their tranny BO can suck a mean dick, but that's all that comes to my mind.
I'm pretty sure even that was shit.
Well, he tried his best at any rate. If we can say one nice thing about Holla Forums it's that they try hard.
look at the inside of this anus
you're right, Holla Forums has never been caught falseflagging, samefagging, deliberately misinterpreting or misrepresenting facts, or just being misinformed or posting bullshit with no evidence or argument other than the (((parentheses))) they put on quotes of people who disagree with them
Not to anywhere near the level that Holla Forums has.
I still see no proofs that any post on Holla Forums that makes you look bad is a Holla Forums false flag.
lol this is a quality thread according to pic related
Against Holla Forums?
They don't need to, Holla Forums is hilariously retarded all on its own.
hello fellow Holla Forums users
man we sure hate those ((joooooos)]] right guys
anyways isn't josef stalin so cool you should worship him
p.s. i am a Holla Forums user thanks
No fucking wonder they say the site's dying, then.
Samefags have been caught with Holla Forums views and Holla Forums views. However:
Holla Forums views are more prevalent because a large portion of people on this site visit Holla Forums in addition to another main board, myself included. But despite the majority being affiliated with Holla Forums, Holla Forums samefagging is more prevalent than Holla Forums samefagging. I can only guess that happens because Holla Forums has no real organic support here, so they have to make it look like they do.