I rule Holla Forums Holla Forums.
I rule Holla Forums Holla Forums
It's true, he does.
A fine addition to my (slurps) collection.
You didn't really buy this, did you?
Why hate on Dysnomia? All he did was getting rid of pedos. I see nothing wrong with that. Best BO ever tbh
Please put a shaved shotgun in his hand, that pic is asking for it.
if only it worked
It worked, they are still posting garbage, but is removed immediatly.
On a board where "bans" don't ean shit, its hard to get anything accomplished
but they are still posting. The ideal move was BTFO all pedos for good
Please tell me how, a lot of pedo sites are police honeypots, but they just post them on "right wing" boards.
you could do what halfchan did. Ban VPN/proxies and all TOR posting. And permabans means permmanently, not 4 weeks
You missed the point entirely, police owned cp sites isnt a "conspiracy theory", even news show that from time to time and how they get pedos with that, the problem is that honey pots arent posted on lefty boards never.
I know they're not conspiracy theory, just look at the triforce. That shot screams "honeypot" tbh. And the reason they get posted on right-wing sites its because on average, the right-wingers are not very bright to distinguish honeypots, from the reaal deal
If your point is correct then things like free bleeding never happened, in the real world is exactly the opposite, officer, if you still have a bit of decency please go for the real rapists.
then why not simply copy and paste honeypot links from right wing boards to left wing boards whenever you see them?
Because i am not a pedophile.
Bullshit! He did no such thing. Look at the logs, pedoshit is still being deleted as much as it ever was, because Dysnomia is POWERLESS to stop anything from being posted, and he always was powerless to stop anything from being posted. All he can do is delete what gets posted, so for you to actually hold the belief that getting rid of pedos is even possible reflects an ignorance of how this site works.
As far as why we hate Dysnomia it is because even with pedos, this site was extremely enjoyable until he took over. He allowed it to degenerate into this shithole, he contributed to its turning into a shithole, and now he is doing everything he can to make sure it continues to decline until there is nobody left here but him and whichever ones of his mods that want to stay and kiss his ass by pretending to be anons in his fan club.
He ruined what was the best chan board ever.
If Holla Forums got more shitty than it was, it wasn't due to mods. It was the user base that went away. You said it yourself, Dysnomia is powerless here. He can only delete what gets posted. So why did you stopped posting?
yet you still come here to complain
9001 hours in ms paint
Anything can be technically dost nowadays, because as dysnomia said:
"I think it's (Holla Forums) quite balanced right now. Anons do what they want whatever they feel like it, and mods do as well" (03/11/18).
So, if mod feels like something is dost, it's dost.
you might be able to fool them, but not us.
literally the only guy that has anything against dysnomia
retarded autistic pedo spammer
Always the perfectionist. If only you put half the effort you did into a single harold edit as you do unJUSTing this board then we'd be all set
Holla Forums is mostly comprised of the anons with autism levels that were too severe for 4chan – that's right, congratulations, you faggots are basically the most autistic people on the internet.
You act like a bunch of self-entitled children who throw temper-tantrums when mommy says "no". And btw, it's LITERALLY a symptom of autism when you find repetitive behavior appealing (see: catalog, any given time of day)
There's a reason why you're some of the biggest fucking losers on the planet, and guess what, it's not because of "normies" – it's because you're petulant children who cannot relate to other people in an effective manner.
The more that I frequent this site, the more I sympathize with fascism and the less I sympathize with the callow notion of liberty that you imbeciles espouse.
That said, some of you are pretty cool
There really isn't much to be done with the software limitations.
Fucking great, the mods banned me again for absolutely no reason Now I have to wait another fucking 90 days before I can actually post something without proxying or being behind a vpn. This is so fucking retarded I hate all of the mods they're all a bunch of kikes that just ban when they feel like it holy shit. This is it, Holla Forums has now become a piece of trash run by dynomia's cucks because he can't even bother to mod himself and instead goes into his damn irc all day and pretends that he's getting a blowjob by some fillipino fake chink yellow shits when he's actually drinking out of sippy cups all day and jacking off to his bones constantly breaking.
Dysnomia is a faggot, and do are all of his fucking cucks. Go to hell hotpocket pieces of shit.
Now this is fresh pasta
Voiceover: "The sound of autism can be heard daily, right here on Holla Forums… and here is a prime example…"
Oy vey!
Some good truth user but remember you ended up here with us too. Your no different. No one comes across sites like this anymore unless you have been on the internet a long time or just have some kind of autism/problem in your life.
Is there anyway for Holla Forums to return to the way it used to be? Will that faggot Dysnomia's death bring in the new golden age of Holla Forums?
Even though how hit it is I still like this board but I know for a fact that he just keeps on fucking it to death and thats uncalled for.
Bruh, I need a borderline fat bitch in my life, just like that one.
MmmMmmmmm… poo poo
my god it's beautiful
fucking based Holla Forumsowner
Check 'em
Close, but no cigar
absolutely shitty shop.
that's not how dubs works faggot
I am now existing in a higher plan that the rest of you mere mortals.
Once this electrotheraphy finishes, and I'm allowd out of this "Correctional facility" for sex offenders, I will be back in earnest around here. When my appeal will be heard, has yet to have a date set. But there's no way i could have known that she was not the age she told me she was… I mean, how was I to know she was only seven? She had ID and everything!
The only offensive thing you have done sexually is to keep yourself in the gene pool.