Why aren't you using Holla Forums? It's a better Holla Forums than Holla Forums. The mods aren't fuckwits.
Why aren't you using Holla Forums? It's a better Holla Forums than Holla Forums. The mods aren't fuckwits
Because it has to be about tv or movies and both of those suck
Just add the word Kino to your post and you are good.
too many europeans tbh i bleed red white and blue
why cant americans meme? just rehashes of euro memes
To be honest you have to have a pretty high IQ to meme.
We have a meme as a president
ahhh the ol' Red White & Blue.. tears up internally. no not like goatse.
I love amerimutt threads, it always triggers the ignorant fatmericans
Amerimuttposting a a proud part of board culture on Holla Forums. Plus no matter how muh Holla Forumsyps cry they can't have things that trigger them banned, the mods are /ourguys/.
Just don't post the video of the board owner getting blown by a tranny. He still hasn't calmed down.
Spaghetti spaghetti never forgetti.
So Satan is reasonable for the meme. Weird I thought it was the Jews.
So the BO isn’t the tranny but the one who received the BJ
The tranny is Piggy the BO of Holla Forums.
But in the screenshot they’re talking about the board owner getting the BJ, not giving it
Zerosugar the jew recieving the blowjob is the board owner of Holla Forums. Piggy the board owner of Holla Forums talked him into getting a blowjob in exchange for mod privledges on Holla Forums. Zero never gave them and Piggy leaked the video. Zerosugar now loses his shit when it gets posted.
Ah, it’s a BO on BO BJ. Thanks
I am.
True. But to be fair, the mods here are only fuckwits because Dysnomia lets them be fuckwits.
Yeah, but if you can somehow connect what you are talking about to a movie/tv show the mods are pretty cool about it and will let it stay. Pretty much as long as you aren't there to shitpost they are good with it. There is always something good going on there, and there never is anything worth a shit here anymore, so you really aren't out anything. I'm liking it there more than I thought I would at first, and when I am in the mood to shitpost I just come here, drop a deuce, and then go back to Holla Forums.
The mods there shitpost constantly. They admit to it. They just don't use their mod powers to act like retards. Maisieposter, Blissfag, and Animefag are all some of the worst shitposters on the board.
Holla Forums hates television and movies. That is why it is the designated shitposting board.
Dysnigger gets banned on site on Holla Forums
Untrue. I post on Holla Forums all the time, with and without tripcode. I have never been banned once, and if I happen to be I have a literal limitless number of IP's to switch to.
imagine being obsessed with americans
and oh yea send alexa to the gas chamber
literally this
hahahhaha it's so much funnier after a year of it being spammed on every board
>Inb4 no proof
Everyone knows what cuckolds you faggots are