I know that we have a dig thread up, but this email is too insane to not have its own thread. Spread it far and wide. The best part is that our friend, HRod17, appears to have sent it to a fucking gmail account.
Make it one post, nigger. Don't split up your OP just so you can strategically keep your thread at the top.
Nicholas Rivera
Same Clinton shit, different day. We gotta keep digging until that witch croaks
Gabriel Phillips
there's nothing all that groundbreaking in here from what i can tell. if it said they were giving support to isis itself then that would be worth its own thread. animefag.
Sebastian Martin
Another good quote from this, its only gonna get better and better.
Cameron Bailey
Based. Have faith in your content, OP. Gaming the forum mechanics is plebbit tier behavior. If it's a solid thread, Holla Forums will respond to it.
Christian Clark
Too long, nigger, so I'm splitting by section.
Normalfags don't know this shit, and it's from the beast's keyboard.
Ian Diaz
6. In the end the situation in Iraq is merely the latest and most dangerous example of the regional restructuring that is taking place across North Africa, all the way to the Turkish border. These developments are important to the U.S. for reasons that often differ from country to country: energy and moral commitment to Iraq, energy issues in Libya, and strategic commitments in Jordan. At the same time, as Turkey moves toward a new, more serious Islamic reality, it will be important for them to realize that we are willing to take serious actions, which can be sustained to protect our national interests. This course of action offers the potential for success, as opposed to large scale, traditional military campaigns, that are too expensive and awkward to maintain over time.
9. (Note: It is important to keep in mind that as a result of this policy there probably will be concern in the Sunni regions of Iraq and the Central Government regarding the possible expansion of KRG controlled territory. With advisors in the Peshmerga command we can reassure the concerned parties that, in return for increase autonomy, the KRG will not exclude the Iraqi Government from participation in the management of the oil fields around Kirkuk, and the Mosel Dam hydroelectric facility. At the same time we will be able to work with the Peshmerga as they pursue ISIL into disputed areas of Eastern Syria, coordinating with FSA troops who can move against ISIL from the North. This will make certain Basher al Assad does not gain an advantage from these operations. Finally, as it now appears the U.S. is considering a plan to offer contractors as advisors to the Iraqi Ministry of Defense, we will be in a position to coordinate more effectively between the Peshmerga and the Iraqi Army.)
James Edwards
550% increase says no
Hudson Ward
Bitches have shit on Riko!
Aiden Cook
I'm not sure why 5 is skipped. Probably a typo since I don't see Assange redacting information released.
This is my favorite part. It's well known around here and speculated in the mainstream, but we have it here in plain text.
Noah Clark
I'll dance when they name the Jew. Even most normies believe this now.
Dylan Rivera
Jason Young
might be useful for some normies to see how shit really works
Luis Taylor
Here's an image so people can easily spread that part around the internet.