Two parents in Crawfordsville...


Wow, pedos and bestiality…two mental disorders all in one criminal pair





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So… when do they become BO's?

After the current one gets a heart attack from beating his tiny meat to all that CP I reported.

Be proud
You are doing /pl/'s work, my friend.
Re-elect Trump 2020

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old people should just stick to watching cp

why are white americans so goddamn ugly



I'm sure this is just a big misunderstanding. Certainly anyone, literally ANYONE with the biological means to procreate would make a fine parent.

this. our demographic is being didplaced and we need to encourage procreation amongst fellow whites, this is jewish propaganda to serve antinatalist philosophy in white women

Oooh! Big words! Ooohhh

Frazier’s wife is dog ugly. No wonder he resorts to sexing the kids. Somebody better check the dogs asshole wile they’re at it.

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Durr Durrteturitive

Not Mississippi? I bet you they moved from there.

Mississippi… Alabama… Georgia… Texas… same retards, different brush

Time is a flat disc. Dorthea lang, you, me, these beers I drank, from the perspective of a black hole everything would look flat, whoa man, like whooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaa, tell me about grandpa

The aryan race, ladies and gentlemen.


How old were the kids?

old enough



for/to what?

Probably 8ch users.

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Damn, those are some ugly-ass pedo parents.
Pedomoms should all be hot.

The difference is the hot ones don't make news stories because that would go against the narrative that all pedos are inhuman monsters.

I live 10 miles away from Crawfordsville Indiana. I don't know these degenerates or their dog but ewww.

Checks out. I'm not surprised that they were white people.

i'm from (((datamine))) faggot. round here we kill niggers like you, rather than talk trash on the interwebs

I wish they were my parents

I never knew mine


Pedo Parents for Jesus Inc (PPFC)

Hebrews 12:23-24

Can can call me Daddy…..

gross. at least the guy and his hapa daughter from 2 months back were decent looking. ugly people should be penalized further for their sex crimes.

I have missed that. Still have a link?

yea why is it so rare with whites?

Well, if you have the choice between a cute daughter and this landwhale, then what do you expect?

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