Thanks YIFY!!!
Why would you even waste your time watching this piece of crap, because it got a 90 plus on RT?
also appropriate tag because it is indeed SHIT
I'm gonna need to see some screencaps before i even think about hitting that DL button.
Why? It's good for 1 watch unless you plan on keeping it, in which case wait for the bluray rip.
Wow, this was awful.
The film, not the quality.
This is as terrible as cisbusters, and seeing how it also has impossibly high (((critics))) rating, the paid reviews business to support stronk and independent wommyn movies is irrefutable at this point.
batb had a much lower score and was legit 1000 times better
batb was as terrible and also had a high score, what the fuck are you talking about.
did anyone else shed a tear when the native american said he didn't pick sides then he picked sides?
That would require watching this
How many times do you think the Jews in Hollywood creamed themselves while watching this trash?
you mean how many children they raped while watching this
Just go look at (((Max Landis'))) video about it. Make Germans or Romans the le ebil villians and your film will get rave reviews.
scumbag, how do you live with stealing?
What, did Landis praise it for having Wonder Jewess kill not-Nazis?
Yes goy, we must give money to Hollywood.
batb had a 71 which is not high do you see all the shit getting in the 90s and it was the only fucking good disney film this century faggot
the movie utter is shit and you're a normie cancer, also it is 71 now, after all the not-shilled people started weighting in months later, it had 80+ score originally, you dumb nigger. Kill yourself.
David Cross is truly a great actor.
I shed a tear when the north african said that you don't always do what you want in life, for example he wanted to be an actor… but had not the correct skin color…
That he is.
Gal Wonder Jewess is /Ourgal/
North African are rapists, thieves, slave trafficking, liars, incompetents and always in the victimisation.
Cancerous race.
Intellectual property is theft, and pirating is merely the reclamation of that which was stolen.
I've just watched it, I think it was pretty good. Now I fear that Whedon is going to screw up DC kino movies with his shitty jokes.
Sorry, I've watched it at the kinoplex with my shed buddy.
ITT: butthurt virgins
Someone audit the revenue. I'm sure the Mossad is laundering money with this thing.
wow… really makes you think.
Every time I scroll by this image thumbnail I think it's him pulling his wife's shirt up like he's about to show off her tits.
The good news is : WW1 actually looks like WW1 and not that diversified EA shit vidya Battlefield1
Nothing for him to show, user.
European armies always look accurate in (((movies))) when they're the bad guys.
They only lack diversity when they're portrayed doing heroic things.
Which is why she has the lasso of truth ;)
Wait, nevermind, I'm a faggot; it's german dub.
That being said, if you wanted to, you could download the German dub and the Korean sub then overlay the KORSUB audio over the sub-free german video.
She's already married you twit.
However, I propose a compromise.
For a mere 6 million shekels a month, the family can send you a private sextape for you to watch, jack off and cry in the closet.