Why are eurocucks so eternally butthurt?

They constantly call Americans non-white, while their entire culture is being killed by their own nationality. Could this be what's causing their butthurt?

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I'd be mad too if a g*rman slut was ruining my country

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“Whiter than you muhammed”

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you're livid

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just wanna say fuck euros and their degenerate pedo ways

they deserve achmed


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shucks man.

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posting best mutt

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Yer willy is rubbish.

i want to fig brittany venti

They refuse to accept the truth.

Israel must be protected at all costs


eurocucks and 56% amerimutts are the SAME

their wives and daughters suck and fuck BBC and they do nothing

they want to watch it because of the soy theyv become

ucant call it nigger rape because the women want the nignog BBC

I'm of the mind that the whole Eurocuck, Ameritard 56% posting is an attempt to sow further animosity between the last remaining Caucasian males on Earth… but what do I know. We're all fucked.

Germans are really fucking nice and happy it's crazy idk how they stay so smiley all the time. They are so fucking passive it kinda hurts.

Because they're jealous tbh

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Hmm really gets my noggin joggin

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Good goyim…

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Hmm, some real points to consider here…

I'll have a think about how shit it is that 5% of the people in my country are muslim while I enjoy the benefits of free healthcare, a generous welfare system, read some of the many pieces of fine literature my country has produced, enjoy a culture that is literally thousands of years older than the US, walk to the shops and not see countless homeless people with missing limbs from when my country never went to war with Vietnam, and not worry about my children being shot at school, or killed by a rabid gang of black people or mexicans or whoever the US are blaming for everything nowadays…

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Surely nothing could go wrong with either of these, right?

Which is all about to be destroyed by your own cucked people.

Right, instead you get to see countless people with missing limbs from terrorist attacks. I guess that's better, huh?

I guess terrorist organizations are better?