What's preventing Africa from developing economically? What are the elements keeping many African countries in permanent squalor?
What's preventing Africa from developing economically...
Same conditions that keep millions of beggars on streets of India.
Too much pigment in Africans skin.
Lack of infrastructure, effects of colonialism, effects of brutal civil wars, religious extremism, oh yeah… AND CAPITALISM.
Lack of capital to expand economy, corruption lack of basic education and healthcare etc.
Rule from very small western educated elites
Corruption due to no infrastructure, lack of administrative institutions.
No common trade/currency and works to form an economic block so they can compete with the rest of the world.
Charity in many cases holds them back when it is only reaped by the corrupt rulers.
Inter tribal conflict still persisting due to lack of any real educating element an due to the unfair distribution of land ownership.
And lastly an extreme gap between rich and poor.
Most definitely the amount of melanin in their skin, but also their facial features. These things really do not help them develop economically.
Years of colonial communist rule of USSR, and lack of free market.
I think Africa, under different circumstance, couldve been disgustingly powerful. CGP Grey pointed out perfectly in his "Guns and Germs and Steel" video, that those nations with agriculture became more powerful in the early days of capitalism. Now we know Africa, whilst being agriculturally barren, to be ripe with natural resources and Nigeria is a perfect example. It was split into the Muslim north, and christian south by the Brits in the colonial days, turns out the Christians got the side with all the oil and as such, southern Nigeria is more profitable, thanks to porky. Southern Nigeria could help all of Nigeria if certain Oil companies didnt have theyre grubby hands involved, and if you ant to go further, if there where no British intervention, Nigeria would be beneficial to itself. Colonialism ruined Africa to the point where they need nationalism to retake their means of production.
And Chinese.
I 2009 the Unite Nations have sent best Holla Forums posters on the special expedition to Africa.
Expedition have taken 3 years. Total cost was 45 gazilions of zimbabwe dollars. Effect was the 300 page long report, that contributed Africas poverty to "niggers".
all this plus climate change is threatening African farms and the fact that most african nations are basically forced to pay off billions in debt to the west which outnumbers all of the aid they receive.
I would agree with most people here, and blame it on neo-imperialism.
IIRC, Gaddafi was killed (in part) because Libya's currency was beginning to unite African finance, economically threatening the French presence, who then whined for an invasion.
A carefully engineered system of international debt, subsidies, tariffs, and corruption which efficiently extracts surplus value from the workers and ensures it goes into the hands of capitalists rather than being reinvested into the economy.
You're giving trans-national organizations too much credit.
Wow. Seychelles is really socialist?
no, user is right. post-colonial nations are intentionally loaded up with debt by the IMF and World Bank.
nah, it would be nuked by now
Most debt is accrued due to a flooding of the African market with goods (mostly food) by Western countries, which destroys the internal economic balance, bargaining capacity of local traders and merchants and probably a whole host of other things I am forgetting.
A great example is the EU who dumps its surplus of agriculture goods for a very low price on the market out of the name of good will, but in reality they drive local farmers out of business as they can not compete with the quality and price of the European vegetables.
Tip of the ice berg, by the by. Another poster mentioned charity money ultimately falling in the hands of corrupt leaders and from what little I have read on the subject that is actually way worse, where this charity money directly causes political instability due to different groups compete over it.
Yes, from 1977 to 1996 a single-party socialist state, and since 1996 a multiparty socialist state where the socialists continue to be elected by a landslide.
You wouldn't believe how many coups the CIA has sponsored against the Seychelles government. They've all failed, though. They have trouble with island nations, apparently.
I should've known. It's just social democracy. You should fix that user.
Nevermind, I fixed it.
70 IQ? Sexual incontinence? Inability to effectively ape the colonial structures/institutions on which their populations were engorged?
im suprised this thread hasn't been bombarded with "niggers" as the answer
if it's socdem, then its still capitalist
Don't jinx it.
by tax evaders
somalia doesnt rank in most indexes because it doesnt have a functioning government
prob negroids fam
That's really dumb.
Grants, Garrison. You are dumb.
Melania looks really ugly in that drawing
Michelle was way hotter tho
Happened with Haiti too:
1000% this
when I was a wee young liberal back in 08, I wanted to fuck the shit out of Michelle
do you think the arab invasions of africa also neagtive affected things
what have i done
Michelle goes around telling the country how to function in terms of food and health, so if she's that swole she's probably in a position to criticize others
Systemic racism and white patriarchy.
I always thought it was due to the land not being fertile enough and the temperatures being too high to have good farming all over. Correct me if I am wrong. At least that is the case for northern Africa.
Only wrong thing here. Too much free market.
Nothing helps economic growth like massive outlays to your colonizers as "compensation" for all the infrastructure they so thoughtfully built in your country :^)
This is the truth.
Why? That's just so low.
Fuck, it's the guy who made "the Last son of the West".
Ha ha, holy shit.
Not to mention wierdly homophobic.
Basically this. Like that one pic said, Africa doesn't need the world as much as the world needs Africa: they got monkey-pawed by nature with a breadbasket of wealth that's mostly useless to an underdeveloped society, but vital to the developed world, assuming the Sierra Leoneans haven't mutated to digest uncut diamonds.
This is maintained culturally in the Western world through gross misconceptions about what Africa is like, portraying the continent as an arid plane of chocolate skeletons with bones in their noses. In reality it's more like bleak shantytowns where Nestle harvests raw resources through indentured servitude.
I've been to Africa myself and there are normal people in many count. Many of them educated and some rich enough to make a good living. But the thing is that there is extreme poverty and the poor countryside people are literally blocked by the very system from becoming richer. If you are not educated you cannot make enough money to pay for more goods than those you need to survive, if you are not rich you cannot get education. Simple as that. Agriculture is not in the culture of the people there and so poor countryside people are mostly gatherers.cultuside
Give examples or STFU.
Why don't they adopt it? It seems self-defeating not to? I promise I won't make a fugbook page about cultural appropriation.
This, tbh fam.
Because culture is not just rapid and instantaneous like that. What took us thousands of years to learn properly, they have to learn right away.
Also noone is teaching them how to.
This isn't true though. When I was at school we had something called religious education, now called religious, moral and philosophical studies. A large part of this was about inequality in between the first and third world. And the solutions were always the 'teach a man to fish type'. This was over a decade ago.
Anyhoo, pragmatically, how would this be for fix Africa. Ban cash cropping in parts of Africa with physical food scarcity and write off all Africa's debt?
As a farming-student I happen to know that one of their big issues is that they have basically no agricultural schools and thus most agriculture is entirely self-taught.
Which doesn't work that well. It just means you have to go through a lot of trouble to learn a lot of stuff the hard way.
So this can be the third part of my fix Africa plan. Let's do it.
I mean, I am going to focus mostly on Kurdistan for the next few decades.
But hey, maybe one day, right?
In addition to what people have said: Aren't most African countries, as a result of imperialism, entrenched in debt and more or less only produce cash crops to stave off ever increasing interest? With little to no leftovers for development?
It was written off before. I propose doing so again. All new loans granted should be spent under UN supervision solely with development in mind.
I have a sneaking suspicion Kurdistan will do alright on their own as long as the Turks are kept in check.
They do have a problem though, because they have no idea how to do organic farming which they'll need to do while not having access to industrial fertilizers.
This is where I can help.
I've got immense respect for you right now lad.
Ok. So Africa is further down the agenda as things stand. What steps should/can the west take then to help Africa in the mean time?
Former colonial powers, capitalism, lack of agricultural ability to feed the population needed for civilisation, lack of basic resources which leads to tribal wars.
How much of this traces back to overpopulation and how fix? It's all very well to sit here and say it's the west's fault. But unless you're proposing or at least considering solutions, it's kinda pointless.
None of it. Given some time and the opportunity and means to develop its own infrastructure, africa can host many times the relatively tiny population it has now.
Where do you think you are you dumb cunt? As we've seen with african nations before, when they are properly managed, they can grow and prosper amazingly.
You have no idea what overpopulation is. You also have a reactionary tendency to attack anything you see as being some kind of right wingism.
Ok so how do we do this again? Are there many potential revolutionary leaders waiting in the wings? If so, what's stopping them?
I also think we should fight Islamism in Africa on a semi-related note
Then give me your special snowflake definition of overpopulation
How does my pointing out that africa is far from over populated mean i am a reactionairy towards reactionaries? What does that even mean?
Yes, the same thats stopping us.
Religion is general should be deterred where possible.
No. Just no. Essentially it is too many people in a certain area for the resources to sustain.
Some leftists seem to assume that as soon as the word overpopulation is mentioned somebody is suggesting genocide. You match this description
Spell it out. Surely Africa is ripe for revolution.
overpopulation is not some absolute number, it's an amount relative to available resources. As it is, there is some level of overpopulation because of the lack of infrastructure. Developed properly, this same number of people would no longer be an overpopulation.
I was not doing this. Overpopulation definitely exists. However, it does not exist in africa. It currently has the resources to sustain more than it has, but lots of it is wasted on wars and such.
What's wrong with genocide?
And so the result is not enough resources, too for the people. ie too many people to sustain. Besides, there are real, physical scarcities of necessities in Africa that fit with even the strictest definition of overpopulation. And let's not get started on the impending population explosion. Without rapid development the overpopulation will be much more visible.
See above. Do you think it is possible for it to develop quickly enough?
Definitely. If the USSR have taught use one thing it is that you can turn a backwards shithole into an industrial superpower within 80 years. And we dont need africa to be a superpower to support those amounts of people.
We kinda do if the projections are accurate.
I kinda think socialist revolution could help Africa but it seems unlikely to the extreme. I don't see Africa uniting as well as the USSR behind a common goal. Killing Gaddafi was bad form. Clinton and the French and UK administrations should fucking hang.
Fuck off back to Holla Forums
Fuck you and fuck your awful politics and pseudo-science.