let's do this, I've got a couple to share
let's do this, I've got a couple to share
Where was this, OP?
I've made a couple videos. One of them I posted here but there's this one too.
nice try, yeb!
some of my most recent OC
I stopped in flagler college on my road trip to see hurricane damage, place is a mess.
Yebcucks are surrounded, their imminent defeat is memorialized here. Praise kek, brother.
some good oc right there
this made me lol
I've seen your stuff, good show
Thanks dude. I was crying laughing while editing it. My sister said it was retarded but I don't give a shit. I think it's funny as hell.
You're the user who made the sanic/Nice OC? Damn, that one got around.
I make it a rule of thumb to not show anyone but anons my OC, can't go wrong.
I usually do the same. Whenever I'm editing I keep my door locked but it just happened to be open, and she heard me laughing and started snooping.
I would feel the same shame about it as I would if someone saw me drawing furry scat porn
No way man, I take pride in my OC, especially if it's in the name of Trump and pisses off tumblrinas like my sister.
Pretty dank, though it's really an inside meme keked/10 nice work.
I've got a few images. Bonus points to anons who can recognize sources.
I'm a closet 88fashboi, my relatives think that I'm a social libertarian cuck
found a few more on this HD
best retro reference, too
pepecoin is dead, you could start KEKcoin
would mine
"Yaakov Grossman" telling him what a good goy he is hahaha how the fuck is that real?
Can Someone Webm this?
I got you bro
Were The Clash redpilled or globalist pawns?
Hard to say.
Oh. Fuck you OP, you sabotaged your own thread by being lazy.
no, the mods always kill these threads