1. Firstly because I'm not a fucking communist and markets are good.
2. Because if you're going to use a tariff to protect a given industry in your country it should be an industry that produces good jobs like high value-added manufacturing like maybe the auto industry that he had such a boner for on his campaign trail. Instead increasing tariffs on a metal makes everything with steel and aluminum products as an inputs becomes less competitive on a global market, hamstringing US manufacturing in order to prop up a sector with less desirable and skilled jobs.
3. Geopolitically it does nothing to spite the countries that he is (rightfully) worried about as a threat to the US. China's steel imports to the US are almost negligible and the countries that it hurts the most are countries the US should be becoming closer with.
4. If this really is a matter of national security (even though we already produce the vast majority of our own steel) the priority should be to preserve natural resource reserves for a time of need. Let other countries sell their resources to us to turn it into higher-value luxury products, it's a desirable position to be in.
Trump's tariff plan is the worst idea he's had
>>>Holla Forums
>>>Holla Forums
I agree, but the issue here is that Trump is helping his working class voters who work in aluminum/steel mills. That was the whole idea of his campaign, to help the struggling working class.
I think that's the perception but I don't even think he'll succeed at helping blue-collar workers as a whole. There are far more blue-collars jobs in manufacturing that need steel as an input that are going to be hurt by this than there are potential jobs in making steel.
Edgy Ed misposting aside, you are failing to recognize that this tariff is not being levied to protect an industry. It is being levied to increase economic leverage against Mexico and Canada.
Remember, we are looking to get out of NAFTA. By enacting this tariff that really doesn't apply much to China anyway, and exempts Mexico and Canada, thereby not accomplishing a whole lot as far as a tariff goes, what it does do is make the removal of those exemptions some very powerful negotiating leverage. It really has nothing to do with the metal industry whatsoever.
That's a good point. I had heard some people speculating about exemptions (especially for Canada) but didn't hear Trump or anyone from his team discuss it. Did I miss something?
It's true. But leftypol and pol are both hugboxes and the 3rd position boards that are for that kind of thing are either dead or very slow.
our exports get tariffed all the time though, it's bad when we return the favor?
dont care lol
I am just glad that america is self destructing finally. It took so many years but now it is finally in our reach to see the greatest bully nation in the history of planet motherfucking earth go down.
He was elect for one job and hes doing a fine job of it.
We don't get steel from china.
go back to sucking cock you open borders faggot
Holey shit are you butthert about this~
Congratulations! You've won gold in mental gymnastics. Now fuck off and tell Brock you need a new script.
its not just steel workers its also the hundreds of thusands of boiler makers and welders that maintain and build these plants. America first. only buy usa made products if you can.
We don't need STEM now that coal and steel are coming back. I can't wait to see the look on the dumbocrats faces when they have to work real jobs shoveling shit out in the blistering heat with their weak little programmer arms.
yes we do. we sell our scrap yard steel to them. they refine and recycle it and sell it back too us. they dont make their own steel in a litterl sence