Rick and Morty Season 3

Will it be kino, guys?

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If you look closely you can see that their eyes are hand drawn.

I'm really only looking forward to pickle rick fighting off rats in the sewer and what they can do with that premise.
I'm expecting it to be shit though.

Wait, pickle Rick was actually real? I thought it was a parody people made to make fun of the lulsorandum humour of the show.

it'll be trash but everyone will love it.

Nope there was a teaser of him in Comic-con, along with the judge skit.

It will be worse than the second season, which was worse than the first. Certainly it will remain over-rated mediocre dog shit that always almost reaches great heights but fails miserably every time. Forced random humor isn't great and will never be.

Sure hope it's better than the second season.


It's going to have a shit ton of "political and cultural commentary" that's going to be retarted. The show had it sprinkled throughout the other seasons, but this one will be unbearable.

i just hope they science the fuck outa drumpftsk

The only question is, which show will be the next to get the bazinga cycle?

*BUURRRRP* "God's not real Morty"
"L-life is pointless Morty, your *URP* parents are fucking idiots"
"W-wake up fucking sheeple, everybody is an idiot but me"
"mmmm get schwifty"


I can imagine it now.

that's what happens when Dan Harmon takes over writing duties.

Out of all the current animated sitcoms still running, I think Family Guy may be the last decent-ish one. All the rest are shit now.

…it's gonna be shit

it better feature more of everyone's favorite character


all (((you)))

Also he forced Roiland to hire more female writers because womyn are funny get over it and they'll get good goy points for it.

That would explain the part of the trailer where the girl shoots Immortan Joe.

Is this real or an edit?

He immediately hired the female SNL writer who wrote the Barron Trump shooter tweet after she got fired, dudes is a huge faggot. If it was just Roiland the show would be way better.

poor Sarah Chalke. are things really so bad for her that she has to do this crap?

Is that why Roiland always looks and sounds so depressed whenever he's seen these days?

Shit show Shit thread Shit OP Shit cucks.

Handful of friends worship this show so I gave it a shot. Stoner random forced humor with the occasional good episode. Garbo sloth tier

He got to create his own show and voice his own characters and write for it. It was his baby. He got overwhelmingly positive reception for it, it's his magnum opus. Then his dopey friend whom he created the show with decided he wants diversity more than integrity, and political messages that'll appeal to the CURRENT YEAR rather timeless well-written jokes. On top of all of that the execs at (((adult swim))) want this show to be nothing more than a cash cow. So he faces a scenario in which if the show keeps on being successful, he'll be chained down with contracts that force him to make another 3-6 seasons, or if the show bombs he's a failure at making a decent show. Either way, he can't walk out while he's on top. Right now he's deciding whether or not to suffer a few more years of watching his show get milked to death or just kill the show now and fuck up his chances of creating anything this close in scale.

with jews
you lose

Is he right?

what did he mean by this?

that whole thing about uncertainty principle was painful to listen to



>>>Holla Forums

Justin doesn't care, he's going VR development now with his Squanchtendo gaming company.

total ripoff of Back To The Future tbh

No sher, Shitlock…

That's disgusting. Nothing says pedo, more than hiding shocker moments inside of a seemingly innocent package.

the average redditor.

Goes on Holla Forums.

I wonder how much more feminist its gonna be since they added that writer. Also it looked fine until

Move over Mike Stoklasa, there's a new king of Holla Forums

That was terrible. I don't understand how people can accept being fat shits. The neck bead doesn't help.

Here is the original

The original is sexier.

Is that actually from the comic?

will this SHIT be kino? NO

I think American Dad is still better, Family Guy does surprise me when it happens to be on and they throw out something incredibly edgy.

Yeah, but American Dad has been kinda shit in the last episodes. It also had a bad case of female writers.

How did they manage to draw worse than the actual show? What is happening with their faces?

Is this official art or is it from some bad porn comic?

get out I'm piss.

Notice how the pupil's are hand drawn!

No, but this is!


It's just your eyes adjusting. You are probably used to pre-drawn pupils.

Goes on Holla Forums.

The series is cringe worthy.

It's like if reddit's atheism board was a TV show but worse.


this is disgusinting, my grandpa was gassed 6 times in awshutiz and then shot and then they made a lampshade out of his skin, this sickening caricature is an insutl to tohse who suffered under nazi occupation , it's literally like you took all those poor jews who died in the concentration camps and you gassed them all over again 6 milion times, this is horrible and should not be allowed to ari, i'm starting a petition to end this teriible antisemitic show and you goyim should stop watching this garbage, you should never forget what your fathers did to my people, YOU SHOULD NEVER FORGET EVEN FOR ONE SECOND OF YOUR FILTHY GENTILE LIVES

>>>Holla Forums

Notice how the pupil's are hand drawn!

sage for reddit.



Notice how the lines are hand drawn