Houthis get blamed. Last month they sunk a UAE auxiliary vessel of some kind, now they allegedly tried to hit a US Navy destroyer; media already spinning the Iran angle.
Houthis get blamed. Last month they sunk a UAE auxiliary vessel of some kind, now they allegedly tried to hit a US Navy destroyer; media already spinning the Iran angle.
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Another Gulf of Tonkin type of incident? Why would the Houthis target an American ship?
We need to protect our steadfast Saudi allies.
clearly because they're supporting ISIS and hate freedom and democracy
Because they are clearly a threat to freedom and democracy and the burger way of life
Because Americans are supplying the House of Saud.
Directly attack an American ship would change the dynamics from a proxy war to a direct conflict with the USA.
It doesn't make any sense.
10/10/16 hmm wut
Sometimes people just cant take it anymore. It is like when you see a shitskin/nigger keeps harassing your friends and family. One day you just snap.
AT LAST I finally look in the mirror.
Good, the us isnt immune to consequences and youve been fucking about there for over a decade.
DAK meme is seriously creeping me out
Russians are stationed in Yemen. Fucking spooky stuff here.
really? I wouldn't been surprised if they gave them equipment and if they had a couple of operatives for training Houthis, but I haven't heard or read about them being stationed
Their presence is "unofficial", but Russians are deployed there since august IIRC
hit me up with a link if you can famicom
I believe you but I want to check the details
These terrorists just messed with the wrong country!
Elaborate more on Yemen user.
Yemen has been on war since always.
Nothing could be more american then that pic
it's lacking guns
Babylonians kill Solomon's temple… The ark went to… Sheba… Aka Yemen.
Obama better go full fucking Praying Mantis on them.
Nothing like making a tank made out of mountain dew and pepsi 12 and 24 packs
Gee… who would have thought?
As penance, next storm you get you should go onto the roof after hours and break every skylight, starting with the electronics section
that's the murikan way
Saudi civil war when?
Goyim, I'm afraid something went terribly wrong.
The plan was for our operatives to successfully execute this attack and then blame the Houthis and Iran for it. An immediate military response would follow from the burgers and we would profit tremendously from the whole situation.
Well, there's always next time. G-d bless Israel and let us hope Greater Israel will soon become a reality.
because saudis are getting BTFO and need help
When the money runs out. They just raised a couple billion on Friday I think it was. Need oil to fall which it should but commodities are so fucking massively manipulated it makes the mafia jealous.
The f22 is complete shit against VHF radar which was already developed in the 60/70/80's
When people buy the drinks, wouldn't they be destroying the towers?
I have no doubt this is what occured.
If you wait to snap to be proactive then you're the problem.
multiple sources
VHF radar systems have wavelengths comparable to aircraft feature sizes and should exhibit scattering in the resonance region rather than the optical region, allowing most stealth aircraft to be detected. This has prompted Nizhny Novgorod Research Institute of Radio Engineering (NNIIRT) to develop VHF AESAs such as the NEBO SVU, which is capable of performing target acquisition for Surface-to-air missile batteries. Despite the advantages offered by VHF radar, their longer wavelengths result in poor resolution compared to comparably sized X band radar array. As a result, these systems must be very large before they can have the resolution for an engagement radar.
The Dutch company Thales Nederland, formerly known as Holland Signaal, developed a naval phased-array radar called SMART-L, which is operated at L Band and has counter-stealth. All ships of the Royal Dutch Navy's De Zeven Provinciën class carry, amongst others, the SMART-L radar.
Sparkies asshole.
VHF is no good for locking. The best it could be goos for is a Ifghter command sce ario, where you direct interceptors.
But for SAMs? For intrrceptors to fet a missile lock?
Completely fucking useless.
And why does that make the F-22 shit?
If there was any new technology developed that was useful we all know the country that it would go to. Any kind of military tech that has been developed over the past 15 years in American has been garbage and used to to intentionally drain more tax payer dollars.
holy shit I fucking hate germanfags, wish the bongs were still here >>Long Live Holla Forums!
because muh slavaboo
think of it as this:
most of the modern US military technology is not cost efficient at all, they keep pouring money into making weapons that are marginally better than those of the Russians or any other country. Even marginally better than the ones of the 'past' generation.
Sure, it's clear that they are better in some aspects to a MiG, but when put into money, it probably isn't worth the trillions of dollars that it does.
With the same money, you could have made other weapons that are much more cost efficient.
That is the main difference between the Russian and US military spending approach since the mid 2000's, while Russians try to squeeze as much value of the money they spend, trying to make cheap, reliable and cost efficient weapons (like their missiles), Americans try to flow as much money to stay in the top of technology when it comes to ships, aircraft, tanks, etc… and also to keep fueling their Industrial Military Complex. However, it's a diminishing returns kind of deal now.
Do houthis even know it was an american destroyer. I'm just saying it's a boat w/ guns in a warzone and rebels are not going to have ship silhouette recognition books.
Define "locking".
It doesn't. It just cancels out most part of its cost effectiveness given how much money were spent on platform that would have competitive conventional performance compared to 4th gen fighters while being virtually undetectable.
Schlomo, please. I know you are the kike constantly praising the IDF with "MUH PYTHON IV".
Area 51?
We know you do, Moishe.
Oh boy here we go
fuck this gay earth how the fuck did these stupid cunts take control
Tonkin as fuck. The Houthis are pushing Saudi Arabia's shit in, but the average American doesn't care enough to justify the government declaring war and going to help. They have to frame the Houthis as generic terrorists that want to kill America because they hate freedom or some shit. I don't know where Israel falls into it, but they have to have something to gain from this.
definitely going to at least be a regional war in the mid east soon probably a ww tbh
As I recall, the purpose of the F-22 was to defeat mainly airborne radar just long enough to let some missiles fly. The aircraft are never completely invisible to radar, they are just "stealthy" enough to make their ping look like something else, like ground clutter or some other, benign aircraft. Once they fire a missile, they're as stealthy as a tall building. It's expected that new advances in radar capabilities (something they are constantly trying to improve) will lessen the impact of stealth aircraft.
They're either doing it for attention, put up to it y their sponsors, or this whole thing was a false flag. The Houthis don't have any vested interests nor immediate threats at sea (that I know of).
pic 4 u
Everyone and his dog will be in on Iran, if that war goes down. That's why I made this thread; Houthis are tied with Iran, if not physically, then implicitly by our wonderful free and unbiased press.
First pic should be renamed Brexit.
its like amd vs intel, with the same result expect to pay 3 times the price for an intel
I spelled it out itt. Israel is looking for the ark, like Indiana Jones memovie.
Iran is shia, Houthis are some weird sect that somehow falls in line with shia islam; it's in the houthis' interests to align themselves with a more powerful regional ally, which is Iran. Iran is Israel's main enemy in the middle east; they've funnelled weapons and agents into Lebanon through Syria to arm and train Hezbollah, a Lebanese insurgent group. This is mainly why Assad got buttfucked, although the conclusion to that saga has not arrived. Switching, the Saudis (sunni), who were themselves buttfucked by Iran when the latter was allowed to play in the international oil market again, DO NOT WANT a bastion of shia islam in their backyard. If Iran decides to ramp up their support of the Houthis, this will be seen as threatening to two U.S. allies, Saudi Arabia and Israel, which could prompt some sort of American intervention. Both the kikes and the sand niggers desperately want to see Iran taken out of the play, so is it unreasonable to suggest that baiting America into a war with Iran is a thought that both these brothers semites have entertained?
Richard Spencer pls.
daily reminder that shia vs sunni is a race war
shia was changed by persians to make it more "noble"
only the smarter and lighter skinned arabs and persians follow shia and its sects. sunni is for the filth.
israel wants sunni to triumph because their dumb hordes are easier to control.
Could it be that on the 16th isis is going to launch their large offense in the EU? All the sleeper cells going active at the same time.
The D.A.K. meme could have been born to put the ABC`s on the wrong foot.
Ex-mercenary here. Where do i sign up ?
‘Limited self-defense strikes’: US military destroys 3 ‘radar sites’ in Yemen rt.com
Oh fuck
How are we meant to deal with this many happenings?
Everyone remember how the Egyptians sunk the USS Liberty? And how the USS Maddox was attacked by the Vietnamese. This seems very similar to that.
well that's damn interesting
Retaliation just happened.
America hasn't won a war in almost a hundred years except for the war against its white people. It's about time it won one, right? Lead the way, spanish-speaking blue states and possibly Utah. Lead the way.
I could fucking make a target acquisition and lock system that in close range would btfo any heat seeking/radar tracking system using a raspberry pi and open source software in a week. I mean they are sand niggers and all but its just not that hard.
you obviously know fuck all about the syrian civil war is you think Hezbollah is bashar al-assad enemy
NYT says same.
the kikes who actually did the attack in order to blame it on houthis certainly knew it was a US ship, yes. same way they knew the USS Liberty was a US ship, which they attacked for the exact same reasons.
Their motto is literally:
God is Great
Death to USA
Death to Israel
Curse the Jews
God is Great
You mad, Janunsz? Time to clean my toilet.
Seems like a nice people. They should take control of the shitskin states and be our good neighbors.
well four out of five ain't bad.
There were only four :^)
Great motto. Maybe the USA part could use work, but the rest is right on the shekels.
I've noticed that the Houthi rebels occupy what used to be the Yemeni Arab Republic, a Ba'athist state in the 20th century. Long story short, the Ba'athists are the only way a shitskin can be controlled. Also the official government of Yemen is supported by the Saudis and America so this puts them as the bad guy if you didn't know about the Houthi territory and what type of people they are judging the location of the YAR. On a semi-related note it reminds me of what the fuck the Biafran War was about, the Anglos, Soviets, and Saudis all supported Nigeria with Rhodesia, Portugal, and other good guys supporting Biafra.