How to seize the means of reproduction? Any marxist advices on dialectics of romance?
How to seize the means of reproduction?
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Chloroform and duct tape. The revolution is not a garden party.
Reproduction is something you can seize Op, because women arent structually oppressing you with their wombs.
Thats my problem. I want to find a very special woman that is willing to oppress me as she pleases.
My gf is a ~very~ moderately socdem qt, but a porky through and through.
How 2 unspook her?
Well if you found that women, and then became disillusioned with love to the point that you wanted radical change, the revolution following would be stripping the woman of her reproductive rights, no matter how oppressive she is. As funny as this thread is op, i have a duty to make sure some dipshit doesn't believe it
Spent some time together. Take her pretty ass to a nice dinner, and don't worry about politics in your relationship.
Revolution in leftist sense is always about equality.
Revolutionize your relationship everyday.
True, you shouldn't try to seize those means of reproduction, you should be gifted them by their owner for your hard work as a relationship worker.
Romantic love is expansion of capitalism.
Embrace the revolution and celibacy.
Love existed before currency, so surely saying its an expansion of capitalism is wrong.
What's the fun in that? So just don't talk about a subject I'm really really interested in with my SO? That sounds unfufilling.
Thats even better. Whats the fun in agreeing with someone?
Love is a spook
It’s just that I get pretty triggered when my socdem qt gf starts spooking on about how “capitalism rewards hard work” and “socialism doesn’t work look at Russia :DDDDDDDDDDD”
This thread is cringey as fuck and op is autismo
You talking about getting interest from girls? If so do the following and you'll be talking to more girls.
1: Clean up. Get fit, get good looking clothes, wear your hair in a way that flatters your looks. You've got flaws(I'm 5'8.5" and got small hands) and will be rejected because of them, but there's plenty of girls willing to overlook them. Just look as good as you can and take it from there.
2: Work on your game. Don't listen to PUA fags unless you want a stream of low self-esteem fucks while you slowly die inside from living a lie. Learn how to hold a conversation and be genuine, the girl may not be into leftism or funk or Tarantino films but if you're able to talk about them passionately(and listen to her shit with interest) you'll get a lot further than if you spin some fake ass game she's seen many times before.
3. Throw out your standards. I don't mean fuck ugly girls, I mean don't chase the ideal you've built in your head to the point you miss the beauty around you. Don't expect irl girls to look like actresses or porn stars because that is a fantasy through the lens of extremely well done makeup and flattering camera angles.
That revolution, like all successful revolutions, will be enabled by the automation of the means of production.
100% this. All you guys do is complain >TFW when no qt commie gf, and post outrageously attractive Kurdish women. Its pretty fucking annoying. You all fall into the same deadlock as the r9k autists
I don't do that those things. I just wallow in my loneliness silently.
I rejected the hug. I never said I wasn't content to wallow.
Are you the same socialist guy in the last thread with social anxiety? I'm the one you called "kindly femanon". Thanks for reminding me of that song. It was one of my old guilty pleasures.
Yes this. This is very good advice. (am grill btw. I think you must also be one? It seems like I never read the "lower your standards" advice from men, even though it's a crucial one.)
I'm thinking about what I could add to help you guys out too… I dunno, I guess I can sympathize with y'all, sucks when the majority of your interests are centered around stuff that revolves around being antisocial with other dudes. That's the main thing lol.
All the guys I ever went really crazy for had easygoing, humble, funny personalities. They probably got that way from getting used to hanging out and socializing with a bunch of other different people. Just go out. Fucking do stuff. It will make you more interesting, and you won't be so goddamn terrified to talk to a g-g-g-girl.
In fact, here's a list of places I'd go in the city where nerdy young men and women congregated regularly:
-board game nights
-specialty nights in game stores for stuff like Nintendo DS
-craft fairs
-gaming/anime cons
-beer/wine tasting
-charity work
-trivia nights
Basically anything that facilitates social interaction and young ladies would not mind, and perhaps even expect, being approached by potential suitors.
I have a completely unpoliticized gf, you can still talk about politics you just have to learn to talk about it in a way that isn't boring and/or confusing to normies. Gradually, she'll be won over.
Also, until you recognise women as species-beings just like men, you will never realise your own essence as species-being, says Marx.
No idea what you're talking about
Nope, I've got a gf though.
Dropping your standards I actually heard from a guy, really good friend of mine who helped me get sober and has an amazing wife. Sexual attraction is necessary for a healthy relationship, but expecting a irl to match the advantage of really good makeup and flattering angles is living in fantasy. Accept what girls really look like, look at normal pictures of models or pornstars if you need to, and you'll start noticing that a lot of girls look really good. You should also give taller girls or girls outside your race(probably not a problem here tbh) or whatever you were spooked by before a chance, because those are shit reasons to deny yourself potential sex, companionship, or love.
Granted I benefitted from my gf dropping her standards. I'm the first white guy she's been with and it was kind of weird for her getting used to me not being able to talk to her in spanish and some other things, but in a few months everything clicked and she's told me this is the most comfortable she's ever been in a relationship. Perhaps that's just her flattering me, but I'm glad she gave me a chance and didn't let muh ethnicity get in the way.
This. Please stop making these threads. You fucking autists need to stop caring so much about being validated by other people on a romantic level; once you accomplish that, you've officially achieved alpha status and won't be able to keep the girls away.
But you won't give a fuck, so you'll never get laid anyways. It's the perfect situation.
Or sexual. whatever you're into
Unlike everyone else I have the authority :^) to make claims on such matters.
Disregard women, acquire cuteboys
This tbh
I feel the will to go on deminishing with every passing moment in this angstscape.
Men have already seized the means of reproduction…
You must give it up to get it!
Did I hear someone say "cute boys?"
Because I think I just heard someone say "cute boys!"
Just remember that male feminists don't reproduce.
Same problem here.
Romantic love is a relatively recent invention though.
Also, I've sort of surrendered myself to solitude, and I've found that it's easier that way than holding any false hope.
Is there anything more cringey then women telling men to lower their standards?
Hey, since this thread evolved into group therapy anyway, what do I do if I'm unable to make a girl understand that I'm attracted to her?
I'm actually an easy going guy, when I'm in a good mood I make good conversation, I find it easier to make friends with girls than with boys. But all the girls I meet must think I'm gay or not interested in some way because it never crossed their minds that I was actually flirting (i verified this multiple times via friends). I can't think of a good way to make girls understand tha tthere is sexual interest that isn't "EY GURL WAN SUM FUK?" Any advice appreciated.
whip out your cock and spin it
she will understand
We are sages. Nothing wrong with that.
lick her pussy i think she'll get the message then
Two of those are me and I'm a guy. Girls need to lower their standards too. If a girl who "requires" a six feet or taller guy cries about being alone she has no one but herself to blame because the dumb bitch wrote off 80-90% of men.
You could try telling her. I understand it could be awkward, but I've done it with a decent success rate. Take into account her body language as well, there's no universal guide to what a girl does when she's interested but if you think she is go for it. Just make sure to drop it if she's made it clear she isn't interested, I understand the whole hard to get thing but you'll come off as…weird if you push it too hard.
Be bold. Ask her out for coffee. Name a specific time and a specific place right off the bat. Ask if she's seeing anyone on the coffee date, and if not ask her out to bowling or a concert or something. Easy.
I hope so