>Rey is a mary sue XD

She's not.

Not even a Mary Sue, can't believe world building by J. J. Abrams is too incomprehensible for you meme drones

Other urls found in this thread:


She's a Mary Sue from a shitty movie. No one cares. Kill yourself.

Literally no flaws. Textbook Mary Sue.

Alright, so what are her flaws?

Go back to Tumblr, RLM drone.

She's a woman. It's unbelievable if she's capable of doing anything other than complain about things that men do.

writting in a handwave to explain away why your character is a Mary Sue doesn't make her not a Mary Sue. If she's more naturally gifted in the force than Luke, it's because they wrote it that way so she could be a Mary Sue. If she got tough living a hard life, it's because they wrote it that way so she could be a Mary Sue.

All the shit was a contrivance to justify her defeating Kylo Ren, which is was a disaster for several reasons:

1) There's no tension for their next meeting. Kylo Ren is not dangerous or intimidating. If she loses, people will say her training was shit. If she wins, it's cinematically meaningless.

2) Rey already completed Luke's arc: she confronted the dark apprentice and the dark side and spared his life. What can Luke teach her?

3) It won't matter how often we are 'told' Kylo Ren could beat her but for (list of excuses). We were 'shown' him losing. Showing > telling.

4) If Kylo Ren could beat her so easily, why not have him win? Because the whole point was grrrrl power. How can she be a great feminist badass if she beat up a critically wounded man? The fedora tippers want it both ways.

She is though. The term originated from the world of Star Trek fanfics.
She probably won't die but she hits all the same notes. She's the bestest pilot, force user, fighter, etc. It seems like the OT crew cares about nothing else than Rey. Everyone else is a bumbling retard and she saves the day pretty much all by herself. TFA just a very expensive Star WARS fanfiction and it is actually really noticeable in a lot of ways. The plot reuse because the author isn't capable of creativity and had to recycle from what their fanfiction is based on. The Mary Sue author insert (Kathleen Kennedy). It's all there.

not really, she would have killed him if the world literally hadn't of stopped her…

And finally I don't think it really matters if you try to justify your Mary Sue with plot or not. If your Edgelord van Coolguy was raised by teleporting shadow ninjas in fedoras and that explains why he can teleport behind you and whisper "nothing personel, kid" in your ear before unsheating his katana and killing you in one hit then so what? It's still the same character. Doesn't matter if you go all deep lore and shit.

A good example that she's a Mary Sue:

Nope. The novelization (which is canon at the same level as the movie) explicitly states she spared him and resisted the dark side.

This. Just because "durr it's explained by her backstory!" doesn't mean shit, for one thing. If a character, male or female (but obviously it's going to be a female 99% of the time), has too many skills and is too competent, it doesn't matter if you spent a whole 2-hour film explaining and setting up all of these skills. It's generally good for all characters to have some level of specialization, because it makes their skills and strengths stand out more, and seem more unique to them. If you make a character good at every single fucking thing they do, then any skills that would have been plausible just become part of their huge, nebulous set of skills, and it makes all of their competence seem watered-down and unbelievable. Not only does it make the other characters in the cast seem overshadowed by this overly-competent character, but the character's own skills that are plausible become overshadowed and less unique/noticeable when they have a billion other things they can do, thus they have no unique specialty. For example, I'd be perfectly fine with Rey being a good mechanic, if that was actually her main thing and she actually used it in clever ways, rather than it just being yet another random skill she can pull out of her ass whenever it's convenient to the plot. I don't think of Rey as "a mechanic" because she also is a naturally gifted force user (despite having barely any knowledge of it. It took Luke two whole movies before he could pull his lightsaber to his hand from a few fucking feet away), a naturally gifted pilot (despite never having piloted anything besides the equivalent of a scooter before), a naturally gifted lightsaber user (despite never having wielded one before), a naturally gifted shooter (despite never having used a blaster before), etc.

But for another thing, the "explanations" for the numerous things she's overly-competent at, aren't even sensible or good explanations, when there even is an explanation. I think that the fact that she's a crack-shot the first time she uses a blaster is probably the most egregious example (particularly because the moronic actress had her right-eye closed while aiming the gun with her right hand. You're not even supposed to close one eye at all while shooting). And of course the OP left that example out, because there's no way you could justify that beyond "she good at da force!" (which, if you think about it, could be the only handwave you'd need to justify her being good at everything, because apparently the force just makes you good at everything)

I unironically think that this sounds cool

If she really lived in the desert why isn't she Tanner?

Anikin was, arguably, good at everything too, but that was balanced out by his personal flaws and the fact he did fall to the Dark Side in the end. Then again, his whole character was about being the Chosen One.

Lucas handled it poorly but at least Anikin had flaws, deep ones that led to him fucking up on several occasions, and even losing a limb because of it.


Yeah, particularly having Anikin be a self-taught droid mechanic was going way too far, in my opinion. Was there any reason to think that Darth Vader had any skill at working on droids before? And that's entirely putting aside how retarded it is that Darth Vader originally created C-3PO.
And, yeah, Anikin was mostly a poorly-handled character, and even now people generally regard the prequels as being inferior to the original trilogy, and Anikin is usually among the criticisms of the prequels. But it's hard to even complain about the prequels any more, now that we have these steaming piles of kike shit. By the same token, it's hard to complain about Anikin because he's not even a fraction as bad as Rey. Rey has no flaws or internal struggle of any note (besides that she gets really sweaty and greasy-looking, and makes stupid expressions, I guess?)

Makes sense that she can use the force and a gun instantly without any skill as well. Thank you m8, I will preorder and watch all the shit amazing Star Wars movies coming out!

made up her mind that fast uh..?

Instead of killing Kylo, Rey “recoil[s]” from the feeling, which the narration describes as the pull of the dark side.

how come luke and anakin are so weak and shit compared to rey? is it because women are inherently superior to men, especially straight white men?

Bitch doesn't need to be a Mary Sue to be a bad character

She is, though.


She is a scavenger which means she steals parts from derelict star-ships akin to thugs stripping parts from your car and putting it on cinder blocks. This does not make one capable of driving any motorized vehicle such as tanks, tractor trailers, cars, mopeds ect. nor does it make one a mechanic it just shows you can steal parts.
-Somehow she is the world’s best pilot despite no reason or training given for this in the movie.
Whereas it was established that Luke was a great pilot in a New hope, he flew a T-16 which is seen in the scene where C3p0 is getting an oil bath and referenced to a few times in the movie. They infact wanted to film Luke flying the T-16 but could n’t do it due to $$$ and time problems.
-Somehow she can fly the Millennium Falcon perfectly which is a customized and a unique space ship without ever familiarizing herself with the controls. Remember Luke (a good pilot) in a New Hope didn't even know what some of the controls did.
Luke: “What’s that flashing”
Han: “We are losing the deflector shield….”
-She can somehow repair the Millennium Falcon again without any training or knowledge of the ship's tech. I reiterate stripping parts does not make one a mechanic much less a mechanic for a custom and unique ship. Furthermore the ESB shows the precious state of the Falcon's internal workings, bypassing a compressor might have made things worse. Also remember C3P0 a robot programed with 6 million forms of communication had difficulty communicating with the Ship’s computer to determine how to fix its hyper-drive & Han had to go back to original Ship’s owner Lando, to get it repaired.
-She never needs rescuing or help despite being a small woman facing what is supposed to be fanatical military hardened troops.
- She instantly is good with a blaster despite never having fired one (implied from her hostile comments to Han Solo).
-She is instantly using actual “force powers” (force pull, mindtrick,etc.) despite being untrained.
-She bests Kylo jew who is supposed to be trained (by Luke) and incredibly powerful ( enough to have killed Luke’s other students).
-She makes the rest of the characters obsolete hangers on because she has no flaws and can do anything… aka Mary Sue. Therefore what is the point of anyone else?
-She is feminist tier ugly ( whats wrong with her face!)

Whats next She trains Luke Skywalker in the next film? Teaches him the true meaning of the force?
Maybe she teaches the Imperials how to build a death star that doesn’t blow up?

I heard people say Poe ( hot shot pilot) and the Imperial gorilla (I don't remember his name) was supposed to be 1 character which makes me wonder if it was not supposed to be this character that was
intended to be flying the Falcon in the first place which would make more sense. & also that Luke was supposed to show up in the forest which makes more sense than Mary Sue BS.


Those buns seem kind of impractical for a loner tbh.


So in other words… the movie's shit?

Is this me?



I think an important characteristic of Mary Sues is that their skills seemingly come out of nowhere. Achilles is not a Mary Sue because, apart from him having plenty of other character flaws, his whole character is constructed around being the greatest warrior of his age. Him being unbeatable is a major plot point, especially in the lead-up to Hector's death. Similar with One Punch Man. By contrast, Mary Sues are usually young and initially unknown in-universe. Their great deeds are presented as if they should be surprising and impressive (but somehow not unbelievable). Thus, Anakin builds an super-advanced droid, wins the biggest pod race around and "accidentally" destroys the Trade Federation's flagship all while everyone (except Qui Gon) thinks he's just some punk kid. Rey is even worse, going off posts here, but I haven't seen TFA so I can't go into detail.

Often characteristic of Mary Sues is that they usually are more powerful and more shallow variation of protagonists, since they are come from a lack of writing talent a imagination of wanna be author. Ray Sue is Frankenstein monster of protagonists of original trilogy: naive and holding great potential like Luke, tech savy and no nonsense like Han and also a strong sassy independent womyn like Lea. All the overpowered shit like, her learning to be a better pilot even though she intended to stay on her planet waiting for her parents. unlike Luke who trained to be better pilot, because he WANTED to live his planet and have adventures, or her being the better Force user, than Luke in all of the original trilogy without even comprehending what Force is, is just a cherry on top.


Yeah, hyper-competent wish fulfilment characters like James Bond or Conan the Barbarian aren't really Mary Sues. The term is most of the time only useful for describing relationship to established stories.

If an ancient Athenian wrote a play about OC Donutstelos who fought at Troy and was totally better than Achilles at fighting and twice as beautiful as Helene, that would have been a Mary Sue.

It's unclear to me what Rey is going to spend the next two movies doing. VIII is going to be a trainwreck and most people won't realize VII is the reason why.

If the rumours of the "Force Tree" being revealed as the source of the Force in VIII are true then people will be forgiving Lucas for Midi-Clorians, which will look like a joke in terms of how it ruins the Force compared to the Force Tree.

At the beginning of the force there was the first jedi (female) and the first sith (male)
Rey is the reincarnation of the first jedi, Snoke is the first sith and has jumped from body to body
Kike Cucklasa will love it.

I boipussed my greentext but whatever.

Those weren't necessarily a bad idea, they could have actually been used to great effect to show that the Jedi order had lost ties with mysticism and that caused their downfall.

She's one of the worst characters ever shes a full mary sue

They were poorly used because they were just used as a plot device for why Qui-Gon would take any interest in young Anikan as a Jedi. They couldn't actually show Anikan having any potential so it was a hand wave over this plot hole, in the process pissing a lot of people off.
Once you know that Midi-Clorians are what detect the Force and not the actual Force itself, I think they become a lot easier to swallow, they're still not great but its better than them being the Force. The Force Tree would actively ruin all previous Star Wars films and be completely retarded.

Sounds like a retarded leftist idea therefore it is probably going to be in the next movie.

Why couldn't he just said this kid is strangely strong with the force and leave it at that.

They were used because it made sense thematically, TPM was about symbiosis.

I bet you're part of the flat earth movement too, trying to be controversial the most retarded way possible, going after what's is pretty much popular belief won't help build a case.
But eh you're on Holla Forums so why not? You're metastasized cancer among cancer.

Bond is a tragic figure. In the books he actually cries when his wife dies and the rest of his life is basically one long string of one night stands, booze and violence. The story might portray him as the ultimate macho fantasy, but behind the facade is a broken man that sees very little reason to live.

As for Conan he's not a Mary Sue. He's more often than not the underdog and has to defeat his enemies with cunning because they are either more powerful than him or more skilled at fighting.

They're cribbing so heavily from the OT that I wouldn't be surprised to see a superficial victory for the baddies in it. The title seems suggest that Luke will die, and I think Rey losing a hand is a fairly safe bet. It's like pottery, and all that.

*in episode 8

I don't think the villains will ever get a win. Disney seems rather particular in their wish to portray them as bumbling imbeciles that exist for comic relief so their under 10 (of mental age) target audience doesn't get upset or triggered.

You are right in that they aren't Mary Sues. They both are superhumanly good at several different things (Conan to almost ridiculous level), which is often claimed to be what Mary Sue is. But that makes the term completely useless and isn't really connected to its original use when describing fan-fiction.

Half the time he wins because of his cunning/skill and other half because of his superior barbarian thews. Even Howard realized it and used secondary protagonists to give his stories more tension.

Good points. I think the difference between an overpowered protagonist and a Mary Sue is that the overpowered protagonist either faces opponents that pose a challenge or deal with other issues.

Take One-Punch Man or Mob, both are pretty much undefeatable, so the story never actually focuses on that, but explores their personalities, their relationships with other people, and in the case of One-Punch his ennui towards life and general boredom.

Another example is Superman (when written well). It's not about him punching stuff, but about his internal turmoil at living in a world made of "cardboard" and fearing that he can't be everywhere at once and save everyone.

Mary Sues on the other hand are a pure expression of narcissism by the authors, likely stemming from deeply rooted issues related to an inferiority complex.

I understand this is bait, but I'll bite
And yet shoots for the first time on forest planet number 34.
Who calls the Space Nazis in Space when he sees the droid. Not much of a guardian, even if he did take care of her. Plus, he's a (((merchant))), and as we have all seen with video games and films such as this one, you can sell shit without knowing anything.
Stupid-faggot baiter OP doesn't understand that she knows more about HAN'S SHIP (which are built differently, thus parts of the ship are going to be spaced out (no pun intended) differently, not to mention, she hasn't even looked at the ship's schematics and yet somehow knew exactly where the ship's "compressor" was, and what was causing the "electrical overload") THAN FUCKING HAN SOLO HIMSELF. We have seen in the earlier films that Han loves the Falcon dearly, and so I hardly think a max of 30 years of it disappearing would suddenly make him forget everything about it. Sure, someone may have modified it during the years that its been missing, but again, then how did Ma-Rey Sue know where it was?
So was Luke, and Anakin. More on that in the next line….
…Luke was said to have been a good pilot with crop-dusters—he had some experience. Anakin as a child knew how to fly, but remember how that film was received? Plus, Anakin in the first film seems more like a wish-fulfillment marketing-scheme, because kids want to be Jedi, right?
Force-sensitives are not suddenly able to channel the force at will. It takes time and practice to tune themselves with the force. It's true that the force affects all living things, but it doesn't suddenly make you an expert flier. It might keep you alive, but it won't suddenly allow you to single-pilot a co-pilot ship and make extremely difficult twists and turns through narrow alleys. There's too much of a suspension-of-disbelief here, so to make the argument that "duh, le farce XD" is like saying "shut your brain off, dude XD enjoy le mr le bones le wild le ride XDXd".
So was Randy Stair :^)
But honestly, this shouldn't affect years of Sith martial training and meditation. You can change states of mind and focus on things later; people who are in serious danger and have just badly broken their leg generally do not notice the pain so much, even if they are limping.
Bowcasters aren't that powerful really. He was shot and wounded, but he can still fight.
That's so retarded it hurts. He IS evil because he has done evil. You're not born a Sith or a Jedi, dumbass.
So easily though? Not so much that she won, but that she did so with ease, using force powers she should have no knowledge of (force pull that Luke had trouble with and had to learn to do properly). Indiana Jones was able to get the Ark despite his wound, and he hasn't been training to be a Sith for years, let alone be able to use the force.
And what are you saying? The audience LOVED this film, like you apparently. What does that make you, then?

A better example of the "power fantasy" character done well would be Indiana Jones. He's an awesome guy who is strong, intelligent, charismatic, goes on adventures every week, punches people, fucks hot women etc. He is not a deep character, he is someone people aspire to be and want to be, and that'ts why its fun to live out his adventures.
Even then we see Indiana Jones go through a lot of struggle and hard ships in the films, he doesn't walk right over the problem like a Mary Sue would, he really has to earn his happy endings at the end of the films and use his wide array of skills to solve the problems and emerge victorious in the films.

To put it simply, then, it doesn't matter how powerful the character is, or how skilled, but whether or not the author has the talent and will to make him struggle to earn his victories. Stories with Mary Sues are characterized by a complete lack of challenge. Antagonists are often just dumb, walking parodies that pose no threat to the protagonist, and when something bad does happen to the Mary Sue it is inevitably written in such a way to make us feel sorry for her.

I mean, you really have to take a step back and think about your life when Naruto is better written.

I have to disagree. I still think "Mary Sue" should be used to describe relation to established stories. Overly competent boring character is otherwise just poor writing.

For example, a lot of the points in your post could still apply to Conan, author having issues included, but the stories are well written and entertaining.

Rey is clearly a Mary Sue, and so was the protagonist in Eragon. Mary Sues are poorly written by default, yet not all poorly written characters are Mary Sues.

Yes, both characters are from star wars fan fics.

In Eragon's defense, it was written by a sixteen year old. TFA has no excuse.


Star-wars is written by bitter jews with an agenda similar to what happened with 2016's answer the call.

agreed except that I find it abhorrent when (((they))) ruin space, fantasy or science fiction media of any sort.
If you have any suggestions for Space fantasy (movies or whatever) please list them.

I care for what Star Wars was. TIE Fighter and the Sith Lords are still phenomenal games that manage to both uphold the atmosphere of the movies that spawned them and transcend them at the same time.

The Night's Dawn Trilogy is pretty good shit if you want a sci-fi epic.
If perhaps you wish for some untainted dark fantasy with several complex interwoven storylines I'd recommend Malazan Book of the Fallen.

The games were really good.
I liked Jedi Outcast and X-wing Alliance. Tie fighter was great but on an older engine than XWA. I believe there is at least a mod or 2 that converts it to XWA.

ty, I'm up for anything fantasy scifi or space related as long as its not jewish (leftist, sjw, feminist,etc.) shit.

And Disney, not satisfied by ruining the movies and cartoons had to give exclusive gaming rights to EA ensuring the whole of SW was properly covered in shit.

Fuck Jews.

You could try Legend of Galactic Heroes if you haven't already, or Crest of the Stars. Both are anime that should keep you occupied for a while and pozz free.


That fucking mouth haunts my nightmares. The Jews couldn't even settle for plain, they had to go straight for uncanny.

She is retarded level ugly. She doesn't look like she has sown syndrome but I expect she has something mentally wrong with her just from her looks..

Ruined movies check
Ruined novels check (wobbly ties)
Ruined games check
Franchise spiked into the ground in the name of leftist "revenge" feminism propaganda agenda check.


Kathleen Kennedy is the worst thing to happen to Star Wars.

Western women are the worst thing that happened to Western civilization.

She is jewish and therefore not western.

I'm fairly sure she is not a kike, just an uppity cunt.

Tbh it was the white cuck (and the Jew)who fucked us. White women were happy but a bunch of pussies insisted on treating them as something they weren't, because they wanted to be cucked.

Women were bred to be subservient and go along with familial-based marriage. All of a sudden, the Eternal Anglo and his (( (masters) )) changed the rules.

If Rey was a Mary Sue she'd be pretty and not look like the mouth of Sauron.


So a character arc that was built across all three OT films was quickly resolved in seconds at the end if the first film. Nice storytelling.

Not only did it happen in seconds, you only see it in the poorly written novelization of the poorly written and acted and etc movie.

I'm guessing everyone with a brain involved (Hamill, (((Abrams))), Kasdan) wanted Luke to show up and rescue her, setting up Rey wanting a rematch and having a reason to seek to be trained, plus giving Luke a grand entrance which would explain his getting in shape. But Kathleen Kennedy read the script, had a fit because Rey was a 'damsel', and forced the change.


Why not, they could have just sensed him using the force during the race.

She's British. Tiny Island. Even tinier gene pool.

mary sue being disfigured …..BS I don't buy it at best shell get a baby little cut to the face that vanishes in the next scene.

Luke on the other hand will die horribly possibly losing more limbs before that.

Legend of the Galactic Heroes. Don't watch Gaiden, though. It sucks.

If anything, Abrams was likely the one who reworked the script to make Rey into a Ma-Rey Sue.

Can't have a man save her, user.

she's a Mary Sue.

Speaking of LotGH, what happened to the remake?

No, it's believable that the sex slavers passed on her.

Episode VII is one of the most overrated movies of all time and it hasn't even been out for two years and a lot of people know its shit. Thats how overrated it is. This fucking bitch is terrible

Whether or not that's all true, she still has some pretty neat fat fanart of her.


Rey is the ultimate pleb-filter.

That struggle is so fucking stupid.

All the backstory "theorycrafting" people did post-viewing bugged the shit out of me too. Barely any backstory is actually shown or told, most of it is just assumptions from seeing her briefly do things and half-assed justifications for her skillset.

I got the feeling Poe and Finn were meant to be the same guy too, it feels like the script went through some executive rewriting and there was never a hope of repairing it with the staff they had.

I'd rather the first half of the film be a chase sequence that has them escaping the desert planet and then trying to find a way back to the (((Resistance))). But, I'd also have dropped the old actors (besides Luke who we'd use in the forest), reworked the core characters so they complement each other's skills and narratives (Poe and Finn feel like they could be one character, but Finn also has bizarre traits that lead me to believe he's actually two characters that got rolled into one. His actions and ethics makes no sense based on his history) and hire a better lead. I'm fine with having a female jedi as the lead, just someone who can actually act and has identifying traits beyond being the mouth of Sauron.

This was the worst part. How did she hold that accent when she's speaking to fucking freaks all day?


Hamill read the script and thought that it was him force pulling the light saber. He was really disappointed to find that it wasn't where he'd show up. Link related. He makes a joke of it, but he recognises that thematically it's shit.

Can't embed, apparently it already exists.


Even worse is realising Finn's actor has a British accent too, he managed to mask it and yet here's Rey with this stupid fucking posh accent.

i come here to get away from 4chan tier threads like this.


Go back there faggot.


"you know podracing?"
"I'm the only human that can do it"

Ruined wookipedia check

It's current year dude. grrlz can do anything and beat anyone.

I'm glad they ruined their own story.

The new trilogy and Rogue One will be forgotten while the prequels live forever.

post more this is the only good thing about this thread

I don't remember this scene.
Is this from behind the scenes on bluray?

The best part is the backstory wasn't even written yet when they released the film. Each movie is being written and directed by different people and the overall plan for the entire trilogy hasn't even been finalized yet.


OK, OP here is the thing.

huh, it makes me think how Disney could shoot themselfs in the foot by not establishing these things in the movie.
Also did Daisey get som o dat chicken n watamelon from the English negro?

yeah totally, just like all the broke desert people we have on earth and how they end up being awesome at everything