What if pubic hair evolved to decrease the likeliness of sex during times when the woman is away from water and can't cut away the pubic hair?
Cooper Hughes
Stop yer cunt from getting sunburnt
Caleb Thompson
Woah I never thought about that. That's actually brilliant.
Alexander Green
Supposedly it's to signal sexual maturity, prevent chafing during sex, provide a medium to catch and store pheromones released from the genital region, or some combination thereof.
Jacob Gray
This. It's the same with armpit hair.
Austin Price
For a long time I never ever trimmed or shaved or did away with my pubic hair. When it developed I just left it because "it must be there for a reason".
One day I found out there's tribes of people in the amazon that don't grow pubic hair at all.
That's when I decided pubic hair is just like wisdom teeth, a defective trait that needs to bred out of the population, which serves no real purpose.
Wisdom teeth are supposedly to replace lost teeth from if you get punched but there's people that are born without wisdoom teeth and never get problems from them coming in and cramming up the mouth
Christian Scott
Bullshit. Then why not only women have pubes? To prevent fellatio, lol?
Jonathan White
Pubic hair lowers the chance STIs are spread and if they do help in stopping the infection.
Wanna know a funny thing? White people have less pubes than others. If you go to like Sweden and Switzerland the actual white girls will have little pubes. A full bush is a few whisps of hair.
Dylan Bennett
Sweedish Lolis are the best tbh - no hair at all tbh
Asher Wood
Not necessary, their adult women have little pubes.
Nathaniel Ramirez
Flat, tho?
Xavier Williams
they r for the same reason the rest of the fur is - to keep u warm. The remains, like eyebrows, facial hair, scalp hair and pubes r most likely there due to sexual selection. ass and armpit hair is there to protect the skin from friction damage
Adam Collins
its like an area rug on a hard wood floor
it draws the room together
Owen Nguyen
You're thinking about it the wrong way. Our non-human ancestors were completely covered in hair. You need to ask:
1) why is an animal completely covered in hair
2) why did humans lose hair (not why do we have it on our privates, why did we lose any hair at all)
3) why did the selective pressure you identified in question 2 not apply to the head, face (in males), and pubic area
The answer to number 1 is insulation.
The answer to number 2 is that we started running - we became persistence hunters, we needed to cool ourselves more than heat ourselves. Among your ancestors (when they were still in africa), those who had less body hair were able to run for longer periods of time.
Why didn't number 2 apply to the head? Maybe because the hair on the head isn't to keep heat in, but to keep the sun's heat out. Why didn't number 2 apply to the public area? Dunno, but that's the question you get to answer.
…note that after we left africa, clothing became much more important. When we were covering our bodies with clothes, other mechanisms of signaling sexual dimorphism were selected for, so the hair on our heads has changed from what africans have, and our males have grown facial hair.
Oliver Long
Alexander Lopez
wrong. std rates are higher in people who cut their pubes because when you shave you open a bunch of tiny little wounds on your skin that let viruses n shit in.
Ian Martinez
Fuck off heeb. White peoples have so little hair that any comparison to the animals [niggers, kikes, abos] that are covered in hair is not only ridiculous, it's wrong.
Jeremiah Baker
Julian Russell
you …you don't believe in evolution??
Parker Kelly
…but we didn't. We have hair all over our body. More hair than apes in fact. It's just not long and thick so it's less visible.
Liam Green
William Foster
Wait you mean the theory that's been proven wrong by probably at this point dozens of research papers/studies for like 3 decades?
Christopher Taylor
Out of africa theory is a dumb theory
James Carter
You know how I know that you're an idiot? You see something that you disagree with, and instead of articulating your disagreement, you just ellude to it. You're too much of a goddamn coward to actually stand up for what you believe. You're too chickenshit to quote something I actually said and then explain why you feel it's wrong.
For your goddamn information, I do not believe that whites are directly descended from extant africans. I don't believe that anymore than I believe humans are descended from extant chimpanzees.
However, we do share a common ancestor. Both humans and chimpanzees have binocular, detailed, color vision, for example. And (one of) the reasons we have that vision is so that we can tell if fruit is ripe.
The preceding paragraph is true. But a fucking moron like you would misinterpret it to be saying, "humans descended from chimpanzees" which is NOT what it says. A coward like you wouldn't have the courage to quote it and reply, "this is not true because humans didn't descend from chimps" - because that would be actually taking a stand for something, and you don't have the balls for that. So instead, you'd reply:
That's you. You're an idiot and a coward. And now, having read this entire post, and realizing that this post leaves you BTFO, you're going to call it a wall of text and pretend you didn't read it. But we both know you did. And we both know you've got no intelligent response.
Nope. Europeans have been found to have a complete, 100% unique genetic ancestry to the nogs and shit.
Jace Edwards
that's retarded all human life on earth share a common ancestor the "100% unique genetic ancestry to the nogs and shit" just means that the population you speak of has a more remote common ancestor with the progenitors of current africans than the africans have between themselves you mong
Proof? Oh, neither you nor biology has proof. Not even weak evidence. They and you say it must be… because it must be!!! No. Fuck off retard. If life was created out of some primordial goo. Then other life can have been too.
Eli Ortiz
Back in the middle ages women and men didn't bathe, men and women didn't cleaned their ass after taking a shit because toilte paper is a 19th century invention, women didn't put on makeup nor shaved…yet people fucked, after all we're all here if they didn't had fucked.
Now pubic hair is "disgusting", "unsightly" and "weird"…and yet image boards want to convince me that ONLY women are shallow these days. Useless faggot is what you are.
Ethan Williams
Pubic hair makes me horny
Carson Anderson
I love it when a cute femboy leaves a little slut strip above his cock
looks good when we rub cocks together
Gavin Ortiz
You're an absolute fucking dumbass. Women didn't and don't need to shave. Wat are you on about m8?
Noah Nguyen
So like I said above, you don't believe in evolution. I mean that's cool if that's you're thing, but why are you too much of a goddamn coward to just come right out and tell us where you think humans came from? Do you believe the christian bible? k. That's cool I guess. But why not just say that?
There are two lines of proof of evolution that seem pertinent to this thread: (1) we can do evolution in a lab. We can see how the genes of a child are a combination of, but slightly different than, the genes of the parent. I could sequence your Y chromosome and the Y of your oldest direct male ancestor and I could see very slightly differences between them. You have evolved just a little bit.
(2) all life on earth shares a few basic processes. Take amino acids for example. Every part of your body is built from proteins which are built from amino acids. Amino acids are built from atoms (obviously) and there are theoretically more possible different amino acids than there are atoms in the universe (just like how theyre are more configurations of legos than there are atoms in the universe). And yet, all life on earth is built from just 21 configurations. If each life form was designed from scratch by god, there's no reason god would limit himself that way. How many species of animals are there? Thousands? It's like if I asked you to build 1000 lego cars, and for some reason, in spite of all the possible shapes you can make with legos, you only used 21 to build all 1000 cars.
You wouldn't do that. It makes no sense. God wouldn't do it either. But evolution would, because inventing a new amino acid and also finding a use for it is an incredibly unlikely event. So unlikely, it's only happened 21 times in the 3 billion year history of life on earth.
Justin Gomez
Then why does it only grow after puberty? I never had problems with friction before (or after) I had pubes.
Robert Powell
No pubes = no lice.
Smoothies, FTW.
Isaiah Watson
Holla Forums confirmed for brainlets
Why do we have eyebrows and eyelashes? To keep dirt out of our eyes. Why do we have nose hairs? To keep dirt out of our nose. Why do we have moustaches? To keep dirt out of our mouth. Obviously, the evolutionary purpose of female pubic hair is to keep dirt out of the vagina. Duh.
Matthew Hernandez
And male pubic hair?
Luis Evans
what kind of filthy shithole do you live in?
I remember when we used to have lice checks in school. I barely ever bathed, and still never once did they find a single one in my hair.
Luke Cooper
It isn't for anything, you moron. Evolution isn't a sentient process. It doesn't be all like
Then why does all life on earth have almost the same genetic code? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_genetic_codes Was there another reason for it being almost identical than it being inherited from a common ancestor?
Easton Nelson
God's will.
Josiah Carter
It serves no purpose at all. Its biological junk in our DNA, like our appendix or gall-bladder.
Robert Adams
Juan Wright
European Art in the medieval ages as well as the ancient times no pubic hair was depicted as being on the woman's body.
Lucas Richardson
Then why would God want it that way, neither identical nor strongly different? Rather indecisive for a supposed Supreme Being.