Why are Holla Forums users so easy to troll?
Why are Holla Forums users so easy to troll?
I don't know. Why are they?
We are NOT! Fuck you, anus-AIDS-nigger
Tell me about it
because they're idiots
because we're mostly a mix of stormniggers and pubefarming edgelords attracted to the site by the moral panic about it existing
>because we're idiots
wew. you don't belong here. smoke a few jews before you post in future. truths are discouraged on Holla Forums
oh and some salty oldfags too
u wot m8?
There is no moral panic. Just shooken heads. We're the corner of the dump. You're all losers. Good thing I'm here to improve this site with my vast vocaboluary and unique ideas.
because most of them are jews
Nobody blames jews anymore, that's an outdated idea
hopefull thinking by a newtroll.
You ever consider that most of use thrive off trolling here?
nice troll face, I learned about that playing call of duty
And your nigglet pics.
Glad you're enjoying them, sicko
ohh no no no
Where'd this come from, sicko?
I thought Smile was banned?
2 words: awetism