Only post true things ITT

only post true things ITT

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Women are cancer

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Stalin should have given orders to kill every germanic "person" along the way instead. worthless sunhuman race.

Truth: Water tastes like water

I only indulge in the purified waters of lake Minnetonka

I only drink freshly evaporated droplets from the Himalayas filtered into my Alex Jones Water Filter.

I only drink pure Kentucky Bourbon that has been filtered thru my kidneys


I am not a duck.

This is a lie.

This lie is the truth

The white race is dying out

The Jewish Race will prevail among the Nations

you honkies never had a chance

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Who cares, nobody makes it out alive on an individual basis. Why would you expect one trait to survive forever? Wow all the redheads are being bred out of existence, better start inbreeding them so they don’t go extinct. That’s your logic.

I’m happy that there are less whites all the time. That makes me more rare, more elite. Face it, dark skinned people all over the world would kill to be white. It’s always going to be a desirable trait. That’s why there’s so many mixed race children. All the darkies want that pure white cum to smooth out their coffee a bit. Noting wrong with them wanting their next generation to be whiter. Take it as a compliment.

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I fucked a dead raccoon in the ass in my garage and disposed of it over the fence while my wife was as work and the kids were sleeping.

pic related was banned by Imkampfy

man-made climate change is all just pseudoscience nonsense and fear mongering

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but muh polar bears

Polar Bears are not Bi-Polar

what is chemistry?

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Something must exist.
That's literally all I have, sorry.

Pinochet did nothing wrong

I agree

Mussolini was a good, stable and kindly man.

OP fucked up his own thread by posting something that isn't true, confirming the eternal truth that OP is a faggot.

into the chopper you go

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You don't know what's going to happen in the near future but you can predict however that society is eventually going to collapse and when that happens people tend to self organise base around common ethnicity, culture, ideology and other types of commonality.

I'll leave the speculation up to you

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thats what muslims have done for over 1000 years and now there is a billion of them.

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Yeah, I know that feel. Then I considered the stream of thoughts and the stimuli that make up my everyday reality and the systems that can be perceived in it and my inability to grasp it all and decided "Well, something is probably going on in any case."
Nowadays I just play along. And sometimes don't when it fits the bigger picture.

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I was able to suck my own dick until i was a little over 22yo.

lg gf's are the future, literally the only thing left that can save the white race



based dys

Most of the raceb8 shills on 8ch are poorly paid professionals.

This is a lie, and that's the truth

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this post is false.

Only in falsehood can the truth be discerned

Milk is just boob poop

May the Salty Milk always be in your mouth, user

jews are shit

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niggers are stupid

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For the moment, until the reassignment surgery takes place, I am neither male nor female tbh

The U.S. is doomed because people would rather get fucked over knowing someone else is getting fucked over harder, than get ahead and worry that someone might get further ahead than them.

OP is a faggot

Kill yourself is for faggots

There is no such thing as Candleja

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I prefer the company of small children tbh, as they have the same level of comprehension as I do.

No that's not how it works you have to say the name candlejack and then h

I created the /ourguy/ meme.

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wh*toids will be extinct in 100 years

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i know it's an old art style, but fuck it's so hot! Boner inducing.

I so wanna ice her cake

Nigger semen is WHITE for a reason.


once upon a time, when all mankind was black,

If america wasn't so cucked I would already be married to a qt 16yo

no, it's just you who is the cuck

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girls are virus, you'd just make more niggers.


Praise the sunhuman

Im about to fall asleep.
Goodnight reddit