I know for a fact that Danielle bregoli is not 14-15 because it's been almost 4 years of me knowing about her...

I know for a fact that Danielle bregoli is not 14-15 because it's been almost 4 years of me knowing about her. I know because I used to watch Worldstar vine compilations on my PS3 and the only way to watch them was to save them. I still have a few of the vine comps saved on my PS3 and one that's dated April 15, 2014 where a meme song using the "how bout dat" from her Dr Phil appearance and that was at least a month after the initial video was posted on the site. I watched the interview myself on tv which happened to be a rerun that was dated December 2013, and she was stated as being 12 going on 13.

am I in an alternate reality? I would ask if I was crazy but I have evidence so I know I'm not

Attached: Screenshot at Mar 05 14-22-25.png (703x720, 710.58K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Mandela Effect. Her name used to be Daniel Bregoli.


It'd be different if I didn't have evidence unlike most people who believe in the Mandela effect (even though I always knew he didn't die in prison because he had a book my class had to read). And also, she is still a she in my reality

I would love to post some stuff but idk how lenient the mods are with dani

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yea she's definitely not 15

I'd fuck that little cunt till she bleeds from every hole.

damn Daniel back at it with the i'm with her button.

she has lewds too but can't risk it. can someone make a vola

This picture is really easy to make the shirt transparent.

VPN it niggers

counter sage

Let me clue you in on something, user. Dr. Phil is a television show. In other words, they are legally allowed to use actors and make up whatever they want. They could talk about real things with real people, but they don't have to. They call it Reality tv, but it scripted from beginning to end and has been for decades. The Jerry Springer show, The Morton Downey Jr show, The Oprah Winfrey show, Dr. Phil, Maury. It's all fake. Shocking, i know.

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Why do people like this ugly fucking mutt?

I don't know, Maury seems pretty real to me.

kill yourself

She was born in March 26th, 20003, so that makes her 14, for a couple more days.
t. tin foil faggot

Dump faggot

what does it being reality tv have to do with it's air date?


like I said I have video evidence so it's not some Alex Jones conspiracy theory. plus she already has nudes and has been with multiple rappers who are supposedly older than her

so post it nigger.
If she is legal, than post said nudes
Thats a typical white girl. Proves nothing

Volafile io /r/randos

idk how since it's on my ps3 and you can't exactly upload stuff plus it's not on worldstar anymore

Take a fucking picture from your phone faggot. Then upload said picture as proof

ok but you gotta wait awhile since my brother is on the game rn

I apologize for the inconvenience. it seems that I in fact do not still have the video saved but I will continue to search for it because I know it is out there. when I find it, it will be screenshot and will have a link to the video.

thank you

She is very likely to be 18+ and working for cia as an actress

Too bad that the dates on files can be changed easily so its sadly not real solid proof

Danielle Bregoli, also known by her stage name Bhad Bhabie, is an American rapper and social media personality.
Born: March 26, 2003 (age 14), Boynton Beach, FL
Full name: Danielle Bregoli Peskowitz
Record label: Atlantic Records
Residence: Boynton Beach, Florida, U.S.
Parents: Barbara Ann Bregoli, Ira Peskowitz


Attached: danielle-bregoli-night-out-gracias-madre-in-west-hollywood-06-02-2017-1.jpg (564x886 48.2 KB, 37.61K)

She is 16-17 not 14

post proof, otherwise i'll believe her bio

That explains the Khazar milkers.

doesn't count, the mom's a bawnjourno right?

why is such a decent body infested with the lesser soul of a common nigger? It's upsetting

Attached: Malu Trevejo tumblr_owurpql9N11ti8q84.mp4 (396x704, 6.26M)

I think ill dedicate my life into making sure these 3DPD have a hell of a life before death.

Thanks, now I know how to talk to ghetto sluts.

Me: "Go."
Her: "ahm not doing dat shit."

Me: "Do iiiit!"
Her: (bends over and does it better than anyone ever in history)

Attached: ah-hahh.jpg (638x479, 43.66K)

Reminder: All "Khazar Milkers" posters are Jews. If you hear someone claiming to be in the aut-right using the Khazar Milkers meme, this person is a Jewish underminder.

Evidence? Google the bra map. International average bra size is D, what brings that average up is the white countries. The whiter the country, the higher the average. And I'm talking about low-obesity areas like Russia and Nordic countries.

By comparison, Israel's average bra size is B.

Now why would the Jew try to spread this misinformation? Why would they highlight the rare isolated exceptions, and claim any busty girl with dark hair and a big nose as one of their own despite her most of the time being Polish or Italian? Because white men love large breasts, it's statistically proven that high testosterone men like large breasts and want to have kids while low-t men prefer small breasts and wide hips and don't want children.

It's an attempt to try to get the productive white men on their side by asserting they have something they want, but the reality is very few Jewish women have large breasts and those that due usually mixed with Europeans. You can dispute this and lie through your teeth, but all anyone has to do is pull up the breast map, located Israel, and see indisputably that the purestrain Jews have pathetic, shitty tits. Compare aryan 70's Wonder Woman to lanky Jew Wonder Woman.

Attached: Wonder woman is fed up.webm (2250x1502 2.41 MB, 410.08K)

happy to help a Holla Forumsro out! My main reservation, however
why would you do this?

it's not worth it user. Just meditate and improve yourself fam

what if I like boobs between A - E cup, depending on the other measures? As an aside, I would have sexual intercourse with a woman who looked like Gal Gadot in that pic, but was not Jewish and I would have sex with Gal Gadot in that pic too

have we decided whether Bregoli boobies are Khazar milkers, or… Gentile… Juggs?

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imagine how fucking horrible it would be raising a daughter

omg, you thing i give a fuck.
How can i improve myself when i have 12 million and nothing to do with it? Should i get more? 50? 100? wealth i ez for me but 3DPD will always be a net negative. I think you should take them up, just don';t ask me to pay for your leftovers.

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it is advisable you calm down. You're skewing your own perceptions. For example:
jumps str8 2
you are allowing your angst to turn you into a bagel. There are other paths and pursuits for men to take
I'm trying to take some of them up, thank you. If my eating habits translate at all, there will certainly be zero leftovers

I try not to. Nightmare fuel for sure

K tell me how that works out then

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Although I never implied money wasn't 'needed', I'd recommend you focus less on 'skekels', user. Especially if you personally have them in abundance. There is much more to work on
dunno man, I'm not a wizard. All I've learnt is that 3DPD require resources and security. If you can convince them you will reliably provide both, you're pretty much set. Whether you can actually do this irl is optional; females aren't grounded in reality, it's very malleable for them. An entitled man is an attractive man. Obviously, it helps if you're a total stud big guy like me

probably just another amnesiac schizophrenic OP tbh

still waiting on Khazar milkers / Gentile Juggs verdict Holla Forumsros

Attached: Stelio Kontos.jpg (537x390, 94.32K)

According to what you just said, 12 going on 13 in December of 2013, that means in 2014 she turned 13. Which means that she would be 16, turning 17 this year.

As to who the fuck she is, who fucking knows.

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That's a lie, i have seen many 3DPD under 30 go for dead ends. Only when they are 30+ do they want a "stable man". By then who need them? They are used up.

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not really, user. Just not the specific notion that completely agrees with your worldview. Again, from my experiences in going undercover in the normalfag realms, I've found it's far from a black/white binary option. Wimmins are entirely emotionally based, so notions like 'security' and 'stable' are interpreted to different degrees by different females (at different times) of the day, even; purely fiscal for some, alpha self-assuredness to others, some combination of both and more.
while I doubt you've 'seen' anything substantial - based on how you keep zoning-in to the negatives - what does this tell you? How does this insight help you, specifically? Why is 3DPD a negative 4 U? Are you a dead end? But you have wealth tho. Or perhaps that's not the only measure of one's value?
I agree that 3DPD are a frustratingly irrational pursuit, but going back to my original suggestion to you Holla Forumsrah - there's no point in being salty at 3DPD's nature. It's just the way they've always been (pics rel), and always will be. Work on your issues and join the hunt for the quality grill(s). Or ignore them entirely and do whatever it is that you want to do. Only good wishes from me, Holla Forumsro

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Anyone have any of her music or videos?

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im still waiting for that user that said she is 17, and has lewds, to provide some proof

17 is still CP, you fuck.

Attached: check.jpg (236x306, 12.53K)

the majority of states have an AoC of 17, only a few have the age at 18

Consent doesn't even enter into the equation, sexualized images of any person or persons under the age of 18 is illegal, regardless of whether or not the individual is able to consent to sexual relations.