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We already have a webm.

This one is topic-specific, dick knee








here's my favorite


Holy shit I kinda feel bad for the little niglet ganging up on her and shit apprently the darker you are the worse it is

counter sage
fuck niggers




counter-counter sage.


If only that one white guy was black then he could of whipped this shit out of that fucking nigger

the only way to do it


This is the joke the white guy told

I don't understand why or what the fuck this is supposed to be.

he isn't white. the lighting makes him look white, but if you look at his face, he's clearly a negger

nigs niggin. that's all you need to know

1+1= shut the fuck up

Ooga Booga

Too be honest it looks like they're having fun. Wish we all had the balls to do shit like this as kids too be honest

Lol. Okay, buddy.

silverback pulls out the belt, the nigglets start screeching like chimps. I love it

You're the load your crackwhore mother should have swallowed

In seriousness, you're probably thinking "wtf what a pussy! why wouldn't step in?"

The white teacher may be a pussy, but you don't understand. If he TOUCHES the nig, his career is over. It will be "white supremacist teacher attacks black child" and even if he gets cleared in the courts, he will never teach in a public school again.


I do understand that's why I literally said "if he was black"

I agree with and how the fuck are they being a nuisance? butthurt cause kids are humping and you're not?

"Liking what I don't like reeeee you deserve to die" -das u
Get bent faggot

If you owned that shop, you'd have it out to kokll them.


They can have fun without causing a mess, a disturbance, and damaging property.

That's the kind of shit that makes me chase away somali niggers with my gun.

this kind of shit legit makes me cry in frustration

less that and more I want a group of friends where I'm not an outlier

Thats his problem, he thinks they're human

Attached: africa-woman-start-act-crazy-street.mp4 (352x640, 5.92M)


>Written by (((Joshua Kaplowitz)))
It's funny when the jews get their hands bitten by their unruly pets.

Where I grew up the manager or on duty individual would have locked the doors when they'd be most preoccupied then called the cops.

they probably did this in a white-r neighborhood, I mean look at how clean and well stocked that shop is.
probably the managers first time ever seeing something like that happen.

Attached: 03b9561828458400bf4cc01a9cf91f0cd5933dcf0a233c06dbd38e3004b935c7.png (500x560, 590.12K)

Getting mixed up in groid on groid violence is a bad idea. Better to just get to a safe distance and call the law.

Extreme Battlebots.

They wouldn't be doing that shit if those cars weren't stolen.

Wakanda forevah!


Found this way back. Dunno if still relevant today.

Attached: WildestDreams.webm (640x480, 10.63M)

Attached: Conwayteenchargedwithbattery.mp4 (360x360, 1.62M)

Black people would surely perish if the white race weren't alive to take care of them.

they seem to be doing just (((fine))) in africa

Yah this has all been done before and will repeat.

>doing just (((fine))) in africa

Attached: africa head2.jpg (792x534 1.26 MB, 70.3K)

looks kinda like how the (italian) media portrays the united states.

If only it was that bad here, then civil war 2.0 would break out and everyone would be happy for the moment.

Too bad reality is still reality.

Attached: africa-shit-show.jpg (571x799, 40.06K)

Black people are low IQ monkeys.

Attached: 2646yh.jpg (480x320, 26.54K)

Will American blacks EVER stop whining about slavery or ever stop begging for handouts?


Attached: 260ypp~2.jpg (840x454, 67.83K)

Attached: uh-huh.png (369x369, 224.45K)


Attached: 4679196299001_5582995259001_5582971931001-vsWlacb.jpg (1280x720, 69.77K)

Hope it was worth it you dummy.

Attached: 25qs6w.jpg (259x194, 16.21K)

When will niggers end the whores?

Attached: 15899defb3b1284fc53d544277924cb9a1debd81f9d3ea20590e2d786f204148.gif (354x417, 936.11K)

Dey am present day kangz and sheeit.

Attached: kangz.png (1766x881, 2.49M)

Attached: 2648n5-1.jpg (474x323, 48.98K)

Post more nigger fights

Attached: Caught with shoe.webm (640x480, 1.22M)

Reminder HIV spread from monkeys to niggers and only then to faggot humans.

Attached: nigger-detected.webm (824x470, 496.68K)

Attached: fightfight.webm (202x360, 1.31M)

I didn't know the bogdanoffs had a sister!

Attached: blm sam.webm (640x270, 3.88M)

nothing new


these guys must have been rolling hard

Nah. Even the lowest-IQ group is still the greatest apex predator the world has ever known.

They'll kill each other, and many will starve until their numbers are reduced down to the carrying capacity of the land (which wont be very high), but they wont all die out.

The really sad thing is that high-IQ and the other traits that allow people to live in civilization (traits like conscientiousness and the ability to delay gratification) - those are really an accident of evolution, and there's no reason to imagine they'll ever evolve again, not for billions of years.

And even if they did evolve again, all the cheap oil is gone now. If civilization falls, I doubt it could ever be rebuilt.

So if the light of western civilization goes out, it goes out forever. 10,000 years from now, as the next ice age descends and wipes out the last traces of our great cities, there will be tribes all over the Earth, they'll cling to little bits of shiny metal - a knife they found, or a piece of gold - things they have no hope of understanding, and maybe they'll even have legends about "kangs of old" that could fly and talk over great distances. But those stories will be no different than religious stories today.

Attached: 6c430fba97afa58b900887b934e8c1be4c5f0bc90abd0dceb16720798e8bd5c4.webm (480x360, 1.04M)

OK, but still the worst of the worst and barely a match for the other top level predators, especially without all the tools the white man invented. And lets not forget where AIDS and EBOLA came from.

Attached: ASM1.webm (640x360, 1.93M)

Attached: ASM2.webm (640x360, 1.69M)

Attached: 23d5093f2dd327bff1f2bc071082179ca1af8655840dd331f5b57921f1df55f2.png (240x320 36.78 KB, 835.5K)

Attached: ASM3.webm (640x360, 5.96M)


Attached: ewwww.mp4 (1280x720, 8.9M)

Attached: brotha-gotta-pay-for-newports-somehow.mp4 (640x480, 2.81M)

Attached: get a job nigger.webm (1280x720, 3.27M)

Attached: nigger fight.mp4 (640x640, 8.59M)

Attached: 1519687148571.webm (720x480 1.22 MB, 753.68K)

Attached: deal of the day.mp4 (640x480, 6.9M)

Attached: im daddy.webm (640x480, 4.12M)

This timeline…

Attached: nigger pisses on subway.mp4 (640x360, 6.59M)

Attached: nigger parenting.mp4 (1024x576, 15.71M)

Attached: Bare-Assed_and_With_a_Bag_Full_of_Lube_and_Condoms.mp4 (406x720, 6.82M)

Attached: Disgusting_hookin_in_da_hood_converted.mp4 (854x480, 6.9M)

Attached: Childhood_In_Da_Hood_Chicago-741_1480213289_conver.mp4 (406x720, 6.94M)

Attached: get ya juice.webm (480x480, 961.59K)

Attached: homo erectus parenting with an electrical cord.mp4 (500x280, 6.69M)

Attached: under da sea.webm (640x360, 10.94M)

hey everyone im looking for a couple of videos;
the first one features a fat nigger bitch beating some skinny nigger bitch with the broad side of a machete in some 3rd world shithole i mean wellspring of diversity… at one point she wacks a dog…
the other one features two vibrant young black queens ripping each others fake dreadlocks out in some dismal inner city day prison school… it was titled "suddenly, snakes"
the only things i can offer in return are pics (at least with this topic)

Attached: donk2.jpg (864x1152 47.9 KB, 183.34K)

I vaguely remember this video. Didn't they pop their own boat to appear distressed but the ship they were trying to get on was owned by a country that wasn't accepting refugees?

Attached: Nigger kicking cat.mp4 (202x360, 538.2K)

Attached: 1499817710253.webm (1280x720 2.52 MB, 2.6M)

too pretty to act like that smfh

dramatic for nothing

this was weird to fap to…

If I caught nigglets attacking my child I'd burn down their house.

Attached: hotnigs2.webm (198x360 2.45 MB, 2.05M)

Attached: aint gonna do shit.webm (400x400, 430.7K)

Attached: c0222df6706d686ae113bf05d8d3ae889409db33be148bbae4e2bb5d350524a4.webm (480x480, 3.88M)

Attached: come at me.webm (854x470, 2.75M)

Attached: daddy.webm (854x480, 7.35M)

Attached: taste like chickun.webm (480x272, 1.94M)

I wanna save this, but somehow seems fake

Attached: db815a4971fa02f268f6e5f79597a79398f047080dac9da039df720a553f4136.mp4 (636x360, 1016.92K)


Attached: nigger circumcision.mp4 (480x360, 2.39M)

Never seen any other race do bullshit like this

Attached: 1468130908895-0.mp4 (640x480, 4.54M)

they wen into a privately owned store and stole shit and made a mess that's how they are being a nuisance

Attached: LiveLeak.com - Crazy chick tasers an old lady..mp4 (320x320, 676.42K)

Niggers can't into reason, or math, or pretty much anything to do with civilization.

Attached: 80 mph.webm (720x480, 6.25M)

3 midgets?

Wtf how are they dumd enought to film themself agressing random people, with weapons, post it online, amd actually think they will be no consequence?

Niggers aren't people, user. They're incapable of thinking more than 3 seconds ahead. Also, you'd better be drunk and/or tired because there's no excuse for all those typos.

Attached: Nigger Hate 1.webm (720x480, 7.37M)

Niggers survives the same way rats do, by pumping out as many spawnlings as possible and praying one of them lives long enough to pump out more mouths they can't feed. The strong and the smart are the only ones that deserve to mate, niggers are the result of ignoring this rule.

Attached: nigger_gets_to_excited.mp4 (640x800, 1.97M)

I can see what you are going for but "Officer investigated" and "calls for police to adopt body cameras" are both valid.
Every shooting should be investigated and body cams make that quick, cheap and easy.

Attached: 15031776401223.mp4 (360x360, 2.02M)

Attached: gibs me.mp4 (640x360, 7M)

Nah, the ship actually took them but when boarding they did the chimp thing and spent more time fighting over who when first than actually getting out of the water.

The user and I we're talking about
Idk how are >> got changed

Holy fucking shit this is nutso you can't kick em to the street and we should not be paying for everything g what the fuck do we do..


Consequences are above nigger reasoning skills. That's why our prisons are full.

Attached: BLMKidnapping.webm (294x360, 15.26M)

Tired as fuck and francophone!

Wtf take those poor bastards to a foster care, I've been in nursery home where there was less children then that, how the fuck can someone living in north america have 15 children. Not even the poors in Mexico have that many.
Someone does indeed need to be held accountable, and it's her. She can't even take care of herself, yet she thought she could afford 15 children, instead of buying condoms from the local dollarstore.

While you're busy hating niggers just keep in mind that if it weren't for jews and their civil rights movement you wouldn't have a nigger problem. The jude wields considerable power and will not allow the you to be cleansed of the negro, because they know they will be next. They should be first.

Attached: moshe.jpg (852x1200, 197.73K)

If I was a cop I would have tazed her and it would be worth the 15 pages repport.

If it wern't for jews, people wouldn't have brought black slave to america..

I used to wonder how black Africans could watch their kids starving to death and yet jump in "bed" and make more babies. It just goes to show niggers are always gonna nig.

*forgot pic

Attached: black_men.png (300x219, 143.76K)

There's that too but you can't underestimate the greed of some white people. The point is we haven't had any use for them for a long time and if it weren't for the jews they would have been sent home and or dealt with a long time ago.

I assume that by some white people you mean the jews, because not all whites are jews, but all jews are white.

No by white people I mean white people and all jews are niggers.

Attached: bastard.jpg (800x533, 233.1K)

Thanks for the laugh though.

Attached: Absurd - Pesttanz.webm (322x240, 4.86M)



No, jews are a separate race of shapeshifters

Attached: irl vampires.webm (320x246, 7.13M)

Just a friendly reminder that Sam Hyde has perpetrated most of the school shootings in U.S.GAY, Also checked.

Attached: 1509087559884.png (345x351, 178.05K)

And do you believe he will rehabilitated when he gets out after 9YEARS I think he'll be a gigga nigga worse.

We need to segregate from these animals, i'm always on alert when around niggers it has saved me from begin attacked a few times.

Attached: 47717465fd12d915bc2c1b4146ea13ff8026d66b2bdbf2fc0d4f289bf7faa8c9.jpg (1785x2048, 326.95K)

That made me cry hurting an innocent cat. I can't believe whites deal with these monsters, round them up and end it.

looking funny in the hood is no joke.
Black people judge everything by the way you look, which explains a lot.

it could have been MUCH worse, I'll give you that.

Attached: librl trigr.jpg (600x600, 48.46K)

ugh i love this one

Worst demolition derby I've ever seen.

That's some high quality community and parenting right there. It takes a village…

And this is why man-children should be put in charge of nothing more than their own personal nintendo.

Spare the rod…

This heeb has the gall to use the phrase "white teacher" three fucking times in that article as well.

multiple hits to the back of the head can't be good for anything. this style of fighting causes brain damage.

That cross shines the whole time. Almost as if someone was watching. and Judging.

Attached: disapproval.jpg (1017x573, 101.81K)

"And he will answer, 'I tell you the truth, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me.'

Attached: meme-f-off.mp4 (360x360, 448.01K)

Attached: making polonium sushi in my head right now.jpg (2300x1536 255.91 KB, 530.78K)

surprised it wasnt stolen tbh…

Attached: fuckin tyrone.jpg (464x597, 55.44K)


I'm a German irish nigger for wanting to have some fun in my childhood mods think it's funny to change the post user and I were referring to

Attached: pappa dew.jpg (846x774, 288.78K)

based nigs