Guys i did something bad

guys i did something bad..
Should i kill myself? why did he just leave though? We have a gate with a beware of dog sign, was that enough to stop him, does it mean he'll come with like the proper equipment tomorrow? any ideas. i'm dying of anxiety here.

Other urls found in this thread:

Admit to raping the neighbor's kid so that your sentence is lighter. Might as well make it worth it since your going to jail anyway tbh,


In seriousness, unless it's a sexual crime, in which case you're totally fucked because it's just a game of pointing fingers, it's surprisingly easy to get away with loads of shit simply by not being a pussy and keeping your mouth shut. Unless is right in which case drink a bottle of bleach fam it's over.

i didn't rape anyone, i'm being serious user.
I simply sent a lewd message, just a bunch of text to some random girl over an app.
I tried deleting the account but Chinese apps don't let you delete accounts. i didn't even send dick pics or anything. i feel like an sjw, literally shaking. also i hear admitting to that doesn't get you anything.

don't sage my thread you filthy fucking JEW

just spill the beans

lol you're fine faggot
have a sage for being 12

i only over heard her saying it to my mother, but my guess is he was standing outside our gate just, standing there and looking into the property.

I hear police come into threads like these to give counter intuitive advice. You know that's just going to get me butt raped, but that's what you want to see, right? since you're a homosexual.

Rabbi, no.

What does that mean?

was the girl undergae?

Tell you what, you admit to attempted rape of a minor and we get you a shorter sentence.

it didn't have an age on the profile or a username nor a picture, just a string of numbers. i just sent the message to a random account and then got a message from an angry aunt.

you stupid fuck. You can be sexting a fucking kid.

And the account just happened to belong to your underage neighbor? What a coincidence!

you're not allowed to be on that app if you're under 16, and most users are adults, why would someones kid niece be on the app if they're not at an age where they can receive offers to view a guy jerk off?

VPN test to circumvent CP ban

thats what you get for getting involved with 3DPD OP. you're fucked.

are you really that naive? Its not like people lie on the internet, right? Oh wait… they do

Stop being funny, i'm serious user. I've never been so scared, come tomorrow i'll probably be arrested for something ridiculous and i'll die in prison because i'm a weak autistic fag(no homo).

Well why would the app allow people under the age that they're supposed to be to use the app? men are browsing that app with hard cocks and clouded judgement. I just wanted to beat my meat while a cute girl watched, is that too much to ask? why would i have to assume it wasn't someone of legal age, when most users aren't?

Aren't underage*
That's what i meant

If you get v& remember to keep your fucking mouth shut until you have a chance to talk with a lawyer

Dude, if they are coming for you, they already know what you are typing now anyway.
You are toast.
Or maybe they aren't after you.
If they are, you are done.
If they aren't, you are not.
It is entirely out of your hands at this point though, so just go with it.

so you're saying i'm schrodingers fucked? does "just go with it" mean, jump of a skyscraper? that sounds like a really good idea, honestly.

this is easier said than done, have you ever had to do such a thing?

Dude, you're 12 year old fucked. Like 'omfg it's the end of my tiny little world until next week when the next thing happens'. And remember - lies and misdirection. Hell, deliberately come across as a fucking autistic insular shouldn't be hard

I'm too autistic to lie properly.
someone else told me that i shouldn't be worried about this, should i take that advice? apparently the "how dare you speak to my niece in that way" line is used by scammers and i shouldn't worry. but then again, those could've been CIA niggers tricking me into lowering my guard or something. should i destroy my phone change my name and move to Russia?

As long as you don't get in fights at prison you can just do your time and be done. Or if there's a lot of niggers do the opposite, and get in a bunch of fights but don't hurt anyone too bad and they'll put you in solitary for some relief.

No, it means that since you now have no control over what happens, there is little point in worrying about what to do. None of the next steps are up to you either way. If they come for you, accept it and deal with it. If they don't, then have a drink, breathe a sigh of relief, and make whatever changes in your life you think are necessary to keep yourself from feeling this way again in the future.

BTW, generally speaking, unless the cops feel like you are a serious threat to their lives, they won't watch you before they take you down. So my guess is that nobody is after you at all, and your sister is fucking with your head deliberately.

Don't try to trick OP like that. Be honest and tell him the cops are watching, even in plainclothes. Didn't you notice anyone in your neighborhood who didn't seem to belong there, who gave you a weird look but then tried to pretend nothing happened?

Thanks, guys. I knew i could count on Holla Forums to settle me down a little. I think what i'll do is just stop using the internet. i can't get on it without wanting to wank in front of a woman, omegle is full of bots and men so i had to find an alternative and look what happened. I'll just have to get a shitty flip phone with nothing but a calling function and i'll get rid of my computer too. that'll stop me from randomly offering strangers if they're interested in seeing my dick. I full heartedly cannot control it. So this will probably be the last time i hang out with you guys, it's been fun, i'll miss you guys, my only friends.

the cops will skype fap with you if you ask nicely

wait what if the lady presses charges, what happens then? don't i get like a court summon or something?

no. if you call them and ask to fap over skype very nicely they might have a qt female officer you can fap to.

winter 3/4 year and 3/2 month spring and fall each! they say as though july is summer, however only warm not freezing swim. and government mafia. it not life.

yeah, I guess russia is a little too much. maybe some sort of asian country would be best.

Dude you're fine. Unless the profile specifically said she was underage and you're not like 25+ no one cares. And if she pretended to be older you're protected in most states.

OP I've had the police at my door like 10 times mostly for stuff related to me being suicidal and deranged and terrorist threats.

Nothing came of it.

I suggest to be ready to kill yourself but also calmly and truthfully answer their questions and talk about any problems you might have with them.

I had a weapon on me and everything and even though it was illegal, because I was suicidal, I didn't care one bit whether I got arrested or not… and the (female) police officer asked me if I had weapons on me and I said yes and put it on the table and came with her in the back of the vehicle to the hospital. She never reported the weapon or caused me any trouble she was just there to help.

This is Canada. I don't know about how it goes down in your country.

…but yeah, get stoic as fuck, pray to god, don't let yourself feel any sadness or fear, and be absolutely resolved to kill yourself if necessary.

Is that a nigger getting killed by lightning?

I tried to an hero via bottle of bleach. It does not work. Highly recommend not to do it, you will live, and it will suck.

Just remember this OP. Police want to keep their jobs and their lives. They will read your subconscious stuff and know if you the kind of person they can mess with or not. So be a man, be resolved, be ready to die if necessary, be absolutely calm, be truthful and honest, and be careful to position yourself correctly for a fight, and to not be taken alive. Don't let them get you into a position where you're in the ward or in jail, it's better to die than be there.

das where you're wrong kiddo

Some special advice for you: don't be one of those autists that think's there are cheatcodes to life, you know, like sovereign citizens

The law is an abstraction that is selectively enforced. Remember you're not dealing with the law, you're dealing with the man before you, and if you haven't really done anything wrong or that has caused much trouble, they will recognize that and let you go.

If you try to get on a plane they will arrest you then and there.

Normalfags are brainwashed to believe in psychology btw so they will think you have reduced responsibility because "autism" or "schizophrenia" btw.

We all know this feel.

If you even seriously think going to Asia is a good idea at all then I hope you fuck this all up and the police take you in for racial treason.

you sure are fucking stupid
just keep your mouth shut and remember, everything they say they have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt in a courtroom
it won't get to the courtroom because either you'll bitch out or they'll drop

Let's assume you're not baiting.
If true, do not speak with the cops, even if you think you're not guilty. It doesn't matter. Anything you say will be used against you and never ever in your favor.
Always have an attorney present.

Smiley, walk away from the fucking computer.

by zeus i would say.

how come that one girl died from it then? maybe you had some of that watered down bleach

yeah, i doubt it'll go down as smoothly here. thanks for the advice though.

is this good advice, i can't tell if you're serious or tugging my balls.

i don't know how to go about doing this, i've spent six years in my bedroom. i can't talk to an other human being without coming off as a weirdo, he'll be suspicious, just because of my autism, i just know it. I don't even know how i could start to tell him that i like beating my salami in front of women on the internet and that i wasn't aware of the age of that particular account. don't they hear that a lot? i don't think he'll be sympathetic, since once anything has "underaged" on it, all reason goes out the window, you know how normalniggers are.

well i'm supposed to be flying to an other country for a wedding soon. they would inform me if they were looking for me right? i don't want them to think i'm fleeing.

You never know i could be asian, or eskimo, or niggroid, or whiteoid.

wont not saying anything equate to not cooperating thus leading to my arrest?

No, you dumb fuck.
It's the Fifth Amendment.
>No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
Always, always have an attorney present. Do not talk to the cops under any circumstances.
Also, don't let law enforcement in if they don't have a warrant. Fourth Amendment.
Even if you're not an American, you will probably find something in the constitution of your country along those lines.

well an user up in the thread is saying i should speak honestly. So if i tell the officer, i was asking random female accounts if they would be interested in watching me beat it, whilst not thinking that any of them would be underaged, since most users were adults. you think he'd understand or do you recon he'd toss me to the slammer, so he can meet his "arrested fuckos quota"?
Also, i think the officer that showed up and then left without saying anything because we've got this huge fence, left to get a warrant, right? he wouldn't climb over the fence, so he went and got a warrant, isn't that what they do?

They actually have quotas they have to meet of not arresting people. If they've made too many arrests for the year already, they just let people get away with crime; which is what happened in the Ted Cruz case, tons of crime happening there, but they wanted to get funding for the school, so they reported only a fraction of it and so kids got away with all kinds of shit regularly.

Again there's no cheat codes. I'm basically an anarchist, I see a police officer as a man with a gun, who can do whatever he wants with it. You have to respect him for what he is. The laws are just the fiction. Anyways, you've done nothing wrong, and if they are reading your thread they'll realize you're harmless and had no idea how old they were.

You know police aren't even legally required to do anything when something is happening? Like they can just stand outside while a crime is happening and not bother to run in. They don't have to do anything at all when they don't want to.

Police are kind of like laid-back lazy imageboard moderators that once in awhile enforce their own rules and a lot of the time don't bother.

From what I've heard from police they just look at:

1. Are you a potential threat to yourself or others.
2. Are you causing a disturbance.
3. How do we solve this peacefully.

They also are trained to not escalate situations but to de-escalate and they solve many things without stuff going to court.

Being combative with a police officer is not good. You want to be friendly and polite with them.

Oh something else for you to think about OP is the fact prisons are all full and also they don't want to give you a record if they can avoid it since a record will ruin your life and they understand and sympathize with that.

But seriously, all the jails are packed, that's why all the minor crimes get ignored, if they're going to put some away it better be something that's worth it… and yes a lot of people do go to jail for minor crimes but only because they were doing much bigger and more serious crimes and the police found it easier to charge them with the lesser crime.

The other retard giving you "advice" is Smiley, a literal schizo from /4chon/. You can read all about him on /cow/. (The guy with the glasses flag, if you can't tell.)
Know your rights and stick to them. Don't speak with the cops. Just make sure you tell them you won't be talking to them "based on your Fifth Amendment rights" or some shit. Or say you're "pleading the Fifth."
If you're actually autistic, for the love of God, make sure you have an attorney present because they'll make you confess to shit you haven't done with the promise you'll be left off the hook. They are allowed to lie to you, while you can't lie to them.

Nikolas Cruz, user. Nikolas. Next you're gonna tell me that Ted Cruz is the Zodiac Killer.

nobody cares

I thought that in my mind but my hands typed something else.

Then again, who really knows? Maybe Ted was the mask-clad warrior in body armour who really carried out the attack.

>acknowledging or playing along with the system that is built by (((them))) to destroy us

personally i don't believe the police watch the internet too closely, i doubt they even know what Holla Forums, i'm talking about my local authorities, they wouldn't be watching.

wouldn't it be causing a disturbance if i'm asking random people if they wanna watch me shoot globs of goop?

That makes sense, so. I'm basically in the clear?
what has me scared is how much of a big deal did the retarded aunt make when she called the police, women love hyping shit up and acting like anything that happens to them is the worst thing that could ever happen, you know. So i think how serious they consider this to be is dependent on the spectacle the aunt made when she phoned the police. What kind of person lets an underage fucko use an app like that and then get angry when the inevitable happens? A woman.

fuck, well that's scary. i think i'll have to take the suicide route. this is too much.

I talked to the police on multiple occassions about Holla Forums. They didn't understand what it was. I talked to them about pepe and that we collect rare pepes and that he's a meme. They didn't understand what is a meme. They eventually were like "oh he's like a cartoon character". I had to explain all this because they didn't understand what it was I do. The way they were questioning me, I think they were expecting me to say I was into some weird sexual thing, because they kept saying stuff like "it's ok we don't judge you can tell us"… but I'm not into sexual stuff I just like memes.

A disturbance is where like you create a lot of trouble with some person in some place and it escalates and gets out of control. Police then usually say not to visit that place again or have contact with that person again. When it comes to internet things though they just tell people to block them. I actually had to explain that on imageboards we don't have accounts and you can't block people. They were confused for awhile but the one police officer then talked to the other and briefly explained that tor and imageboards are like the unregulated anonymous part of the internet. They are only really familiar with facebook and police always just tell people if they're being harassed online to block whoever is causing trouble. Because that capacity exists, that is how they prefer to see things handled. You can go around and do whatever you want online asking a thing like that, it's not the same as saying going to some restaurant and getting into shouting matches with an employee there, etc.

Yes. Trust me there's people doing all kinds of pretty serious crimes all the time and nothing even gets done about it, that's how all these criminals get started, tons of minor shit and it eventually ends with something very serious. The jails are always full.

Well the same thing happened to me when I was using craigslist and I was ranting about the Order of Nine Angles and just trolling some schizophrenic woman on there. The schizo bitch kept thinking I was someone she knew, saying his full first and last name over and over, and not believing I'm some random troll. She then called the police at some point and they had to come over to my house. When the police arrived they were like "don't worry you've done nothing wrong we're just here to talk to you about the post on craigslist as it sounded concerning". My craigslist account was banned and changes were made for the dating section of craigslist where they require phone verification now for anyone to post there, so I've never bothered to post any new ads there, although you can still reply to people's posts on there without an account or verification. At worst because some hysterical woman is demanding it the police will have to pacify her by paying you a visit and having a talk so they can give the impression they're doing something and calm the aunt down.

The guy who thinks Smiley is in every thread is some idiot chasing after a boogieman don't mind him. ProTip though for stoic suicide, remember in your last moments to be as happy as possible, because when you're about to die there is no time to waste on sorrow… and don't hesitate. Make sure though you're actually about to be dragged through the system, if they're just there to talk and they leave, there's nothing to worry about. It's when they're about to put those zipties around your hands or put you under arrest that you're fucked. That's when to take action.

how does one know the police is looking to ziptie you and not just talk.

How I'm trying to be

Sorry I goofed I meant to post that on an entirely different websites

i hope you guys aren't giving me bad advice on purpose, also i still am unsure if i should talk or not. I don't really want to jump off a building, by the way. Don't interpret it that way, i just think it's the only solution that seems to make sense.

By them taking the zipties out and requesting you put your hands together to put them on.

sounds like a voice of experience there, user…

Think about everything I've told you. Does it make sense? Does it line up with reality? Trust me dude, I have a lot of experience, and have spent a lot of time with a lot of different sorts of people. Personally, I doubt they're even going to show up, and if they do show up I highly doubt anything will come of it. You're just being jumpy.

You can watch some videos of police subduing people and how they do it although I warn you that both police and military act totally different when they know they're on cam vs when they know they're off cam.

aka on camera stuff is basically propaganda, how the system is supposed to work

whereas off came is more personal dealing, aka how people work

remember if you deal with the system you lose, if you deal with people you have a fighting chance

Jesus tapdancing Christ.
Wait it out and don't speak to them.

Officer, do you have a warrant? Please come back with a warrant, thank you.
Sorry, officer. I'll only speak in the presence of my attorney.

I just let the police come in. They asked if I could turn on lights and I hit a switch a few times that didn't work and explained the lights were dead. We talked there in the dark. Why be a dick to them and make them stand outside?

Just let them ask their questions and answer them. I guess if you really want you can just not answer a question after you've heard it but chances are it'll be pretty benign stuff.

OP you did nothing wrong and nothing the warrants fining you or putting you in jail. TBH you're acting like a kid who is torrenting a song and heard it's illegal and is expecting the SWAT to come and bust in any moment. You aren't someone with a lot of money or someone who'd be a target right? You're not Trump's son? There should be no problem.

Maybe you're just lucky.
They're persistent, they wouldn't just leave after coming here, they're definitely going to return and because they had to make a second trip they'll be in a bad mood. How the heck did elliot rodger talk to the police and not get in trouble, or you?

I don't have an attorney i'm a jobless poor as fuck NEET living in a little cuckshed at my parents. i'm doomed, i'm screwed beyond any shadow of doubt, i'm completely fucked.

uh sure, come in
uhhh, yeah
they won't even give me a chance to explain myself
This is the most embarrassing shit ever, if i don't kill myself this is what people will remember me by, the guy who offered to show his cock to a little fucko.

How did they even know where i lived? they could've just called me right? but they didn't, which means the app people didn't give them my phone number which means they wouldn't know who i was. it makes no sense.

Look, you're blowing this shit out of proportion.
They haven't charged you with anything *yet*. They probably won't have anything unless you speak to them.

…or god isn't done with me yet.

You should see the things Terry A. Davis has done and he's still free. He had to take things pretty far before he did end up in prison for a bit but he got out on bail.

heh me too

You realize there's hordes of pajeets and arabs that spam their dicks at everyone online every day to the point that probably not a single woman on the internet hasn't been harassed by them right? Nothing ever comes of it. Me personally my biggest fear with the police was them talking to my parents, I didn't care about going to jail or dying, I just didn't want my parents to find out about anything.

They find you through your IP and ISP. They just get a search warrant and ask your ISP where you live. Btw, if you want to continue to do this kind of thing in the future, make a new account whilst using a proxy, and only ever use that account with proxies, never once sign in with your bare IP, and preferably choose proxies not in the same country as yourself.

I actually offered to the police for them to see my computers but they told me it's best they don't do that.

Once you start doing shit like that you're playing by the rules of the system and subject to the rules of the system. Seeing as you can't win in that system, you should not be doing this.

Smiley, fuck off. Your family has money and always gets you out of trouble.
The police in Canada is not the same as the police in the United States.

smiley, your advice is shit. when dealing with police, you should shut the fuck up.

if you have to say anything, tell them that you don't answer questions. don't ask questions, don't answer questions. just shut the fuck up. if you aren't in cuffs nearly immediately you're probably not going to be.

if you're going to be arrested, the cops don't just leave your house - especially if someone is present there to have seen said cops.

at worst, OP is being investigated for saying some dumb shit he said online and will get a visit from police, if he shuts the fuck up he won't get in trouble.

police aren't people. they're pawns of the state - literal soulless robots that made a faustian pact with the government in exchange for increased protections when shit hits the fan.
dealing with the cops and feds like you deal with people will get you sent to the nut house, and you'd know all about that, schmuley :^)

they are bugmen and should be dealt with as such, be confident and tell them you have nothing to say, if they take you in, ask what you're being charged with only and repeat the phrase "I have a right to a lawyer and I would like to take advantage of that right"

What you should say:
Yeah, I mind. - then you close the door behind you, locking both yourself and the feds away from your property
I don't answer questions.
I would like to take advantage of my right to a lawyer.

Get one, now. There are plenty of cheap lawyers that deal with niggers and who would be relieved to deal with a white person who actually shows up to appointments and court. Take out a loan if you have to. If not you'll be dealing with public defenders who have no steak in actually defending you since they get paid anyway.

In the initial interaction your best bet is to shut the fuck up. Once they take you in you start talking about lawyers. Other than that sound advice.

Everyone knows Terry, you fucking tard. Plus he's obviously crazy and not dangerous unlike you lel so people give him a break.

no nigger you live in the basement of a fucking mansion and are currently shitposting from an expensive gaymen rig. god you're pathetic.

I'm not Smiley you retards.

t. Smiley


t. smiley

Sovereign citizen tier.


welp, the smiley cancer has come to Holla Forums I guess, time to give up on this board since you fags are going to make this sudo 2.0

Fucking retard, sovvies believe they don't have to pay taxes n' shieeeeet but they're 100% right about the fact that you don't need to say jack shit to the police. ever.

You're a fucking snitch.

good, go and stay go.

whats wrong with sudo?

You aren't a Holla Forums poster though you're just some guy who is only here because you think Smiley is here.

you haven't gassed imkampfy yet.

simply ebin.

t. smiley.
We love you

The endless threads of smiley dox spam and every retard on there thinking smiley is in every thread and the LARPers who pretend to be smiley in order keep the drama going.

Do you know what that word means?

Who am I supposedly snitching on and about what? What would I snitch about?



I know what your real goal with this smiley psy-op is. It's to de-anonymise imageboards by assigning identities to everyone.

I'm a snitch for telling them about rare pepes?


Oh btw, it's you /cow/diots fault for bringing police attention to Holla Forums, since you're the ones that keep calling them over stupid shit.

You identify yourself, constantly, by sharing the same stories on multiple boards on multiple occasions.

I'm sure that's the only thing you told them about you schizophrenic fuckstick

Fuck. The goy knows.

l*terally me gangstalking people heh

every time with this shit

The fuck else would I tell them about? The only thing I'm interested in knowing from them is who you guys are and where you live so I can kill you all.

But you are the one telling everyone everything you do while you remain clueless about anonymous users who choose to remain anonymous.

Each time you guys send the police, I find out who sent them. I have some of your dox and will absolutely destroy your lives when the time has come to do so if you haven't given up this stupid game by then.

What do you mean by what you just said?


Even if you knew my address you wouldn't be able to do sh*t since I live right next to omcoon. we're both MOSSAD gangstalkers assigned to you.

You l*terally don't because the police can't tell you who called them to prevent this exact kind of behavior being exhibited by people who are actually capable of doing something about it unlike you lmoa

run faggot, get the fuck out of town.

Explain how I find out hotwheels sent them the first time then. I asked and they told. You're wrong, retard. You can't just use the police to harass me and expect to remain anonymous.

Illegally, of course. It seems the Waterloo, Ontario police is corrupt as fuck. Time to file a complaint with the review board.

I've never called the cops on you lmoa. I don't call the cops on people tbh, if I did calling you a snitch would be massive hypocrisy.
Because he used to post on and probably told you himself.
Dumb nigger, your insanity prevents you from remembering things correctly.

lmao I can't wait to find you and kill you

I'm never going to even imply that i have a cock on the internet, outside of this thread.

My problem with this is that it makes me seem guilty of something. what if i just say no? i didn't use my name, but the app did had me log in with my number, and it's a chinese app so the account can only be deleted by sending them a message asking to have your account deleted and you need to provide a screenshot along with "registered info", which only gook god knows what that even means, they don't even look at the message because they're fucking gooks that are only interested in selling information.

Man, posts like these really calm my autistic nerves down.
well the first part did. Is there a chance at all that i wont have to speak with police, i know, i just know i'm to mentally retarded to do it properly, i'll come off as too scared and they already have a negative image of me because normalretards become unreasonable any time an underage is mentioned.

What if i just deny it all and say someone hacked my phone so they could log in on the app and ask people if they wanted to watch that person shoot a glob?

u mad

i can't drive i've been NEET too long and never got a permit.

I only found out from him after the fact. I found out from the police first. I'm not a snitch btw that is completely retarded and unfounded. Why would I let the police do their work when I would much prefer to kill you all personally?

Don't talk, don't speak. Mute. Can't remember. No. No. Can't answer that.
Attorney if custody.


Not as mad as you'll be when I post your mutilated corpse on Holla Forums and you have to watch as a ghost.

take a bus, greyhound runs daily
at least go somewhere else. the cops will give up on a petty warrant after a few days. costs too much.

You know what's really annoying about you? Whenever I correct you or tell you anything you always just deny it and substitute your own fiction. At least by distorting all the facts and getting everything completely wrong though you're also doing me a favor heh.

Work on that fam, that's where they get in. All you have to do is shut the fuck up, and tell them you aren't going to answer questions or let them near your property.
Then you're lying to the feds which can be another offense and will definitely get you in some form of trouble.

are you by any chance underage too? 8ch isn't 18+ so you won't be b& for telling the truth. if you are it makes things much simpler and some bitch is just trying to scare you

I'm sure you aren't lying about this like you lie about countless other things to seem cool online lmao.

I'm already a ghost. I'm your MOSSAD gangstalker.

He probably doesn't have a warrant even, if he did the cops would have interacted with his sister and snagged his electronics already.

It's a mirror of your own retardation.

Don't listen to them. You're talking to /cow/tists. They are obsessed with making people like you and me do stupid shit. They sound all authoritative and shit but they are idiots.


You're giving awful advice based on your personal experience dealing with social services from Canada instead of the cops in America, Shlomey.

I wish i were underaged, then even if i were to get in trouble, the authorities would be reasonable with me.

I went there voluntarily. I wanted to see what it was like and to see if I could greenpill the psychiatrists. I wrote down all the hermetic axioms on a paper while I was in there, as well as all the hindu tattvas, and all the alchemical symbols and I tried to teach them about magick. They didn't want to listen much though and just kept asking me really repetitive stupid questions like if I was hearing any voices. I told them I could if I wanted to but that you guys don't seem to like that kind of thing so I'm ignoring them.

then he doesn't even have to answer the door or let the pigs in his house.

How about the cuts in your arms?

How is being honest, realizing that police are just armed men that will do whatever they want, and committing suicide if they try to take away your freedom NOT sound advice though?

What about them?

Is this good advice to you?

Yeah. Nobody can put you in jail if you're dead. The legal system is meaningless.


Who needs /cow/ when you can just read these kinds of posts?

Once a certain someone told me that I can't commit murder.

I told them yes I can.

They're like … but that's illegal.

I'm like … but that won't stop me.

That certain someone is in jail right now for breaking into a home and raping a young girl btw. heh

OP, just remember that's the guy giving you advice.

Oh there was also a certain someone I told about Holla Forums before and showed my weapons too.

A few months later he tried to fuck his mother.

That did not go well and he got kicked out and forced to live with an aunt or something.

His mother blames mental illness.

He was a redditor.


"going voluntarily" just means they didn't drag you there in cuffs m8. judge for yourselves as to how "voluntary" this was
you were involuntarily committed fam

exactly, and he shouldn't.
he should simply ask "do you have a warrant?" and if they say no tell them "I have no business with you" would be the absolute best bet. i don't know how well pretending not to be home / literally clamming up works but that's how I've always handled piggers and i've never been to jail or the looney bin so i think it's worked pretty well.

i did get a ticket once but i got caught at a car meet so there's really no way out of that shit

Lets see how you look Shlomo.

Congratulations, the community here hopes that you will share your life lasting existence as a registered pedophile predator by writing a daily blog about how restricted and limited your life is gonna be.
You done fucked up, Einstein fag.
What were you possibly thinking?! Trying to manipulate an underage girl.

Normies are hilarious. They're afraid to say things and exercise the right to freedom of speech. Then they do stupid shit. I underestimate many times just how stupid normies are.

by that's how I've handled piggers I mean "Do you have a warrant" / "I don't answer questions" not going full anxiety mode and clamming up or hiding under my bed. with that other option, results may vary.

That sounds cool but I had a choice to go involuntarily or voluntarily and I went voluntarily. Now that is technically involuntarily but I think it was counted as voluntary. I didn't have any cuffs and the female cop was so beautiful and friendly I really liked her.

rights are a spook you stupid nigger, you handle robots by responding to their subroutines with the correct responses that are most likely to ensure your freedom - not by telling the pig taking you to the nutjob about essential oils and snitching to her about h8chan. you absolute faggot.

Now this is my idea of co-me-dy.


le bait

oy vey she's found out about essential oils

Have you ever considered I'm just an agent provocateur, a glow in the dark, and that's how I get away with the shit I do? It would explain a lot. Think about it.

Always with the "have you ever considered I'm merely pretending" argument.

the schizophrenia is too authentic fam.

no, that's because you're rich and jewish.

Wow you really don't like police. Why? Even James Mason says to apply praise and adoration for them at the right times. Remember that chapter about it?

Haven't you ever thought about why you're in such an unfortunate disadvantage life position compared to every other person you know?




What do you mean by that?

That's because SEIGE was written by government spooks. I fucking hate piggies becasue they're pawns of the state and will ensure that the state exists because it pays their bills and puts food on their plates. I hate anyone who puts the state above themselves.

They are what's keeping a failing state afloat, and what will squash any rebellion against said state.

Is that the same James Mason you quoted here?
Full link if it fell off the catalog:

hahaha have fun being on the sex offender registry OP

Sometimes I wonder at night if you're protecting me.

I'm an angel.
A MOSSAD angel sent to keep you on the righteous path.

It is I, Omran!

Yeah you obviously didn't read Siege. A shame! It's a good book that you should read.

She didn't have an age on her profile, dummy. i was just trying to see if a girl would like the way my dick looked while it was coughing up goop, she wasn't even supposed to be on the site. Why would you have to assume someone in a site not meant for kids would be a kid?

Because people lie on the Internet.


No you didn't read the book because you have no idea which chapter I'm referencing or what was said in it.

Seriously, you do a poor job of chronicling things related to me, you got to read the material I read and keep track of things better. As it stands the autobiography is such a mess. I need to fire you. A certain someone I know will be able to tell my story where I'm gone.


Dr Schmuley, I'm CIA.

OP remember that you as soon as you are ready to die you are a free man. Nothing in the world will take that away from you. No legal fiction, no force, nothing. Fear nothing, have faith, and look forward to the call of martyrdom if it must happen, but otherwise go on with your life not worried. All that really matters in life is if you're right by god. If you know god smiles upon you, you're doing well. The judgement of a bunch of imbeciles matters not.


I know it because James Mason uses the exact same word as you, "pig", and hates the police. He never praised at all. I was just fucking with you. I wanted to see if your autism is strong enough for you to read the books I read. Apparently not. Which is a shame, because you'd find many clues in there, that would help you understand my master plan.


you're just trying to get me to read seige when i wrote the book.


Stop taunting me with scary ideas you fuck.

well she wasn't supposed to be there. shouldn't the aunt be in trouble for child endangerment or something? the site is flooded with poos, my guess is a pajeet showed his cock to the girl, and then they went over the messages and saw mine in there as well as all the pajeet ones asking for open bob, mine just happened to be understandable. If only i had been born a pajeet.

if you really are a jew that explains why you can do anything you want and not get in trouble.
I don't want to have to suicide.

dude just answer: are you also under 18?

Oh i thought i had answered that. No, i'm slightly older than 18.

As long as you know there's an actual lolcow trying to get you to talk to the cops and / or suicide (either of which you shouldn't do), it's fine. You know that's bad advice.

No answering questions. No opening doors without a warrant.

He is neither Anglo nor Jewish at all.

…and this thread is crawling with Fort Meade.


You're right I should hop on a train and live in california or something.

Oh if you're going there I have a special mission for you then. I need you to infiltrate a compound and check if certain individuals are there and report back to me your findings. Don't worry, I will tell you some things to say so you won't get in trouble and get shot by the cartels. I just need you to confirm the validity of some suspicions and see if they actually have the operative capacity to do as they say. Seriously you'll be doing me a hugeeee favor and there might be something in this for you as well if all goes successful.

More details will be given if you provide a contact. Don't bother if not interested.

smiley your little fforay into human trafficking was a scam. you got played. dumb faggot.

the system says exactly what you're saying faggot, the piggers are humans, they're on your side, and if you just tell them the truth nothing bad will happen. it's shit advice.

go be a pigfucker somewhere else, kike.

ok. go to your local drugstore and tell them you need to buy some dialators, the kind that trannies use to stretch out their fake pussies so they can one day feel the joy of having a benis inside them. Take them home, but here's the catch, don't use them on your fake bucci, use them on your butthole. you need to get stretched and ready for big, nig dick in prison

Shut up, i'm going to sail to Sweden, as a rapefugee or something. it's my only salvation, to take on an entirely new identity in a faraway land.

