Fluffy pony abuse thread

fluffy pony abuse thread







I suppose this is nice and all but why not just go kill some niggers with a chainsaw? I do it all the time whenever I have a lot of pent-up anger and want to get rid of it.




What did ponies do to you friend?
inb4 killed my family
































It's not the content that bothers me, it's the sheer volume of material.










Poor babies

Damn it feels good to see a fluffy thread on Holla Forums

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Fluffies are cute, friendly creatures who are too naive for their own good. Fluffy abuse isn't about hate, it's about playing God to creatures that cannot comprehend why bad things happen to them despite them just wishing for love and happiness for everyone.

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Many think fluffy abuse = animal abuse (you'll see a lot of shitty stories where the fluffy abuser started out with animals first), but that is wrong

Fluffies are sapient; animals however, even some of the most intelligent, are sentient (only for a select few aren't)

That sapience begs the question of their unnerving innocence, such as one has a disliking of the uncanny valley, one has ditto for the innocence
Its seen as feign, & naturally could only hide malice, fluffies typically have innocence that even a toddler could see past

Again, that innocence cannot be equated with that of puppies, for they (puppies) see the world in a drastically different way & interact with it in a just as drastic fashion
A puppy can't ask "way u no wan play??" it can only bark & squeal, and even at then, they're still surprisingly attentive to their environment, in a way that especially fluffies aren't (helped by the fact that they are pack predators)

I also believe that for many, their brain see fluffies are a forceful contestant to a child of theirs
Such as someone would force away a child that isn't theirs that is attempting to "dethrone" their actual child, one does the same to fluffies, whether or not they own a child of their own, but only because of a survival mechanism

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Then go out and stab a liberal hippie in the throat it's that simple.


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