holy shit this place has really ate shit and died. pic related shows all threads that have been bumped in the past 35 mins since now 20:15 (8:15pm) EST.
What in the hell is going on around here?
holy shit this place has really ate shit and died. pic related shows all threads that have been bumped in the past 35 mins since now 20:15 (8:15pm) EST.
What in the hell is going on around here?
the entire site is dying. probably because no one gives a shit about politics anymore
You could have stopped right there and been more accurate.
Not even Dysnigger gives a shit about Holla Forums anymore, if he even ever did.
I believe I know what the problem is. The administration allows popular user image board names like Holla Forums, Holla Forums, Holla Forums, and others be claimed on a first-come, first-serve basis. Almost all the BOs of these boards are megalomanical bags of shit who ban anons and lock/delete threads with little or no reason. When other anons try to create competing boards, they fail because everyone gravitates toward Holla Forums and wants fuckall to do with /newb/ or /bbbb/ or any other variants. Rather than try to make alternate boards work whenever a rogue BO decides to fuck with their users, they just go to another site.
I've posted about this way too much in /sudo/, but the screechers just spam the threads and the admin is nowhere to be found.
This was a great site back in the days of the exodus. Now, with fat ugly Jim in charge, it's gone straight to shit.
You're 100% correct.
You mean the days when the "megalomanical bags of shit" also ran the boards you hate, because that didn't change at all? Blame the community
I actually really like it here.
t. (((redditor)))
how to fix bee?
Yes, we know.
Being a board owner makes you feel like you have accomplished something special in this world.
You fix it by burying it.
More posts
Kill it to save it's life.
You don't. What you do is flag certain board names like Holla Forums, Holla Forums, and Holla Forums as reserved so that users cannot create boards with those names. You then force owners of existing boards that use those names to choose a new name for their board. This way, no one can claim Holla Forums or any other trademark user board name.
This would fix nearly every problem with this entire site if they would only give it a trial run.
It should have been killed ages ago, tbh.
I am sure Dys is a nice guy and all that, but he is simply an incapable board owner under the best of circumstances, and 8ch is NOT the best of circumstances to try to be a BO under.
He is spineless and has no leadership characteristics whatsoever, his personality is abrasive, and even his own mods don't like him. Everything he has tried has ended horribly, and now there is nothing left to do but dig a hole and cover it up.
Dysnomia sucks as a BO. He randomly fucks with his users by enabling/disabling IDs and flags, requires subjects for OPs one day then removes the requirement the next, etc. Then he creates a thread asking for anons to vote on new rules which he fucking changes anyway a week later. It's just stupid megalomaniacal bullshit.
I really think the only purpose for this entire site is for Jim to attract traffic to his lame-ass PissWater site. I never go to that shit site no matter what, but would at least increase his traffic if he'd fix the problems with the site's administration.
this, sadly
Put hex in charge. make Holla Forums great again
t.fake hex
true. but that does not invalidate my correct opinion
You can't save Holla Forums alone. The site needs fixed by replacing the administration. I doubt many people come to Holla Forums just for Holla Forums. They come for the other boards, too, but, if they're just as broken, they'll just avoid coming to the site altogether.
both true tbh
hey real hex. how's it going?
can it be saved at this point?
pretty tired tbh. waking up at 3 am for work sucks. my neighbors dogs barked all day, so i couldn't take a nap. and now their kids are outside being loud so it doesn't look like i'll get much sleep tonight
i thought things were going decently when i was a mod. there were a lot more threads worth posting in. but i dunno if even that would fix it at this point. mod me and find out :^)
nice copypasta
that really does suck. shouldn't you be sleeping now instead of posting then?
nowadays, good luck finding even one good thread to post in. the catalog is full of crap
I should be asleep right now, but it's really hard to sleep when there are screaming children outside my window.
That is why it's rare to see me post these days
Sad :(
I only check the place once and awhile and usually only post whenever I see you on tbh
Halfchan jews
I mostly stick to my own board.
Is that the Jewish board?
Speaking of religion, I don't think I've told Holla Forums about the thing I did recently. I am now endowed, which means I got my own magic Mormon underwear. I thought it would be kind of a pain to wear all the time, but it's actually pretty nice. They got like 10 materials to choose from.
Bumping dead thread
You have your own board?
lmao place went to shit when wheelie man left where have you been?
based halfchan jews
Yeah. It's not anything anyone from here would be interested in though. It's a Mormon board. I don't know if it will get consistent traffic, but a couple other Mormons have started posting so maybe it will turn into something.
Ye I tend to keep away from things like that, just like with christian or any other religious boards.
Whenever they banned the pedo community they offically killed /b. Censorship is the downfall of all great things.
If this board is dead…
why do you have to keep bumping this thread?
Because no one else is here to do it
IF this board is dead…
how does OP keep making threads about it?
IF the board is dead….
how doe-
*falls over in dies*