How do we cure the mental illness that is religion?
How do we cure the mental illness that is religion?
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open a fedora store
Cant be offended by religion if you commit suicide. In fact you will be the one offendeding us Christfags.
So please, offend me
Unless you are afraid we are right.
Encouraging blasphemy is blasphemy.
I don't want to offend you. I want to cure you.
I dont need your snake oil.
I just want you to prove me wrong.
Prove to me killing yourself won't damn you for eternity.
I don't have to, because I'm not the one with the delusional belief.
To defeat other religions you must first understand what makes them work. What distinguishes his holiness the pope, who has a direct line to our god and savior, from some lowly monk, who can only ever get to tier two of tech support? Theologians spent ages on this very question and a few years ago one of them Dawkins had a breakthrough: it isn't their devotion to god, nor is it the strength of their belief. What he found that truly makes a difference is the size of their hat. God is very into fashion, and he's really into hats. So the theory goes that if you build a big enough hat you should be able to effectively silence every other line to heaven. However, you must be careful. It isn't just the size of the hat, but how fashionable it is. Never forget the famous hat of babel was struck down by god himself for being passé, so stick with what works and wear that fedora proudly!
you are the one being contrarian
This is your brain on Christianity.
This is your brain on materialistic determinism.
By doing exactly what you're doing and letting us outbreed you.
it's true, you niggers do have a lot of niglets
Niggers aren't christians. I don't know if it's different with the burger ones, but the "christians" from Apefrica believe in all sort of shit that goes against their supposed religion (like wizards).
the buger ones are pretty fuckin christian. god made them in his image. god's a nigger
Imagine being this delirious.
Albino bones will make your rich!
As with every problem, you will never make any progress whatsoever if you do not accurately identify what the problem actually is.
Setting aside your obvious bait, the problem is not, nor has it ever been, religion. Religion in and of itself has been around as long as people have, and many, many cultures have thrived and been full of happy contented individuals who held religious beliefs.
So…if you would like to try again to more accurately identify what the specific problem is that you'd like to address, please feel free.
We will look forward to your next thread eagerly.
Imagine being this delirious.
We teleport behind them and cut them in half with our GLORIOUS NIPPON STEEL KATANA SWORD BLADES.
Nuthin personnel christfags.
But the only legitimate criticism of Christianity ITT thus far, is , because africa niggers do still cast spells on each other and perform voodoo rituals.
Please stand and turn to Hymn No. 264, and let's praise Him in joyous song together!
"Open your bowels for Jesus,
Empty yourself in Praise;
As you dwell in His Word,
You'll be undeterred
To open your bowels for Jesus."
Amen & Glory!
Praise him with many motions!
4chan used to ridicule anyone that believed in any religion until around 2014. Where did all these christfags come from?
Well, considering that "mental illness" is a completely culturally subjective assignation, it seems to me that the easiest thing to do would be to kill all non-religious people.
Maybe they've been saved?
There was a strange movement toward orthodoxy on Holla Forums, then christianity in general.. It was bizzare. I think it was a fetishizing of tradition.
the orthodox church does have some sweet ass robes
We realized that it's just as fun to ridicule atheist neckbeards. That doesn't necessarily make us 'christfags' or religious at all, we just want to poke fun at dogmatic believers.
Make cannabis use mandatory.
That wouldn't make anyone less religious. If anything it would just fill their ego with the thought that they are "more spiritual now".
There's still hope for you user. Accept Jesus into your heart and use your love of science to man a trebuchet and help us retake the Holy Land next Crusade.
Every person in existence is religious including yourself op by not identifying yourself with anything you are just putting yourself into a group of people who worship and glorify wether it is you seek in life. Atheism is a religion in itself.
Don't do this I tried and I got Lunge cancer.
With philosophy.
Be Pious and Religious, O my Son, for he that doth so, is the best and highest Philosopher; and with− out
Philosophy, it is impossible ever to attain to the height and exactness of Piety or Religion.
…but voodoo is actually right.
t. studier of vodoo
It's because they're a persecuted minority now. 4chan is the collection bin for persecuted minorities.
I did this. My mouth bubbled up and I developed permanent nausea from it. I easily gag now every day at any little thing that can trigger it. I was never like this before. I really hurt my lungs and I seemed fine after awhile and thought it did nothing to but then the nausea became apparent.
MFW know you are quoting Corpus Hermeticum.
dude how retarded are you..? please elaborate
MFW you realize what I was quoting
Electroshock therapy. We lobotomize Christcucks so they are no longer able to formulate a religious thought.
you seem mad at people who believe in god. what's the problem? it's probably yourself you don't like.
Religion is for suckers
Angry your religion has been insulted fedora?
who cares if people are religious. let them be enslaved by organised religion. lets just make sure america stays secular.
I love you for this
You can not belive in a god and not be a nihilist. Its just a world view. you can also be spiritual and be an atheist. its just how you view the world and your existence.
You can't. You can't prove something that happens after you die actually happens, it's the one and only reason why religion stays strong.
Even if you have 2 gigantic religions who hate eachother to death, who swear on everything that is holy that they are the right ones and everyone else is going to go to some very bad place if they don't follow them the fact of the matter is the truth is painful and believing a lie is easier than believing a hard cold truth.
Especially if you have been instilled to believe something for years since birth. I understand that there is a purpose to following rules and virtues but to most people the only thing that keeps them from going out and murdering whoever the hell they want is the fear of going to someplace terrible for eternity and of course being punished by your ruling power.
I don't know how long it would take to finally progress past this but fear is a very powerful thing.
I wouldn't assume that there is or isn't a god or gods but I'm not stupid enough to believe a written copy of some stories that has been revised and changed many times over the years holds complete truth and should be followed without question.
Religion is the opiate of the masses and I feel very sorry for those who have been deceived all this time because I used to be one of them.
If I can prove I mean goodwill despite what I say, I still follow rules from all religions because I believe you should be good anyway. Not because you are promised a divine reward or an eternal punishment.
we kill OP
hanging yourself, fastest way
with magic thinking powers
Fucking fedoras, atheism is religious, you dont know what in the fuck is atheism.
Sadly atheism does have a cult like community encasing it.
hahaha you're fucking delusional
theamazingathiest proves you wrong; I didn't say atheism was wrong, only that they have cult like fanatics has supporters. night faggot - learn 2 read
A bullet
relating to or believing in a religion.
"both men were deeply religious and moralistic"
devout, pious, reverent, believing, godly, God-fearing, dutiful, saintly, holy, prayerful, churchgoing, practising, faithful, devoted, committed
"he was a very religious person"
According to that definition padjeets arent religious… cultural marxist bullshit, a christian isnt necessarily religious.
give them no quarter
norway wanna ban circumcision, unless its medical. Jws and mudslimes already mad. :its the foundation of our religion"
Remove all the laws about offending religious feelings. Enforce laws against religious symbols in government buildings
laugh idiots out of school boards
dont elect religious cunts
they already officially unbanned suicide
Put your dick in it
I love you even more
Actually banning atheists from having guns will stop mass school shootings, i am dead serious.
See this: Daily reminder that fedoras are more religious that protestants.
It must be cut off like dead skin
what u r, is dead wrong
Nietzsche please.
Kills jews
Note that christians and muslims are both just subsets of jews. So you have to get rid of them as well. You're still left with eastern religions but they aren't the ones affecting my society as much so I don't give as much of a shit.
Now some christcuck will get mad at me pointing out that he's just a particular type of jew. Which is the equivalent of someone saying they like the Star Wars prequels but not the Originals. Only the original Star Wars were at least good. And yes, this means islam is the new SJW Star Wars.
You mean athiesm