Nigger Violence Stats Go Go Go!

Trying to redpill, I need all the stats concerning black-on-white violence, a few case examples to trigger the emotions in my subject.

Attached: Koko The Gorilla vs Subsaharan Africans.jpg (683x743, 94.38K)

>>>Holla Forums
Wrong board, buddy.

Nope this is the right board. If I post this on Holla Forums it will be deleted and I will be banned because I'm failing to discuss Trump which is the only discussion they allow.

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OP here I can't use any of these pics I need links and quick stats

Stuff like

(don't know if that's right just got that out of memory)

Attached: interacial murder.png (700x495 44.46 KB, 42.52K)

Attached: blackonniggers.jpg (1093x630 1016.48 KB, 73.44K)

I still need stuff I can share as text.

See? Haven't I posted it's a wrong board to ask?