Homosexuality and Psychiatry

Exposed: The Myth That Psychiatry Has Proven That Homosexual Behavior Is Normal

In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) removed homosexuality as a mental disorder from the APA's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders (DSM-II).

This decision was a significant victory for homosexual activists, and they have continued to claim that the APA based their decision on new scientific discoveries that proved that homosexual behavior is normal and should be affirmed in our culture.

This is false and part of numerous homosexual urban legends that have infiltrated every aspect of our culture. The removal of homosexuality as a mental disorder has given homosexual activists credibility in the culture, and they have demanded that their sexual behavior be affirmed in society.

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What Really Happened?'

Numerous psychiatrists over the past decades have described what forces were really at work both inside and outside of the American Psychiatric Association-and what led to the removal of homosexuality as a mental disorder.

Dr. Ronald Bayer, a pro-homosexual psychiatrist has described what actually occurred in his book, Homosexuality and American Psychiatry: The Politics of Diagnosis. (1981)

In Chapter 4, "Diagnostic Politics: Homosexuality and the American Psychiatric Association," Dr. Bayer says that the first attack by homosexual activists against the APA began in 1970 when this organization held its convention in San Francisco. Homosexual activists decided to disrupt the conference by interrupting speakers and shouting down and ridiculing psychiatrists who viewed homosexuality as a mental disorder. In 1971, homosexual activist Frank Kameny worked with the Gay Liberation Front collective to demonstrate against the APA's convention. At the 1971 conference, Kameny grabbed the microphone and yelled, "Psychiatry is the enemy incarnate. Psychiatry has waged a relentless war of extermination against us. You may take this as a declaration of war against you."

Homosexuals forged APA credentials and gained access to exhibit areas in the conference. They threatened anyone who claimed that homosexuals needed to be cured.

Kameny had found an ally inside of the APA named Kent Robinson who helped the homosexual activist present his demand that homosexuality be removed from the DSM. At the 1972 convention, homosexual activists were permitted to set up a display booth, entitled "Gay, Proud and Healthy."

Kameny was then permitted to be part of a panel of psychiatrists who were to discuss homosexuality. The effort to remove homosexuality as a mental disorder from the DSM was the result of power politics, threats, and intimidation, not scientific discoveries.

Prior to the APA's 1973 convention, several psychiatrists attempted to organize opposition to the efforts of homosexuals to remove homosexual behavior from the DSM. Organizing this effort were Drs. Irving Bieber and Charles Socarides who formed the Ad Hoc Committee Against the Deletion of Homosexuality from DSM-II.

The DSM-II listed homosexuality as an abnormal behavior under section "302. Sexual Deviations." It was the first deviation listed.

After much political pressure, a committee of the APA met behind closed doors in 1973 and voted to remove homosexuality as a mental disorder from the DSM-II. Opponents of this effort were given 15 minutes to protest this change, according to Dr. Jeffrey Satinover, in Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth. Satinover writes that after this vote was taken, the decision was to be voted on by the entire APA membership. The National Gay Task Force purchased the APA's mailing list and sent out a letter to the APA members urging them to vote to remove homosexuality as a disorder. No APA member was informed that the mailing had been funded by this homosexual activist group.

According to Satinover, "How much the 1973 APA decision was motivated by politics is only becoming clear even now. While attending a conference in England in 1994, I met a man who told me an account that he had told no one else. He had been in the gay life for years but had left the lifestyle. He recounted how after the 1973 APA decision, he and his lover, along with a certain very highly placed officer of the APA Board of Trustees and his lover, all sat around the officer's apartment celebrating their victory. For among the gay activists placed high in the APA who maneuvered to ensure a victory was this man-suborning from the top what was presented to both the membership and the public as a disinterested search for truth."

Dr. Socarides Speaks Out

Dr. Charles Socarides has set the record straight on how homosexuals inside and outside of the APA forced this organization to remove homosexuality as a mental disorder. This was done without any valid scientific evidence to prove that homosexuality is not a disordered behavior.

Dr. Socarides, writing in Sexual Politics and Scientific Logic: The Issue of Homosexuality writes: "To declare a condition a 'non-condition,' a group of practitioners had removed it from our list of serious psychosexual disorders. The action was all the more remarkable when one considers that it involved an out-of-hand and peremptory disregard and dismissal not only of hundreds of psychiatric and psychoanalytic research papers and reports, but also a number of other serious studies by groups of psychiatrists, psychologists, and educators over the past seventy years…"

Socarides continued: "For the next 18 years, the APA decision served as a Trojan horse, opening the gates to widespread psychological and social change in sexual customs and mores. The decision was to be used on numerous occasions for numerous purposes with the goal of normalizing homosexuality and elevating it to an esteemed status.

"To some American psychiatrists, this action remains a chilling reminder that if scientific principles are not fought for, they can be lost-a disillusioning warning that unless we make no exceptions to science, we are subject to the snares of political factionalism and the propagation of untruths to an unsuspecting and uninformed public, to the rest of the medical profession, and to the behavioral sciences." Dr. Socarides' report is available from the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality: www.narth.com.


The DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) is the most widely used diagnostic reference book utilized by mental health professionals in the United States.

It's a manual by which all diagnostic codes are derived for diagnosis and treatment - every single physician (an estimated 850,000*) in the United States refers to this book in order to code for a diagnosis. In plain English, what does this mean? It means that for over 30 years physicians have been prevented from properly diagnosing homosexuality as an aberrant behavior and thus, cannot, recommend a course of treatment for these individuals.

Prior to that time, homosexuality had been treated as a mental disorder under section "302. Sexual Deviations" in the DSM-II. Section 302 said, in part: "This category is for individuals whose sexual interests are directed primarily toward objects other than people of the opposite sex, toward sexual acts … performed under bizarre circumstances. … Even though many find their practices distasteful, they remain unable to substitute normal sexual behavior for them." Homosexuality was listed as the first sexual deviation under 302. Once that diagnostic code for homosexuality was removed, physicians, including psychiatrists, have been prevented from diagnosing homosexuality as a mental disorder for more than three decades.

*American Medical Association statistic, 2002.

DOTR soon faggots


Great. Now tell us about how early psychiatry was not only influenced by but also mostly indistinguishable from Christian theology and how that was the only reason homosexuality was ever considered a "mental illness" in the first place.

Where'd you get all this from?

Christian Science and the old psychology is BASED though. World War II is when psychology took a dive for the worst and became shit. As for psychiatry it's always been shit from the start, lobotomizing people and torturing them.

t. Fag that has a prolapsed and assblasted anus

All of which is literally just a load of made up bullshit. If you think there's any credibility to any of the anti-gay research then you're either an idiot or you never read any of it.

Almost every masturbator at last reaches a point where, frightened on learning the results of the vice, or on experiencing them (neurasthenia), or led by example or seduction to the opposite sex, he wishes to free himself of the vice and re-instate his vita sexualis. The moral and mental conditions are the most unfavorable possible. The pure glow of sexual feeling is destroyed; the fire of sexual instinct is wanting, and self-confidence, no less ; for every masturbator is more or less timid and cowardly.
If the youthful sinner at last comes to make an attempt at coitus, he is either disappointed because enjoyment is wanting, on account of defective sensual feeling, or he is lacking in the mental strength necessary to accomplish the act. The fiasco has a fatal effect, and leads to absolute psychical impotence. A bad conscience and the memory of past failures prevent success in any further attempts. The constant libido sexualis, however, demands satisfaction; but this moral and mental perversion separates him further and further from women. For various reasons, however (neurasthenic complaints, hypochondriacal fear of the results, etc.), the individual is kept from masturbation. Occasionally, under such circumstances, there may be bestiality. Intercourse with the same sex is then near at hand, — as a result of occasional seduction or of the feelings of friendship which, on the level of pathological sexuality, easily associate themselves with sexual feelings. Passive and mutual onanism then becomes the equivalent of the avoided act. If there is a seducer, — which, unfortunately, is so frequent, — then the cultivated pederast is produced, — i.e., a man who performs quasi acts of onanism with persons of his own sex, and, at the same time, feels and prefers himself in an active role corresponding with his real sex; who is mentally indifferent not only to persons of the opposite sex, but also to those of his own sex.

Early psychiatry was as susceptible to corruption by the church just as modern psychiatry is corruptible by the government. In both cases the church and government were the ones holding the purse strings and funding psychiatry in the first place.

MODERN psychiatry is biochemical science, however. As such, it produces empirical data which can be reproduced, and that data is shared. The studies which our government allows on this subject is limited for that reason, and is always rigged to favor pro-homo results. Not every country is so limited however, and for nearly a hundred years, respected scientists have produced (and reproduced!) data indicating that homosexuality is a biochemical imbalance. US-based psychiatric researchers are not given grants to analyze those studies or to even work with that data. If they do, the funding for their whole institution would be eliminated. That is the ugly reality of American Scientific Research, not just in the area of Psychiatry, either.

Do not confuse psychiatry with psychology. Psychiatry deals with hard empirical data. Psychology relies on soft, interpretive data.
Psychiatrists are scientists and physicians. Psychologists are cognitive researchers and therapists.

Imbalance relative to what, though? What is the standard by which healthy human sexuality is to be measured?
You could just as easily find a biochemical trait for people that like vanilla ice cream but not strawberry, or the other way around, and then claim one is wrong and the other is somehow correct.

in this case, one causes children, stable families and the perpetuation of society, and the other causes sexually transmitted epidemics, degeneracy in every forms of artistic expression, not having a descendency of your own and raping kids other people would have wanted perpetuate society
hmm, which one could be the right choice?


Interesting stuff OP, thanks for posting.

all fags go into the bog


While I most certainly hate faggots how does describing it as a "chemical imbalance" have any meaning at all?

I don't. Psychiatry is harmful drugging and physical torture of people. Psychology is ineffectual bullshit.

Sure and they don't produce good results anymore. Haven't since the start of World War II. I'd like you to prove to me otherwise.

The KGB has no respect for psychology and psychiatry btw.


The Bog Hungers

Reminder Bump that fags get the bog

If 3% of society is removed from reproduction society will not cease to perpetuate itself you braindead mongoloid. In fact that 3% can adopt and take care of the excess children that the 97% is too irresponsible to care of themselves, thereby providing a net benefit. Society needs babysitters too, after all.
Which hurts no one. Well wait no it hurts your personal feelings because you don't like certain things. Cry me a river.
Ah yes, that stale conservative meme that gays are pedos. Still not a shred of evidence supporting it even after multiple generations of repeating it.

But if we just killed them off, society would be just fine too. And the prevalence of STDs would go down as well.
But in reality they would just molest them.
A meme backed up by statistics.
In conclusion, gay people don't deserve rights.

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Oh yes because we totally wants fags raising and molesting little boys.

Also it's the combined effect of this and a ton of other things that has utterly decimated the white birthrate.

I don't care if a nigger is a fag but I don't want any whites to be fags.

Choose one

I hate the phrase "chemical Imbalance" when talking about the brain. All I want to say is you think you understand the brain but really..you don't so STFU. How come it seems that being kinda gay is natural in animals.

I hate that term too so much. It's so reductionist it's retarded. It's used to also justify the doping of people with psychiatric medications that just lead to them committing suicide before they reach 30.

lol yeah right. 20% of child molesters are female, which means most boys are being molested by women, not men.

there's nothing wrong with fags raising boys as long as they're not molesting them.

kys faggot

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Imagine having your brain be so full of semen and AIDs you forget how to maffs. Stupid nigger-faggots

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Only a faggot would say shit this retarded. For one, you idiots don't understand what "disorder" means in a psychological context. If you did, it would be perfectly clear why it was removed from the DSM.



25% of child molestation victims are boys.
20% of child molesters are women.
What this means is your gays = pedos theory is false.

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This. However the only people who say that pedos are gay for liking boys are girl lovers. Normal sane people don't give a shit if a pedo prefer boys or girls, they see them as the scum they are. Girl lovers just want to feel better about themselves, they tend to forget they are the same kind of scumbags. All pedos should be gassed.

[citation needed]

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link source on this one faggot

I want to troll some pnasies

itt: having shit backards
fags r not pedos. Pedos r homo towards kids



There is a QR code with the sauce, user lol


meant for

I bet you jerk off to traps with feminine penises.

Because you think being attracted to little girls makes you straight? It does not. If you're attracted to kids you're not gay or straight, you're a pedoshit and you need to die. I've never seen a SINGLE straight person calling a boylover a fag or a girl lover straight. Only hypocrite pedos do this to feel better about themselves. Protip: you'll all end up sucking dick in prison anyway.

u rly didnt, faggot

My father is a pedo and he hates fags (talking about double standards), so I don't think it's linked. Kids are so different than adults anyway, they're literally different sexes until they reach puberty.

Why does this even matter? Its no more abnormal than your fetish for midget ass fisting. Animals of all kinds do it as a natural dynamic of a herd. But more than that, who in the blue fuck are you to lord proclamations on others. I bet you are as staggeringly full of shit as those you "expose" anyways. Mind your own fucking business and there wont be a problem, m'kay.

Because the pedos on this board hate fags. They need a scrapegoat to feel less shitty about themselves.

a thing noticed about pedos is their excessive attentionwhoring. not even fags are this desperate for attention. makes me think they just chose to become pedos because they're lacking character and need something to get attention for.

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t. butthurt boylover

I don't understand the obsession with not considering homosexuality a disease.
I mean, there are a lot of people with chronic diseases and discriminating agaisnt them is illegal anyway.
If homos were considered ill, what would be the problem? They have this illness and that's it.

I'm not a pedo, I'm straight dickface, learn to read what people say before opening your filthy mouth.

if you treat something as a disease rather than a natural human trait the logical next step is to try to find a cure for it.

You're the one that arrived at the miraculous conclusion that liking pussy is not straight. These cognitive dysfunctions are typically only found in trap lovers and sometimes boylovers.

When did I say that? Liking pussy is straight. Liking little girl pussy is pedo. Do you really think sexuality is only defined by what is between a person's legs? It's about physical attraction. If you're attracted by a 8 years old girl you're NOT straight.

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Actually I have to admit, this is the most fucked up no true scotsman fallacy ever.

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Jesus christ you pedos are really retarded as the scientists say. Liking DEVELOPPED ADULT (or teenage) pussy is straight. Liking child pussy isn't. How hard is it for your little retarded immature brain to understand?

You really think you're straight? Well go ask any straight person if you're straight for liking 8 years old girls.

Alright looks like I've shut your stinky deviant mouths for good. Now that you've realized you're fucking degenerates I think it's time to kill yourselves before you harm kids.

See you in hell

If that's so, then why is it that straight non-exclusive pedophiles are attracted to little girls and women but not to little boys or men? How is it that most exclusive pedos are either attracted only to little boys or only to little girls?

Sorry it took so long, bro. My 4yo lgf wanted me to eat her pussy. Priorities, you would understand if you weren't an incel virgin.

As literally only one scientist has ever said, and he botched the study so badly it got torn to shreds by pedo analysts so quickly he'll never recover from the embarrassment. Even if we were to pretend he isn't a complete fuck up, he was talking about a 1 IQ point difference.
They'd say "well yeah, but you're a pedophile"

No they wouldn't. they'd beat you to death. That's what would happen. I never saw a SINGLE straight person considering pedophiles straight or gay, just like I never saw a straight person using terms such as "ebephile". You're just pedos trying to feel better about yourselves.

That's so not true. I've saw a shitload of boy lovers who had girlfriends and were disgusted by men, and the same goes the opposite way. What I've noticed though is that girl lovers are not very often attracted to grown women.

You need to get out of your house more often.
now you're just lying. boy lovers tend to have adult boyfriends. the pairing of attraction to boys+women or girls+men is rare.
more lies. girl lovers are usually non-exclusive.

All the pedophile hate on display here is palpable, to be honest. I've never felt so loved.

I'm fine with homosexuals; so are a great many MAPs.

You found me out.

How we went from homophobia to pedophobia is beyond me, fam.

Kenneth Schueler
211 Corrie Crescent
Waterloo Ontario
Father: Jack Schueler
Mother: Eva Schueler
Sister: Emily Schueler
FringeMagick @ gmail.com


Smiley's first meltdown on /cow/

Some Schulers get jewed by the mob

Smiley finally learned how to cut bread

Various meltdowns on /4chon/

Smiley's Steam

Smiley's pastebin and some copies of his shit code


His latest meltdown has also shown some flimsy hints that Smiley is very concerned about his status as a man.

Call him a gamma male whenever you meet him to get more information. Congratulations, Smiley! You have made it possible that all the cocks are now in two posts. The only women was supposedly into you who isn't demonstrably a printed on a hug pillow is a cruddy antinatalist. She never had the intention of having sex with you.

Smiley and his internet waifus


Smiley had a Norwegian girlfriend called Jenny whom had the chance of being his first mentally ill girlfriend.

His relationship included him "trapping" her tulpa and threatening "it". Once Jenny got sick of smiley she went

offline for a week, but smiley was there being worried about her and claimed that a black wizard have kidnapped

her. For the next 6 month or so smiley grouped up with National socialist wizards who tried to track jenny down

and find her. Smiley lost hope for finding jenny and moved to his next internet gf, Dwarf.


Dwarf was on /fem/ whom one of smiley's friend tried to hook him up with to cheer him up. Smile's relationship

with emily went alright but overtime he was afraid to lose so he tried to find a way to get to her. BLOOD PACTS,

smiley tried to make his internet gf sign a blood pact to stay him.The pact can be found below:-

pastebin.com/mmNwHFC9 Its gone,nigga.

Smile then tried to get dwarf to cross the border from America to Canada so they can live together. Sadly a a

wizard strikes and stop her from crossing the border so smiley's parents go to the border and try to help dwarf

by giving her phone card, and the family jewelry. Smile lose his shit and get mad at his parent for giving dwarf's

the family jewelry and the phone card, and dwarf piles up 4000$ bill on the phone card of smiley's parent.

He try to kill himself in a tinychat's livestream but stop when dwarf calls him and tell him to stop, he falls on

the desk and start crying while talking to her. Eventually he blocks dwarf after 2 months of her cussing him on


Dwarfs Youtube channel




She is smiley's neophyte in magical studies who conducted with him some mental telepathy experiment and she

received some telepathic orgasms from smiley. He promoted her to volunteer in /fringe/, after some months when

she noticed that smiley wasn't that much of a "magician" she wiped /fringe/ /edgy/ and /vis/ his secret magical

board, Vril Indigo Society. Smiley sperged out in /sudo/ then did a death sigil/ritual to kill her but failed.

His "suicide" video


Fun fact: Smiley is of mixed Slavic, Anglo, and Kike blood. His family is wealthy but apparently just like very

other modern white trash clan living off the wealth of their predecessors. Literally, if a family member isn't

obese, they're mentally ill or retarded. He has a sister who's into shitskins and another sibling who is a derp.

Smiles himself is a massive kike. For the uninitated, there's a lot of details surrounding the faggot and the

community that bore him. Especially his internet father HDV and his bestie Learningcode. He also has been caught

masturbating over Skype with other guys, one of whom I'm pretty sure was Phantasm or one of the other 4chon



Attached: smiley_aka_fringefaggot (1)

it's nothing new. rednecks know they don't have a valid excuse for hating gays so they just call them pedos
the quality of their research is exactly what you'd expect from uneducated rural dipshits

Kys degenerate.

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You think being attracted to children is better? Kys degenerate.

whatever you say, dipshit.

Wrong, you must be really retarded.

Degeneracy is degeneracy, no matter if it has support or not. Learn that faggot.
I may like but it doesn't matter that it's something normal, and should have be embraced by society.

It's fine then. I'm just so used to the despicable hypocrite pedos on this site that I don't even know what to believe anymore.

Growing up in an environment where homosexuality is considered normal has the effect they're more open about their sexual orientation. That's one factor, the second is that homosexuality is genetically inherited.


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Homosexuality does not lead to the downfall of civilization you braindead mongoloid.

Straight normal relationships are the only normal ones, everything else is degeneracy, like it or not.
Allowing homosexuals to get public attention and get tolerated and even accepted, was the reason we have open gateway for every single degenerate like pedos, transvestites, zoo and shitload more.
They are fighting for their rights rights, right fucking now, if you haven't noticed, try to getting out some more.

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This is what you homophobes don't get. It's not normal - for that it would have to be the majority which it isn't. It's never going to be normal but it should be accepted because that's just how some people are and as long as they aren't hurting anyone there's nothing wrong with it.
Ugh. Everyone in the LGBT hates them.
Video games and movies have no reason to exist. You may as well be fucking a tree since it's just idle entertainment BAN ALL VIDEO GAMES oh wait Drumpf is already working on that.
No they're not. We've been over this and you had your ass handed to you.
What's the significance? They also promote driving sober, that doesn't mean we should all start drunk driving just to spite the jews?
Yeah, so? As long as they're not hurting anyone what does it matter? Transvestites are just guys who crossdress, zoophiles should be able to have consensual sex with animals and actual child rape will never be legalized.

But they are hurting something, they put morality and concept of family on it's head.
I got nothing against them back where they kept their degeneracy to themselves. They have opened pandora's box, and now they will sooner or later face the consequences.
That maybe so, but I don't see LGBTQ(And more) doing anything against them.
It's like with these muslims, they claim that they agains't what "radicals" doing, yet they even shelter them. Creating much different image that they would like to have.
I don't support trump, and I don't see how just another medium of entertainment have anything to do with this convo, but I will bite.
Games can convey some message, sometimes bad sometimes good and initiate contemplation on some matters, that's why you can see many agendas trying to take advantage of that.
All that make more reasons for it to exist, than you sick fetish. That serve no other purpose but complete degeneracy.
You confusing me with different annon.
Because they promote some logical things, that imho are just common sense, doesn't matter the "whole package" is worth a shit.
I will give you example: Remember the christian 10 tents? Some of them have sense, but that's it, it's just a common sense thing, and because some organization come along and try to claim them as their ideas doesn't matter they should get any gain from it.
It also doesn't mean that the rest of shit they spewing must be good ideas.
No, they're just a degenerate sign of downfall of current civilization, and since you even claim that bestiality is something normal and should be accepted, I see no point in continuing this conversation with you.

I got invited to a poz party next week, Holla Forums. Any advice? I've been training my neghole to accept larger objects.

how does it feel to be a part of dying faction?

big if true

It's feel great, and imagine all the beautiful things that will come after this plane we call our civilization will finally hit the ground.
All the fireworks, and other civilizations who will compete to take our former place like islamic one/chinese one/ or Eastern European one; who knows maybe even jews will try to have a shot on this, that is if what we have now isn't what they see as their own.
also this as well

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our civilisation (and any other) will die either way so why not just have some fun?

Exactly my point user.
We had our run, it was fun and even the dawn of it have some perks.
Like debauchery, no moral consequences or any consequences at all, just party like there's no tomorrow.

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fugging lolis while the world burns
and then it turns out conservatives were just being a bunch of hysterical pussies afraid of change

Firstly, classification of mental disorders is arbitrary. White men in suits sitting round tables deciding what counts as normal.

Secondly, look up what else is still in DSM. Not only pedophilia (that's why they can pass civil detention orders for pedos) but also BDSM, exhibitionism, a whole load of sexual stuff. Transgender is still in DSM as a disorder - the "treatment" is sex change operation and hormone replacement (I kid you not). Getting a bit hyper after drinking too much coffee is in the DSM. Pulling your hair out and biting your nails are in the DSM. If you don't do any of the stuff that's in the DSM, then you probably have OCPD… and that's in the DSM too.

Thirdly, the only people who are about what's normal are normies. So fuck off and die, normie.

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No, they removed Gender Identity Disorder (GID) from the DSM 5. Gender Dysphoria is in there; so if you feel dysphoria as a result of your gender identity, they regard that as a condition, but they specifically wanted to normalize "variant gender identities" by removing GID as a disorder in itself. So if you are a tranny, but you're not upset about being a tranny, you are no longer considered mentally ill in the DSM 5, whereas trannyness was considered inherently disordered in previous DSM versions.

racism and "homophobia" are still present, people are just forced to suppress these natural instincts

For me homosexualism is, and will always be, a fetish. a fetish on a looong list of all the other fetishes humans have because anything can be considered a fetish

They designed it that way to provide a loophole. They have a disorder as long as they want the government to pay for their hormone treatment, then they go back to being healthy as soon as they no longer need the money.

Trannies get to have their cake and eat it too.

it's funny that endangered species like you always try to provide scientific facts about homophobia but only use muh feels when talking about the other side

I didn't mention any scientific facts, this is my observation and it's obvious that people, especially white males, are holding certain PC opinions to avoid being targeted. once the card house collapses you'll see how people really think.

exactly what i'm talkingabout
you didn't bother to find out why. you made some observation but never bothered to research it further
you're like Aristotle who assumed that objects fall down because that's in their nature

You're projecting. Most people aren't agitating to harass minorities unprovoked. Take a random person off the street they're indifferent to traps, fags, dogfuckers, and anything that doesn't concern them because they have lives.

this guy gets it

and pedophiles?

pedophiles are obviously a boogeyman
you won't find a person who hasn't heard of a cause of child rape. of course pedophilia and rape become synonyms for those people

or maybe they see someone who is sexually attracted to children as threat

and how exactly is that person a threat?

because he wants to put his dick in their children


I'd say people don't like that but I don't have scientific facts so you are right, it's all a myth.

i don't need facts for now. just tell me why do you think people don't like that

tbh i just want faggots to stop spreading their degeneracy. imagine your whole personality only consists of being a poop dick.

I think they are biologically wired to protect children, to ensure the continued existence of their species

okay but this is not a situation where you have a predator that wants to eat/kill your offspring

Why would anyone even bothered if you can't comprehend the notion of people don't liking the perspective of their children being fucked by mentally unstable individual?

you know, the other user at least tries to not post dumb shit

That's exactly what I'm talking about, whatever you will find not liking, you will classify as that.
Making this conversation to go in circles.

i'm not the dumbass that completely ignores everything above just so he can look smart
maybe actually try to give a decent answer for once

Since at least in traditional sense children are property of their parents, you know their children.
Or even in more modern definition where children are just under their care, and property of the government.
Why would they let some random man/woman fuck their child?
Child cannot consent no matter what pedos may think. So even when we become that degenerate, and parents would have ability to agree for such an act.
Why would they do that?

there was never such a case in nature. it's a social construct
because they let such thing happen anyway?
the very fact that you said that shows me that's you are indeed an uneducated dumbfuck. enjoy your propaganda
and next time post that part at the beginning of your post so i can simply reply with "stopped reading there"

And here we go you pedofuck.
Now who's as you said it, spewing >dumb shit.
You will claim anything you don't agree with as propaganda, while at the same time you accusing conservatives of doing it, what a joke.
As I already said, this conversation is pointless.
If something won't fit you narrative you will just let autistic, and degenerate screeching.
Now you can btfo from here.

maybe not but it's reasonable to believe that they want to take it away.

the main difference between us is that you have no proof that i'm a pedo but i have proof that you're a dumbfuck. a couple of proofs actually:

feel free to make more
coming from guy who unironically says that "child can't consent" whatever that even means. but i'm not curious enough to get a "social" lobotomy just to find out
then why did you start it in the first place, moron? (aside from the very obvious attention whoring, posting muh feels and trying to show how smart you are) i never replied to you in the first place

not really. but even if the separation happened, it happens sooner or later anyway

Considering you stance about them, I am sure you are one.
To consent you have to hit AoC, so by that standard, they cannot consent.
I guess you will answer with
Well it's there for a reason.
Holla Forums is not your safe space, anyone can call your shit out.
Oh no, he saw thru it, what I will do now!?

yes because not being a hateful dumbfuck that's braiwashed with propaganda automatically means that i must be one of them
just like Holla Forumstards always call me a commie because i don't agree with their dumb shit. same mentality
yes, thank you for more proof
mhm…just like circumcision in 'murica to name one
but i'm not the the faggot starting a conversation and then crying that it's pointless. (obviously it is with your consent argument) if it hurts you so much, feel free to fuck off
suicide is a good option

is that a scientific fact?
I presume it's better to let the child develop and gain knowledge before letting them make such essential decisions. Until we don't see people protesting that they were not allowed to leave their caring, non-abusive parents earlier I don't believe you will get much support to change that. In fact I think it would be unfair towards the child to burden them with such decisions.

if you want a scientific fact, it's up to you to prove that such thing will happen
having sex does not mean getting separated from parents
except we don't do that. children these days get brainwashed to the point that some become social cripples, unable to exist in this agressive, modern civilisation. i'm not saying to throw them in the middle of the war so they get an ultra fast school of live but making sex and sexual stuff a tabu is retarded
to have sex? how is that a problem?

Maybe you aren't hateful, but still a retard.
Np. now call me a dumb fuck again, because I don't subscribe to your way of thinking.
Hilarious that you're the one who trying to compare me to Holla Forums.
Not related to this topic.
Stating that something is pointless isn't equal to crying about it moron.
Right after you.

i'm still waiting for an answer. but keep moving away from the topic, that's the best you can do
just add "t. dumbfuck" at the end of your posts and spare me the keystrokes
then feel free to fuck off. i never talked to you in the first place and you haven't contributed anything except muh feelings

To what, I don't saw any question being asked.
We have problem then, because I think likewise about you, but I would ask you to do the same for similar reason.
Sn now it isn't propaganda but muh feelings… ok.
You can probably take this out your ass, or not.
I am not from murica, and I won't speak about the topics I have no idea about nor care.

All me tbh

Attached: 1461877677636.jpeg (552x372, 46.55K)

This poster makes me upset

Gays deserve to die. Prove me wrong.
Pro tip: you can't

Attached: 38fe85fbdbb90d407363935beb1274006d61781fd9f9162117f71e5567572338.jpg (750x737, 52.67K)

True, that's absolute truth.

Attached: 14f1dc10b4cd4d01b930dea9119b5fdd98c85e9091d212c3bd099556f4951a01.jpg (487x507, 26.99K)

of course you didn't
i don't remember posting dumb as shit posts. i always check my sources first
your lack of basic knowledge is not my fault. or problem
if you never heard anything about circumcision in 'murica then you honestly need to crawl back under the rock from under which you came from
trully makes me wonder why did you even start posting…no, not really
now come back when you decide to have some decent talk about it

I'm just enjoying watching a retard producing himself trying to convince people that hatred for pedos is effect of "propaganda".
Nope, are you sure it wasn't your delusions?

Attached: 4d4d7afe5156e9b21cfdcf5f60b0dd823d06a1fcb92576d196fe070ba52c0c30.jpeg (575x3110, 543.52K)

must be fun watching yourself in the mirror
if you weren't such a fucktard, you'd know that neither biology nor psychology nor human history support your dumbass belief but why do any research when you can just be an ignorant don't think that you trolled me. you're too young for that
see above
you should at least deduce that my usage of term " 'murica " shows my disdain. but this would mean that i'm implying that you actually think so i won't expect this much from you

also you'll have to work harder for the next reply from now on

How about no, I actually had enough of fun for today.

You don't represent anything to claim any kind of seniority over anyone.
I will leave you to your own delusions.