Is thre any more cucked company than Google?

Is thre any more cucked company than Google?

Literally accomplished nothing of real value and they slow down 4chan posts with their horrendous captcha

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also they're gay

their IA project is coming along nicely, I think

Oh yeah? Then why can't they still discern cars from roads in their image captcha?

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it beat the IA that beat the best human chess players at chess.
it was given no knowledge about chess other then how the pieces move and the rules.
it was only given a few hours, and it learned how to beat all knowledge that humans have about chess strategy. All games either ended with a draw or it winning.

Google needs to die





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Diogenes would probably be one of these retarded special-snowflake leftists who shit in the street and make sculptures of dicks in the name of "art" if he were alive today. People only take interest in him because "dude ancient Greeks lmao"

Attached: 1515750510230.jpg (406x364, 49.64K)

in 400 BC they still thought the mind was in the heart so Diogenes tapping Plato's head makes no sense

Military (talking (((deep))) here) is 30-50 years ahead of surface
If this is true and surface a LA google AI can do that
I wonder what (((deep))) can do
Surely it could solve all problems of the universe inclusion of path taken, or on tract to such
Wonder if it can rank humans, allocate power, determine then solve injustice, etc.
At least "show" the "right" move
Fascinating to think about (minds is subvocalisation from thought habit) is being 100% read at least since 2013, probably 5-10+ years earlier)


Souls in
Nervous system
Endocannabinoid system
Major ones at least

Diogenes was a true paragon of of the real left.
but he wouldn't be a special snowflake, you are completely wrong, but I expected nothing less from a faggot that lurks Holla Forums and most probably a Holla Forumstard, who isnt able to differentiate liberals from leftists.
but Diogenes was so fucking fantastic that he wouldn't care at all about what you have to say and yeah he would have erected sculptures of dicks just because he felt like doing it.

Attached: diogenes-quote-diogenes-when-asked-from-what-country-he-came-replied.jpg (479x227 12.74 KB, 35.73K)

He was literally a soverign citizen faggot


i dont know why people here like to suck diogene cock because he was EDGY

we would have enough of his gay antics when he became hyped and put a spear through his shitcloth

The only reason google spends billions of dollars researching stupid shit & expanding into other markets is because they don't want to be classified as a monopoly. It's better for themselves to call themselves a conglomerate even though 90% of their revenue is from AdWords & AdSense.