TFW you realize that Holla Forumsfags are the only thing keeping Holla Forums alive

TFW you realize that Holla Forumsfags are the only thing keeping Holla Forums alive.

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It's reddit keeping Holla Forums alive tbh






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TFW you realize that Holla Forums is about to drop below 900 users for the first time since it was created.

Hey, hey, hey…goodbye!

Nothing is keeping Holla Forums alive, not even the shitbirds using it as a bunker board.

I like this designation
Thank you

Maybe if Dysnomia and the mods actually moderated the fucking board for once maybe then Holla Forums could survive. Honestly something NEEDS to be done about the constant lowest denominator posts and constant forced autistic threads that don't allow for any form of discussion (especially the ops) and all the spam that doesn't get deleted anymore. You want to know something funny? My thread got deleted yesterday for no particular reason at all and I actually put a lot of thought into that thread. Yet it is now gone and threads bumped three days ago are still up. That with all the threads that are bumped and shilled mercilessly, threads that no one in particular (besides shills) actually cares for are bumped at least once every 24 hours. This board is trash. If dysnomia has any wish at fixing this dump he should enable thread creation forcing people to at least have a certain amount of characters in the ops, start deleting all the spam, and kill all duplicate threads in the catalogue. What we need is a great cleanse of all the foriegn "influences" on this board. People who come here that are not active users here, they just come here just to lower the quality of the board and make it far worse than it ever was just a couple years ago. The decline of Holla Forums and shills have a direct correlation to each other.

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go back to Holla Forums faggot, this isn't your hugbox.

Funny, as I didn't mention anything about Holla Forums or anything even remotely politically related in particular. How is my plan (at all) going to censor other people of different beliefs and opinions, I do wonder. This just shows that you don't have an argument and your shilling is shit.

Oh right, I remember someone already proposing that, fugthelung or whatever what whore was called.
Did you know that she/he/it made it's own board?
Guess what happen to it… it's now just another dead board.
Not that I support disnigger, but that "quality control" always have one big problem.
Who will determine that quality and by what standards.
Holla Forums is one of such a failed attempts, a big trump hugebox.
If you are so innovative why wouldn't you just create your own board, and we will all see how it works for ya.

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I could fertilize a field with this bullshit.

So let me get this straight, your whole argument is that because a board is dead therefore it must be a huge failure at moderating correct? Does it not have anything to do with the fact that people just simply didn't go to that board? S

Also, I am not an advocator of fugthelug she wanted a board to be populist. Basically, a board that had a hands off approach at moderating it's board. Where the people essentially downvote or upvote threads so that they stay in the catalogue. I'm also not seeing any arguments of why my three main points would lead to a huge box:

No I never claimed that that was the only reason, as It's quite difficult to state that without any research of what went wrong.
I just state that it's possible that shitty moderation of it, could also be a factor.

So it would basically be a reddit 2.0
Also you forgetting that whatever changes I want to propose dysnomia will be the one to enforce them, and I doubt anything good can came up from that.

you want*

Nothing is keeping this board alive anymore, OP.

Its winter , and this board is dying

dead board but my shit thread still get deleted before I wake up again.

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You're welcome

TFW you realize it's niggers keeping niggers niggers

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they call it the crab mentality. like crabs grabbing onto the one getting out of the bucket.
People are talking about it and trying to stop it.