What's the difference between a "liberal" and a "lefty"? Also...

What's the difference between a "liberal" and a "lefty"? Also, what's the difference between "socialism" and "communism"?

Uneducated prolie here.

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Liberals support worker and public control of the means of productions, lefties support private ownership and defend property rights. Socialism is whenever a government does something, communism is when the government controls literally everything

Please don't take this seriously, OP. This comrade is just having a laugh.

Are you retarded? Read a book faggot

Liberalism is the ideology about free markets, private property, free speech, rule of law, equality before the law, limited government.
We are living the age of liberalism and its political system which is called liberal democracy. Liberalism is the status-quo.

We as leftists which to abolish the status-quo for something else. That is, socialism which means the worker control over the means of production. We as socialists want democracy in the work place. Communism refers to a classless,stateless, moneyless society. Communism is a form of socialism.

It's one thing to do this in a joke thread, it's another thing to do this in a thread where we have somebody looking for information.

Forgot to add that capitalism is liberalism's economic proponent of a system.


A liberal is okay with the way things are run, but wants a few piecemeal reforms to make things more fair. A leftist wants to change the way the society is run in a big way.
Socialism is social control of the means of production (basically the stuff that's used to create more stuff). It can take the form of worker owned businesses or the whole economy being government controlled. This is technically state capitalism where the government takes the role of the capitalist, investing money and investing the profits, but it has been used by 'communist' regimes. Communism is a state of affairs where the means of production are controlled by everyone and used for everyone's benefit. You know how a road or a drinking fountain is there for everyone's use? That's basically what communists want to do with the whole economy. I think it's not achievable but people here will likely disagree. I'm sorry for the trolls, btw.


Not exactly. That applies to the social liberals.

One problem I've always had with this quote. What if the fight in the room really dosn't concern you? For example, two rival gangs enter a strip club and start shooting eachother. The only rational course of action would be to quietly slip out the back.

I'm drunk, I tried.

I think you need to leave

I think you need to suck my dick, you tankie piece of shit.


Why the hell is socialism represented with a rose?

Nailed it.

Because social democracy has always been called socialism by rightists trying to make social democracy seem radical

You forgot an important part of communism: kill all white people

Liberals are Right, not Left.

Socialism :
- to each according to his contribution.
- achievable everywhere.
- often implies mandatory work from every able citizen (not necessarily for state)

- to each according to his needs.
- achievable for First-World nations within a decade of extensive automation/robotization of economy
- does not imply madatory work in any way (does not imply lack of any rewards for work)

Thanks comrades for the lesson. A few more questions:

1. I always thought "liberal" meant they want a new way of doing things, and a "conservative" meant they wanted the world to stay the same. Is this accurate?

2. I'm cool with gays, races, free speech and legalizing drugs. Does that make me a "liberal" or a "social lefty"?

3. I like the idea of workers determining the workplace conditions and wage, but how would owning the means of production be managed? If done through the government, wouldn't it just be trading one corrupt power structure for another?

4. How would wages and prices be determined under socialism and communism? They both seem really similar to me still.

No lie, my favourite part.

For general historical questions, this is a good starting point. At the very least, enough of Marx's vocab is around to jumpstart further questioning.

1. Liberals usually value different forms of freedom from bourgoise rights too exploit to gay rights while conservatives usually go for values like tradition. So it's kind of accurate but neither seek to address the social order.

2. All of these are liberal values, Leftist values are centered around economic and class issues

3. The management wouldn't need to be much different than what it is today with the exception of that the mangement doesn't own the land, factory building and everything in it. Managment would be decided democraticaly by the workers and if the managment overstep their boundries they can be deposed of by the workers. there are even a bunch of succesfull coops today though admitedly some exploit their memebers ignorance about the concept to earn more for the manegement.

4. Marx model of value is the labour theory of value where an items price is valued by the socially necessary labour time, essentially what this means is that the more time and labour you put into something the more it's worth but this time and labour has to be socially necessary to be worth anything however, spending all day making piles of dirt won't create value since it's not socially necessary. Communism is a form of socialism so yes they're similar.

There won't be wages and prices under socialism and higher-stage communism.

It's only logical: socialism is the name given to the first stage of communism.

Then how do people get paid?

What's then the difference between libertarian and liberal?

I think it is YOU that should suck user's dick as an apology.

This is why the left is doomed to endless infighting.


Hello, I'm new here from Holla Forums. So I only know so much of what I have researched so far. I believe that in socialism the wages are paid with things you need, but in amounts that are based upon how much you work. In communism, payment for working doesn't quite exist, the government will give you what you necessarily require.


They don't. What would they get paid for? They won't be able to buy anything anyway, since nothing is for sell.

Surprisingly astute reading there, I'm impressed.

Very close user. In communism, there won't be a government and you'll be given what you need.

Libertarianism is a socialist school that is skeptical of state-socialism and all unjustified authority of power. It's the type of socialism that doesn't believe in taking state power and in essence believes in skipping one of the steps suggested by the other state socialists to reach socialism/communism. There are multiple schools of libertarianism but its used interchangeably with anarchism although there is much over-lap.

Liberalism is what I said here:>>781142
Liberalism has had a vast evolution and school. The most prominent now are social liberalism and neoliberalism

Why won't this meme die?

Socialists don't want democracy in the work place? Worker control over the means of production is the essential of socialism. It was supposed to be brief. If the guy wants to go more in depth, he can read a book.

In a full communist, post scarcity , fully automated world you would decide what you wanted/needed and then take it.

It depends. Marxists want the abolition of trade, state and classes. Democracy in the workplace is merely a side effect. Workers control is a mean to get there.

Well that's kind of what I mean, but every socialist would want it, even communists who see it as a road to communism.

Come again?

K. Marx, Critique of the Gotha programme: