/ck/ is dead. what are you eating Holla Forums
/ck/ is dead. what are you eating Holla Forums
fuck you it is not dead but shitty threads like this do belong on b
It's pretty depressing to know that is an actual thing that actual people eat.
It's pretty fuckin tasty to be honest
tastes like poverty
Drool like Pavlov's dogs in bell factory.
Poverty with extra butter on rye. Not bad.
tonight i am having my signature dish. i call it
beef circle and chicken
Might as well call it goatse
"gaping anus and chicken"
Thanks, user, some of these look good
that looks like a guaranteed diarrhea
spaghetti dog is an old family favorite
Put a ring on one of those chicken fingers, it'll be perfect. how did you come up with this dish?
I like chicken salad sandwhiches:
Take any cut of roasted chicken, tear it apart with 2 forks into bite sized pieces. Add some greens onions sliced thin and celery cut in half lengthwise then chopped. Add just enough mayo to keep it all moist, and then add some fresh ground pepper and for the secret ingrediant, add just enough garlic powder to give it a nice savory flavor. It tastes better if you let it sit in the fridge a bit before eating.
Whatever this is. I don't read dutch.
Meat:bun ratio is way too high.
hotdog bits and murican cheese sub
That's the point, homosexual. It's a quadburger. Want me to put a buttom button in the middle next time?
I want you to eat a quad tofuburger next time.
That baked ham and cheese ring looks fucking delicious.
He's right tho. That's why double cheeseburgers are the literal tits, but triple cheeseburgers are literal shit.
I had a tasty cheese and veggie sandwich with fries earlier. Also a beans rice and cheese burrito. This morning was eggs, hashbrowns, and pancakes.
I don't eat meat, just lots of eggs, cheese, and milk. Helps me avoid the soy you know?
I just finished a soy shake, a soy burger, and some soy ice cream with soy sauce.
Holla Forums is also dead
It's not dead if it moves.
Pic related
Don't forget the house special. The gargantuan "Taylor Swift" with her own signature mayonaise.
Second webm looks sooo good.
what is this… thing?
a log factory.
I eat dick
raw meat
pizza, mozzarella sticks, and an Arizona Iced Tea. Oh and a Mojito.
ready for some cringe from my fellow americans?
Strong sexual attraction to this woman.
Would penetrate with butter
(((british food)))
Hello I heard this was the /CK/ threak?
Posting some of the food I've made.
fucking terrible
Unsalted sunflower seeds and Irish breakfeast tea.
you are going to hurt my feelings ):
true though. your baked good look fucking disgusting and your gyro is terrible.
Looks good
I have the same exact china.
wtf is this shit??
1 + 2 pic what even?
3 pic you desecrated the croissant
4th pic
only good thing?
but in plastic
and is it from concentrate?
Same here, what the fuck!??!?
Fuck off, Yurofrog. Go boil some animal organ meat and call it "haute".
Why does chilli always give me the shits no matter how well it's made?
chilli is good for diet
clean out
Because you haven't had my chili.
quite a lot of people have a mild tomato allergy that gives them the shits when they eat chilli, bolognaise etc.
How do you stop being a fat ass and actually eat healthy