Who originally came here for Holla Forums, got sick of Holla Forums...

who originally came here for Holla Forums, got sick of Holla Forums, and is now stuck on this dead piece of shit website forever

Many of us are pol lurkers, but Holla Forums Holla Forums is compromised, so now I'm waiting for a new hub to arise

I'm sick of lefty pol shitting up every board. They should return to Reddit.

Come on bros new /i/ when you faggots

Came here when 4chan stopped being an imageboard in 2014, I loved full/pol/ for ~6 months then it was filled with banned halfchanners and has been a pile of shit since.
I stay here because the /k/ is great and Holla Forums is was better than half/v/.


I stopped caring about politics

/polk/ was good for a bit but after it went to end something happened and that died too.
I haven't spent much time on /zenpol/ but that seems like the same bullshit meme crap.

Holla Forums shits up more than Holla Forums

I'm tired of pol shitting up every board



Anyone who uses this board as a bunker is cancer. The reason this board is now shit is because Dysnigger has allowed shits like you to stay here. You are worse than pedos tbh.

where the fuck did /8teen/ go?
where the fuck is /wx/ ?
this place is a shit hole. DIAF mods.

kek is listening.

they slid out of the top 25

you can't find them anymore because you don't know how to scroll down you fucking retard.

You'd best be joking nigger.
On topic, I don't go to Holla Forums much anymore. Holla Forums shits more stuff up than Holla Forums in my experience, usually posting bait that makes Holla Forums sperg out.

Fuck you I enter the URL directly, by hand.

/8teen/ is still around and /wx/ went to shit when they allowed non-video content.
The only board I really miss is /footage/.


I swear to kek they did not work 10 minutes ago. I can access in my usual way just now.
I am a retard but my quints brought them back from the ded.

Don't you find it ironic how Holla Forums was formed because of fellow leftists censoring their own kind?

/cow/ kept me entertained for a bit, but now I'm even bored of the skeptic meltdown that's been happening. Other than that I basically just lurk any thread thats on the front page and dream of better days.


Wait what, are you saying Holla Forums were leftist?

Same, I don't even bother scrolling all the way down anymore, I just type in the URL
I don't even type the whole url
8ch.net/b works for me

4chan stopped being an imageboard in 2011. I never really cared about Holla Forums much so I came to this site in early 2014 for a number of other boards. Holla Forums on 8ch is a steaming pile of shit, it's worse than 2007 half/b/ (I guess it would have been full/b/ at the time), at least on half/b/ if you posted anything new you have a chance to not get banned by 11yo mods within 5 minutes. full/pol/ is just basically a circlejerk now, basically just full of people who can't take an opinion (Don't be confused, they're liberals, not conservatives)


>pol is a meme, liberty is the best board along with esoteric and organic fringe. XD

The issue is Holla Forums doesn't talk about natsoc anymore but rather based Jewish capitalism like the rest of the AUT kike

If you're going to compare them to something in a horseshoe a commie is a better bet
While for a conservative its a liberal

The issues is they don't talk about the merits of any political or economic systems. They also don't talk about general geopolitical situations, international relations or why things are how they are except da jews.
If you asked Holla Forums about Syria most wouldn't know anything about the Qatar / Turkey pipeline and the economic implications of it's completion and how it's related to many of the issues in the middle east over the last decade.

I do

Everyone except the BO, who in fact came from the old /a/ and is now stuck in this shithole forever.

I came here for Holla Forums
