Mutt thread

mutt thread

Fuck off. sage



Finally some quality.





Ever wonder why this meme never took off?

Their richly raped muslim blood wouldn't allow for that.


Two americans spotted in nature of Burgeria.

That's New Jersey.

M8, it took off.

Not how it works. Amerimutt is the same class of "meme" as Travis Two Knives. You will never see it outside of imageboards or even Holla Forums for that matter


So you actually support normalfag outlets like Reddit getting a hold of things? You are precisely what ruined 4chan, you faggot.

All you fags posting this shit have probably never even been to America. Seeing online memes of fat people in Walmart does not count as visiting the nation. I've met several people from out of the country that decided to move to us. Germans are really nice and friendly. Mexicans are cool from the illegal gangsters to the little gay ones. Polish guy was a total beta. Indians here are pretty smart and nice except for the native Americans which are close to niggers but some of them are alright. A French guy I met who rolled unfiltered cigs(I guess this is really common there) was ok just your typical white dude. Met some guys from Amsterdam visiting a shooting range they were cool. I haven't really spoke to any Asians but I bet they alright. Even legit blacks from Africa/ like the Nigerian blacks are actually no where near as nigger as the niggers grown here they may be kinda stupid but they are really positive people. But by far the worst people are the pompous little britbongs who think they are so superior with their broken shit version of English newsflash American English EVOLVED from your twinkle toes faggot language.

Unfunny meme, OP.


Really? Damn and here I thought all 300+ million people from the largest economy on Earth were fat shart-in-mart goblin creatures of questionable origins



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I'll admit that it was a forced meme once, but now it is natural and organic.

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It don't matter. Let them think we are mutts as long as it keeps them away. I don't want any foreign newblood in the U.S. I like this meme because it makes niggers and thirdworlders think "hey, America is already full of mutts, therefore lets go to where there are gibs". So keep pushing this meme TBH, its a good thing.

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I want to be as energetic as a retard

El negro judio

This meme is hilarious. So tired of the wannabe stormcucks who probably should want to gas themselves if they were keeping track.

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You must be downright retarded to believe that anyone is falling for this half assed tactic.
How stupid can you american leftists get?

industrial lubricants.png

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will goblins anchor this thread tho?

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The left can't meme

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buttblasted burgergoblin detected, sage negated

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I didn't know that making fun of people of color was a left-wing thing.

if Holla Forums weren't such niggers…..

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oh wow another standard issue goblin comeback

Yeah your kinda right I don't care much for the foreigners coming here.

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I like this meme.

American nationalism and this whole fanatic devotion to their flag reminds me of all the communist dictatorships that have ever existed.

Also it's pretty stupid.

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Is this some leftypol shit or something? You've just completely butchered the mutt meme in every way imaginable. I have to assume it's leftypol because only they are capable of such stupidity. Slapping every single political ideology possible that directly contradicts one another is not the point of the mutt meme. It doesn't make any sense.