All I feel after I walk passed a bum on the street is a deep sense of remorse and loss, as if a small part of me dies with each homeless person I walk passed.
How do you cope with bum guilt?
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Kill them with an axe
Stupidity has many forms.
I don't
The homeless make amazing lovers
Give them a little bit of money. A little bit after that you'll realize you just contributed to their heroin addiction and then start to think rationally. Most of them are homeless because of addiction and a lot of them don't care enough to get help because they make like 50 bucks a day just panhandling. It's easy to get into a group home for nothing and get gov support for nearlly every little thing but they just don't care. Try it op give one a little bit of money and tell me how you feel afterwords.
Give them a few pennies
I feel sad for them, but many cannot be helped because they don't know how to help themselves. If a bum shows potential or is just in a rough spot in his life I would help him by showing trajectory. For example, if I know a place is hiring I will tell him about it and see the reaction. If he's interested in any way I might help further by showing him everything he/she needs to do. Example, I might buy them a cheap membership at the local gym or YMCA and tell them to use the showers and lockers to your advantage. Get them a library membership so they can use computer's to apply for jobs and look for more. I call it the blueprint foundation strategy, it's the teach a man to fish line of thinking and showing them how to be fishers of careers.
Pissing on them.
I only feel disgust and hatred for them. They are all junkies and normalfags that have had sex despite being stupid enough to become bums, yet I'm still a virgin.
Fuck them.