All I feel after I walk passed a bum on the street is a deep sense of remorse and loss, as if a small part of me dies with each homeless person I walk passed.
How do you cope with bum guilt?
Other urls found in this thread:
Kill them with an axe
Stupidity has many forms.
I don't
The homeless make amazing lovers
Give them a little bit of money. A little bit after that you'll realize you just contributed to their heroin addiction and then start to think rationally. Most of them are homeless because of addiction and a lot of them don't care enough to get help because they make like 50 bucks a day just panhandling. It's easy to get into a group home for nothing and get gov support for nearlly every little thing but they just don't care. Try it op give one a little bit of money and tell me how you feel afterwords.
Give them a few pennies
I feel sad for them, but many cannot be helped because they don't know how to help themselves. If a bum shows potential or is just in a rough spot in his life I would help him by showing trajectory. For example, if I know a place is hiring I will tell him about it and see the reaction. If he's interested in any way I might help further by showing him everything he/she needs to do. Example, I might buy them a cheap membership at the local gym or YMCA and tell them to use the showers and lockers to your advantage. Get them a library membership so they can use computer's to apply for jobs and look for more. I call it the blueprint foundation strategy, it's the teach a man to fish line of thinking and showing them how to be fishers of careers.
Pissing on them.
I only feel disgust and hatred for them. They are all junkies and normalfags that have had sex despite being stupid enough to become bums, yet I'm still a virgin.
Fuck them.
They've raped and paid for sex. It's not the same as earning it. They fall under a different category.
I ignore him, go home, and passive-aggressively insult white people on twitter and tumblr and reblog Che pics and quotes while drinking a Starbucks and using an iPhone.
So far it's worked pretty well. I've been at it for a few years, and I still show no signs of developing self-awareness.
Bums are by and large wastes of life that have chosen their fate. Majority of them have let addiction and/or unchecked mental illness lead them to the tent cities and park benches. The government is literally doing everything it can to give your tax dollars to people who won’t work and these sacks of shit won’t put the minimal effort in to get the freebies. The only thing you should ever give a bum is contempt or scorn.
I usually offer to buy them NA beer.
I'm sorry Holla Forums, but no matter how hard you try and pretend you will never be the proletariat.
Once there was a millionaire who decided to live on the streets like a homeless man, he often told people he met that he is a millionaire, but no one believed him right until he died on the streets.
Me every time I cross paths with a lazy bum
I'd be jacked to if i had 24 hours a day free-time and nothing better to do than jack off, read books, and work out.
You have to eat too. You can't just workout and make muscle. He likely build up that muscle before becoming "homeless"
Nah, begging can be quite profitable
What's the saw for? Making an igloo in the winter?
If you really feel bad for them then give them some food. Don't give them cash. Especially if they approach you asking for it. It will get spent on booze or worse.
I'm guessing its for the firewood.
Pick one and only one.
Oh, I'm sure there are (((some people))) for whom a society in a perpetual state of revolution would be a better one.
I'm not sure that we're on the same wavelength but I probably agree with your political opinion.
isn't it nice the CIA airfreights TONS of heroin every day for the bums and junkies of America?
i don't guilt my bum. lube is a thing
I think it's just another proof of how degenerate modern civilizations have become. One of the core component of our humanity, altruism, is now not only useless but a step backward in our individual economical progress. The saddest part about all of this is that people on imageboards are not so different from homeless bums. We are both regarded has trash and a misuse of resources.
I never said I felt bad for them.
you have to admit that 8ch has made a mockery of freedom of speech. the use we make of the privilege is not even funny
Yeah, my point was that imageboards users and bums have both a huge unachieved potential. But sadly, what matters is what you are and not what you can become. However I can't blame anyone for that.
There's so much wrong with this webm, i don't even know where to begin.
maybe this will help clear things up
What's up normalfaggot volcel420?
Hahahahahaha that worthless bum got owned
All he could do is lie there and take it like a little bitch
SF is such a filthy expensive dump.
found the pic on google, tbh
you can ban me now if you wish
free vpns are drying up and i sure as hell ain't gonna pay to post on 8ch
pic from downloads
I want to believe that was at least a male and female.
I blame Jim Watson and his tranny squad. Instead of making natural & organic threads on Holla Forums, they're busy gargling pisswater. Holla Forums ain't gonna samefag itself.
Dank voyeur vids would kek to again.
Why are Americans such pussies?
Genuine homeless people I feel sorry for and I might feel compelled to give them a dollar from time to time.
Beggars and panhandlers I fucking despise.
Where I live there are shit loads of romany gypsies who spend all day pretending to be homeless. Down a main high street they'll be ten of them on either side of the road and all they do is intrusively beg and rob all day.
You can't even walk down the street without some smelly gypsys hand thrust in your face.
People like that deserve to be euthanized.
check. job wife and kids. no apologies
check. mod even. you made an ama there yourself last week and the sub had to be closed to the public as a result. no apologies, none
random pic
What, would you have tried to apprehend him and risk getting stabbed or something?
Why did he film this?
Why did you post this?
Why am i watching this?
Absolutely unintentional but great since it will prevent redditfags. If you're the one that made it private I highly appreciate it.
I would have grabbed a fucking chair, at the beginning I would have threatened and ordered to leave, if he behaved like a monkey I would beat the hell out of him and kick his lame but out of my place, imagining he was shitting in my place.
it's so lame that Americans always call the cops for fucking everything.
America has been the leading example since WW2 and you only created people that are afraid of germs and a extremely pussified society.
Fuck I wish the USSR would have never collapsed.
I fucking hate the US.
Agreed. But the practical reality is that you quite likely would have been arrested for assault and battery had you done that.
Donate money to shelters!!
That doesn't fix anything.
Lets abolish the State and Capitalism all together.
Nice b888 m888.
Let's create safe public housing, public cafeterias, and universal health care.
federal gay saunas and government lube
Honestly this. Tribalism now.
Does it really need to be abolished, or is about to collapse no matter what, for structural reasons? Maybe we should be thinking about how to prepare for the collapse instead of trying to hasten the process.
There is no need to extend the life of Capitalism, it just needs to end at once.
The collapse, is not only beneficial but necessary, all the people that are unfit to survive, they would end up sorted out.
I agree. I pretty much want it to end as soon as possible, but I think that time is quite soon no matter what, and that it's important to prepare for what will surely be a chaotic collapse.
Burgers call the cops for anything because of their suing culture. If the owner forced him out some gay commie org would help the bum sue him and then he has to spend thousands on lawyers.
You faggots have been waiting for a century already. The jews in power won't change to your commissars even if a collapse were to happen. All that happens in a collapse is people's rights get rolled back.
Yeah, well, a lot has changed in that century, like natural resource depletion, overpopulation, and climate change/pollution.
This is not going to be like any collapse that has come before. This tower is built up far higher than any that have come before.
They are nothing but leeches fuck em
Just keep on walking.
Well, I'm glad to read that you are getting prepared, but I can not emphasize this enough, even if you think you are prepared, you aren'tm there is never enoughm just keep that in mind and strive for the best possible outcome for yourself.
You have no idea what we are talking about.
in simple words complete Abolishment of Capitalism and the State.
There will be no rights.
Natural absurd and chaotic order will be restored and that's not a bad thing.
The world is on the brink of collapse.
Capitalism, Civilization, Industrialization etc… have brought doom upon us all, the worst part of this is that the triggering event hasen't begun, but the conditions are becoming ripe for it.
LOL, I'm not prepared at all, I just think that would be a far better strategy for leftists than direct actions or political campaigning. Short of that, I'm assuming that there will be survival opportunities for a young, able bodied, intelligent, man like myself when the collapse comes.
You could always start any time user.
if you get caught with your pants down, you will not make it.
I'm not going to lie, I've seen all schools of leftist thought, engage in these kind of activities, but the system is cleverly set to demoralize, demobilize and fatigue of those who chose that route.
at least I'm glad to read, that you aren't wasting your time with it.
I wish you the best man.
but you are not prepared.
Like what, bison? There are other delicious animals. Oil? Only a problem for sandniggers, we can just use electricity which can be generated in many different ways. It could make things a bit more expensive, but air quality in cities would improve so it's a net positive.
We're back to overpopulation again? Just some minutes ago we were so underpopulated we were importing the whole of Apefrica into our much smaller land. Which is it, are we underpopulated or overpopulated? Do we need niggers to do unskilled jobs or do we need UBI because there are no unskilled jobs?
Jesus, leftists really can't meme…
is a contradiction.
Commies and other liberals agree 100% on social matters, even on the economy they only disagree on which jews should own everything, the party members or wall street.
I'm sorry Holla Forums; clearly I'm too much of a brainlet to understand how your marxist-leninist-maoist-trotskyist-thirdworldism is different from social-syndicalism-stalinism. Maybe I should spend more time sitting on my ass reading "theory" so I can understand the musings of a bunch of retarded NEETs better.
Stop being a faggot and join the beta uprising
Have you even been to >>>Holla Forums or >>>/leftpol/ ? Almost all of us are opposed to liberal identity politics. And obviously there are fundamental differences between a liberal capitalist economy and a Red Fascist economy like in the USSR, although it's true that both are non-democratic.
Oh wow.
The level of stupidity.
Some leftist memes are a little convoluted, I'm willing to admit that, but only brainlets wouldn't be able to understand.
that might be the reason why Holla Forums memes are so simple, yet so effective, because there is a lot more idiotic people.
Do you really not see how a centrally planned economy like in Marxist states is different from a liberal capitalist economy?
Which is why I always see "how should we incorporate trans people into our movement" threads on Holla Forums, right?
>Have you even been to >>>Holla Forums or >>>/leftpol/ ?
Several times, usually I'm banned if I post anything with data though so I stick with shitposting since that doesn't result in long bans not that it matters much since I VPN but it's a small bother.
No, you aren't. You people prefer capitalism with niggers than a socialist state for a single people. I've seen it in several threads so don't bother lying.
It's true the economy would be more different than I said in the other post though.
Between all the feminism and social justice threads, it's pretty obvious that you're all just basic bitch neoliberals, no matter how much you deny it.
It's sort of like how you talk about "the proletariat", despite almost all of you being some of the most bourgeois people in the world.
You're not the proletariat, and you're not the avant-garde intellectual revolutionaries you like to LARP as. You're a bunch of basic bitch neoliberal bourgeois kids.
but mom said I could be proletariet if I cleaned out the guest house and skimmed the leaves out of the pool.
I'm banned from Holla Forums myself. And I'll speak for myself, I was a market abolitionist and want to take care of the suffering white guys.
I'm more of a punk who enjoys dialectics. And LARPing can be an effective education strategy.
We are on the losing side, I'm fully aware of that, because the left has been crippled since the colapse of the USSR.
after that the Neoliberal and Neoconservative hegemony of the United States was imposed on all the world, liberals have infiltrated the left and that's why we have Intersectionality and Feminists, crippling our movements everywhere around the world.
The ones that remain unharmed by that plague, we aren't un able to communicate our message to the general masses, becase our language is too obtuse and outdated, and generaly the people are too stupid to understand, that they are ensalved and that the world is on the brink of collapse.
Comrade, just remember that most of the people in here, have the reasoning capabilities of wiggers, just don't frustrate yourself with these idiots, when doom is unleashed, they will be among the first casualties, because they lack the vision to be ahead of the jaws of chaos.
That you for Triggering my laughter response. If I have any effort I will make shitty ms paint oc of this newest memememememrememememe
I'm a raging edgelord after all.
That's Jim Cherney to you, fag