Le 56% disapproval rating

le 56% disapproval rating

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So in other words 44 percent of Americans are assmad Muslims, and Mexicans?

have you considered the alternative?

The average amerimutt

It's true

sums up Holla Forums



with his MICROPENIS trying to act alpha just smh tbbqh #intense #cringe #nevergonnamakeit

impeachment soon blumpfkins. I bet you'll die of drumpf cock withdrawal LOOOOOOOL

How's that education system coming along?


Being unable to recognize hyperbole is a sign of autism. But I wouldn't expect anything less from some leftard who unironically uses the term "Amerimutt"

"Whiter than you muhammed"

You know the more you insult the Americans the more you are cucking yourself by undermining what essentially is, a more powerful country than wherever you're ultimately from. Calling Americans goblins will not change the fact they have the largest economy with the highest funded military on the planet. You're just calling yourself less than a goblin


careful you're going to trigger dysnomia



I was in Europe last summer and found a shit ton in france and even one in the czech repub full of gyps that couldn't even read, ask me anything




t. whiter thann u muhammead

how bad did the fucking gypsys smell? try to describe it.

There are no words close enough in the English language to describe it tbh



Math is hard for you people, I know.

you all suck, kill yourself

Look, it's another retard. The OP said Trump has a 56% disapproval rating, then some retard said, "So in other words 44 percent of Americans are assmad Muslims, and Mexicans". Implying that assmad Muslims and Mexicans are part of the percentage that approves of Trump.

Get it yet?

you got any links to visceratio's vids before she became a she? asking for a friend so we can make fun of her xD


Thankfully not hosted in America though.

China pips America to the title of biggest economy according to most measures.
The fact that the US spends more on guns than any other nation is undisputable but it has in fact decreased your power in the world. The moral high-ground that America once held has been lost through endless unjust and failed military adventures in the third world. The admiration that the world once felt towards the american way of life has died in the hail of bullets on your streets, in your schools, clubs and churches. Your political institutions are the butt of jokes in a thousand languages and effigies of your leaders are burned at carnaval worldwide.
Power and influence on an international level doesn't derive from the ability and will to kill your neighbor. You can't rape the world, you have to seduce it. Right now, America is gross

it's kinda sad that most people who live here don't realize this

He wouldn't have lost if only he could have gotten more black and latino votes than Romney and McCain. Oh wait, he did.


that's completely irrelevant to what I was pointing out.

You were implying that Trump has no Mexican or Muslim supporters. That's factually incorrectly.


I was calling a dumbass for misreading the OP. Then you low functioning autists thought I was trying to push some agenda.


Disapproval, retard.

It's the opposite of approval.

You should be familiar with that.

Define "won".


pro-tip: it doesn't involve k/d ratios, brainlet.

it is absolutely hilarious how this always inevitably gets brought up by some moron when someone brings the bantz against the US for Vietnam. do you want a history lesson?

How about I take you to school instead? During the war of Vietnam there was limitations that America imposed on itself. Such as:
PDF (by the US government) very fucking related my pseudo intellectual friend. Yet I'm supposed to believe that Vietnam ruler was supposed to be very "smart and strategic". Give me a fucking break ANYONE would look very strategic when fighting against these kinds of limitations.
It's all in the documents, you fucking nigger. Why we could have counquered Vietnam in a few weeks if we wanted to. Instead, traitors lie amongst our government. Traitors funded by the bankers with their seemingly unlimited stashes of money.





that was a verbal thrashing user. Holla Forums btfo for the billionth time. LOL



Race Queen Servers are located in San Fransisco IIRC

China beats American economy on exactly one measure, Purchasing Power Parity. Which is a meaningless number because China has one of the lowest GDP per capitas on the planet. It means China is adjusting the value of its currency artificially to keep their labor cheap to foreign powers

America has the highest nominal GDP on the planet by a massive margin. The majority of USD in curculation is in foreign countries. America is the largest economy on the planet. There is no contesting this

Pretty solid considering the entire mainstream media and every major website (Facebook, reddit, twitter, etc) actively try to make him look as shitty as possible.

and that's assuming the poll is even true, that they selected a balanced pool of people to poll from, that their math when converting that sample to the population was accurate, etc

were America's strategic objectives achieved in Vietnam? No they weren't. You can whine all day long about why America lost in Vietnam, or Afghanistan, or Iraq or Syria, but lose they did

Yes, yes they were, you fucking retard. America took infantry off the ground and switched to economic warfare with heavy sanctions that destroyed Vietnams economy. They are no longer fully communist as of the 1980s. America won. Vietnam lost

ha fucking ha. (half) evacuating the capital by helicopter to escape a communist triumph is victory

America sure lost given the amount of America presence in the country today. KFC, Subway, McDonalds.etc Your original argument was that America never fulfilled the primary objective of the Vietnam War. Which is completely false. Stop moving the goalpost


too didn't long read?


I agree that the US could have done more offensively(Calling it just a "military conflict" and the media showing caskets 24/7 probably didn't help, either) but how handicapped were they with the My Lai massacre being a thing? That's like Al Qaeda saying that the hijackers were held back and could have finished the job if they had another 747.

Capitalism won tho

at the cost of the loss of democracy


By that logic, the Bolsheviks lost the Russian revolution.


Capitalism and Democracy are fundamentally incompatible. This is no secret. So yes, anytime you use capitalism to win a war, it will come at the expense of democracy, at least in the short term. But capitalism is the foundational basis of an economy, not of a society. As such it has a lifespan, just like communism. Its lifespan is longer than communism, but it is a finite lifespan nonetheless. Economies collapse that is the reality of the world. Societies, at least truly democratic ones, are able to weather economic collapses without themselves collapsing. So while the USSR collapsed as a socialist society when communism failed, the US (at least in theory) should be able to survive as a democracy should its own capitalist economy fail.



You're lying to yourself if you think there's no politics involved in those polls or those models. CNN openly bragged about doing everything they could to get Hillary elected, do you really think they'd shy away from fudging the numbers a bit?

America was never fully democratic though. It's a Republic. Why don't retards understand this?



it's delirious nonsense. there is no internal contradiction between capitalism and democracy

It's funny these memes are supposed to say Americans are stupid, when they're based on a retarded misunderstanding of the 56% stat. It's pretty obvious that it says only 56% of Americans are white, not that Americans whites are only 56% white.

Let the braindead Eurostans have their fun user



Do I detect a little jealousy?

I doubt it's even usually Europoors posting it, more likely self-hating Americans, or nonwhite "Americans". It's funny how they make themselves look retarded by misunderstanding a pretty simple statistic.

The whole meme is Americans are barely-white mongrels. I guess it also plays off the fact a lot of American whites are Euromutts, but having a combo of Irish, German, Swedish etc is still white. Still though, a good meme has a grain of truth in it, but that one only makes sense if you're as retarded as that disgusting creature in it. Also, who takes the time drawing such filth, it can't be good for the mind or spirit.

Whites, even in America, rarely racemix user. Many studies conclude this. Even the 56 percent as a whole I take with a grain of salt because the official census data reads 61 percent, and that's as of 2016.

At least Americans know what demographic is replacing what. In Europe the census does not differentiate between ethnic groups (that would be racist goy!) So blacks end up in the "European" category because they get citizenship.


So is that what it is? Butthurt Europoors mad about Americans making fun of all the Muslims in your countries? Well don't feel bad, we've got niggers.


Chinese invented gunpowder but europeans made the best use of it
Germans invented the car but the japanese make the most reliable and sell the most of it.

Your point?

You're using an American website user

Based on a Japanese one.



Wrong. Moot copied 4chan from the world2ch imageboard section. The retarded Yurostani is also a newfaggot. Nice


t. homosexual jew who would be killed or deported in non-western countries

It was all about establishing the financial infrastructure. Once that was done, (((they))) didn't give a fuck about who 'won' or 'lost', (((they))) fucking won because Vietnam has used fractional reserve, centrally printed Rothschild zogbux ever since. They didn't give a shit about stopping communism. They invented it ffs.

This entire thread is just americans projecting their failures and degeneracy and blaming it on jews who are partially to blame but not totally

This. Just like almost all modern wars, if not ancient ones, it's about profit, not ideology. They dress it up with moral causes and ideological conflicts to get the dumbfuck masses on board to send their sons to die for no good reason, but in the end it's all about expanding one's power or making money. Vietnam was no different.

Nobody said it's all the kikes, dumbass. But they're a problem.

t. partially a jew but not totally

Do you even know what those restrictions were used for? They were for prolonging the conflict while the governments borrow money from private centralized bank so the bankers could effectively stuff their own pockets. Are you honestly absurd enough to say that waiting for missile systems to be operational to bomb is really in our benefit??? Or the fact our military were prohibited from using assault weapons in populated cities???? When the Vietcong didn't adher to any similar restrictions? Looking at this war with even the most foggy of lenses will still look like pure statistical madness to anyone.