Dear miners, fuck you. All I wanted was a video card for my GNU/Linux box that used non-shit drivers. I hate all of you and hope your faggot currency crashes and your wallet gets stolen.
Dear miners, fuck you. All I wanted was a video card for my GNU/Linux box that used non-shit drivers...
back to /g/, faggot
Go back to /g/ yourself you faggot.
Thank God, I bought my RX 480 right before this normie-mining bullshit.
That's how sage works, dumbass.
Trips confirm.
The worst part is that while prices may come down as difficulty increases, these faggots might just move on to another crytocurrency and we'll have this going on forever.
Those aren't trips you dyslexic retard
I can prove my autism to you.
On the flip side of this, buttcoin mining will drive up the processing speed of video cards making them better/faster/stronger over time, so your overpriced bullshit videocard of today will become outdated for mining operations much faster while still being good for vidya and such.
Keep crying plebs while I'll sleep on my virtual bed made of crypto money.
Hey Miners,
My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are dumb, retarded, Jews who spend every second of their day trying to make profit off of shitty cryptocurrencies. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever actually earned any money? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than begging for nickels on the street.
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was Senior Softwaee Engineer at Microsoft, and Lead Co-Executive at Google. What projects do you work on, other than “fizz-buzz”? I also make a shitton of cash, and have a crazy powerful rig (It just compiled firefox in 20 seconds; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It’s me and my rig
Your autism is weak, and far less superior to my own.
I gave up on trying to buy gfx cards for myself, and opened a graphics card store that takes bitcoin
Going pretty good, I'm raping them on price and they're giving me their buttcoins
I think I'm just going to start robbing nerds for their video cards.
go back to reddit, John, before I hack your IP from your jaypeg's metadata and meme you IRL
You can tell by his gibberish grammer that it is a pajeet. You can't compile firefox in twenty seconds. Let's pretend you placed the entire firefox build system in DDR4 ram of a 64GB size and you used a entire system(gentoo) optimized for that computer alone. Along with four ryzen proccessors on a board. You would take longer than 20 second just based on sleep 1 && type commands you faggot. That's before counting the time needed to transfer everything between the proccesors back into DDR4 memory.
Also video card prices are high because it is a monopoly between AMD and nvidia. Not because of miners buying them in mass.
it's called duopoly you illiterate nigger
Gas yourself.
Don't go to mines this weekend, some of you guys are alright.
fuck you too, faggot
no u
don't forget singles.
It's supposed to be believeable achievements: for example. posting on 4/b/ that you had been captain of some sports team and gradutated high school with top marks. The audience shouldn't know the difference.