The Final Solution

Anyone got a better solution? Its like we have stretched our people too thin across the globe and now we are being diluted by multiculturalism.

The key is to concentrate our people again then with our god like creativity and intelligence we rise faster than the Nazi's did.

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northwest front

Explain in green text pls

This could be us.



Nah Eurocuck, how about YOU flood America? NA is the future bastion of the white race, whether you like it or not.

More like Europeans will be flooding america soon and fleeing their countries so they could be safe in Trump's America, than the other way around.


Europe is our sacred land. Thousands of years of our roots are there. I'm Australian btw.

By your dipshit retarded logic, africa is where we should be fleeing to, since we only migrated to europe.

We'll see. I'd be glad if you're right. Pretty sure America has more niggers and spics than Europe does. And far less whites.

I'm getting my passport together now and going to start a life in the homeland to make her great again.

Vid related uuuu

check my captcha
also america is also our ancestrial homeland, we took the landbridge first

Well, to be more accurate, Mesopotamia, so I guess we should flee to the middle east since it's our ancestral land :^)

I know we wuz sons of Ra but Europe and Germany in particular is sacred to our people.

The invaders have already begun. We need to now flood Europe to counter them while at the same time leaving America to die so it cant attack our Reich again. Germanys occupied by US goys till 2099.

Once America is only googles and beaners they will immediantly go into mass famine and turn to Africa 2.0

After we cleanse Europe we can go back and cleanse out the 3rd world completely with our superior technology.

Admit that America serves the Skype. Without whites it dies.

This is the solution to total victory admit it!

If hillary gets to be prez then we`ll ahve to be on the lookout for drone strikes during the civilwar
When Trump wins we`ll be looking for his supply drops!
This election could be one of the most important ones in Aryan history!

No, Europe and Germany in particular are sacred to you. You suck Germany's dick only because Hitler existed.


Didn't realize you were a goon, sorry.

Europe has been fucked since May 1945.

Also, not enough land there to support all the white people

Russia isn't going anywhere, so not really an option

Fuck off

OP here, so far this is what pol has suggested:

Really pol? Do you goys even think about the future of our people? It consumes me.

Germany is the heart of Europe. Its probably the only country we all share European ancestory from.

The war cry of the Battle of Salamis that saved the fate of Europe 480BC

O sons of the Greeks, go,
Liberate your country, liberate
Your children, your women, the seats of your fathers' gods,
And the tombs of your forebears: now is the struggle for all things!

have you even read the tread?


No, you are failing to understand that this mass migration will immediantly spark a race war that once Europe is won we literally rid the world of the useless races.

Then we have the whole world not to mention the space program will take off dramatically without forced diversity in the NASA and removal of the jew from existence.

Yes goyim…. Space colonies in our lifetimes.

This is the best solution.

America will never be "googles and beaners" for the simple reason that mestizos hate blacks far more than we do. Without whites, blacks will cease to exist on this continent.

There's no future for white only society at this point. Its a fairy tale. You can't just go out and murder all the muslims and kikes. Because your own white cucks will stop you for racism and antisemitism.

Aside from my posts we have this

both cucks want to give europe up and give our race over to a democratic melting pot.

I think this guy is on my page. Not sure though hes not very clear.

Everyone else is shitposting and bickering.

Doesnt make a difference when we come back to rid them from the face of the earth.

Only the master races should inherit the earth. We need to travel space and create a Eutopia here on earth.

We must not let the liberal cucks soften us and let the non aryans live. Not even 1.

Only Europeans and Japs.

European peoples will face their largest existential threat in over 10,000 years of our cumulative history. Nationalist sentiment will rise as a backlash against Globalism all over the world. We might lose some ethnic groups to almost extinction, but eventually we'll succeed in retaining our independence and removing the foreign invaders from our homelands.

What happens afterwards I'm not sure, but I don't think a race of people who have spent generations trying to raise the rest of the world to their level, only to have it spat back in their face, will keep at it. All aid to foreign nations would immediately stop that isn't out of Realpolitik or to extract concessions. I think most likely the White nations of the world, hardened by disaster, would mercilessly expand their influence into foreign nations. Companies would go to Africa to extract resources, and if the governments refused they would simply be invaded and taken over. If extra land was needed, a similar process would happen, and the natives sterilised or killed. If you think this is some Holla Forums fantasy, this has all happened before in European history, it simply requires the right circumstances and culture to produce Europeans capable of it, and I think the next century will produce that.

Eventually I think we'll colonise the stars, probably first in co-operation with each other, and then with individual nations claiming planets and moons for themselves. I don't think regional identities, France, Germany, Britain, will disappear. With the proliferation of Nuclear weapons I don't think a war between two major White nations will ever happen again on Earth, but they won't merge completely. We'll perhaps have free trade, and some form of border leniency, but never a 'United White States"

Asia will never challenge Europe at any point in it's history. Their entire societies are based on Westernisation and Western inventions. The Chinese are polluting themselves into destruction with a completely soulless society. The Middle East will probably meet a similar fate as Africa, being invaded to secure access to resources or having Western influence permeate their society. Pakistan and Iran will be an exception as they have nuclear weapons.

Now, if Europe managed to develop nuclear weapons defense systems that can neutralise Nukes before they do any harm, I think then we'd see some serious shit. That technology isn't out of the question by the way.

you only have that pic to wake up sheeple right?….

I guess I forgot to mention we kill the traitors first.

It will require a mass redpilling. I think this will happen naturally once the white flood begins. Media will be triggered by it and tensions arise, race war sparked etc.

Youre a doomed if you dont believe we can win. I refuse to be such a hopeless faggot though.

It`s a me!

Right Satan I`ll tell you a tale
> a site only for those who want to spend shekels on roaches
Now here Trump comes in, either he wins and he supplies us plucky rebbels or hillary gets to be prez and she drones my arse!

War is coming, war or submission to the goatfuckers.
If War it is and without the risk of being droned we van retake Evropa


Thank you, brother. Everything you said is what I see happening too.

People underestimate how fast an all white, non jewed, European empire would rise in science and industry.

And how fast all the non white countries would fall without our support.

Then with the fresh memories of what christ cuckoldry led to, the near destruction of our race, we would gladly genocide the useless, envious races from earth once and for all.

Evolution would then soar. Its going to be beautiful.

Eastern europe is the last hope, hence why it will die in nuclear fire.

Fucking typo`s, I swear that I`m not retarded.
I`m just tired.

Oh youre a Britfag. I thought about returning there for the race war but from what I see its whites are too far degenerate (chavs and alcoholics) to offer any resistence. Infact I think the chavs and drunks would be on the side of the somalis. I fucking hate England because of Churchill. What a fat cuck. Absolutely corrupt.

Other European countries have a far better chance simply because the natives are healthier. I may just have a wrong view because I'm Australian but seems from here to be the case.



I think its just fat, drunk people wearing Trump hats that spout meme's all day.

This whole situation is basically a troll to them. Anime profile pics, steam groups….. Probably don't even nurture their own genetics.

Got to get rid of the massive Jewish community though. Fucking kikes are the worse than roaches they spread everywhere.


Fuck off, melting pot retards, we'd rather die.

Oh and your precious "white africans" often have african blood, just like Afrikaners do.

As an American I know that people here are ignorant to European history. My ideal future would have white nations free of any non-whites, and cooperation between white nations without mixing all together. Retaining traditions and national pride is important. Scientific cooperation and advancements would take place, and we help each other on the way to colonizing the stars. At that point it get difficult to imagine how we cooperate, but it's important to separate us from the rest. Kikes exterminated is also a given

Half breeds arent welcome. Like we couldnt tell who was mixed or not.

Curly hair = genocided

No one wants a 1 culture Europe. Just a unity in the great race war.

There is nothing wrong with Europeans mixing though. A britfag mixing with a German wouldnt dilute anyone.

Even the slightly mixed whites like Italians will be purified after generations of only mixing with whites. No blacks or Jews etc.

its all gonna be beautiful.

A cool picture book by Himmler.

"white" does not exist, stay in America and keep your mutts, we have actual races here in Europe.

I've always wondered though, would genetic engineering make this all pointless? If you perfected it, you could then pick whatever traits you wanted. Obviously everyone will want their children to be white, intelligent, etc. How will this affect things?

Youre mistaken. I'm not American, I'm OP and agree with you.

But I do believe there are millions of pure European whites in South Africa. If only 10% would find ways to migrate back to Europe it counters the 3rd world flood.

This is a retarded idea. It would destroy the unique genotypes of Europe.
It's not like white people need numbers to BTFO the Earth. Any single white country on its own could defeat all shitskin countries at once.

Flawed from the beginning.

Europe will not accept the vast majority of white immigrants. Period.

Sure, but Germany will not be German. France will not be French. Spain will not be Spanish. You can't have Americans of British decent flooding into Italy, for example. They're not Italian. White nationalism should be practiced as an overarching ideology and be the main drive, but ethnic nationalism in the context of individual nations is just as important. Sweden must remain Swedish, not simply white.

Never going to happen. And if it does, is the Samson Option real? Do we want to find out?

100 million none whites are not going to go away and the US has no real culture

You fags are not dreaming big enough. Take a play from the Trump book. You need big visuals …. future fash user.

Fusion energy, 3d printed houses, solar panel water distilleries, robot labor.

We send them all back but we build them a country for them.

How many will fight to the death if we offer them their own nation????

Southern culture is a real culture. Why do you think the kikes are trying to destroy it, like all other unique white cultures?

fucking checked

Its not that they dont care its that they dont understand

How about no????

I roll my eyes at this argument.

Similar to those who believe we will all be immortal in cyber space in the near future.

These people are always sub human spergs.


If only 10% of the whites I listed in my OP migrated to Europe that would be huge.

Of course I dont expect the lemmings to. If anything, just the people on sites like this that actually want a solution to the race war.

Sweden for example would be far more Swedish if it got a population bump from anglo's then whats currently happening. The culture wouldn't be lost either. The genetic similarity and nature of the whites would adapt the the native culture.

Italians aren't Italians anymore anyway. They got mulatto'd a long time ago.

The jews need to be exterminated. Everyone will wake up to this during the race war.

Whats your solution again? Just wait out democracy and see where all this leads to while the floods of non whites impregnate our perverted women?

You need a slap.

damn my best get yet.

kek must like my idea

yeah im sure blacks etc are capable of gratitude towards whites…

Ignore the history lesson of Haiti. Cute Trump hat though. Will you wear it to a Milo gay pride rally?


Theres not going to be a race war till we make a move.

Right now its them doing as they please with the help of the kike. We are just waiting till we are the minority and the streets are on fire. Thats so cowardly and stupid.

I say we make the wisest move now. Not some emotional reaction, protest or group attacks. Simply counter their own tactics. We flood Europe with our own. We form a unity. We do as the Nazi's did but adapted to our time and situation.

Then we will be armed and ready for a war. Otherwise we're divided, confused, hesitant etc.

And I know countries have unique genotypes. I'm saying they wouldnt even significantly change under my plan. Sweden would literally become more Swedish genetically than it is now.

You need a good slapping.

Night gang.


t…thanks guys

They saw it coming.

M8, just wait for Trumps election.

For all of our plans to work correctly HE has to pave the way. If Hillary is elected you'll see more violent race wars and massive white migrations. We here in Burgerland have lost our sense (the normies at least) of cultural herritage and amcestry. SOME would return to their ancestral lands but most would only go to countries that speak native English. So Brittainistan, Austrailia, New Zealand, Canada. Britbongistan wont last long though.

America would then turn into Brazil under HRC. However the stubborn whites that would still have faith would form the North Western Front, also known as Cascadia. It would probably start as a militia and move on to be its own faction after the rest of the US goes to shit. The South has too many niggers to do much anymore.

This all wont happen however if Trump is elected.

A lot of the people, I use that term loosely, who post here would never have made it in Hitlers Germany and they wont make it here

For the love of god, call a kike a kike. Enough of this bullshit.

Don't make baseless claims about the present mood applying to a possible future revolt. I would not be the least bit surprised if real RWDS were to come about within 50 years or so. Life isn't static.

USA will never become Brazil.

Natural racemixing with no govt interference (immigrations encouraging through virtuesignaling; economical migrants, sanctuary cities) brings very little impact to a nation's identity in the long term. Hillary will open the floodgates to force it down americans' throats, and this only reinforces racial tensions. The chaos generated brings profits to (((special groups))), but when its not a big issue, no one gives a crap. Then normal cultural mixing becomes applied there (racemixing through similar cultures and education become the standard when it happens).

Its not helping when the media is pushing racial and gender quotas and segregating everyone while at the same time preaching equality.


hahahahaha no
if they want robots the shit-skinned maggots should make them themselves.

(sand)niggers should either be quarantined in africa and the desert mudpiles or purged entirely.

Trump until he dies!


You actually have to ask?

Stop shilling.

Demographically it already is.

It's getting late here.

I love you, you fuckers. We're, all going to make it.

Good night!

I don't know if we'll go full Imperialist. I do think that Africa is gonna undergo a sink or swim type thing as we slowly cut off the gibs me dats, with vast swathes of the continent becoming a blood bath with a few countries rising from the ashes.

I think Asia will be the major flash point due to Russia and China trying to influence most of the countries there in order to lock America out of those economic markets as their standard of living increases with industrialization improving in that region of the world. India may become a regional power while Europe deals with it's numerous problems and rebuilds. Expect numerous trade wars to erupt in that region, though.

Meanwhile, Israel is either destroyed by an Arab Coalition or they finally drop the pretense, enact the Greater Israel plan, mow down Kebab near them, and get some Jewish Lebensraum.


All Holla Forumsacks choose 1 US state

Populate it and start a movement to encourage other Europeans to come over, eventually creating a white nationalist state

the states I have in mind are:


Montana's great, but you need to help us keep out "refugees". The GOP candidate here did not abandon Trump and wants to keep out refugees.

Sign Gianforte's petition to keep them out.

What? Not only would that not be sustainable, we would get surrounded on all sides.

If we turn into South Africa or Brazil Cascadia (North Western Front) is the most likely scenario. Fertile land, temperate climate, plentiful wildlife, water, farms, high amount of whites with guns, access to the Pacific, literally the perfect place to create a white-ethnostate.

All we would have to do is clense Seattle/Portland of leftist and non-white scum.

You're going to need coastal access. Any landlocked state would be a stupid choice.

Also forgot to add Vancouver, we need to rape that city like Nanking.

Only about ~2% of whites would go along with this, with many of those being women and children dragged along by WN husbands.
The host countries, like Germany, would then jail them all for being extremists, and deport them back to USA, now with a president worse than Hillary or Obama because they could go even further left without the WNs.

Interesting concept, user. When I think in getting rid of niggers and niggerizations, the place that comes to mind (in the US) is North Dakota.

The final solution is pretty simple: We will have more wealth than our parents in our respective nations, a lot more. Otherwise we will fuck you up beyond any measure, then you will have your final solution. And your tech retards and rilled up goyim wont be much of a problem.

reminder that this was a bad translation of "total solution"

North Dakota wouldn't be a terrible place, but the only problem is that it's landlocked.

Sorry you forgot the rest of that

Is a joke.

I imagine all that current running through the misguided goyim, going after the not so sharp tech priests fucking them up, fucking up all the shit talkers, tearing them from the inside out.
All those feminist good goy gatekeepers, the fake outlet, the fake outrage, the power of persuation running into nothingness of postmodernism getting redirected.
All those little boys that think that they can play with the big boys, maybe one of them shouldnt go for another facelift.


I'm an American. My grandparents were all American. I have ancestry in the United States going back 200 years. Fuck off and take your cosmopolitan bullshit with you. If you just keep running there will soon be nowhere left to run to.


Slavery is the cause of the race problem in the first place. Learn from history. You even read march of the titans?

We should just kill all non whites. Except Japs who I expect to start their own race war with the rest of Asia and claim their rightful supremacy.

and what evidence do you have that such a thing will occur? most people don't even want to know the truth

Believe in meme magic.

This is also why its so important that we become our greatest selves and achieve our dreams. We then have a platform to speak to the normies even if we become martyr's in the process. We need heroes.

We will catch a lot of boobanimals and money in the process. Paid in titmeat, money and power.
Otherwise we ll get paid in another currency.
Psychology is really interesting.

We shouldn't give up America and Canada.

And to get really under their skin is outline their basic makeup, once civilization is under a threat due to external and internal factors people will revert to the most basic of vectors. Remember how much the rapefugees stirred up since they are a real grapsable threat, unlike the stockmarket which is abstract but is connected to the influx of outsiders. But since most people, no matter how educated (read more books on public transportation since it will tell you secrets, na not really) they will fall into same potential pot like a free electron gets sucked into a positive charge.

disband the fucking UN


OP is a jerrycuck faggot

its some moronic teenager who is on babies first LARP

Nah, Germany doesn't need a bunch of Anglos. How about we all just help eachother in removing kebab?

Yes but they need to massively militarize both physically and culturally or it won't matter.

such bigotry SMH

I mean it doesn't need to be flooded. There is enough americanization already.

how so?

Yellowstone super volcano

Pop culture is largely american. English is the only lingua franca. Their politicians suck obama's dick.

Actually a great plan OP, but the kikes won't let us burgers leave so easily, they'd start a war before then. Also how could we stop mestizo half breeds from jumping on the ship cargo/airplane cargo, etc?

Economic and societal collapse (e.g Weimar Republic).

All are open to the the redpill when people are directly impacted by uncomfortable truths.

Only when their very lives depend upon facing the reality before them will they listen to a man telling them the truth, a man offering them a path out of despair.


"Today I am happy to report to you that our plan for the
destruction of the hated Gentiles and the acquisition of their remaining wealth is practically
complete. There remain only a few loose ends to tie up, and then the struggle in which we have
been engaged for thousands of years against the filthy goyim against the Nations, against all the
non- Jewish peoples of the world, finally will be victorious, and we will be able to devour
everything they have created, as Yahweh, the god of our tribe, has commanded us.""


I think the solution is white flight combined with technological and socialogical changes to support decentralized living. Abandon the cities and the suburbs, start creating and reviving little towns in the middle of nowhere. Aim for self-sufficiency, not completely "off the grid" but support local agriculture and craftsmen. Start nice, slow, uncucked, white lives, and defend them with tooth and nail. Let the cities rot, try to vote in nationalist politicians, and secede if they try to force the diversity on you.

You're probably fucked if you aren't allowed to own guns though.


I would call you a fag but your digits force me to take another look at your post.
So you be saying we let shitskin fight shitskin in other shitskinlands for a nation which we will build?

Why the fuck do you dipshits not care about white survival?

Either we join as one or we have no chance left you defeatist faggot.

Obvious bait.

Wrong,The US is 60% White,Brazil is only 30%

Hey FBI,whatcha doin?

Fuck off and leave Europe alone

The only natural disasters that bear weight are niggers and kikes.

Who's word are you taking that on?

Shill confirmation.