you guys think it would be possible to remove the older and more primitives parts of the brain without killing the person, so we could operate based off logic rather then emotion?
You guys think it would be possible to remove the older and more primitives parts of the brain without killing the...
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At that point, we would no longer be human.
also the lizard brain is located in the midbrain, which also is vital for stuff like coordinating body functions, so no
This. All of your "higher" processes are designed to run through your "lower" processes first, so when you get rid of the "lower" processes, the "higher" processes simply can't operate anymore.
you still have your senses, what about just cutting out emotion
the "primitive" parts are the most important, have fun dodging a niggers flailing fists with no reflexes, you probably wont even know to blink, and have fun throwing a ball accurately without your primitive brain doing those subconscious calculations that determine how much force you'll apply when throwing something at a target, something lizards, grass hoppers, fish, pretty much any little shitter animal that can jump is doing, with their shitty little primitive brain. also good luck knowing how to breathe.
They're still around because they're useful, without em, you'd be subhuman, objectively inferior.
okay, they cause more problems then they are worth, but what about just removing the limbic lobe?
What about just leaving it alone so we don't fuck it up?
then you'll just be asian. move there if that appeals to you.
we'd be condemning ourselves to remain primitive, and die with our planet after we exhaust its resources.
The stars forever out of reach, because we are a bunch retarded apes, unable and unwilling to acknowledge our nature, that once helped us survive, but now are a hindrance due to us being just clever to change the environment just enough to make survival easy enough to where low IQ people aren't killed off by nature.
Even the Moon is out of reach. What's your point?
if we are going escape earth, as well as make desirable and sustainable civilization, we aren't going to do it with our current brain setup.
we need to operate based off logic as species, or at least in large numbers for us to be viable long term
Or you can do some work and keep yourself from being too emotional. But your autistic ass can't manage to keep a loose grip on your emotions and spaz out on your mom for the dumbest shit because you know your life is being wasted away behind the curtain of apathy that you seem to wrap around your head keeping you from breathing properly and causing yourself existential anxiety. Add to the fact that you're weak and just dumb so youve built an inferiority complex that you can't seem to chip away. Which is a good analogy for how much of a fucking decrepit stubborn dried out piece of shit you are to society.
Just a hard to remove booger cemented onto the wall of society because you're too lazy to get up and clean yourself up properly
if you want to remain primitive, that is fine. I would just like to not be bog down by emotion, and be able to purely rational in my observations and decisions.
That technological feat will be lost on a human deficit like you. What you just described is called being wise. It takes time to develop critical thinking. Besides the reason why you do it is based of vanity. You think by removing that part of the brain makes you smart and better than everyone else. It doesn't. It's makes you emotionally retarded. Intelligence is relative anyways. You might know a lot about many things but another person will know more about others. And lacking emotion will just make you look autistic. Youll be like data from star trek. minus the great library of knowledge he has.
you can't over come this via discipline or training.
stimuli goes to your lizard brain first, gets interpreted by that incredibly old part of yourself, then goes through your limbic system, the incredibly stupid part our yourself, and then goes to your critical thinking part of yourself, the one you are consciously aware of, the newest and best place of your brain. No amount of training will ever make this not so. What I want is for stimuli to be directly sent to your frontal cortex, were it can be interpreted objectively, and where the most logic response can be formulated.
Also this wouldn't make me feel superior, as I would have no emotions to feel anything about the state I was in relation to other people.
Fella, I must be medusa because you actin' stoned as hell; and I can't tell!
So you want to do Equilibrium? You want to create the world that is depicted in the film Equilibrium?
I agree tbh, emotions are the cause of every problem that has ever existed.
well, no, but they make problem unsolvable after the point of civilization, and it also hinders scientific and technological progression after point of modern comfort.
I'm loving all these little wanna-be faggots, pulling out big long impressive-looking tech words from their mommy's dictionaries.
That's called anhedonia you retard and you do not want it.
Also just because you remove your emotions won't make you anymore rational.
You can be highly emotional but rational or you can be emotionally dead and irrational.
Your real enemy isn't emotions, it's IRRATIONALITY.
Read this if you want to be more rational:
Really fails to jostle my non-existent emotions.
*tips fedora*
Also if you care about IQ then start getting the shitskins out of white nations and making white people breed again.
Remove the emotional drivers and there's no fucking reason to go to the stars or do anything. You'll be a perfectly logical brick.
Go read The Science of Miracles by Max Freedom Long and then start studying the old pyschology and parapsychology texts from 1880 to 1930 and also read J. Finley Hurley - Sorcery and spend the 2 years minimum required to develop the plenary trance and then go reach the objective mind if you want to access superhuman intelligence.
No irrationality and ignorance is. Emotions are the cause of everything; the reason for action. Emotions paired with an irrational and ill informed mind leads to shitty actions. A rational mind however greatly benefits from emotion to drive it.
you could still have self interest without emotions. I am just asking for asking for observations and decisions to based in rationality rather then emotion, not necessarily value structures.
you're going to have to take away rights from women if you want that, and men won't let that happen due their emotions, and women are even more dictated by emotions then men are, so…
yeah… no
Emotions can achieve nothing that reason cannot. The difference is that reason cannot be used to cause harm whereas certain emotions only exist to cause harm.
you mean giving yourself the equivalent of cerebral palsy, with the added bonus of not learning how to use your brain while you're an infant moderately able to compensate as best as possible for the damage?
you'll be so much a vegetable that you won't even be able to drool without being hanged upside down
you will have the rest of your drastically shortened life to consider logically how retarded this decision was, without having the ability to communicate your findings in other ways than an inarticulate retart moan
Sounds like a bad idea OP. Emotions exist for a reason. You feel disgust when you look at niggers or shit because both are bad for you, you have a boner when seeing something lewd because otherwise the species would end, etc. You don't want to be controlled solely by emotions, but you don't want to eliminate emotions either. If you truly want to, there are a few countries that still do lobotomies.
There are people who lost parts of the brain and survived. There's a guy who worked in train tracks and got a huge iron rod up his skull, supposedly he only suffered temporary damage besides some memory loss (the brain adapts itself, someone who goes blind for example will have the image-processing part repurposed). There was some other guy who was working in a particle accelerator and someone turned it on while his face was there, but I think that one died.
Also it's possible to temporarily disable parts of the brain. I remember reading some research where they managed to make people more accepting of rapefugees by disabling with (very strong) magnets the part of the brain responsible for assessing threats.
dude, fuck you, like you're one of those pussies that would never say it irl
You won't be able to act on self-interest without emotions.
How do I make this clear to you.
Men won't let it happen due to their indoctrination / irrationality. There emotions aren't the problem. Women aren't dictated by emotions, they just are less capable of thinking clearly, they are more IRRATIONAL.
Look it up faggot. You don't need gene editing you just need people who are able to reach deep trance states, in particular the plenary trance, which is the deepest of all trance states and a person in that trance is considered dead under medical observation, as all vitals have apparently switched off, with only one key difference; they don't start rotting.
You're such a dumb ass. Emotions are motive force and feeling. They drive you. Your reason faculty won't even be used if your emotions aren't functional. Emotions don't exist to cause harm at all, all the emotions have their purpose, harm comes as a result of circumstances or stupidity or other factors.
1. People suffering from anhedonia (very low to practically non-existent emotion) will often do stupid irrational thing.
2. People with intense emotions guiding them can make very sound and rational choices.
From this we can understand that emotions are not the problem. Irrationality is. Don't blame emotions. They are motive force, they are fucking USEFUL.
The ideal man is highly emotional and highly rational at the same time.
The worst dredge of a man is deprived of emotion like some neglected child that had no mother taking care of them that barely blinks or eats or drinks and who does stupid irrational nonsense.
Y'all anti-emotion niggers need to read:
The most successful people are passionate. Read: EMOTIONAL. They are also highly rational and intelligent. They use logic and strong passion (emotion) to achieve greatness.
I fucking hate Star Trek for putting stupid ideas into people's minds like muh diversity, muh space niggers, muh android with no emotion, muh transhumanism, etc.
What a stain upon the culture.
Utter garbage.
We could produce so much better and profound media for people to consume with ideas that would show the real way to the ideal society.
I wonder if OP was abused by his parents so he feels he needs to get rid of his emotions. Classic sign of severe abuse.
This, the problem is that fedoras think that tipping their hats and shooting kids in school is rational, fun fact, they are emotional as fuck, euphoria is a felling.
It is wrong to think emotions are in control at all. The will along with the subconscious mind and the reason is in control. Emotion is nothing more than the raw energy that powers thoughts and actually moves the whole universe, for everything acts because of emotion, yes even the movements of the stars and the attractions of molecules is various gradations of emotion.
The subconscious mind is all those programs on auto-pilot that are required to run the body and mind. Most of our thinking is all subconscious.
The will can select any thing for attention and tweak it, modifying those programs.
The reason is the dynamic process by which we decide to make adjustments.
Emotions are the vital force or fuel which powers all this.
This book explains everything best:
This stuff is explained here
Did any interesting findings come out of this?
I remember that. That kind of stuff makes me shudder.
You mean irrational as fuck.
Unless we start saying reason has nothing to do with self-interest and is just a thing used to solve problems. So one can be completely rational if they are cutting themselves over and over with a knife as long as they understand what they are doing, i.e., that putting the knife to their arm is going to cut them and cause them to bleed. Someone who can't make that connection and understand that would be retarded / irrational / delusional.
If we go along with the theory that rationality does not involve self-interest in that case we must say they are morally degenerate or of low virtue.
For humanity to advance we need everything working together:
Reason, passion, intellect, virtue, will.
We can't dispense with any part of the mind. We can only cultivate and bring into harmony and orderly function all the parts.
A man without reason can't solve problems.
A man without emotion/passion has no motive force and will do nothing.
A man without intellect will be too slow and inefficient at solving problems.
A man without virtue will not use his gifts wisely.
A man deprived of his will will be not be able to change course or make adjustments, he will run like an automaton, unable to improve on his own design (mental architecture).
Nigga please.
Intelligence tell you what is good and what is bad, still you cant move.
But the real question is; will we still have sentience/self-awareness after removing all emotion from our brains?
The answer; probably not, since sentience is likely a side-effect of chemical response to an uncertain and constantly changing world.
To elaborate further; all processors, including the human brain, learn from input
input -> processor -> response/output
Think about what the input of a computer it, it's a keyboard. A computer only exists to receive text input from a user to process and create a valued output/response
What is the input of the human brain?
Touch, sight, sound, smell, and taste.
What is the output of the input?
Proper survival response to a complex planet always in flux.
Our brain is the way it is because we needed to learn to ward of predators, and hunter-gather, and wait out an ice age. It is the result of thousands of years of a planet that is otherwise hostile to humans. Our emotions are essentially a complex set of survival responses that we have began applying to sociological settings. What makes humans different from other animals I think, is while other animals have emotions just like humans do, humans have began using emotion not as survival response, but as sociological expression that if necessary can be re-applied to benefit survival.
What am I talking to some faggot normie on an apple product?
I just said in my post A man without emotion/passion has no motive force and will do nothing.
So yeah, with just the intellect alone, you aren't going to do shit without the other parts.
As for intelligence telling us what is "good and bad" I think that has something to do with a faculty of mind that is moral. There are "psychopaths" who figure out what is good or bad based on cues in the environment (and consequently sometimes take ques from the wrong places such as authority figures and do fucked up things). Then there are regular people who have a more innate ability to sympathize. Yet is sympathy alone sufficient for morality? I am not so sure. I don't think intellect alone tells us what is good and what is bad there is more at play in forming this.
Here is something to ponder…
Is it actually possible to be irrational at all? Can people act in an irrational way? Is it not the case that everything one does it always the very best thing they could do given the circumstances?
Anything you can think of as proof of irrational behavior may actually be the very best thing.
For example if someone learns screaming and crying gets them stuff they might do it over and over.
If someone is confined in solitary confinement they might realize that letting the imagination work to create a dream world to live in is the best way to preserve themselves (sailors at sea that have imaginary friends end up surviving months or years whilst lost, the ones that don't die quick).
Rationality is subjective. Nice job wasting your time tho
Traditionally rational behavior was seen as behavior that did not interfere negatively with other people unless acting defensively. You can't exactly call that subjective.
What you just said is subjective but really, it's pretty wrong lol. Who thought that? Just your intuition? And again, what is negative to a person is subjective. Nice try Fedora boy
You're right my dude what constitutes as something that impedes someone's ability to survive is something entirely up to debate.
Unprovoked violence and thievery? Totally subjective as its negativity my dude
Cultmarx please go.
Read Metaphysics of War by Julius Evola. Reducing morality to "don't step on others shoes and only fight in self-defense" is basically slave morality.
Ya Idk what a cultmarx is but Sry that I believe the individual decides what's wrong to them :/ everyone decides their own morals and their rationality, based on their own subjectivity. You get to decide if they're wrong :) the World works this way and always has and that isn't bad
What if what is negative to a person is objective though.
What if just because they think it's not negative or don't care that it's negative doesn't change the fact of it being negative?
What does negative even mean anyways? There is clearly a negative and a positive polarity to everything but are we meaning something else by "negative"?
Objective standards exist by which to measure things though.
Very pointless to say honestly. I don't know what you expect me to say, you kinda answered yourself.
So? I'm talking about opinions
Some say killing niggers is wrong, many others disagree. I.e subjectivity
Cultural marxism. The Frankfurt school. All that stuff Holla Forums hates. That's what you're preaching right now.
Your kind of thinking is what led to "there's an infinite number of genders, I'm an attack helicopter, no you can't tell me smearing shit on myself and running around in the street is wrong, nigger cultures are just as valid as white cultures, this splatter that looks like a 2 year old drew it is fine art, beauty is in the eye of the beholder" and various other nonsense.
Yet there is a large body of evidence to contradict this all and prove that beauty and other things are actually objective.
Radical subjectivism is actually a tenet of certain strains of chaos magick. However if one reads those works and then sees how it contradicts other notions they have about reality they will realize what a fine mess they are in.
woo found a discussion post on this on that reddit site everyone keeps memeing about
Ya you're right, but guess what? I don't believe those things because I understand our society and our species and all that. That's what separates individuals, what you believe and what you choose to see and agree with. They understand gender, the just choose to disagree
Yes but they love that inconsistency, it's what chaos magic thrives on
Also, I believe beauty is subjective, but because of esoteric, outer conciousness kind of shit, like true beauty speaks to your spirit