I mache ize mau eh Schwizerfadä u hoffe es si paar ahwäsend

I mache ize mau eh Schwizerfadä u hoffe es si paar ahwäsend..

Je vous invite aussi les Suisses de langue française pour ce fil, mais comme tu vois je suis très mauvais en français.

But to make it easier for all, I think we should write english, which I hope isn't a problem for anyone.


More news, maaymaays, and stuff you'd like to discuss.

Other urls found in this thread:


Bump for nice pictures in OP



assuming the majority of a population are good people, wouldn't giving guns to everyone mean good people outnumber and outgun bad people? thus, snuffing out crime?



If somebody with a gun goes nuts, there would be enough men with their military stg90 5.6mm, who would stop them in a couple of minutes. Therefore we don't have many mudshits going full sharia.

Die Schweiz ist deutsch. Karl der Kühne hat nichts Falsches getan.

The Swiss fellow I have working for me has an undying hate of french speaking Swiss, gotta ask is this shit common?


Und wo liegt jetzt s problem?
Wenn kebabs geld hend und zahlet, sellets au ihri waffe becho. Nur will d' commies jetzt lätsched muess s ganze land sich nach ihne richte oder wa?

technisch betrachtet hesh recht, schwiizerdütsch isch kei offizielli landessprach nach CH verfassig. Ich denke s gröschte problem isch dass es kei konkreti rechtschribig het.

google for röstigraben
basically it is the border region between german speaking switzerland and french speaking switzerland. The french swiss are very leftist and muh multiculturalism while the german swiss are more traditional

Canton de vaud ici.
I'm swedish but have a dual citizenship (swiss-swedish) and for what i can see the french regions are leaning towards french culture (you know the fucking nigger rap that comes out of the french banlieues).

Even though a lot of my friends vote UDC I think that the fact that switzerland is such a good country (socially and economically) it tend to make people lean towards the left and opening up our borders.
But tbh i don't care too much, switzerland is smart and will imo always survive and it feels great to be a 6"4 tall blonde aryan because i get mad attention from cuties from all racial backgrounds.

VIVE LA SUISSE, et vive lavaux!


Thanks friend, the cheeky bastard wouldn't explain shit, on that note you guys produce some very fine riflemen

Ernsthafte Frage.
Mögt ihr uns eigentlich? (Frage an Holla Forumsacken und die allgemeine Meinung)
Und würdet ihr unter Umstaänden heim in's Reich kommen?

Egal wie die Antworen lauten, ich werde trotzdem weiter bei euch Urlaub machen.

Möge…Sägemers so, ich fänds scho schad, wenn's di nümme gäbt, fam.
Mir sind euses eigete Riich.

werd mal nicht frech oder wir schicken Merkel und Maaß ins Exil zu euch

Kek, toute une question d'intégration. Ya pas beaucoup de 100% suisse et autant laisser les genes supérieurs vous assurer une future.
I would also like to know your stance on me dating a 100% swiss cutie, feels good to not be a short dwarf like creature hehe

Schade hab ich das Blocher Bild schon verbraucht. Ihr chönnd nämlich grad au verreise. Überall nur scheiss Schwabe, Neger und Jugos.

Einigi würded sich sogar freue :^)

do frankophone and germanophone swiss hate each other
what about the italians?

the grill is cute, tho tbh fam

Als Badner fühle ich mit dir

De verfickti Wehrmut. Han dem Arschloch am Samschtig ä Stund möse zuelose bim Autofahre. DOTR wenn?

Also: The whole Swiss border is about as long as the border between Mexico and the USA. Do you think we could borrow Trump for a bit to build a wall?

you have mountains, you dont need no border

After Europe turns into Eurabia you will need to build a castle wall.


No, but like the other user said, everyone Geneva is full of shitskin rappers. They also have things like CERN, the UN headquarters and Ex-Soviet oligarchs buying up all the luxury mansion along the lake. It's like NWO-City.

No, we need a wall. Look at this map I just made in paint.

ok thx for info, clockbro

just cut benefits for brown people

Mir schwizer sind sehr eigesinnig.

What is with ticino?
Vergissisch nöd nons tessin?

I agree, the Germanic Swiss people in the Interlaken area including Thun are traditional and healthy. Low numbers of foreigners.

In contrast, take a look at Geneva where every woman has 1000 piercings and rainbow hair. Tons of Arabs, Africans and Asians. The French influence is just pure degeneracy.

Nai, aber d' Berge höred vorher uf. S' Tessin brucht natürli au e Muur.

Ich mag euch schokokäseessende Bergjuden irgendwie. Aber Schwizertitsch Rap war so lächerlich dass mein Vater vor Lachen fast nen Unfall gebaut hätt.

Anyone suprised?

Rap ist generell ein Aidsgenre. Hier eine Rätoromanische Rap-Gruppe. Muss man irgendwie schon wieder begrüssen, da sie zum Erhalt dieser Sprache beitragen

Des ja, aber dennoch. Einfach des Event zu höre… werd mei Lebtag ned vergesse.
Bei selem Bild hab ich scho Angst zu klicke

Rape of Nanking best day of my life.

Gad wele segge

What memes I can contribute I will.


Isch alles wo nich ha.

Müsst mol luege ob ich in irgende swiss/pol/ chat könnt ko, allei für de memes. Munition etc. Hän SVP irgende shitposting forum oder so?

Well, you should talk to Swiss more often. Actually only men until 38 years are required to have a gun at home as part of their military duties. After that they have to return their weapons. They are not given any ammunition anymore to prevent "accidents". If you want to posses a weapon then you will need a licence and the process of obtaining such a licence is very different form the US. They do not have such a thing as a second amendment.

Basically orange and apples. But yeah, you do not give a monkey a modern weapon unless you want somebody to die.

The most triggering recent happenings in your country are:

1. The intelligence service power increase voted in on September 25th. People are willingly giving up their privacy. Combine this with the fact that fake "refugees" are being allowed to stay in the country. This suggests that people are willing to sacrifice their life to allow criminals to live among them. It's pretty obvious that a fear of terrorism means that Muslim Arabs and Africans are the issue. What a sad affair that 65.5% said yes to this measure.


2. The SNB is buying massive amounts of Silicon Valley tech bubble stocks from companies like Apple and Facebook.

Still, I have faith in you swissclock anons. You will be victorious over these dark forces.

Actually, I fixed that.



hail helvitia

Heil Helvetia

The german speaking part of switzerland can speak quite good french because we're superior, and their german, they also learn it in school as long as we learn french, is quite shit.
Thats why we have a general hate for the frenchspeaking population.

I ha doch ke plan gha was in baharain louft haha, ha eifach es video postet woni vorher uf le reddit ha gfunde :'D

Thun is one of the most beautiful places I've ever been.. You live around this area?

Rev up those maymaays polack

Was isch eure meinig zu legalle, integrierte Immigrante?

Die wo da here chöme u sech integriere findi ok. Abr die huere kameltriber wo denke si chöi da herecho, 8 ching ha, dasmene aues zahlt und si üs ner no wei bekehre, de lieber nid..

I kenne eh eritreeerin wo die unuffällegschti vo aune isch abr insgeheim full/pol/ isch haha

Can Switzerland ideally do anything they want within their borders without the EU chimping out?

Ich bi Papierlischwizer und würd die meiste Immigrante wieder abschiebe. Usserdem würdi niemert inelah wo Moslem oder nöd wiss isch, es sei denn es sind Schlitzaugestudente wo nöd ewigs bliebe wännd.

Not entirely, we have bilateral agreements (trade, traffic, etc.) with the EU, meaning we still have the international community (and Jews) breathing down our necks.


Yeah I forgot about EFTA



What's the sauce on that webm?

My Dinner With Andre (1981)

The only direct lie in your post. The rest of your nonsense was what? Misdirection? sub-lies, untruth?


Also to any Swissman, what's your opinion on the late Order of the Solar Temple?

Fresh from the oven


Is it true that Swiss was founded on the last wishes of Jacques Molay to the order?

Read and learn before you repeat bullshit.

Entlassung Militärdienstpflicht

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We have the right to do anything. But as said, the EU is breathing down our necks. Britain is in a similar situation since Brexit. Here in Switzerland we had multiple votes to stump the creeping spread of the EU power structure. We swayed both ways. Sometime we comply with the EU sometimes we dont. The thing with the minarettes i.e. was good imo.

Thanks for the explanation too. I think anyone who has to live with frogs tends to learn to hate them. Such is life, have this.

switzerland seems like white utopia on crack

Kinda. We do have some migration problems since we are attached to the EU and its massive beaurocratic apparatus, however we also are very independant compared to other european countries.
Dangerous right now is the picture ppl have of us. We are so close to paradise as we can hope in this disasembling world. But we are not perfect. Our social saftey net and our pensions cost us much. Not as much as the payments for healthcare(Insurance payments rose drastically in the last decade). We have a absurdly high suicide rate(we even help those sods die). On a materialist standpoint we are in paradise. On a spiritual or psychological level we are not better of than say all-the-time-drunk russians.
Here have an article against feminism and its quota crap(it is still a PC writing): nzz.ch/feuilleton/aktuell/frauendiskriminierung-bloss-keine-quoten-ld.121289
Archive it yourself; im to lazy right now

Fingi super OP, i füehle mi in deutsch/pol/ eifach nid gnue repräsentiert.
BTW. isch d SVP die offizielli schwitzer Holla Forums partei?

Isch di einzig partei wo en halt ide politik het. D auns isch z chli. Wär giz sus no?

EDU, aber das sind Isracucks…SD und DPU :^)

DPS meini

How true is this: youtube.com/watch?v=iOsbafFsiZE&t=5m6s (no embed because I don't know if timestamped embeds work).


abr goy, wasch nö wiedt die arme, nunschuldige flüchtling untrdrucksch, wie chash nur so g'fühllos si?

Why so many šiptars, Switzerland?

wär vo euch pisser het fürs NDB gstimmt? Ich chönnt chotze übere fakt, dass d bundesratsempfählige über gfühlt 90% vode abstimmige entscheidet

What do you think about splitting Switzerland up and giving the parts to france, Germany and italy, according to the local languages?

Maybe first after a nationalist rev in those countries, or maybe just a cessesion of the german areas?

As in pic related

Jede usländer wo denkt das d schwiz würd land ah dütschland frankriich odr italie abgeh, kennt d eidgenosse nid. Die linke spastis überall si zum chotze, ds si keni eidgenosse..

Wenn uf pol aui am penne si griiftme zu verzwiiflete massnahme..


Switzerland, the land which people
Shouldn't you shill for Hillary on the max for saving your ass from the jail?

IMO Germany should be split into protestant and catholic one and the later should absorb all germanophone catholics of Italy.

Fuck off.

Kinda. The older we swiss get the more it gets like that

Schwiizer Fadä äntlech!!!

Für networkä:


DS Bookclub:

Holla Forums/meadhall/:

Bin grad zrugg cho vo 4 Täg Äightschan-Pausä und was gsehni do? Än Schwiizer Fadä ;_;

Schöns gseh das äs uf dem Balinesischä Kulturbrätt no äs paar Eight(chan)genossä hät.


Grüezi aus Konstanz.

Könnt ihr einmaschiern und uns annektieren, wenn hier ein Kalifat ausgerufen wird?

If AfD fails to get elected I might consider moving to Switzerland, always seemed like the best country to flee to
their dialect is hard as fuck to learn though

Please don't come here. Die Schweiz für Schweizer.

BaWü isch no schön, in grossschwizer Chreise au als 27. Kanton bekannt.

I’m more worried about the increasing number of Swiss-Brazilian/Filipino/Nignog marriages. I know, Gummihäls are low-energy but it’s mostly just bantz and at least they are hwyte.

Fug, ich bin auch aus Konstanz.

Kenne das Asylheim in Kreuzlingen gleich an der Grenze. So viele verschwinden einfach von dort.

rare merchant