Why is 8ch/b/'s culture so lacking? It really sucks not having any defining characteristics. Is it because this is a melting pot of all other Holla Forums's?
4chan's /bant/ has a more refined culture. Hell even /s4s/ does.
Why is 8ch/b/'s culture so lacking? It really sucks not having any defining characteristics. Is it because this is a melting pot of all other Holla Forums's?
4chan's /bant/ has a more refined culture. Hell even /s4s/ does.
Obviously you haven't been here long enough.
I have been here since early 2014 and was one of the few that brought 4channers here between August and September.
After 2015 this board began to stagnate, for reasons still unknown to me.
Is it memetic eugenics?
Only if you count getting periodically raided as 'culture'
Lurk moar newfag. /bant/ is more definable than this board.
I don't see why being 'definable' is a good thing.
You sound like an incredibly dull person.
Because Holla Forums never stays the same for more than a week.
100% absolute bullshit post. It's been the exact same for YEARS!
But what does it really mean to be the same?
to be Holla Forums.
If you love to complain so much then go back to your original IB
Because you're an uncultured cunt, just like the rest of these arse-fucking degenerates.
Random boards are not supposed to have a unifying culture. Unfortunately the problem with this Holla Forums board is that it does have one. With a few notable exceptions, mostly volshills, everyone on this board hates Dysnomia.
You brought 4channer here and you wonder why stagnation occurred? You really are an honest to god idiot.
Also wrong, it doesn't.
You sound like a newfag that just found imageboards in 2015. The mods are fine. They delete CP. They can't make us post good thread so It's up to us to develop a culture. Obviously the fags like you that don't want to contribute to one need to go back.
"To be Holla Forums, is to be Random." - Random user
I like dysnomia he posts good pictures of lain sometimes
Now we all know you are full of shit.
I kanda agree OP. i dunno, i think it's been like this since Warm Tires is gone.
I remember late 2014 up to 2015 Holla Forums is fucking fun.
Wrong image.
Oh look, it's dysnomias biggest fan again!
t. pedo
That's because as everything else in this site, Holla Forums is just a trash can for Holla Forumstards.
Just what I like, lacking culture, I'm a vulture and you're posting these weak-ass sculptures.
Holla Forums was never bad
it's abysmal shit. it's like if reddit tried to copy /int/.
Abysmal shit, just what I'm searching for and you acting like you couldn't be hurting more! What the hell are you lurking for, fella?!
I'm sure it has something to do wth Poo Poo the Pony and Rin? But - how can we know for sure, anyhow? Does it matter?
fella? smdh