What'cha doin' Holla Forums?
What'cha doin' Holla Forums?
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Posting it again.
Posting what again?
The fuck is that red mark on her shoulder?
Fine, his shoulder. I just want to know why its shoulder is smeared with red stuff.
Waiting for this horrible ride to end, hbu?
What horrible ride?
Are you feeling sad user?
Silly boys, I'm a girl!
There are no girls here. Girls are men and children are the FBI.
The Tranny is back >OP is a pedophile degenerate.
Sup, shitnigger?
You need to get with the times user. It's 2018; women use the internet too!
You're the one that's lost to the times.
Um, I'm sorry sweetie, but Google says it's International Womens Day, so I think it's obvious that women are more than capable of using the internet.
The cardboard cutout is looking at these people thinking
imagining the champions you would birth
Who's that?
fuck off nicole
i dint cum to you anymore
u broke my hart
Aww. How?
sorry, u broke my arse
What do you mean?
Got any proofs?
I have some proof that you're too autistic to have decent facial recognition skills.
Fuck off roastie we're discussing deep philosophical shit here on Holla Forums while you're just attention whoring like the empty-headed mobile veggie you are.
Their faces don't even look that similar.
feminine benis
They don't look alike at all.
They actually look kinda similar tbh.
~74% similar, to be exact
An asshole is 74% similar to a bagina man, we need the hard data!
Well, it lists
As "attractive" and guesses
age as 14, so it might not be entirely accurate.
Even computers are left bewildered by traps kek
what is this app you're using?
thanks, I'll have fun with that
Who is this woman, and why is she using my teeth?
That's Granny Smith she lost her original teeth bobbing for Apple's.
Now she has a fine pair for George Washington special edition choppers.
She's not that bad looking tbh.
posting over on Holla Forums
what are you doing OP?
No, but the whole having a penis thing is kind of off-putting.
I still have yet to see proof that she has a penis though.
Who's the bitch next to the dog?
Nicole, of course.
Is that a rat?
Who is this attrective trap?