How do we stop the plague of nihilism from spreading any further?
How do we stop the plague of nihilism from spreading any further?
People aren't happy with society so fix that.
Kill off 99% of the population
How do we fix society?
that's impossible
Just wait until we run out of oil
Easiest way would to wipe the slate clean, start over. This could be done peacefully or through force.
Gassing the jews might help
by reading Nietzsche, dumbass.
wrong, his greatest fear was the possibility of nihilism becoming the adopted mode of existence by the masses once the fact that God is dead is fully realized. his entire philosophy can be seen as detailing the route by which the individual can become his highest being, and that route consisted of the death of morality, the death of good/evil, the death of empircal humanistic science presenting itself as some sort of telos wherein humanity thought the same of the current era they live, the death of fear/despair, and the death of God. it is only with the death of God as idea, and the void left when projected false-externalities like morality can no longer be relied upon to explain to us what behavior is good, what action is bad…it is only then we can truly face ourselves and have to decide whether or not we are terrified at the meaninglessness of existence and the suffering/pain it necessarily entails, or whether we find such a state as terrific and ascribe ourselves our own meaning in the face of absurdity.
Nietzsche was incredibly fearful once this inevitability, this upcoming confrontation between humans and themselves without the mediation of "God" i.e. morality, religion, constitution, etc… that once this was something people had to deal with, the realization of the death of God - they would fall into a nihilistic mode of being and recede into hedonism or escapism, rather than engaging with life and finding liberation within the jail cell - and truly being able to evaluate if you have accomplished this by passing the psychological test that the black shadow tells you of; namely the truth of the eternal recurrence, the infinitude of time in its temporal aiming of either into the future or into the past necessitates that everything that has already happened in your life is bound by this principle to inevitably happen again, and that it has already happened before. brainlets who call this the "flat circle" are completely idiotic, Nietzsche never once structures it as that for that is an offshoot of what he posited as being a straight line, infinite in both directions of looking ahead to the future and back to the past.
the determinism inherent in this and the death of free will doesn't mean you stop acting as if you didn't have agency, but rather that you do the best with the experiences, knowledge, and ability your past has allowed for you to be able to harness in this moment now. this has nothing to do with your false notion of the cause/consequence of "free will", a misnomer and self-destructing concept upon examination. it has everything to do amor fati, the love of one's fate, the embracing and realization of the inherent beauty in suffering/pain. because it is only through this suffering/pain which we must face head on when we have no comforts such as morality to fall back on - that we become the ubermensch
also, brainlet natsoc morons please actually read maybe just an excerpt of Nietzsche before you completely bastardize and misuse the philosophy of a man who despised you and would call you the afterbirth of the human race
muh philosophy
careful you don't cut yourself, that abyss is pretty edgy m8
haha burp :D wubba lubba dub nothing matters lmao pickles
By giving people a reason to live.
I describe Neitzsche as a mystic, similar to Karl Jung. He was certainly not a nihilist.
This is what we've come to. Incapable of processing or even considering the deeper questions, they will meme post and quote their asinine nihilistic children's cartoon shows.
Yeah, I used to believe I could think myself free too.
If you're talking about literally fixing society, you should be punished for wrongthink because wanting to fix things or ask questions is above both your paygrade and gender.
Is this not the definition of futility?
Nietzsche wasn't a nihilist, he just wanted god's religion to be replaced with humanity's culture for the purpose of devotion.
Fewer and fewer Americunts go to church every Sunday but plenty come here to shitpost daily
No! The experiment was a failure, call it off!
By teaching people gnosticism.
Also ( ) would help a lot. A smaller population will have a much higher quality of life and if we keep only the very best whites around and cull the rest we'll have set the stage for a golden age.
Most of you fucks are not competent enough to survive comfortably with a reduced population and robotics and automation are not developed enough to maintain a lifestyle anywhere close to your current situation, you need that 99% or you'd die in a year.
Do you interpret the eternal recurrence as:
1. The life you are living right now is the only life you will ever live and it will repeat over and over forever.
2. You will live out every possibility, every life, and repeat them all again.
If it's the first then I would say the transmigration of the soul refutes that.
If it's the second then I have to counter with the ideas of:
A) A final, higher self. Once reached there is no need of repetition and cycles. One is merged with the eternal.
B) The theory of dominant desire, order, and sequence which translates to progress being inevitable, with some people taking the long path and some the short, but none the less nature and soul always progressing and never the opposite.
Dubs of truth, but you forget.
i studied the blade
Lol philosophy is dumb
Just fuck bitches and smoke weed fagget 420blazeitganjakush
Consider this thought experiment: Everything matters. There is an overabundance of meaning. Even as you try to escape meaning, you do so with meaning. The universe can be conceived of as fundamentally "information" (don't really buy into this but it seems close to a TOE). The very act of communication and of conscious recognition reveals meaning. Even that you have an idea of meaning at all is proof of meaning.
le hedonist
Believe in self as god. Understand all other who see this are a walking DSM and more. Relinquish want and do. Believe in Socratic and spartonic ideals. Honor the carneia. HONOUR THE CARNEIA
Free from what?
Free or freedom needs a qualifier.
Freedom originally meant owning lands and slaves.
Like fiefdom.
When we speak of freedom we must ask from what or of what?
What do you want to think yourself free from?
I think you mean awesome_dude? (Yeah you do just subconsciously)
Face it, humans are too dumb to ever apply something as abstract as "the meaning of life" to their day-to-day thoughts.
These do not mix.
Socrates believed in the physical hoods of virtue. The foundation for the working spartonic state. The greatest civilisation that ever existed.
We work to better ourselves and the rest of humanity
Dude, I don't need the 99% at all.
Everyone outside of my city could die and I'm damned sure that we'd have a near 100% survival rate of all the people of this city.
There would be some complications is it was sudden, like with nuclear plants not getting shutdown properly, or hazards not being contained, and so on. However if it's not completely sudden those things would I think get properly shutdown.
I don't need robotics at all.
We have tractors, fertilizer, a few million people still in the world, lots of infrastructure.
Trust me, the internet would be more dead, but then again I won't miss the hoards of chinks and pajeets and niggers and their drivel clogging up the internet.
I don't need the 99% at all. There is enough solar, wind, water, and yes even nuclear and oil and so on ways to produce energy that will continue to function even if the human population is cutdown to just a few million (as long as those millions are whites).
The majority of people living on this planet actually offer nothing of value.
When the black plague happened it cleared up tons of land and resulted in an immediate raising of the quality of life for the survivors.
Nah, or at least most people don't.
For the vast majority of our existence, humans have been concerned with only a few things:
(Not limited to this, but these are the major ones)
Turns out that most people don't really desire anything beyond that. (They may have fleeting "desire" for other things, but it quickly passes. They're not driven for it like they are for food.)
"The meaning of life" vs "does anything matter" are two different subjects.
I hope you realize that.
Can you tell me what you mean by:
otherwise I'ma have to exit out this thread and brush up on Socrates some more and I don't want to do that as I'm in a shitposting frenzy right now
I work to better myself and the universal order. "Humanity" isn't my fulcrum.
It implies Socrates was uncut
Uncut master race reporting in.
That's obviously stupid. (and so are you LOOOOOOOOL)
How can there be a meaning to everything if meaning can't exist in the first place?
You need to answer the latter before you begin to tackle the former.
How are you communicating to me right now if the words we're using aren't meaningful?
"Nothing has meaning" debunked.
You don't get to make that choice, kiddo
Is supposed to be a reply to something I said?
Not that kind of meaning you poopyhead
From fiat-debt slavery nigger, shit it ain't abstract. The global entity that prints our money, our newspapers, our school textbooks. Own our television stations and operate our prisons. The scale and insidious nature of it all beggars belief. We're so deeply fucked, that nothing short of an act of god will free us now.
Just to clarify, "meaning" is as in "does anything matter" or "does anything have value," not as in "are semantic identifiers just a designation for something else"
tl;dr you can't help the world it's already perfect
but also don't become passive to the world
remain active in it
just know that it is perfect
Me the lord (rich NEET daytrader).
You the serf (debt ridden wage-slave).
Define value. What is value?
A valuable object has the property of being better than other things
Is this a game?
This kind of logic is how abstractions that allow wrong to equal right develop.
By introducing meaning. Lemmings without religion turn to self destructive ideas, masses must be brainwashed for their own good.
Actually, that's a bad way to put it. A better way would be "betterness" or "bestness"
But what is "better," really?
"Better," on some levels, should be readily apparent. It's easy to tell that some things are better than other just by looking at them.
This isn't always the case, though. Some people may have different ideas of what is better.
So there are many different values, shared by similar people. So to find the universal value or "meaning of life," just find what everybody values the most :^))))))))))
How long? I bet we'll have fusion by that time.
If that could be done, it would have already happened.
But then muslims would become too strong and we would have to gas them too. Then we would become strong, but then Chinese might get scared and try to gas us.
Normies don't read. They only care for bread and circuses.
I like you.
Eventually drugs stop working as means for escapism, life brakes down and then all that's left is picking up the pieces and deciding, what your life is going to be about.
Read Vivekananda's book. He's the founder of what today is called Hinduism btw, yes it dates back further than that, but the Hindu nationalist movement started with him and his texts are what Hindus know and read.
You are misunderstanding it btw, you'll just have to read at least that chapter about helping the world, but preferably the whole book. It is very easy to get wrong.
reply to me fagget
I know you're trolling and I'm tired.
I am pretty sure that there is a meaning to life and that finding the meaning of it will allow us to understand the life principles and have mastery over life.
Also just because people do not necessarily grasp what is most valuable doesn't mean they won't one day when they make the proper connections.
There is ultimate meaning, absolute truth… it is evident to me and my intuition affirms it as well.
This is of course an entirely unsatisfactory answer for you but there is an art to persuasion and an art to teaching and I need to get better at it and I probably need more time.
Life is connected evidently to principles of order, motive, self-organization, adaptation, evolution, progress…. all these related ideas paint a picture of what life is about. How to adequately describe it one sentence I am not sure. I don't have a good quote at hand. Hmmmm….
This is a matter which the vril society concerns itself with btw.
Sounds reasonable
but ur still gay lol b-baka!
I make a joke about the ever increasingly orwellian nature of the world, and now I'm being given a re-education assignment.
btw i prefer buddhism
Reminder :)
These creatures have already made their minds, or more realistically had their minds made for them. Trying to persuade them, especially of anything that cannot be condensed into jpg or gif form is an exercise in futility my friend.
This guy is extremely redpilled and greenpilled and everyone should know about him. He is good to study if you want to know the meaning of life.
He coined the term "ecology" and also "first world war".
He is referenced by the vril society.
He influenced National Socialist Germany.
He had teachings about race that severely trigger the anti-racialists.
thanks user
Sorry to interject here, but why do you believe there is a meaning to life?
Part of it is intuition and visions, part of it my numerous studies, part of is this sense that not only is there a meaning to life but that the better one's grasp on the meaning of life the greater is their mastery over it. I have a book on cybernetics and chaos and hermetics and AI and a bunch other stuff that I probably should narrate or try to translate into PDF form, it's a physical book I have, it should offer some insights. David Bohm is another philosopher to look into.
I can't really point very strongly to any one particular thing or find a passage or a quotation that might capture the meaning of life for you. Not at the moment anyways, I may have to think very deeply and see if something comes to mind.
I also believe in individual purposes but also retain the notion that one might reject their own purpose. That things are created for a purpose, to serve some kind of end. Whatever our individual purpose is we might not like when we find out or we might embrace. Each life is created and lived for a different purpose. I believe we can gain a lot insight into this by mimicking the act of creation. This is covered in a more advanced stage in Initiation Into Hermetics by Franz Bardon and I also would recommend reading the Bardon Companion.
Hope this helps you.
Oh and I could also ask some spirits/entities and relay things from them but I'm not doing that right now as I am busy with other matters and it's not a good time for me to be doing that. I often find ones that have interesting and sometimes very moving or unsettling things to say, really makes the goosebumps rise you know.
Thank you user. This has allowed me to better understand your thought process.
One’s peers are the vaccuous, myoptic, navel-gazing, stupid, medacious, depressing, boring, ennervating, and pathetic effluvia of the late-capitalist milleau, as is oneself and one’s parents. One seeks their respect only to find it is stupidity, one seeks their friendship to find it is stupidity. We seek something beyond the purely inane to find that inanity, absurdity, and stupidity is the medium in which one moves.
The would doesn't exist, so it can't transmigrate. Next question?
Kill all of (((them)))
it wont matter if we have fusion or not, the oil will still be needed, its a raw material as well as fuel. you still need rare metals for computers and we're running out of those.
Nihilism is just realizing the actual reality of matters, that is, that everything is meaningless and everything you do is in vain because someday everything that exists will come to an end.
The only way to stop it would be to somehow deny people information and cut their critical thinking abilities, for that it would be necessary to live in some sort of theocracy or in a very repressive and religious society where people are absolutely dumbfied, ignorant and lead to believe in fairy tales which gives life meaning.
New materials are getting invented, plastic isn't essential for survival, garbage recycling will become more profitable, asteroid mining will become feasible, new types and smaller, more powerful computers are getting invented. Germany even abandoned nuclear in favor of renewable wind farm energy.
Whatever, Merkel's government announced that it would close all of its nuclear power plants by 2022, my argument stands.
we aren't going to get to geothermal energy via solar or wind, and nuclear is all that bad anymore, and Germany is fucking stupid
isn't all that bad*
Your english is terrible.
Wrong. Go back to school.
This is not a complete sentence.
Unfortunately, this also does not qualify as a complete sentence.
Wrong again.
You wish.
Nuclear was never "all that bad."
We don't. Stop deluding yourself that you are capable of changing the course of society.
It's called an imperative sentence nigger, look it up.
Wrong again.
That's not a sentence.
You don't get it. I day trade too. Also have 0 debt. Doesn't change a god damn thing. We're still beholden to this fucking nightmare. If we stop it'll still eat us. We're in a better position than many, but still fucking property.
yeah, it was never as bad as people made it out to be, but now there is no reason to not use it more.