Who is this?
Hey leftypol
Looks like a faggot. Who is he?
He posts on a gold self aware facebook anarchist page called bad memes for bad boys with bad politics, he seems like an og/individualist anarchists but apparently he's got a small following irl
Good shit!
I'm very confused about the views expressed by this comic but gotta admit the art is bretty good.
He makes fun of himself a lot and I think he uses some ancap ideals but these memes are useful and he's anti-idpol.
Looked him up.
Seems like a post-leftist who's really triggered by Stirner for some reason and likes to meme that Lenin is all socialism, even though even fucking Tucker and Spooner called themselves socialists.
All in all, he just seems pretty obnoxious.
At least he doesn't spam his stuff here.
I know Tucker called himself a socialist but I don't think Spooner did. He was part of the internationale though.
You say post-leftist, to me it seems like he's just really fucking high.
stirnir btfo
He's cute, tbh.
Meh, not really.
But you have to read Schopenhauer and Nietzsche on Will to properly understand this. There is no "false" egoism but the one strawman where it is often claimed that the egoist ought behave like a complete sociopath.
So indeed.
It doesn't matter, because the egoist is not universal. The egoist surrenders to Will.
Stop shilling this dudes shit comics.
tfw im a bad boy with bad politics but no bad memes of my own
This is young Lenin, you idiots. This photo is artificially colorized.
spooner was pretty retarded to be honest family
he believed in natural rights and his ideal society was everyone being a self employed artisan or some shit
he was the most liberal-influenced of the anarchists. He even had some unanarchist views but oh well. There's always that child
He's very handsome.
I'm saying this as heterosexual man
I'm gay as hell and that's what I was thinking to.
Bisexual man checking in. I think he's pretty good looking.