List of Security and Privacy Best Practices

Some user from endchan Holla Forums got the idea to do a security/privacy list, just like, but with actual good software. After some time, we did this first draft:

- Tor hidden service: hjvx7xg3n4ejezmh.onion/
- 'Clearnet' Mirror (no styles):

If you want to contribute, post on endchan Holla Forums .
Thanks to "Endwall" to host it.

Other urls found in this thread:

where is the list of security and privacy best practices?

I don't know if it was a ironic comment, but the hidden service was down some hours ago. It's working now.
Note: the .cab mirror has no , so has bad visuals. Enter with Tor, so you can read it better.

not ironic. what i mean is that this is a list of software/hardware projects not best practices.
also why is this a hidden service when the development is happening on the clearnet?

Can you argument why this is not best practices? Also, any suggestion to make it better? You can discuss with us on endchan Holla Forums if you want.

Because the server is from a user and he probably don't want to leak his IP to everyone...

that's just a list of techie edgy buzzwords and github links, some of that shit may even be harmful for newbies, and those who actually know the drill would copy and paste my comment

posting a bunch of links to software/hardware projects is not best practices.

not an argument

While people on endchan provide real reasoning, you guys just keep screaming. As expected from 8ch.


The processors are still backdoored, even before AMT.
ARM processors are backdoored.
You forgot to mention chink mediakek boards.
Keyboards have no known "backdoors"
SSD is fucking trash for storage, you have arm processors all over than can do whatever you want and they're a giant meme anyway

Don't recommend any VPS providers, a VPS provider is good because they're cheap, any expectation of privacy is out anyway

Using VPS for VPN is bad when there are VPN providers with diskless dedicated servers

For email, recommend guarrilamail and random throwaways from GNU recommended email list

http server: busybox httpd and the different asm servers are worth noting (eg rwasa)
also you're not following your own advice here:

BCHS looks promising, but for a blog jekyll is better

stagit link is dead

add I2P Freenet GNUnet to Anonymous Networks

add Monero to Cryptocoins, recommend coinjoin for BTC

For IM the given choice is Tox or IRC

for filesharing IPFS, freenet, gnunet, perfect dark is relevant

web browsers: tor browser, pale meme

search engines: yacy, ixquick

undeadly link is dead

basic tips: there are more comprehensive hosts files than facebook and google

A lot ofthe stuff on this lsit is unrelated to privacy at all

As size goes up, quality goes down. xkcd tried to solve this with signal, it would be very interesting to see a technology board that runs it (only 4chan's /r9k/ does it and they do have very high quality posts especially in relation to the poster population)

Running free software and firmware won't protect you from hardware hardwired silicon backdoors in your Gibsons.
So stop larping and get a job.

Tor is a security risk. You shouldn't use it unless you have to.

I've replied you on endchan. Thanks.

We can't do nothing about hardware trojans.
And, I have a job.


VPN proxy from someone / country that you actually trust.

t. special agent johnson

Proxies protect anonymity. They were never meant to keep your computer, or the data you pass through them, secure.

You can install all the best freedom and privacy wares; You can turn off all your javascripts, manipulate headers, use the best proxy behind 7 VPNs; You will still be tracked if you don't behave in a privacy first way.

You see, skiddies once that that as long as they were using the right technology they wouldn't get caught. But they were doing stupid shit like disclosing personal identifiable information during anonymous chat. They left encrypted machines on and unattended. They even gave out their gmail address while on the tor network.

First and foremost you gotta be less dumb:

Fuckoff back to your honeypot

Do you have to make this idiotic and false comment on every single security/privacy thread? You're a meme. "Agent Fud, the meme"

t. knows nothing about Tor but gives opinion anyway

This is the first time I've made this comment here. Perhaps everyone else, but you, understands the security risks.

You have no idea what you're talking about, and most of the people on Holla Forums are aware that you don't.

Do not post on 8ch. Everything is a fucking botnet if it carries electricty and is made after 2005. Do not use the internet if you value your privacy and security. Do not use the x86 or ARM arcitecture if you value your security for computing tasks. You can still be private with them but if ever targeted do not expect security.
Pick one and only one faggot.
Also if you use tor disable all nodes running in north america and europe. Both exit and relay nodes otherwise it is a fucking botnet. Also try not to stand out since the point of tor is blending in with the crowd.

I keep hearing people talk about going to TOR's endchan. Is it a botnet like nextchan, pinkchan, and 32chan are?

Are you drunk or just crazy?

Wtf is "Tor's Endchan?"

My guess is crazy.

git gud muh nigga, thank me later.

Thanks for the suggestion on sandsifter, I'll add it.

let me repeat what i previously posted nigger:
let me also give you the definition of best practice:
a software/hardware project is not a method nor a technique.

also lol at your desperate attempt to get people to post on endchan


privacytools is good, so is prism break.

Unfortunately Vikings needs to be update.
The crowdfunding for their VPS services dididn't succeed.
But at least they still sell unboteted hardware.

Shit list