The processors are still backdoored, even before AMT.
ARM processors are backdoored.
You forgot to mention chink mediakek boards.
Keyboards have no known "backdoors"
SSD is fucking trash for storage, you have arm processors all over than can do whatever you want and they're a giant meme anyway
Don't recommend any VPS providers, a VPS provider is good because they're cheap, any expectation of privacy is out anyway
Using VPS for VPN is bad when there are VPN providers with diskless dedicated servers
For email, recommend guarrilamail and random throwaways from GNU recommended email list
http server: busybox httpd and the different asm servers are worth noting (eg rwasa)
also you're not following your own advice here:
BCHS looks promising, but for a blog jekyll is better
stagit link is dead
add I2P Freenet GNUnet to Anonymous Networks
add Monero to Cryptocoins, recommend coinjoin for BTC
For IM the given choice is Tox or IRC
for filesharing IPFS, freenet, gnunet, perfect dark is relevant
web browsers: tor browser, pale meme
search engines: yacy, ixquick
undeadly link is dead
basic tips: there are more comprehensive hosts files than facebook and google
A lot ofthe stuff on this lsit is unrelated to privacy at all
As size goes up, quality goes down. xkcd tried to solve this with signal, it would be very interesting to see a technology board that runs it (only 4chan's /r9k/ does it and they do have very high quality posts especially in relation to the poster population)